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Episode 12

This is English
Around the town

Yasi & Niko o

Yasi.e sl Niko0o0o

w w w. L i n g e m y. c o m
Episode 12

This is English Around Town

Episode 12

Yasi:Hello there! Welcome to the bonus episode!

Nikoo: Bonus means extra and positive like an advantage. I mean we added this
lesson to the course to make it more advantageous for you.

Nikoo: In this episode we are going to do something fun and different!

Yasi: Something related to music and cities! But first, NiKoo, tell us are you into

Nikoo: Oh yeah, I’ve always been into music.. Especially English songs

Yasi: Oh really?

Nikoo: As a student I would listen to English songs and memorize them, and it
worked so well for me .

Yasi: Right. I always tell my students to find something that you enjoy doing, such
as listening to English songs, reading books and …. So Nikoo how can students
improve their English by listening to music?

Nikoo: I recommend listening to simple songs. I mean the songs that have a slow
rhythm. They should listen to the song more than once, maybe even 10 times. Then
they have to try to guess the lyrics. They can write the lyrics down, then when they
are done, they can google the song.

Yasi: What do you mean by google?

Nikoo: Google as a verb means to search it online using Google

Yasi: Aha! So we can find the lyrics of a song on google?

Nikoo: Exactly. You can search things like “Maria Carrey- Without You Lyrics”

Nikoo: So Yasi shall we get started?

Yasi: Sure, so is this what this lesson is all about? Are we going to listen to a song

Nikoo: Yes, yes, yes! This is the surprise we were talking about!

Yasi: We are going to listen to a famous song related to cities. So let’s listen to a
part of it and see if you know the song?

Episode 12

Play the song

Nikoo: Did you know the song? Do you know who the singer is?

Yasi: This is a very popular song. It is actually a classic one. The name is Downtown
and it was sung by Petula Clark.

Nikoo: Now let’s listen to it lyric by lyric and analyze the song together.


Petula Clark

When you’re alone, and life is making you lonely

You can always go


When you’ve got worries, all the noise and the hurry

Seems to help, I know


Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city

Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty

How can you lose?

The lights are much brighter there

You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares

So go downtown, things’ll be great when you’re

Downtown, no finer place for sure

Downtown everything’s waiting for you


Don’t hang around and let your problems surround you

There are movie shows


Episode 12

Maybe you know some little places to go to

Where they never close


Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle neon signs

You’ll be dancing with him too before the night is over

Happy again

The lights are much brighter there

You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares

So go downtown, where all the lights are bright

Downtown, waiting for you tonight

Downtown, you’re gonna be alright now

Downtown, downtown



And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you

Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to

Guide them along

So maybe I’ll see you there

We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares

So go downtown, things’ll be great when you’re

Downtown, don’t wait a minute for

Downtown, everything’s waiting for you

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown

Episode 12

Nikoo: What a beautiful song.

Yasi: yeah, so meaningful. It’s the kind of song you can listen to when you feel sad.

Nikoo: Yes, because it can lift up your mood.

Yasi: It can cheer you up!

Nikoo: It can boost your spirits.

Play a part of the song


Yasi: Linger on the sidewalk” We had this sentence in the song. What is the mean-
ing of linger?

Nikoo: It means to wait somewhere for sometime for example: After the play had
finished, we lingered for a while in the bar.


Yasi: Now this is the very end of This is English Around Town!

Nikoo: This is actually the final course of This is English series

Yasi: The fourth and the final course of This is English series.

Nikoo: The first course was This is English at the Airport..

Yasi: The second one This is English At the Hostel

Nikoo: The third one This is English For Shopping

Yasi: And the fourth one This is English Around Town.

Nikoo: With This is English series you get to learn the real day-to-day conversa-
tions that native English speakers have.

Yasi: But don’t worry. We got you covered! There are so many useful courses on the
website that you can use. Just go and check out for more content.

Nikoo: Yasi, we’ve been in Toronto for over a month and now it’s time to return to
Tehran. Are you all packed?

Yasi: Actually I think I’m gonna stay here for a while.

Episode 12

Nikoo: Oh really? OK, I know how much you love traveling. But we need to stay in
touch every day. OK?

