Quantitative Methods Predictive Model OJT ABSORPTION

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Getting an internship has become a critical milestone for students and aspiring
professionals in the ever-changing environment of education and career development. An
internship not only gives hands-on experience, but it also serves as an introduction to future
employment chances. However, the transition from intern to full-time part of a company's
employment remains a tough struggle for many. This proposal seeks to shed light on this critical
transition by doing a predictive analysis of how intern students are integrated into the firms to
whom they apply for internships.

Being able to understand and discuss the path to absorption inside a company is crucial in
today's highly competitive job market. This research will be a valuable asset for future OJTs
(On-the-Job Trainees) and students. We hope to provide aspiring professionals with the
knowledge they need to boost their chances of successfully joining their desired companies by
finding the critical data points and aspects that impact absorption decisions.

On top of that, this research is important not just for individuals but also for companies
and other organizations. The study's findings might be a beneficial resource for firms trying to
improve their internship programs and absorption procedures. Understanding the determinants of
intern student absorption allows companies to make informed decisions about recruiting talented
employees and management, ultimately improving the quality and diversity of their workforce.
In the following parts, we will discuss the scope of this study, its methodology, and its


[1] According to Galve (2021), preserving the current OJT evaluation metrics while taking
into account additional indicators relating to technical skills, student personality, and office work
management in cooperation with affiliated agency representatives will increase the likelihood of
student absorption. In order to improve the predictability of OJT absorption by affiliating
agencies, new research is also advised that incorporate other criteria and investigate various

Application of logistic regression analysis to predict the absorption of on-the-job

training (OJT) students by affiliating agencies. The study aims to enhance the OJT programs of
higher education institutions by determining the factors that influence the absorption of OJT

The researcher collected data on various evaluation criteria, including gender, student
personality, technical knowledge and skills, office work management skills, adviser rating, OJT
final grade, GPA, and company type. Logistic regression was employed to create a model using
these variables and make predictions.

The evaluation of the logistic regression model involved generating a confusion matrix
and computing classification report statistics such as precision, recall, f1-score, and accuracy.
The precision, recall, and f1-score were calculated to assess the model's performance, while the
accuracy value indicated the overall prediction accuracy. Additionally, a Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) curve was generated to analyze the model's performance.

The results of the study showed that the computed precision, recall, f1-score, and
accuracy values were favorable, indicating that the chosen variables were significant predictors
of OJT absorption by affiliating agencies. The researcher recommended retaining the existing
metrics used in OJT evaluations and suggested considering additional measures such as technical
skills, student personality, and office work management in consultation with affiliating agency
representatives. This approach aims to enhance the OJT evaluation criteria of higher education
institutions and increase the chances of OJT students being absorbed by companies.

The study also suggested conducting further research to include additional criteria in
consultation with affiliating agency representatives and applying other algorithms to determine
the strength of predictors in OJT absorption to affiliating agencies. These efforts aim to improve
the OJT evaluation criteria and enhance the employability of OJT students.
[2] According to Cherry D. Casuat et. al. (2020), the purpose of the study is to create a
machine learning-based support vector machine (SVM) forecasting system for student
employability. Utilizing the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE), it
overcomes the difficulties associated with dealing with unbalanced datasets. SVM beats the other
five learning algorithms compared in the study, obtaining an amazing accuracy rate of 91.22%.
The researchers determine an ideal gamma parameter range of 10 to 100 and come to the reliable
conclusion that the SVM model is neither overfitted nor underfitted. This shows that SVM can
offer a very precise predictive model for student employability, which is essential for HEIs in the
challenging labor market of today.

Machine learning approach, specifically the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm.
The researchers applied the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) to address
the issue of imbalanced datasets. They collected data consisting of 3,000 observations and 12
features related to students' mock job interview evaluation results, on-the-job training
performance rating, and general point average. Six learning algorithms, including Decision
Trees, Random Forest, SVM, K-Nearest Neighbor, Logistic Regression, and Naïve Bayes, were
used to understand how students get employed. The performance of these algorithms was
evaluated using accuracy measures, precision and recall measures, F1-score, and support
measures. SVM achieved an accuracy measure of 91.22%, outperforming the other algorithms.
The study also included learning curves to assess the training and validation errors.

[3] According to Yulianthi Suminar et al. (2021), The UPTD Job Training Center in
Sukabumi Regency has been rated as "good" in terms of job training implementation, with
positive ratings across various dimensions. The competencies of job training participants are also
rated as "good," with excelling skills, attitudes, behavior, and competency tests. The study found
a significant positive influence of Community Job Training and Competence on labor absorption,
with these factors contributing to 34.1% of the influence. However, 65.9% of the variation in
labor absorption is attributed to other unexamined variables.

Quantitative research with an associative approach. The research employed a sample of

alumni from the Sukabumi Regency Job Training Center, and data was collected through a
questionnaire using a rating scale model. The data analysis techniques used were product
moment correlation analysis using the SPSS v.25.0 application and linear regression analysis.
Hypothesis testing was conducted using the t-test statistical test.

[4] According to Rs Mani et al. (2019), with 99% accuracy assessed on student skill data, the
research employs classification analysis to demonstrate that Random Forest has the highest
accuracy when compared to other classification methods. With the aid of this technique, students
can examine their strengths and shortcomings and be recommended firms with similar job profile
criteria in order to anticipate their employability.

