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Learning Objective:

To understand and identify verbs in a sentence.

11/17/2023 English Year 8

Key Vocabulary: Key Questions: Resources Needed:
- Verb 1. What is a verb? - Whiteboard and markers
- Action word 2. How can we identify verbs in - Sentences for analysis
- Helping verb a sentence? (prepared in advance)
- Main verb 3. Can you give examples of - Verb flashcards/word cards
- Linking verb different types of verbs? - Sentence strips
4. How do verbs help us - Worksheets (optional)
understand what is happening in
a sentence?

1. Begin the lesson by asking the students to think of as many action words as they can in one minute.
Take suggestions from the students and write their answers on the whiteboard.
2. Write a few sentences on the board, and ask students to identify the action words in each

Main Teaching:
1. Introduce the concept of a verb by explaining that it is a word that describes an action,
occurrence, or state of being in a sentence.
2. Discuss different types of verbs, such as action verbs, helping verbs, main verbs, and linking verbs.
3. Provide clear examples and explanations of each type of verb, and write them on the board for
visual reference.
4. Use sentence strips or flashcards with verbs written on them. Challenge students to create
meaningful sentences using the verb cards.
5. Engage students in identifying verbs in given sentences, discussing the role of verbs in each
sentence, and determining if there are any helping or linking verbs present.
6. Provide opportunities for students to practice identifying and using verbs in sentences
independently or in pairs.

1. Review the concept of verbs by asking students to define and identify examples of different types
of verbs.
2. Revisit the initial warm-up activity, and ask students to share any new action words they have
learned during the lesson.

Assessment Tasks:
1. Create a worksheet or handout with sentences that contain missing verbs. Ask students to identify
the missing verbs and write them in the correct spaces.
2. Provide a short paragraph to students, and ask them to underline all the verbs they can find.
Encourage them to identify and differentiate between different types of verbs.
1. For students with Special Educational Needs, simplify the language used to explain verbs and
provide additional visual aids for clarification.
2. Use manipulatives, such as verb flashcards, sentence strips, or color-coded worksheets, to support
students in identifying and understanding verbs.
3. Provide additional opportunities for hands-on activities and discussions to reinforce the concept of
4. Offer extra guidance and support during independent or group practice activities to ensure all
students are actively engaged and understanding the content.

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