Yasi: Sure! I’ll send you lots of pictures.

Nikoo: OK, so it’s goodbye now.

Yasi: Review all the lessons and then head over to episode 13 for the final test.

Nikoo: Like always take care and bye.

This is English Around Town

‫انگلیسی یهنی این در سطح شهر‬

Episode twelve

‫قسمت دوازدهم‬

Yasi:Hello there! Welcome to the bonus episode!

. ‫ به قسمت ویژه خوش اومدی‬.‫سالم‬

Nikoo: Bonus means extra and positive like an advantage. I mean we added this
lesson to the course to make it more advantageous for you.

‫ منظورم اینه که ما این درس رو اضافه کردیم تا‬.‫این کلمه به معنای زیاد و مثبت هست مثل سود‬
.‫بهت سود بیشتری برسونیم‬

Nikoo: In this episode we are going to do something fun and different!

.‫در این قسمت ما میخوایم یه کار فان و متفاوت انجام بدیم‬

Yasi: Something related to music and cities! But first, NiKoo, tell us are you into

‫ اما نیکو اول بگو ببینم تو موزیک دوست داری؟‬.‫یه کاری که مربوط به موزیک و شهرهاست‬

Nikoo: Oh yeah, I’ve always been into music.. Especially English songs

.‫ مخصوصا آهنگ های انگلیسی‬.‫آره من همیشه دوست داشتم‬

Yasi: Oh really?


Episode 12

Nikoo: As a student I would listen to English songs and memorize them, and it
worked so well for me .

‫ خیلی برام‬.‫وقتی که زبان آموز بودم همش به آهنگ های انگلیسی گوش دادم و حفظشون میکردم‬
.‫خوب بودن‬

Yasi: Right. I always tell my students to find something that you enjoy doing, such
as listening to English songs, reading books and …. So Nikoo how can students
improve their English by listening to music?

‫ مثل گوش‬.‫ منم همیشه به شاگردام میگم که یه چیزی رو �پیدا �کنید که بهش عالقه دارید‬.‫درسته‬
‫ خب نیکو دانش آموزا چطوری میتونن با گوش دادن‬.... ‫ �کتاب خوندن و‬. ‫دادن به آهنگ های انگلیسی‬
‫به آهنگ زبانشون رو قوی �کنن؟‬

Nikoo: I recommend listening to simple songs. I mean the songs that have a slow
rhythm. They should listen to the song more than once, maybe even 10 times. Then
they have to try to guess the lyrics. They can write the lyrics down, then when they
are done, they can google the song.

‫ منظورم اینه که اون آهنگهایی که ریتم پا�یینی‬.‫�پیشنهادم اینه که با آهنگ های ساده شروع �کنن‬
‫ بعد باید متن آهنگ رو سعی �کنن‬.‫ شاید حتما ده بار‬.‫ اونا باید بیشتر از یه بار به آهنگ گوش بدم‬.‫دارن‬
.‫ میتونن خودشتون بنویسن و وقتی که تمام شد میتونن آهنگ رو گوگل �کنن‬.‫که حدس بزنن‬

Yasi: What do you mean by google?

‫منظورت چیه از گوگل کردن؟‬

Nikoo: Google as a verb means to search it online using Google

‫گوگل به معنای فعل یعنی سرچ کردن یه چیزی به صورت آنالین‬

Yasi: Aha! So we can find the lyrics of a song on google?

‫آها! اینجوری یعنی متن آهنگ رو توی گوگل �پیدا می�کنن؟‬

Nikoo: Exactly. You can search things like “Maria Carrey- Without You Lyrics”

.‫ اسم خواننده و آهنگش رو بنویسی‬.‫ میتونی اینجوری مثال سرچ �کنی‬.‫دقیقا‬

Nikoo: So Yasi shall we get started?

‫خب یاسی شروع �کنیم؟‬

Yasi: Sure, so is this what this lesson is all about? Are we going to listen to a song

‫حتما خب این درس همش در مورد همینه؟ ما االن به یه آهنگ گوش میدیم؟‬

Nikoo: Yes, yes, yes! This is the surprise we were talking about!

