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Developing a paragraph.

A topic sentence is …
A controlling idea(s) of the paragraph controls the flow of ideas
Give an example of a good topic sentence, underline the controlling idea in it.

Supporting sentences

1. Read each topic sentence. Circle the main idea. Underline the controlling ideas. Then
predict the kind of information you will find in the paragraph.

1. If you are searching for an interesting career, think about becoming a flight attendant.

2. One of the people that I most admire is my great-grandmother Carla.

2. Read the first paragraph ‘ A career in the sky’.

Highlight the core information in each supporting sentence. Finish the sentences:

The career of a flight attendant is interesting because they get a lot of training.

The career of a flight attendant is interesting because the scenery changes.

The career of a flight attendant is interesting because they get bargain prices for flights.

The career of a flight attendant is interesting because they meet a variety of people..

3. Read the paragraph ‘An immigrant in the family’.

Highlight the core information in each supporting sentence. Finish the sentences:

I admire my great-grandmother Carla because ….

I admire my great-grandmother Carla because ….

I admire my great-grandmother Carla because ….

I admire my great-grandmother Carla because ….

Reading, checking comprehension. ‘Henry Ford’

Write definitions or synonyms to the following words:

Top afford -
To initiate -
To maintain -
To handle -
Rough roads -
Tracks -
A vehicle -
Profitability -
A moving assembly line -
Wages -
Three-shift workday -
Mass production -
A profit-sharing plan -
To set aside -
Affordable -
To gain employment -
Determination -
Urban -

Develop these topic sentences.

1. Henry Ford, an American automobile manufacturer, brought many innovations into the

2. Henry Ford also transformed the landscape of his country.

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