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Lecturer: Mrs. Badroeni, M.Pd.

Created by:

Ivnaldi Sugiamoto 222223119





TAHUN 2023


DESIGN FORMAL AND INFORMAL INVITATION....................................................1

LIST OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................2
DESIGN FORMAL AND INFORMAL INVITATION....................................................4
A. Definition of Invitation Latter................................................................................4
B. Types of Invitation Latter.......................................................................................4
C. Invitation Latter Text Structure..............................................................................6
D Example Invitation

E. Formal Invitation Purpose….....…………………………………………….8


First of all, thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, because of Allah SWT's
help, the writer was able to finish writing a paper entitled "Invitation" on time that
has been calculated.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment given by Msr.
Badroeni as a lecturer in the English course.

In compiling this paper, the authors did encounter many challenges and
obstacles, but with the help of many parties, these obstacles could be overcome.
The writer also realizes that there are still many mistakes in the process of writing
this paper.

Therefore the author would like to thank all those who have helped in the
process of writing this paper. may Allah repay all the help and bless you all. the
author realizes that this paper is still not perfect in structure and content. then the
authors hope that criticism from readers can help writers in perfecting the next

Kuningan, Juni 07, 2023

The Writer


A. Definition of Invitation Latter

Invitation letter is a request, solicitation or effort in spoken or written
form, addressed to someone to do something or go somewhere. Letters of
invitation are often distributed forweddings, retirement ceremonies,
graduation celebrations, birthdays, birthday parties andformal galas in the
form of letters sent from the sender to the recipient of the letter.

B. Types of Invitation Latter

There are two types of invitation letters that you can use, the first is a formal
invitation letter and while the second is an informal invitation letter.
1. Formal Invitation Letter
The definition of an official invitation letter is an official invitation
letter written for a specific purpose in a professional manner. So, the
nature of this letter, here, is generally written by a representative of a
particular agency or institution, and is intended for individuals or
other agencies. Because of its official nature, you must use an official
language style. So, you have to pay attention to grammar, or official
English grammar that will be used in the invitation letter later.
The contents of the letter are also important, in fact, it is not
uncommon for invitation letters to contain confidential information.
So, you really have to make sure that the letter you write is in
accordance with the intended context.
Then, official invitation letters are also generally accompanied by a
letterhead and a stamp, if the invitation letter is issued by an official
2. Informal Invitation Letter

This informal invitation letter is an invitation letter that is not
formal or relaxed in nature. So, don't be surprised if you often read
this type of invitation letter via text message. For example, when you
invite friends to come to birthdays, invitations to come to weddings,
group work invitations, and other informal invitations.
So, in this informal invitation letter there is no strict format and
you can write it using a relaxed style, like the style of everyday
conversation. However, you still have to include the venue, date and
time of arrival. Apart from that, include other information that the
recipient must know, such as what to bring, what to wear, and so on.
Even though it's relaxed, you still have to write an invitation letter
in a friendly tone so that you are happy and comfortable with the

C. Invitation Latter Text Structure
1. Formal Invitation Letter Structure:
 Mailer: name and address of mailer.
 Date and place: the date and place where the invitation letter
was written.
 Recipient of the letter: the name and address of the recipient of
the letter.
 Greeting: a greeting to the recipient, such as “Dear Mr/Mrs”.
 Introduction: a brief explanation of the purpose of the
invitation letter made and stating the event to be held.
 Contents of the letter: detailed information about the event,
which could be the date, location, arrival time of the event, or
other special instructions.
 Closing: In a formal invitation letter, the closing must be
written professionally and politely.
 Sign: Put a signature complete with sender's full name or
institutional seal.

2. Informal Invitation Letter Structure:

 Event name: the name of the event to be held.
 Recipient: the recipient of the invitation letter.
 Day and date: the day and date of the event.
 Time: arrival time, or you can also estimate when the event
will end.
 Venue: where the event will be held.
 Event sender: the sender or organizer of the event.

D. Example Invitation Latter
1. Sampel Formal Invitation Letter
In order to better understand an invitation letter, you need to know
what it looks like, anyway, an example of a formal invitation letter.
The following is an example of an official invitation letter to attend a
new product launch:

Dear Mrs. Brenda,

We would like to invite you to the launch of our new product, Beauty
Skincare on 14 February 2023 at 8 pm at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta.

This event allows you to learn more about our new products and try
our newest range of skincare products. Also, you can get connected
with other beauty industry professionals.

Please RSVP before 11 February 2023 to confirm your attendance.

You can reply to this invitation letter via email at or by telephone at our office at 787-9898-

We look forward to welcoming you to our product-launching event.