.‫ این همون سوپریزیه که در موردش حرف زدیم‬.‫آره‬

Episode 12

Yasi: We are going to listen to a famous song related to cities. So let’s listen to a
part of it and see if you know the song?

‫ بیا به یه قسمتیش گوش بدیم‬.‫ما به یه آهنگ معروف که مربوط به شهرها هستش گوش میدیم‬
‫و ببینیم آیا تو میشناسیش یا نه؟‬

Play the song

Nikoo: Did you know the song? Do you know who the singer is?

‫میشناختی این آهنگ رو ؟ میدونی خواننده اش کیه؟‬

Yasi: This is a very popular song. It is actually a classic one. The name is Downtown
and it was sung by Petula Clark.

.‫ اسم آهنگ وخواننده اینه‬.‫ کالسیکه‬.‫این یه آهنگ خیلی معروفه‬

Nikoo: Now let’s listen to it lyric by lyric and analyze the song together.

.‫پس حاال بیا به همه ی متنش گوش بدیم و با هم دیگه آهنگ رو تحلیل �کنیم‬


Petula Clark

When you’re alone, and life is making you lonely

‫وقتی که تنهایی و زندگی داره تنهات می�کنه‬

You can always go

‫تو همیشه میتونی بری‬


‫مرکز شهر‬

When you’ve got worries, all the noise and the hurry

‫ اون شلوغی ها و سر وصداها‬،‫وقتی که نگرانی داری‬

Seems to help, I know

‫ من میدونم‬،‫میتونن بهت کمک �کنن‬


‫مرکز شهر‬

Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city

‫فقط به صدای موزیک ترافیک در شهر گوش بده‬

Episode 12

Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty

‫توی �پیاده رو وقت بگذرون جایی که چراغ های نئون زیبان‬

How can you lose?

‫چطور میتونی از دست بدی؟‬

The lights are much brighter there

‫نورها اونجا روشن تر هستن‬

You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares

‫ همه ی مسئولیت هاتو فراموش �کنی‬،‫میتونی تمام مشکالتت رو فراموش �کنی‬

So go downtown, things’ll be great when you’re

‫ همه چی عالی میشه وقتی که‬،‫پس برو مرکز شهر‬

Downtown, no finer place for sure

‫ قطعا هیچ جای بهتری نیست‬، ‫مرکز شهری‬

Downtown everything’s waiting for you

‫تو مرکز شهر همه چیز منتظرته‬


‫مرکز شهر‬

Don’t hang around and let your problems surround you

‫معطل نکن و نزار که مشکالتت تو رو احاطه �کنن‬

There are movie shows

‫اونجا سینما هست‬


‫مرکز شهر‬

Maybe you know some little places to go to

‫شاید یه جاهای کوچیک رو بشناسی که بتونی بری‬

Where they never close

‫جاهایی که هیچوقت بسته نیستن‬

Episode 12


‫مرکز شهر‬

Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle neon signs

‫فقط به ریتم مالیم عالئم نئونی گوش بده‬

You’ll be dancing with him too before the night is over

‫قبل ازاینکه شب به پایان برسه با اون هم خواهی رقصید‬

Happy again

‫دوباره خوشحالی‬

The lights are much brighter there

‫چراغ ها اونجا نورانی تر هستن‬

You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares

‫ همه ی مسئولیت هاتو فراموش کن‬،‫میتونی تمام مشکالتت رو فراموش �کنی‬

So go downtown, where all the lights are bright

‫ جایی که چراغ هاش روشنن‬،‫پس به مرکز شهر برو‬

Downtown, waiting for you tonight

‫ امشب منتظرته‬،‫مرکز شهر‬

Downtown, you’re gonna be alright now

‫ االن حالت خوب میشه‬،‫مرکز شهر‬

Downtown, downtown

‫ مرکز شهر‬،‫مرکز شهر‬


‫مرکز شهر‬


‫مرکز شهر‬

Episode 12

And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you

.‫و مم�کنه تو یه آدم مهربونی رو �پیدا �کنی که تو رو درک �کنه و بهت کمک �کنه‬

Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to

.‫یکی که دقیقا مثل تو و به کمک نیاز داره‬

Guide them along

‫راهنما�ییشون کن‬

So maybe I’ll see you there

.‫پس مم�کنه من تو رو اونجا ببینم‬

We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares

So go downtown, things’ll be great when you’re

Downtown, don’t wait a minute for

Downtown, everything’s waiting for you

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown

Nikoo: What a beautiful song.

