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Here are 60 objective questions, including blanks and multiplechoice questions, on

prepositions, modifiers, nouns, verbs, adverbs, and articles .

1. The cat is __________ the roof.
a) on
b) at
c) in
d) by

2. She is allergic __________ pollen.

a) to
b) at
c) with
d) in

3. We met __________ the park.

a) on
b) at
c) in
d) by

4. Please hand the report __________ the boss.

a) to
b) at
c) in
d) with

5. The book is __________ the shelf.

a) on
b) at
c) in
d) by

6. The extremely __________ movie kept us on the edge of our seats.
a) interesting
b) interested
c) interest
d) interests

7. She looked __________ at the stunning view.

a) amazed
b) amazing
c) amaze
d) amazement

8. The magician performed __________ tricks.

a) amazed
b) amazing
c) amaze
d) amazement

9. He spoke __________, making sure everyone could hear.

a) loud
b) loudly
c) loudness
d) louder

10. The __________ mountain peak was covered in snow.

a) tall
b) taller
c) tallest
d) tallness

11. The __________ of the story was unexpected.
a) climax
b) climb
c) climaxing
d) climactic

12. The __________ of the new building is impressive.

a) architect
b) architecture
c) architectural
d) architecting

13. We witnessed a beautiful __________ during the sunset.

a) scenery
b) scenic
c) scenics
d) scenarist

14. The __________ of the marathon was exhausted but happy.

a) participant
b) participation
c) participate
d) participatory

15. The __________ in the garden were blooming.

a) flower
b) flowers
c) flowering
d) flowered

16. She __________ her keys at home.
a) forget
b) forgets
c) forgetting
d) forgotten

17. The chef __________ a delicious meal.

a) cooks
b) cooking
c) cooked
d) cook

18. They __________ the train when it arrived.

a) catches
b) catched
c) catching
d) caught

19. The storm __________ all night.

a) rages
b) rage
c) raging
d) raged
20. The teacher __________ the students to be quiet.
a) tells
b) telling
c) told
d) tell

21. She sings __________.
a) beautiful
b) beautifully
c) beauty
d) beautify

22. The car moved __________ down the highway.

a) fast
b) faster
c) fastest
d) fastly

23. He completed the task __________.

a) quick
b) quickly
c) quickness
d) quicker

24. The team played __________ during the game.

a) good
b) well
c) better
d) best
25. She spoke __________, so everyone could hear.
a) loud
b) loudly
c) loudness
d) louder

26. I need __________ advice on this matter.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

27. He is __________ honest man.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

28. They visited __________ museum yesterday.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

29. Please pass me __________ salt.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

30. He is __________ only child in the family.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

31. The cat jumped __________ the table.
a) on
b) at
c) in
d) by

32. They arrived __________ the airport early.

a) on
b) at
c) in
d) by

33. I am interested __________ learning new languages.

a) to
b) at
c) in
d) with

34. The plane flew __________ the clouds.

a) over
b) under
c) through
d) between

35. She is waiting __________ the bus stop.

a) on
b) at
c) in
d) by

36. The speaker had a __________ voice.
a) powerful
b) power
c) powerfully
d) powering

37. The __________ movie made us laugh.

a) comedy
b) comedic
c) comedically
d) comedies

38. The __________ athlete won the gold medal.

a) strong
b) strongly
c) stronger
d) strongest

39. The __________ news shocked everyone.

a) breaking
b) broke
c) broken
d) breaks

40. She __________ opened the door.

a) sudden
b) suddenly
c) suddenness
d) suddening

41. The __________ of the novel is intriguing.
a) author
b) authoring
c) authorship
d) authory

42. We visited the __________ to see the art exhibition.

a) gallery
b) galleried
c) galleries
d) gallerist

43. His __________ to success is hard work.

a) key
b) keys
c) keying
d) keyed
44. The __________ of the team is to win the championship.
a) goal
b) goals
c) goaling
d) goaled

45. The __________ in the lake is crystal clear.

a) water
b) waters
c) watering
d) watered

46. They __________ their friends at the restaurant.
a) meets
b) meet
c) meeting
d) met

47. The sun __________ in the east.

a) rises
b) rising
c) rose
d) risen

48. She __________ her homework before watching TV.

a) finishes
b) finish
c) finished
d) finishing
49. The team __________ the championship last year.
a) wins
b) winning
c) won
d) win

50. He __________ his bike to school every day.

a) rides
b) riding
c) rode
d) ridden

51. The concert ended __________.
a) abrupt
b) abruptly
c) abruptness
d) abruption

52. The project was completed __________.

a) quick
b) quickly
c) quickness
d) quicker

53. He played the piano __________.

a) skill
b) skillfully
c) skilled
d) skillful

54. She answered the question __________.

a) correct
b) correctly
c) correctness
d) correcting

55. They performed __________ in the competition.

a) excellent
b) excellently
c) excellence
d) excellency

56. I need __________ umbrella; it's raining.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

57. He is __________ only person who knows the answer.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

58. We saw __________ shooting star last night.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

59. Please pass me __________ pepper.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

60. She is __________ lawyer in the city.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

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