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Why is the proposal necessary?

Why is the proposal justified?

Why is the proposal effective/possible?
What is the role of the actors /bodies/institution (identify the main actors)?
How do we achieve the purpose/aim?
Why is this aim the most important?

Pro (affirmative)
Hello everyone let me introduce myself. My name is savero ibnu kurniawan and I'm siding
with the affirmative side. The motion is this house believes that children should have legal
obligations towards parents after adulthood. What is meant by this is that after adulthood it
may vary based on the law of each nation For example, in Indonesia, it is around 21 years
old but in the United States of America it is 18 years old according to their respective laws.
After entering that range of age children will now have legal obligations towards their
parents. This means taking care of their parents is now mandatory since it is now a part of
the law. Since parents already have a legal obligation to their children before adulthood as a
part of the law, it is quite natural that children would take care of their parents. They are the
ones who raised us, they took care of us since we were just a baby until we are who are
now. Every day our age is increasing, our parents are also getting older and this will cause
them to lose their abilities, energy and also their immune system will weaken. If every adult
child will take care of their parents likewise how their parents took care of them before, this
will be some sort of repayment of their good deeds to us. Making breakfast, lunch, and
dinner for them, helping them during their daily activities, and also checking their health. If
they are sick we’ll bring them to the doctor. Supplying them with money can also be one of
the ways we can help them. Although some people may not have enough to repay their
deeds, a minimum should be acknowledged. But why do take care of something? for
example, if we buy a new phone if we take good care of it, it will last for a long time. and if
we have a pet, we of course have a special connection to it and we must take care of them
too. That is the same for our parents, making every adult child responsible for their parents
will make them live for a longer time. Death is an inescapable fate that is bound to us all.
But the love from our parents is what keeps us going. thats all i have to say. Im savero ibnu
kurniawan and goodbye
Con (opposition)
Hello everyone let me introduce myself. My name is savero ibnu kurniawan and I'm siding
with the opposition side. The motion is this house believes that children should have legal
obligations towards parents after adulthood. Now if something is a part of the legal system it
is also part of the law, which means if we do not do that said law there will be consequences.
while it is quite common for children to take care of their parents morally, legally that is a
whole other question. Children may not have enough time because school
although we occasionally help our parents, that is most likely not the same with taking care
of them
early phase of adulthood most of them dont have jobs because they are still on the transition
phase from teen to adult, although teens are already taught how to handle responsibilities, if
they dont have the money to take care for themselves how do they take care of their parents
another thing is that some adults have their own house and dont live near their parents
unfortunately few parents have abused their children , loopholes, false accused, custody
that is why i believe that taking care of our parents is only an etiquette and should not be
brought up to the legal system

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