.‫چه آهنگ قشنگی‬

Yasi: yeah, so meaningful. It’s the kind of song you can listen to when you feel sad.

.‫ این آهنگیه که وقتی ناراحتی میتونی بهش گوش �کنی‬.‫آره خیلی معنا داره‬

Nikoo: Yes, because it can lift up your mood.

.‫آره چون حالت رو سر جاش میاره‬

Yasi: It can cheer you up!

.‫میتونه خوشحالت �کنه‬

Nikoo: It can boost your spirits.

.‫روحیت رو بهتر می�کنه‬

Play a part of the song

Episode 12


Yasi: Linger on the sidewalk” We had this sentence in the song. What is the mean-
ing of linger?

‫ یعنی چی؟‬.‫ما این جمله رو در آهنگ داشتیم‬

Nikoo: It means to wait somewhere for sometime for example: After the play had
finished, we lingered for a while in the bar.

.‫ به عنوان مثال وقتی که مهمونی تمام شد ما یه خرده توی بارمنتظرمیمونیم‬.‫به منظورمنتظر بودنه‬


Yasi: Now this is the very end of This is English Around Town!

.‫و حاال این دیگه آخر انگلیسی این در سطح شهره‬

Nikoo: This is actually the final course of This is English series

.‫این واقعا دیگه آخریم دوره‬

Yasi: The fourth and the final course of This is English series.

.‫چهارمین و آخرین دوره ازمجموعه انگلیسی یعنی این‬

Nikoo: The first course was This is English at the Airport..

.‫اولین دوره انگلیسی یعنی این در فرودگاه بود‬

Yasi: The second one This is English At the Hostel

.‫دومین دوره انگلیسی یعنی این درهاستل بود‬

Nikoo: The third one This is English For Shopping

.‫سومی انگلیسی یعنی این برای خرید بود‬

Yasi: And the fourth one This is English Around Town.

.‫و چهارمی انگلیسی یعنی این در سطح شهر‬

Nikoo: With This is English series you get to learn the real day-to-day conversa-
tions that native English speakers have.

.‫با مجموعه دوره انگلیسی یعنی این تو میتونی مکالمه های روزانه ای رو که نیتیو ها دارن یاد بگیری‬

Yasi: But don’t worry. We got you covered! There are so many useful courses on the
website that you can use. Just go and check out for more content.

‫ یه عالمه دوره های کاربردی روی وب سایت هست که میتونی‬.‫ ما هواتو داریم‬.‫اما نگران نباش‬
.‫ برو و سایت لینگمی رو برای محتواهای بیشترچک کن‬.‫ازشون استفاده �کنی‬

Episode 12

Nikoo: Yasi, we’ve been in Toronto for over a month and now it’s time to return to
Tehran. Are you all packed?

‫ همه چیز رو بستی؟‬.‫یاسی ما برای بیشتراز یه ماه تورنتو بودیم و االن وقتش رسیده که برگردیم تهران‬

Yasi: Actually I think I’m gonna stay here for a while.

.‫من فکر �کنم یه خرده دیگه بمونم اینجا‬

Nikoo: Oh really? OK, I know how much you love traveling. But we need to stay in
touch every day. OK?

. ‫واقعا؟ باشه میدونم‬

Yasi: Sure! I’ll send you lots of pictures.

.‫ من برات یه عالمه عکس میفرسم‬. ‫حتما‬

Nikoo: OK, so it’s goodbye now.

.‫باشه پس خداحافظ‬

Yasi: Review all the lessons and then head over to episode 13 for the final test.

.‫همه ی درس ها رو دوره کن و بعد به درس سیزدهم که تست پایانیه برو‬

Nikoo: Like always take care and bye.

.‫مثل همیشه مراقب خودت باش و خداحافظ‬

End of Episode 12
۱۲ ‫پــایــان قـسمت‬


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