The Turnip

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The Turnip

There were two brothers who were both soldiers; the one was rich and the other was poor.
The poor man tries to be better so, he put his coat, became a gardener, and started to plant
turnips. When the seeds grow, there is one turnip that is bigger than all of the rest; it kept
getting larger and larger and it seems that it will never stop growing. The gardener does not
know what to do with it. So, he gave it to the king as a mark of respect.

The king said “What a wonderful thing! I have seen many strange things, but I have never
seen a monster like this. Where did you get the seed? or are you just very lucky? If so, you
are a true child of fortune” The gardener replied, “Oh no your majesty, I’m no child of
fortune, I am actually a poor soldier who became a gardener. I have a brother who is rich,
and your majesty knows him well, and all the world knows him; but because I am poor,
everybody forgets me.” The king gets pity on him so he said “You shall no longer be a poor, I
will give you so much that you will be even richer than you brother.” The king gave him gold
and lands and made him so rich that his brother’s fortune cannot be compared with.

His brother heard all of this and became jealous of him. So, he prepared his golds and fine
horses for the king. The king accepted the gift very graciously and said “there is no other
more valuable and rarer than this turnip.” The rich soldier was forced to take the turnip to
his home. And when he got home, he is very angry and he is thinking of killing his own
brother. He hired some villains to murder him.

He went to his brother and said, Dear brother, I have found a hidden treasure, let us get it
and share it between us. His brother agreed without suspecting about his plan. While they
are traveling, the murderers rushed out upon him and were going to hang him on a tree.
But while they are all getting ready, they heard the trampling of a horse at a distance. They
got scared so they immediately hang the gardener to the tree and ran away very fast.

The gardener creates a hole in the sack and put out his head. He saw the horseman which is
a student and shouted “Good Morning, Good Morning to you, my friend.” The student looks
everywhere but he did not see anyone. The brother shouted again, “Hey, look up! I am in the
sack of wisdom. In a very short time, I have learned wondrous things. A little longer, I will
learn everything a man can know, and I will be wiser than the wisest of mankind. If you will
be here, you will feel and own the power of knowledge.”

The student said, “What a lucky day to find you. Would you mind if I get in there for a little
while?” The gardener answered, as if unwillingly, “You should wait for another hour, till I
have learned some knowledge that are still unknown to me.” The student waited a while
and he asked the gardener again to let him in. The other said, “You must let the sack of
wisdom descend by untying the rope, then you can now enter.” The student let him down,
opened the sack, and set him free. While the student is getting in the sack, the gardener
pushed him and tied up the sack. The brother said, “How is it there my friend? Do you feel
that wisdom coming to you? Rest there in peace, till you become wiser man than you were.”

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