Data mining techniques for assessing the employability of students. The paper
describes the analysis of different classification algorithms on a student dataset, treating it as a
training dataset with five attributes. The training dataset is used to train a supervised model using
data mining algorithms, and a testing dataset is used to predict the employability status of
students. The accuracies of the algorithms are calculated and compared. The top-performing
algorithm, Random Forest, is selected for the final performance evaluation. The paper also
discusses the use of soft skills analysis and mapping student skill sets to company criteria. The
methodology involves data collection, algorithm training, testing, and evaluation.

[5] According to Verecio (2019), Using data mining and a C4.5 decision tree model, the
study attempts to predict the employability abilities of BS Information Technology graduates at
Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City. The model's six variables—Systems Development,
Research, Business Operations, Technical Support, Interpersonal Skills, and Remarks—were
built using 138 datasets from 2015–2016 through 2017–2018. With an AUC weighted mean of
85.10%, the results showed that 85.50% of the graduates were correctly classified. The model,
which asserts that Business Operations is the most significant attribute in On-the-Job Training
(OJT), was shown to be very acceptable. The findings can be used as the foundation for
legislative initiatives for successful OJT programs.

Data mining techniques to predict employability skills. Specifically, the J48 algorithm,
which is a decision tree model, is utilized for prediction.
The study collected data from the graduates of Philippine State University from academic
years 2015-2016 to 2017-2018. The data included attributes such as Systems Development,
Research, Business Operations, Technical Support, Interpersonal Skills, and Remarks. These
attributes were used to predict the employability skills of the graduates.

To create the prediction model, the study employed the 10-Folds Cross-validation
technique and the Receiving Operating Characteristics Curve (ROC). The decision tree model
and decision rules for classification were created based on the collected datasets. The accuracy of
the model was evaluated, with 85.50% of the samples correctly classified and an AUC (Area
Under the Curve) weighted mean of 85.10%.

The study concluded that Business Operations was identified as the most important
attribute in On-the-Job Training for students to be productive, responsible, cooperative, and
initiative-driven. The results of the study can be used as a basis for policy measures to enhance
the effectiveness of the OJT program and improve the prediction of employability skills by
considering additional parameters.

[6] Analysis and Prediction of Students’ Academic Performance and Employability Using Data
Mining Techniques (Cruz, M.E.L.T. & Encarnacion, R.E., 2021)
The paper titled "Analysis and Prediction of Students' Academic Performance and
Employability Using Data Mining Techniques: A Research Travelogue" explores the application
of data mining techniques in predicting students' academic performance and employability. The
study conducts a comprehensive literature review to identify the commonly used data mining
techniques, algorithms, and datasets in this domain. It emphasizes the importance of academic
performance as a primary determinant of employability and highlights the significance of
attributes such as CGPA, gender, technical skills, communication skills, problem-solving
abilities, critical thinking, decision-making skills, extracurricular activities, age, and
psychomotor factors in predicting students' academic performance and employability. The paper
also highlights the need for further research to evaluate the efficacy of these approaches and
recommends the utilization of automated methods for increased accuracy. Overall, the paper
provides valuable insights into the use of data mining techniques to enhance the performance of
higher education institutions and meet industry requirements in terms of producing high-quality

The steps of the proposed predictive model for 4th year students getting absorbed in the on-job
training was illustrated in this figure. It will also use supervised algorithms LR technique to predict
student's absorption in their corresponding company, which is the dependent variable that will be trained
with the datasets selected features. 70% of datasets will be used to train the model and 30% will be used
to test/predict.


The training history, and personal characteristics, is first gathered before the data
extraction procedure can begin. Researchers are able to discover possible connections between
personal traits and absorption rates because of the information about the students' backgrounds
that these particulars provide. Furthermore, knowledge of the intricate details of the OJT
programs is important. Assessing the environmental factors that may affect student retention
entails obtaining information on the industry, the firm delivering the training, the length of the
program, the location, and the content of the training curriculum.

One of the vital parts of the data gathering procedure is the use of performance metrics.
Information on attendance, rate of completion, and assessments or evaluations completed during
the OJT are among these measures. These performance indicators provide quantifiable
information about the participation and development of the students throughout their OJT.
Feedback from mentors and supervisors is also a great source of knowledge. During the
OJT time, getting guide and supervisor comments on the students' performance, attitude, and
general conduct can offer qualitative insights into the elements that lead to success or difficulties
during OJT.

Surveys and questionnaires are helpful instruments for evaluating students' personal OJT
experiences. Researchers can better understand students' motivations, expectations, levels of
satisfaction, and any particular issues they face by conducting surveys or collecting questionnaire


 Galve. (2021, July). Predicting company absorption of on-the-job-training students using

logistic regression: towards enhancement of ojt. University of Perpetual Help System.
 Casuat. (2020, May). Predicting Students’ Employability using Support Vector Machine:
A SMOTE-Optimized Machine Learning System. International Journal of Emerging
Trends in Engineering Research.
 Suminar, Alamsyah, & Hikmat. (2021, September 6). THE INFLUENCE OF
 Bharambe, Yogesh & Mored, Nikita & Mulchandani, Manisha & Mani, Rs & Shinde,
Sameer. (2019). Assessing employability of students using data mining techniques. 2110-
2114. 10.1109/ICACCI.2017.8126157.
 Verecio. (2019, December). Predicting Employability Skills among Information
Technology Graduates of Philippine State University in their On-the-Job Training using
J48 Algorithm.
 Cruz, M.E.L.T., Encarnacion, & R.E. (2021). Analysis and Prediction of Students’
Academic Performance and Employability Using Data Mining Techniques.

Proposed By:

Aragon, Frian Cris O.

Fernandez, Regienald R.

Garcia, Darryl Jhon

Quillan, Nicole S.

Reginaldo, Louise Christian

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