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Episode 7

This is English
Around the town

Yasi & Niko o

Yasi.e sl Niko0o0o

w w w. L i n g e m y. c o m
Episode 7

This is English Around Town

Episode 7

Yasi: This is English is brought to you by

Nikoo: If you like our work, make sure to check out for more content.


Yasi: Now you know a lot of things about movies and TV shows, so let’s review a
few things first.

Nikoo: Answer the questions after the beep. What is a tear-jerker?

Yasi: What is a masterpiece?

Nikoo: What is a blockbuster?

Yasi: Name and talk about one of the TV series that we introduced in the previous


Yasi: Today we’re going to one of the most famous Italian restaurants in Toronto.

Nikoo: What? We’re not going to a sushi place? I know you’re crazy about sushi!

Yasi: I am! Sushi is my favorite food of all time. But today I feel like some pasta,
don’t you?

Nikoo: Yeah, I could have some pasta, or maybe some lasagna. Why not!

Yasi: What’s the difference between pasta and spaghetti?

Nikoo: Spaghetti is actually a type of pasta,

Yasi: How about noodles?

Nikoo: Noodles are shorter and usually considered an Asian food.

Yasi: Great! So as I said, we’re on our way to a popular Italian place here in Toronto,
it’s called Sud Forno. It’s in Financial District. You ready Nikoo?

Nikoo: Hey, why hurry? Before our cab arrives, we could go through some vocab-
ulary about food, what do you say?

Episode 7

Yasi: I agree, let’s do it then!


Yasi: Cuisine: It means a style of cooking, especially a style that belongs to a region
or country. For example, Italian cuisine.

I have a thing for Italian cuisine. It means that I love Italian cuisine.

Nikoo: Mouthwatering: If a food is mouthwatering, it is very delicious. It makes

your mouth water!

For example, a good hamburger is mouthwatering.

Yasi: A picky eater is someone who does not eat everything. He or she picks certain
foods. Going to a restaurant with this person is a pain in the neck! You know, cause
they are not easygoing when it comes to food. You aren’t a picky eater Nikoo, are

Nikoo: No, I’m not, but I’m allergic to eggplants.

Yasi: Oh, so you gotta stay away from aubergine.

Nikoo: In British English eggplant is aubergine.


Nikoo: Our cab is here. Let’s go to Sud Forno!


Yasi: We just arrived at the restaurant. Now we’re going to talk to the waitress. Be-
fore we order food, let’s review some useful expressions at a restaurant.


Yasi: When you get to the restaurant, you can ask the waiter to show you a table.

You can say:

“A table for two please.”

It means I want a table for two people.

And the restaurant staff says:

“Of course. Please come this way.”

If there are no vacant tables, they will tell you this:

Episode 7

“We’re fully booked at the moment. Could you come back a bit later?”

Nikoo: These are phrases you can ask the waiter if you aren’t sure of something
on the menu.

“What’s Pluzzorno exactly?”

“Is this served with … (salad)?”

“Does this have any … (seafood) in it?”

“What do you recommend?”

Also when you want to know what the restaurant is famous for, you can ask this

What’s your signature dish?

It means that restaurant or their chef is famous for this dish.

Yasi: The waiter asks you one of these questions when he wants to take your order.

“Are you ready to order?”

“Can I take your order?”

“Anything to drink?”

“Would you like … (chips) with that?”

Would you like chips on the side?

Nikoo: And the customer can order food or drinks saying one of these expressions:

“I’ll have…”

“I’d like…”

“Can I have …”

“We’d like to order …”


Yasi: I think you’re now ready to listen to our conversation at the restaurant. Listen
and see what we’re ordering.

Episode 7


Waitress: I am your waitress, Mary.

Yasi: Hello, Mary. We are pretty hungry tonight!

Waitress: While you are looking over the menu, can I interest you in an appetizer?

Yasi: An appetizer sounds good. Do you have a special menu?

Waitress: They are listed on the first page of the menu.

