Hướng Dẫn Viết Câu Mở Bài

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buổi 5: 25.10.2022


I. DẠNG 01: Dạng thuận lợi – bất lợi [Advantages – Disadvantages/ Pros-cons
[benefits = advantages = upsides = beneficial effects = merits
Drawbacks = disadvantages = downsides = negative effects = demerits]
- Đề sẽ thường hỏi bạn những câu như sau:
 Discuss both advantages and disadvantages.
 Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
- Cấu trúc viết 2 câu mở bài:
Câu 1. These days, [something] has sparked a degree of controversy among people.
Câu 2. Although SV, SV.
[In recent years = in recent decades = these days = nowadays =
over the past few years = in modern society = in today’s society =
in the modern world = in this day and age = in today’s world]
- Hướng dẫn viết câu 2:
- Nếu viết thuận lợi nhiều > bất lợi
 Although this trend/ tendency is not without the disadvantages, the advantages will justify
this. [the advantanges are far more significant]
- Nếu viết bất lợi > thuận lợi
 Although this trend/ tendency is not without the advantages, the disadvantages will justify
[although there are some drawbacks/ benefits of this trend, I would argue that this
benefits/ drawbacks are far more significant].
- Thân bài:
 On the one hand, there are a number of major drawbacks when ____. The first drawback is
____. Explain or example. Another negative effect is ____. Explain or example.
On the one hand, there are a number of major drawbacks when children spend too much
time playing with technological devices.
 On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such disadvantages.
Firstly, ___. Secondly, _____.
- Kết bài: In conclusion, I would argue that ____ brings more benefits than drawbacks. By Ving
[suggestion] [in conclusion, I would argue that the appearance of new technological
improvements brings more benefits than drawbacks].

1. Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? Do
advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?
 Nowadays = these days/ More and more people = a growing number of people
 a/ an increasing/ growing number of + N
 Decide = determine = make up one’s mind
 To have children later in life = to delay parenthood = to postpone parenthood = to decide
to give birth later in life = to procrastinate giving birth = to give birth later in life.
 In recent years, an increasing number of young couples giving birth later has
sparked has sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although this trend
is not without advantages, the downsides will justify these
[although there are some benefits/ drawbacks of this trend, I would argue that this
benefit/ drawback is much more significant].
2. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school
rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantage?
- primary school/ education/ level = elementary school/ education = junior school/ education =
fundamental school/ education = primary schooling = grade school
- secondary school/ education = high school = middle school = intermediate school = senior
 over the past few years, the question of whether children should learn a foreign
language at elementary education or middle school has sparked a degree controversy
among people. Although some experts hold the view that kids had better start studying
a foreign language at primary schooling rather than secondary school, I believe that
this issue have both the benefits and drawbacks.
3. in many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but
some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom. Do the benefits of increased
security outweigh the drawbacks?
- video cameras = surveillance cameras
- reduce crime = crime prevention
 In recent years, the exploit of surveillance cameras as crime prevention is being
increased in many metropolises around the globe, which has sparked a degree
controversy among people. Although this measures are not without the drawbacks
because of restricting people’s privacy, the benefits of increasing security using video
cameras are much more significant.
4. the use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. Do you
think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

- social media = online conversations using social media apps, such as Facebook,
WhatsApp or Tumblr
- replacing face-to-face interaction = face-to-face communication is being replaced with
 These days, face-to-face communication which is being replaced with online
conversations using social media apps, such as Facebook, WhatsApp or Tumblr has
sparked a degree controversy among people. Although this trend/ tendency is not
without the disadvantages, the advantages will justify this.
5. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the advantages of this
outweigh disadvantages?

- technologies = gadgets = electronic applicants = smart devices = internet-connected

devices = hi-tech
- new technologies = novel technologies = modern technologies = advanced
technologies = state-of-the-art technologies = latest technologies = innovative
technologies = newest technologies = breakthrough technologies = cutting-edge
technologies = leading-edge technologies
- change = alter
- spend time = allocate time = use time
- free time = spare time = leisure time = idle time
 In recent decades, novel technological developments which have altered how children
spend their leisure time have sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although this
trend not without disadvantages, the upsides will justify this.
 In recent decades, novel technological developments have sparked a degree of controversy
among people because they have altered how children spend their leisure time. Although
this trend not without disadvantages, the upsides will justify this.
6. In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Do you
think this a positive or negative development?
In recent year, an increasing number of people are choosing to live by themselves in several
nations has sparked a degree controversy among people. Although this trend seems attractive
in some cases, I believe that this tendency has both benefits and drawbacks.

7. Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a
positive or negative development?

Study online= Internet-based learning = Learning though the internet = online courses

It is true that online courses are becoming a common feature of university education.
Although there are some drawbacks of Internet-based learning, I would argue that there are far
more benefits.

 In recent years, learning through the Internet off university education has sparked a degree of
controversy among people. Although this trend is not without disadvantages, the benefits are
far more significant.