Pretty Beauty Skincare Team

When you want to make a formal invitation letter, of course there
are rules of language that must be followed. So, here are some
language features in a formal invitation letter that must be adhered to:
 Avoid using contractions, or combining one word with other
words in English, for example, do not become don't, or have
not become haven't.
 Don’t abbreviate words because it seems unofficial and
 Don't use adverbs of degree, or adverbs that express a degree.
For example, so or really.
 Avoid including informal discourse markers, or informal
discourse, such as anyhow, by the way, and others.
 It is better not to use slang/slang in English, phrases or idioms
that are inappropriate for you to include in a formal invitation

2. Sampel Informal Invitation Letter

The following is an example of an informal invitation letter to
come to a housewarming party:

Hi, Josephine!

I'd like to invite you to come to my housewarming party this Sunday. I

just moved into a new house and would love for you to see it.
The party will start at 7 pm and there will be live music, food, and
drinks. You can bring anyone to come with you. Wear pink for the
dress code.
Please let me know if you want to come. You can RSVP by replying
to this message.

Hope to see you at the party!


Basically, informal invitation letters do not have standard and strict
language rules. Therefore, you tend to be free to write anything as
long as you remain polite and do not cause ambiguous information to
the recipient of the letter.

E. Formal Invitation Purpose

Formal invitations are usually invitations given to various events
such as independence day celebrations, product or company inauguration,
farewell events, graduations, inauguration, congresses, seminars, training,
and other formal events. Therefore, the purpose of a formal invitation is to
invite or invite someone to attend a certain event that has been written on
the invitation in a formal or official situation.

Formal Invitation Format and Structure

Standard and straightforward language is usually a sign of an official
formal invitation. The following is the format of a formal invitation,

Greetings (salute)
The body of the letter (body) consisting of:
To whom is the letter addressed (For who and whom)
Purpose of invitation (reason of invitation)
Time and place (time and place)
Request to reply (RSVP)
Inviter's signature
So, Quipperian, every invitation, even though it's formal, has its own
uniqueness, you know. If you look at the formal invitation format above,
in general the structure of an official letter will be written as follows:

1. Invitees
The invitee referred to here is about who is invited. If this invitation is for
important people or people who are considered important, then a formal
invitation is the right choice.

2. Body of invitation
In the invitation body, both official and unofficial invitations usually
contain the following:

Occasion: formal Invitation created for a specific event.

Day and date: the day and date the event was held.
Time: The time of the event.
Place: The place for the event that has been determined and provided for
the invitees.
3. Inviters

If the invitee is about who was invited, then the inviter meant is who
invited or the event owner.

Well, this is the general structure of a formal invitation that is often used.

What Must Be Included in a Formal Invitation?

Quipperian, from the discussion of the format and also the general
structure of a formal invitation above, what should be included in a formal

Apart from the various formats and structures above, there are three data
that must be included in a formal invitation, including:

Senders of invitations or event organizers.

The purpose of holding an event or activity.

Contact, email, or telephone/cell phone number information that can be
contacted to confirm arrival.
Phrases or Sentences Often Used in Invitations
In making or writing invitations, there are phrases or sentences that are
often used. For example, for a formal invitation the sentence below is a
phrase that is quite commonly used, namely:

1. Opening expressions
For example:

I am very pleased to inform you that our company is successful in running

the program.
With great pleasure, I inform you that our company has advanced
2. Making invitations
For example:

We cordially invite you to join…

The honor of your presence is requested…
3. To state the date, time and place
For example:

The anniversary will be held on Sunday, 13 August 2022 at 7.00 pm –

8.00 pm at Sun Hotel Majalengka.
The seminar will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday, 22 August 2022, 53rd
floor of Sunlake Hotel Jakarta.
4. Closing
For example:

Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for coming.
Examples of Formal Invitations

To find out more about formal invitations, here is an example of a formal

To: Mrs. Cantiqa Pramitha

CEO of BestInc.

Jl. Boulevard No. 12, Jakarta

Dear Mrs Pramitha,

We cordially invite you to our company's 20th anniversary celebration.

The anniversary celebration will be held on:

Dates: August 20th, 2022

Hours: 07.00 pm to 09.00 pm

Venue: Bright Hotel, 15th-floor meeting room

We hope Mrs Pramitha will be available to come and join us.

Yours Sincerely,


General Manager of Sun Shine Inc.

RSVP: Maesa Hendra (0812-1145-0987)

Dress: Business

F. How to Make a Formal Invitation
Quipperian, we have discussed the complete material of an official
invitation or what is called a formal invitation. The following is a way to
make a formal invitation and also important points to pay attention to,

1. Use polite greetings on invitations.

2. Choose and use sentences that are polite, straightforward, and standard
language to invite.
3. Clearly include key information such as the purpose of the invitation
or activity, the name of the invitee, place, day and date the event will
be held.
4. Pay attention to the choice of formal words or use formal and standard
5. Choose and use a closing sentence that is a sincere request.
6. Put your signature and name at the end of the invitation.
7. And add RSVP and clear information related to the event being held.



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