Yasi: The coconut shrimp looks good.

A: Yes, it is excellent!

Yasi: Good, I’ll take that then.

Nikoo: We could split that and choose another appetizer to share.

Yasi: Good idea. You pick the other appetizer.

Nikoo: OK, In that case, we’ll also take an order of onion rings. Thank you!


Yasi: An appetizer is a small portion of food that you have before the main food

Nikoo: Portion means amount or size. Big portions. Small portions.

Yasi: So the first part of a meal is called an appetizer. In British English they call it

Nikoo: There is another word that is also used instead of appetizer.

Yasi: Yes, entrée. It’s actually an Italian word, but we hear it a lot in English too.
Anyways, so that’s the first part of the meal, the second part, or the main part is

Nikoo: The main course.

Yasi: And finally, after you’re done with the main course, you can have a little more
food, usually sweet in taste.

Nikoo: That is called the dessert. Not desert! But dessert! I love dessert! That’s the
best part of every meal!

Yasi: Oh, by the way, what is a meal?

Episode 7

Nikoo: A meal is an occasion for eating food! For example, breakfast is the first
meal of the day. Then lunch and finally dinner.

Yasi: We have other meals too, such as brunch which is a meal that you have at
around 12 p.m. instead of breakfast and lunch.

Nikoo: Or supper, which sometimes refers to the last meal of the day, or the meal
you have in the evening.


Yasi: There is a lot to talk about food and restaurants. We’ll talk more in the next

Nikoo: Yeah, we will order more food at Sud Forno.

Yasi: So stay tuned for that..

Nikoo: And bye.

This is English Around Town

‫انگلیسی یعنی این در سطح شهر‬

Episode 7

‫قسمت هفتم‬

Yasi: This is English is brought to you by

.‫دوره انگلیسی یعنی این رو مجموعه لینگمی تولید کرده‬

Nikoo: If you like our work, make sure to check out for more content.

.‫اگه کارمون رو دوست داری سایت لینگمی رو برای محتواهای بیشتر چک کن‬


Yasi: Now you know a lot of things about movies and TV shows, so let’s review a
few things first.

.‫ پس بیا اول یه چند تا چیز رو دوره �کنیم‬. ‫االن تو یک عالمه چیز در مورد فیلم ها و سریال ها میدونی‬

Nikoo: Answer the questions after the beep. What is a tear-jerker?

‫ این کلمه به چه معنی هست؟‬.‫بعد از شنیدن صدای بوق به سوال ها جواب بده‬

Episode 7

Yasi: What is a masterpiece?

‫معنی این کلمه چیه؟‬

Nikoo: What is a blockbuster?

‫بالک باستر یعنی چی؟‬

Yasi: Name and talk about one of the TV series that we introduced in the previous

. ‫یکی از سریال هایی که ما در درس قبلی معرفیش کردیم رو نام ببرو و در موردش حرف بزن‬


Yasi: Today we’re going to one of the most famous Italian restaurants in Toronto.

.‫امروز ما به یکی از معروفترین رستوران های ایتالیایی در تورنتو میریم‬

Nikoo: What? We’re not going to a sushi place? I know you’re crazy about sushi!

.‫چی؟ رستوران سوشی نمیریم ؟ من میدونم که تو عاشق سوشی هستی‬

Yasi: I am! Sushi is my favorite food of all time. But today I feel like some pasta,
don’t you?

‫ اما امروز هوس پاستا کردم تو نه؟‬.‫هستم! سوشی غذای مورد عالقه همه عمرمه‬

Nikoo: Yeah, I could have some pasta, or maybe some lasagna. Why not!

.‫ چرا که نه‬.‫آره میتونم پاستا بخورم یا مم�کنه اسپا�گتی‬

Yasi: What’s the difference between pasta and spaghetti?

‫فرق بین پاستا و اسپا�گتی چی هست؟‬

Nikoo: Spaghetti is actually a type of pasta,

.‫اسپا�گتی یه نوع از پاستا هست‬

Yasi: How about noodles?

