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Satuan Pendidikan : UPT SMAN 2 SIDRAP

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester :X
Materi/Pokok Bahasan/SPB : REPORT TEXT

A. Identitas
Kelompok : …………………………………………………..
Kelas : …………………………………………………..
Angggota Kelompok : 1. ………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………..

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Menganalisis dan menyimpulkan makna secara kontekstual fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks lisan berbentuk report (report text) secara kritis, kreatif dan santun
terkait topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan ketepatan
yang optimal.

C. Petunjuk
1. Baca kembali materi ajar.
2. Baca dengan cermat apakah latihan itu dikerjakan secara mandiri atau
3. Jika secara kelompok, maka tiap peserta didik harus aktif.
4. Jika tugas mandiri, kerjakan latihan dengan teliti dan mandiri.
5. Jika ada hal yang kurang jelas, silahkan bertanya pada guru.

D. Langkah Kegiatan

Task 1
The Most Popular Products Purchased on The National Online Shopping Day in 2021

Answer the questions based the chart above!

1. Have you ever heard about The National Online Shopping Day? What do you think it is
2. Based on the infographics, who likes online shopping? Why do they like online shopping?
3. Based on the first graph, customers tended to buy electronics. If you had been one of the
customers, what would you have bought?


Match the speaker’s information with the right picture. Drag a line from the speaker to the picture.


Listen to the recording once again, fill in the table with the information that you
have just listened.

Speaker 1

Topic : ….
General Information : ……
The Product Produced : ….
Speaker’s Opinion about the topic : ….

Speaker 2

Topic : ….
General Information : ……
The Product Produced : ….
Speaker’s Opinion about the topic : ….

Speaker 3

Topic : ….
General Information : ……
The Product Produced : ….
Speaker’s Opinion about the topic : ….

E. Kesimpulan
1. Refleksi

Yes Maybe No Not to all

The material
was easy to

I know what an
caption is

I know why
caption texts
are written

My plan to overcome the difficulties I faced in this material

What do you learn from the activity above?




Satuan Pendidikan : UPT SMAN 2 SIDRAP

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas/Semester :X
Materi/Pokok Bahasan/SPB : Report Text

1. Identitas
Kelompok : …………………………………………………..
Kelas : …………………………………………………..
Angggota Kelompok : 1. ………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………..

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Menganalisis dan menyimpulkan makna secara kontekstual fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks lisan berbentuk report (report text) secara kritis, kreatif dan santun
terkait topik lingkungan fisik dan sosial masyarakat dengan tingkat kelancaran dan
ketepatan yang optimal.

3. Petunjuk
1. Baca kembali materi ajar.
2. Baca dengan cermat apakah latihan itu dikerjakan secara mandiri atau
3. Jika secara kelompok, maka tiap peserta didik harus aktif.
4. Jika tugas mandiri, kerjakan latihan dengan teliti dan mandiri.
5. Jika ada hal yang kurang jelas, silahkan bertanya pada guru.

4. Langkah Kegiatan

Retell the following report about camel in your own words. Use the pictures if necessary.
Read and Understand The following Text!

Answer the questions based on the text in Activity 2. Do it in pairs.

1. Are kangaroos and wallabies indigenous animals of Australia?
2. What does the word "these" in paragraph 2 refer to?
3. What do people call the largest kangaroos?
4. Where do you find the pouch of the female kangaroo?
5. What does the word "it" in sentence ... it crawls at once ….... refer to?
6. Can you fi nd the sentence considered the definition of a kangaroo? State it.
7. Which sentences tell you about the description of the kangaroo's appearance?

5. Kesimpulan
1. Refleksi
Yes Maybe No Not to all
The material
was easy to

I know what an
caption is

I know why
caption texts
are written

My plan to overcome the difficulties I faced in this material

2. Summary

What do you learn from the activity above?




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