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Script dialog ttg kenakalan remaja

- Aisyah (host)
- Psikolog
- Parent
- Anak Nakal

Host : Hello everyone, welcome to our podcast. In this session we will talk about juvenile
delinquency. To discuss our theme this time I am not alone, of course with the
resource persons, let start from psychologist.
Host : What do you think about Indonesian juvenile delinquency which is currently
becoming more extreme or could be said to be getting worse?
Psychologist : My opinion about current Indonesian juvenile delinquency is very, very
disappointing, especially as their current position in Indonesia is very important,
namely as the nation's young generation.
Host : Okey, now how about the parent. What do you think?
Parent : In my view the problem of juvenile delinquency in Indonesia today is
increasingly unconducive and uncontrollable. Their apathetic attitude and many
acts of social deviation are very disappointing for our nation, especially as they
are the nation's next generation who should behave well so that they can later
manage Indonesia to become a developed country and be respected
Host : And let's hear what teenager think about it
Teenager : In my opinion, adolescence is a time when you want to win for yourself, you
want attention for yourself and that's normal. That's why many teenagers prefer
hanging out with their friends rather than their parents who always lecture them. It
is not uncommon for teenagers to fight against their parents and insist that what
they are doing is more correct.
Host : What do you think is the cause of this juvenile delinquency?
Psychologist : In fact, there are many triggers for the increasing prevalence of juvenile
delinquency in Indonesia. Maybe in general there are 2 factors, namely internal
and external. From internal factors, it could be because of one's own bad
personality, maybe because parents don't provide enough character education,
there are even parents whose personalities are not good, and in the end they are
set as an example by their children. External factors are factors in the child's
social environment that are not good.
Parent : One factor in my opinion is their curiosity . There are many new things that make
them curious and want to try them. Even though they don't know the impact of
their actions.
Teenager : In my opinion, the cause of juvenile delinquency today is a lack of parental
attention and control.
Host : So we already heard all of you opinion about juvenile delinquency, let's discuss
how to deal with juvenile delinquency, please give your suggestions
Psychologist : The following are some efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency: Building
good relationships with children, namely supportive relationships. Provide insight
and understanding of adolescent development, especially those related to
psychological aspects. Make firm rules Teach responsibility and praise him if he
admits his mistake. Teenagers must be taught to be responsible for what they do.
And if they want to admit their mistake, don't hesitate to praise them. It is hoped
that children will do better and not repeat their mistakes again. Being a good role
model, if parents want their teenagers to behave well, then behave well too. This
can be one way to prevent juvenile delinquency. Be a parent who is always there
for your child. In this way, children can be more open and close to their parents.
Parent : I think this juvenile delinquency can be prevented from becoming a better person.
It is important to instill religious values, manners, etiquette and morals in children
from a young age. For example, we as parents have to tell our children about
dating, why dating is prohibited in the Islamic religion (if you are Muslim). So,
training for children starts from the family from childhood, not when the child is a
teenager and becomes involved in teenage acquaintances, then parents send their
children to boarding school. That's not true.
Teenager : By becoming a better person, filtering the environment, and looking for
positive activities such as joining a sports club or study club.
Host : We have reached the end of the event, thank you very much for your time and
opinions about our theme today. And for the audience, we hope the information
we share is useful for you. Thank you and see you!!!!

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