‫نودل چیه؟‬

Nikoo: Noodles are shorter and usually considered an Asian food.

.‫نودل کوتاه تره و غذای آسیایی در نظر گرفته میشه‬

Episode 7

Yasi: Great! So as I said, we’re on our way to a popular Italian place here in Toronto,
it’s called Sud Forno. It’s in Financial District. You ready Nikoo?

‫عالیه! خب همونطوری که من گفتم ما توی مسیر برای رفتن به رستوران معروف ایتالیایی در تورنتو‬
‫ آماده ای نیکو؟‬.‫ در منطقه اداری هست‬.‫ اسمش سودفورنو هست‬.‫هستیم‬

Nikoo: Hey, why hurry? Before our cab arrives, we could go through some vocab-
ulary about food, what do you say?

‫ میتونیم در مورد چند تا کلمه در مورد غذا حرف بزنیم چی‬،‫چه عجله ایه؟ قبل از اینکه تاکسیمون بیاد‬

Yasi: I agree, let’s do it then!

.‫موافقم پس بیا انجامش بدیم‬


Yasi: Cuisine: It means a style of cooking, especially a style that belongs to a region
or country. For example, Italian cuisine.

:‫ به عنوان مثال‬.‫به استایل پختن میگن مخصوصا به روشی که مختص به یه منطقه و یا کشور باشه‬
.‫غذای ایتالیایی‬

I have a thing for Italian cuisine. It means that I love Italian cuisine.

.‫من روش پخت ایتالیایی رو دوست دارم‬

Nikoo: Mouthwatering: If a food is mouthwatering, it is very delicious. It makes

your mouth water!

For example, a good hamburger is mouthwatering.

‫ باعث میشه آب دهانت راه‬.‫ اگه یه غذایی دهان آب انداز باشه خیلی خوشمزه است‬:‫دهان آب انداز‬
.‫ به عنوان مثال یه همبرگر خوب آب دهان اندازه‬.‫بی افته‬

Yasi: A picky eater is someone who does not eat everything. He or she picks certain
foods. Going to a restaurant with this person is a pain in the neck! You know, cause
they are not easygoing when it comes to food. You aren’t a picky eater Nikoo, are

‫ رفتن به رستوران با‬.‫ اون چیزهای خاصی رو میخوره‬.‫�پیکی ایتر به کسی میگن که همه چی نمیخوره‬
‫ نیکو تو که تو غذا‬.‫ میدونی بخاطر اینکه اینجور آدما سر غذا آسون نمیگیرن‬.‫چنین آدمی سر درد آوره‬
‫خوردن سخت گیر نیستی؟‬

Nikoo: No, I’m not, but I’m allergic to eggplants.

.‫نه نیستم اما من به بادمجون آلرژی دارم‬

Episode 7

Yasi: Oh, so you gotta stay away from aubergine.

.‫پس باید از بادمجون فاصله بگیری‬

Nikoo: In British English eggplant is aubergine.

.‫در انگلیسی بریتانیایی به بادمجون این کلمه رو میگن‬


Nikoo: Our cab is here. Let’s go to Sud Forno!

.‫ بزن بریم به سود فورنو‬.‫تاکسیمون اینجاست‬


Yasi: We just arrived at the restaurant. Now we’re going to talk to the waitress. Be-
fore we order food, let’s review some useful expressions at a restaurant.

.‫ قبل از اینکه سفارش غذا بدیم‬.‫ االن با �پیش خدمت حرف میزنیم‬.‫ما همین االن به رستوران رسیدیم‬
.‫بیا چند تا اصطالح مفید در رستوران رو با هم دوره �کنیم‬


Yasi: When you get to the restaurant, you can ask the waiter to show you a table.

You can say:

‫وقتی که به رستوران میری میتونی از گارسون بخوای که بهت یه میز رو نشون بده میتونی اینطوری‬

“A table for two please.”