8. Children’s education is expensive. In some countries, the government pays some of or all of the cost. Do
the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
 Nowadays, the question of whether the government should pay for children’s education or
not has sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although there are some
drawbacks of this assistance, I would argue that the benefits are much more significant.
9. In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high
school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who
decide to do this.
- young people = young generation = teenagers = youngsters = adolescents = juveniles
- are encouraged to = are motivated to = are advised to
- a year between finishing high school = take a year
 over the past few years, adolescents who are advised to take a year to work or travel before
entering/ enrolling in a university has sparked a degree controversy among people.
Although this trend is not without the advantages, I believe that there are both the benefits
and drawback of the tendency.
10. These days, governments are encouraging businesses to move out of big cities. Do advantages of this
outweigh disadvantages?
Viết lại: These days, business relocation has been receiving a great deal of public
attention. Although this trend is not without advantages, the downsides will justify these.
II. DẠNG 02: Dạng nguyên nhân – giải pháp [Causes - Effects – Solutions]
- Đề thường hỏi như sau:
 What are reasons? You may offer some solutions for this issue.
- Cấu trúc 2 câu mở bài:
 Câu 1. These days, [something] has sparked a degree of controversy among people.
 Câu 2. Although this trend/ tendency issue/ problem can be attributed to a plethora of
reasons/ problems/ drawbacks, some feasible solutions/ measures should be taken to
address the issue.
Solution = measure = approach = mitigate = alleviate [v]: xoa dịu
There are a number of reasons for _____

there are understandable reasons why environmental protection is the responsibility of politicians
The first reason is___
Another reason is ___
There are several actions/ steps/ approaches [that governments/ urban
policymakers/ authorities] could be taken to mitigate the problem mentioned
Firstly, ___
Secondly, ___
Thirdly, ___
In conclusion, there are various factors leading to ___ and measures can be
implemented to tackle issue. By + Ving
1. Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global
warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?
- global warming = climate change = climate crisis = global heating = change in earth's climate =
change in average weather conditions = change in global climate patterns.
- one of the most serious issues = one of the most pressing environmental issues.
- the world is facing = is posing a serious threat to the world.
These days, changing in global climate patterns has sparked a degree of controversy among people.
Although this problem can be attributed to a plethora of drawbacks, some feasible solutions should be
taken to address the issue
2. It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime is growing. What do you think is the reason for a
growth in the rate of juvenile crime? What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation?
juvenile crime = juvenile delinquency: tội phạm tuổi vị thành niên.
[Juvenile crime has been rampant: tội phạm tuổi vị thành niên tràn lan]
These days, an increasing number of juvenile delinquencies have sparked a degree of controversy
among people. Although this problem can be attributed to a plethora of reasons, some feasible solution
should be taken to address the issue
3. Nowadays, it seems that people tend to waste a great amount of food. Why do you think this is
happening? And how can we solve this problem?
Viết lại: These days, food waste has sparked a degree of controversy among people.
Although this problem is attributed to a plethora of reasons, many feasible measures can
be considered to address this.
4. Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries. Explain the main causes and effects
of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.
a serious problem = one of the most pressing problems = a serious public health challenge

These days, an increasing number of childhood obesity have sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although
this problem can be attributed to a plethora of reasons, some feasible solution should be taken to address the issue

These days, childhood obesity which is becoming a serious public health challenge has sparked a degree of controversy
among people. Although this problem can be attributed to a plethora of drawbacks, some feasible solutions should be
taken to address the issue

5. More and more people migrating to cities in search of better life, but city life can be extremely
difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life
better for everyone?
More and more people = an increasing number of people
Migrate to sth = moving to: di chuyển đến …
Cities = urban areas = large metropolises
In search of better life = in the hope of a better future
Urban life better for everyone = to improve the quality of life for all city residents
Difficulties = challenges
These days, an increasing number of people moving to urban areas in the hope of the better future has
sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although this problem can be attributed to a plethora
of challenges, some feasible solutions that the government should be taken to address the issue
III. DẠNG 03: Dạng thảo luận hai quan điểm [Discuss both views]
- Đề thường hỏi bạn như sau:
 Some people think that ABC. Others, however, believe XYZ. Discuss both views and give
your opinions.
- Câu trúc 2 câu mở bài:
 Câu 1. In recent years, the question of whether [X] or [ Y] has sparked a degree of
controversy among people [cái vấn đề liệu là ABC hoặc XYZ đã dấy lên 1 mức độ tranh
cãi nào đó giữa mỗi người].
 Câu 2. This essay will address the issue with argumentation
 Câu 2: although ABC appears/ seems attractive/ reasonable/ advantageous, XYZ will be
far more significant.
 Câu 2. although there are some benefits of ABC, I would argue that it is better to XYZ

Body 1: There are some powerful arguments asserting that ABC [có những tranh luận thuyết phục cho rằng]

Body 2: Notwithstanding, I agree with those who argue that XYZ

In conclusion, it seems to me that … [câu 2 phần mở bài]1


1. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe
that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
- competition = contest = rivalry /ˈraɪ.vəl.ri/
- co-operate = collaborate = work together = get/ come/ band together
- encourage = urge = promote = stimulate = motivate
- adult = grown-up person = mature person = grown person
- children = kids = offspring = babies = younger generation
In recent years, the question of whether children should be motivated to compete or collaborate has
sparked a degree of controversy among people. This essay will address the issue with argumentation
2. Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today’s world,
subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History. Discuss both these views and give your
own opinion.
- important = vital = crucial = critical = significant = momentous

In recent years, the question of whether History or Science and Technology is more important has sparked a
degree of controversy among people. This essays will address the issue with argumentation.

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