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Achievement Test 3


Name: ____________________________________________

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct answer.

1. What are the three (3) distinct parts of means of egress?
a) exit c) exit discharge
b) exit access d) all of the above

2. Any opening in the separation wall/construction shall be protected by any approved ______.
a) self closing fire resistive door c) self closing door
b) self closing door with panel vision d) all of the above

3. Exit shall be located and exit access shall be arranged so that they are ______ at all times.
a) located conspicuously c) remote from each other
b) readily accessible d) none of the above

4. Means of egress shall be so arranged that there are no ______ hallways , corridors, passage ways
or each courts whose depth exceeds the limits.
a) dead-end pockets c) access to exit
b) common path of travel d) all of the above

5. In no case shall access to exit be through a bathroom, bedroom, or other room subject to _____.
a) padlock c) locking
b) obstructed d) all of the above

6. All stairway designated as means of egress shall be ______ from the upper most floor level down
to ground floor.
a) continuous c) uncontinuous
b) unobstructed d) obstructed

7. A horizontal exit is a way of passage from one building to an area of refuge in another building
on approximately the same level, or a way of passage through or around wall or partitions to an
a) evacuation area c) triage area
b) area of refuge d) none of the above

8. Arrangement of means of egress shall be remotely located from each other as possible and
determined by ½ of the diagonal of the maximum over-all _____dimension of the building.
a) diagonal c) common path of travel
b) line of travel d) all of the above

9. Travel distance measured on the floor or other walking surface along the ______ line of the
natural path of travel.
a) center c) corner
b) side d) center and corner

10. No ladder shall be used as a _____ except in a single and two family dwellings and residential
apartments of not more than 3 storey provided that height shall not exceed 9 m.
a) fire escape c) secondary exit
b) means of egress d) all of the above

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