‫یه میز برای دو نفر میخوام‬

It means I want a table for two people.

.‫یعنی اینکه یه میز دو نفره میخوام‬

And the restaurant staff says:

:‫در رستوران کارمندا میگن‬

“Of course. Please come this way.”

‫ لطفا از این مسیر بیاین‬.‫حتما‬

If there are no vacant tables, they will tell you this:

.‫اگه هیچ میز خالی ای نباشه اینجوری بهت میگن‬

Episode 7

“We’re fully booked at the moment. Could you come back a bit later?”

‫در حال حاظر پر هستیم میتونید یه کم دیگه بیاین؟‬

Nikoo: These are phrases you can ask the waiter if you aren’t sure of something
on the menu.

.‫این عبارات رو میتونی از گارسون بپرسی اگه از چیزی که روی منو هست مطمئن نیستی‬

“What’s Pluzzorno exactly?”

‫این غذا دقیقا چی هست؟‬

“Is this served with … (salad)?”

‫آیا این غذا با ساالد سرو میشه؟‬

“Does this have any … (seafood) in it?”

‫آیا این داخلش غذای دریایی داره؟‬

“What do you recommend?”

‫شما چی �پیشنهاد می�کنید؟‬

Also when you want to know what the restaurant is famous for, you can ask this

:‫ میتونی این سوال رو بپرسی‬،‫همچنین وقتی میخوای بدونی که اون رستوران به چی معروفه‬

What’s your signature dish?

‫غذای مخصوص سرآشپزتون چیه؟‬

It means that restaurant or their chef is famous for this dish.

.‫منظور اینه که اون رستوران و یا آشپزشون برای یه غذای خاصی که دارن معروف هستن‬

Yasi: The waiter asks you one of these questions when he wants to take your order.

. ‫گارسون وقتی میخواد سفارشت رو بگیره یکی از این سوال ها رو ازت میپرسه‬

“Are you ready to order?”

‫آیا برای سفارش دادن آماده ای؟‬

Episode 7

“Can I take your order?”

‫میتونم سفارشتون رو بگیرم؟‬

“Anything to drink?”

‫نوشیدنی میخواین؟‬

“Would you like … (chips) with that?”

‫با اون غذا چیپس هم میخواین؟‬

Would you like chips on the side?

‫در �کنار غذاتون چیپس هم میخواین؟‬

Nikoo: And the customer can order food or drinks saying one of these expressions:

‫و مشتری میتونه با گفتن چنین اصطالحاتی غذا رو سفارش بده‬

“I’ll have…”

“I’d like…”

“Can I have …”

“We’d like to order …”


Yasi: I think you’re now ready to listen to our conversation at the restaurant. Listen
and see what we’re ordering.

‫ گوش بده و ببین ما چی داریم‬.‫فکر �کنم االن دیگه آماده ای که به مکالمه مون در رستوران گوش بدی‬
.‫سفارش میدیم‬


Waitress: I am your waitress, Mary.

.‫من مری �پیشخدمت شما هستم‬

Yasi: Hello, Mary. We are pretty hungry tonight!

.‫ ما خیلی امشب گرسنه ایم‬.‫سالم مری‬

Episode 7

Waitress: While you are looking over the menu, can I interest you in an appetizer?

‫در حالی که دارید به منو نگاه می�کنید میخواید اول با �پیش غذا شروع �کنید؟‬

Yasi: An appetizer sounds good. Do you have a special menu?

‫ آیا منو مخصوصی دارید؟‬.‫بنظر �پیش غذا خوب میاد‬

Waitress: They are listed on the first page of the menu.

.‫اونا در صفحه اول منو درج شدن‬

Yasi: The coconut shrimp looks good.

.‫میگو نارگیلی به نظر خوب میاد‬

A: Yes, it is excellent!

.‫بله عالیه‬

Yasi: Good, I’ll take that then.

