Lab 3

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Science City of Muñoz 3120 Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Instructional Module for the Course

Postharvest Handling and Seed Physiology (Laboratory)

LABORATORY SCHEDULE: Friday (10:00-1:00)
DATE SUBMITTED: September 22, 2023

After choosing the desired crop, search for the published PNS and download it. Read the PNS
carefully. For Part A, look for the available crop in your locality (market or in your house)
and identify the appearance of the crop. Capture photos of any three characteristics or
conditions (defects or abnormalities) that you observe. These characteristics or conditions
should be based on the terminologies in the PNS. Sample of report format is shown in Part A
of the Result and Discussion. Also, include a brief explanation on the causes of the defects or

For Part B, evaluate the method of grading or classification in your area or how the crop is
graded or sorted. After thorough evaluation, list down at least two differences that you have
observed or practices that deviate from the standard (PNS). Provide pictures if necessary. In
doing the report, kindly answer the following guide questions: Is your community or locality
following the PNS of your chosen crop? Why or why not? Are they aware of the existing
PNS? Make suggestions.

Results and Discussions

Part A. Evaluation of Defects
Sample Format: Appearance of Banana Based on the PNS

( name and description)

bacterial spot
on the fruit, small, black, raised,
circular spots with distinct narrow
water-soaked borders
appear which later turn brown and
become slightly sunken and scabby
bacterial soft rot
the disease starts as a slightly
sunken, water-soaked lesion on the
fruit. It later enlarges
rapidly and soon the whole fruit
becomes very soft and watery. The
skin is easily broken
in the advanced stages and a foul
odor usually accompanies the

blossom-end rot
a small water-soaked lesion appears
near or around the blossom end of
green fruits. This
lesion soon enlarges and the
affected tissues would dry out,
darken and become leathery.
Secondary rots occur in the tissue


1. Name of the student: LAVINIA G. MERCENE

Location of where the evaluation was conducted: SCIENCE CITY OF

Item no. in the PNS: 04

According to the Philippine National Standard, the Tomato is classified

according to the following type and size groups such as, jumbo, large, medium and
small. Based on my evaluation in our community they classified or determined the
level of ripeness of tomatoes based on 3 levels of skin color; red when the tomatoes
are ripe, yellow when the tomatoes are half-ripe, and green when the tomatoes are
unripe because they believe it more convenient and it easy to do. Also they are not
also aware about the standard from the PNS , So as a student I will promote
awareness and compliance with PNS and other agricultural standards, government
agencies, agricultural extension services, and non-governmental organizations often
conduct training and outreach programs for farmers. These programs aim to educate
farmers about best practices, quality standards, and regulatory requirements to
improve the overall quality of agricultural products and enhance the competitiveness
of the agricultural sector.

Item no. in the PNS: 05

Location of where the evaluation was conducted: SCIENCE CITY OF MUNOZ,

Based on Philippine National Standard, tomato shall be classified according to

type and size and be graded according to its type, general appearance, quality and
condition. Tomato must have a good characteristics, mature, not overripe or soft,
clean, well developed, fairly well-formed and fairly smooth d not more than slightly
rough. It is free from decay, freezing injury and sunscald, and is not damaged by any
other cause. Based on my evaluation, people in our community classify tomatoes
according to PNS standards because they find it to be the most practical and
straightforward way to classify tomatoes by types and size, but they are also unaware
of PNS. So as a student I will promote awareness and compliance with PNS and other
agricultural standards, government agencies, agricultural extension services, and non-
governmental organizations often conduct training and outreach programs for farmers.
These programs aim to educate farmers about best practices, quality standards, and
regulatory requirements to improve the overall quality of agricultural products and
enhance the competitiveness of the agricultural sector.


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