.‫ من پس اون رو میخوام‬.‫خوبه‬

Nikoo: We could split that and choose another appetizer to share.

.‫میتونیم با هم دیگه تقسیمش �کنیم و یه �پیش غذای دیگه هم انتخاب �کنیم‬

Yasi: Good idea. You pick the other appetizer.

.‫ تو اون یکی �پیش غذا رو سفارش بده‬.‫ایده ی خوبیه‬

Nikoo: OK, In that case, we’ll also take an order of onion rings. Thank you!

.‫ ممنون‬.‫باشه در این صورت ما یه پرس �پیاز حلقه ای هم سفارش میدیم‬


Yasi: An appetizer is a small portion of food that you have before the main food

.‫�پیش غذا مقدار کمی از غذا هست که تو قبل از غذای اصلی میخوریش‬

Nikoo: Portion means amount or size. Big portions. Small portions.

.‫ مقدار زیاد و کم‬.‫این کلمه به معنای سایز و مقدار هست‬

Yasi: So the first part of a meal is called an appetizer. In British English they call it

‫ در انگلیسی بریتانیایی بهش این کلمه هم‬.‫بنابراین به اولین قسمت از وعده غذایی �پیش غذا میگن‬
Episode 7

Nikoo: There is another word that is also used instead of appetizer.

.‫یه کلمه دیگه هم هست که به جای این استفاده میشه‬

Yasi: Yes, entrée. It’s actually an Italian word, but we hear it a lot in English too.
Anyways, so that’s the first part of the meal, the second part, or the main part is

‫ بهرحال پس‬.‫ در واقع یک کلمه ایتالیایی هست اما در انگلیسی هم زیاد میشنویمش‬.‫بله این کلمه‬
... ‫ دومین قسمت بهش‬.‫اون اولین قسمت وعده غذایی هست‬

Nikoo: The main course.

.‫غذای اصلی میگن‬

Yasi: And finally, after you’re done with the main course, you can have a little more
food, usually sweet in taste.

‫و درآخر وقتی که غذای اصلی رو تمام کردی میتونی یه مقدار بیشتری غذا داشته باشی که معموال‬
.‫هم شیرین هست‬

Nikoo: That is called the dessert. Not desert! But dessert! I love dessert! That’s the
best part of every meal!

.‫ دسر بهترین بخش هر وعده است‬.‫ من عاشق دسر هستم‬.‫بهش میگن دسر‬

Yasi: Oh, by the way, what is a meal?

‫راستی این کلمه به چه معنیه؟‬

Nikoo: A meal is an occasion for eating food! For example, breakfast is the first
meal of the day. Then lunch and finally dinner.

.‫ بعد ناهار و در آخر هم شام‬.‫به عنوان مثال صبحونه اولین وعده ی هر روزه‬

Yasi: We have other meals too, such as brunch which is a meal that you have at
around 12 p.m. instead of breakfast and lunch.

‫ما وعده های دیگه ای هم داریم مثل برانچ که وعده ای هست که حدود ساعت دوازده خورده میشه‬
.‫بجای صبحانه و ناهار‬

Nikoo: Or supper, which sometimes refers to the last meal of the day, or the meal
you have in the evening.

.‫یا ساپر که منظور آخرین وعده ای هست که در روز میخوری و یا وعده ای که در عصر میخوری‬


Episode 7

Yasi: There is a lot to talk about food and restaurants. We’ll talk more in the next

.‫ ما بیشتر در ا�پیزود بعدی در موردش حرف میزنیم‬. ‫یه عالمه حرف در مورد غذا و رستوران هست‬

Nikoo: Yeah, we will order more food at Sud Forno.

.‫آره ما غذای بیشتری در ساد فورنو سفارش میدیم‬

Yasi: So stay tuned for that..

....‫پس منتظرش باش‬

Nikoo: And bye.

. ‫خداحافظ‬

End of Episode 7
۷ ‫پــایــان قـسمت‬


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