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Some Related Research Findings

Knowing students' anxiety in speaking English as a foreign language
can be a significant obstacle in developing their language skills. The fear of
making mistakes, criticism from classmates or teachers, and low self-
confidence in the ability to communicate in English often makes students
reluctant to actively participate in discussions or activities in English. The
following references from previous research are as follows:
This research is a case study that aims to identify the level of anxiety
of students in speaking English as a foreign language at UPT SMPN 03
Parepare. The methods used were interviews and questionnaires to
understand the factors that influence students' English speaking anxiety. The
study used a structured questionnaire format with 12 questions and involved
a total of 65 students. Students show anxiety in speaking English. Satriani
also found that students were anxious when they spoke a foreign language
because the school environment did not give fellow students much time to
speak English (Sutriani 2021)
Research with the title "The Relationship Between English Speaking
Anxiety and English Speaking Achievement in UPT SMPN 01 Makassar
Makassar Students." The results of this study are expected to provide insight
into how anxiety in speaking English affects students' academic
achievement. (DA Hartono, 2019)
Research on the analysis of the factors that influence anxiety about
speaking English as a foreign language among students at SMPN 11
Purbalingga. This study analyzes various factors that influence the level of
anxiety among junior high school students in Purbalingga in speaking
English as a foreign language. The results of this study are expected to
provide comprehensive information regarding the factors that must be
considered in overcoming student anxiety (Houn and Em 2022)
Then with the title of the research. The Effect of Second Language
Mastery on Speaking Ability in Class X SMA Negeri 8 Pinrang. This study
focuses on the differences in the anxiety levels of speaking English as a
foreign language between male and female students at SMP Parepare. It is
hoped that the results of this study can provide further understanding of
differences in English speaking anxiety based on gender . (Asia 2022)
With the research entitled Limbung which focuses on the use of
hypnoteaching in reducing speech anxiety as well as for Class XI MA
Muhammadiyah students. This study evaluates the effect of using relaxation
techniques in reducing anxiety in speaking English as a foreign language
among junior high school students. The findings from this study can provide
an alternative approach in dealing with students' anxiety when speaking
English . ( Limbung, I (2017) )
In research related to the relationship between speech anxiety, self-
confidence, and speaking achievement of EFL undergraduate students at
private universities in Palembang. This study investigates the effect of the
level of learning independence on the anxiety of speaking English as a
foreign language among students at the University of Palembang. The
findings from this study can provide insight into the importance of
independent learning in overcoming students' anxiety in speaking English
(Tridinanti 2018)
In 2014 a literature study on English as a Foreign Language and
Curriculum Evaluation in Indonesia. This study aims to measure the effect
of the use of technology in learning English on students' anxiety in speaking
English as a foreign language. The results of this study are expected to
provide insight into the effectiveness of using technology in reducing
student anxiety (Mappiasse and Sihes 2014)
In contrast to the study of students' problem studies in learning to speak
English in class two of SMP Negeri 1 Talaga. This study examines the role
of social support in helping Talaga Middle School students overcome
anxiety about speaking English as a foreign language. The findings from this
study are expected to provide an understanding of the important role of the
social environment in the process of learning a foreign language . (Swary,
2014) Then the research entitled Student perceptions of the use of
storytelling techniques to improve speaking achievement at SMPN 143
North Jakarta”. This study examines the relationship between interest in
learning English and the level of anxiety in speaking English as a foreign
language among junior high school students. The results of this study are
expected to provide information about the importance of learning interest in
overcoming student anxiety (Natasia and Angelianawati 2022)
Based on a review of ten previous studies conducted in the context of
"Student Anxiety in Speaking English as a Foreign Language at UPT SMPN
10 Parepare," it can be concluded that anxiety in speaking English is a
significant factor in the experience of learning a foreign language. language
among junior high school students. This anxiety can affect students' English
speaking ability and potentially hinder their academic achievement. Factors
such as gender, level of learning independence, social support, use of
technology, and interest in learning English also have a role in influencing
students' anxiety levels. Therefore, in overcoming anxiety in speaking
English, it is necessary to pay attention to learning approaches that can
increase students' self-confidence, create a conducive classroom
environment, and integrate relevant strategies and technology in the process
of learning a foreign language.
B. Some Pertinent Ideas
This section covers some pertinent ideas or theories to better
understand the aim which this study is specifically trying to accomplish.
1. Speaking
Speaking is a language skill that allows individuals to verbally express
ideas, thoughts and feelings to others. It involves using words, sentences, and
sounds to communicate. It is a process that involves the use of carefully chosen
words, appropriate sentence organization, and the use of appropriate tone,
intonation, and facial expressions to convey the message clearly and effectively to
the listener.
Speech is also not simply a mechanism for transmitting information; it is a
means of self-expression. When someone speaks, he or she can convey thoughts,
ideas, dreams, stories, or even personal feelings. It is a window that opens one's
inner world to others. By speaking, we can make social connections, teach, learn,
celebrate our culture, and influence positive change in society. Therefore, it is
important to understand and appreciate the role that speaking skills play in our
daily lives. With good speaking skills, we can accomplish a lot, bridge
communication gaps, and form strong connections with the world around us (K.
Bayu 2011)
In an educational context, speaking skills also have a very important role.
When students understand and master speaking skills, they not only become more
effective communicators, but also better learners. With good speaking skills,
students can participate more actively in class, express their thoughts clearly, and
understand the subject matter better. They can ask questions, discuss and present
their arguments with confidence.
Apart from that, speaking skills also play a role in developing self-
confidence and self-confidence. When a person has the ability to speak
effectively, he feels more comfortable in communicating with other people. This
helps build stronger interpersonal relationships and facilitates collaboration in a
variety of situations, whether at school, at work, or in everyday life.
Therefore, it is important for educators and students to pay special
attention to the development of speaking skills. By practicing and understanding
aspects such as pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and accuracy, individuals can
become more effective and successful communicators in various aspects of their
lives. Speaking skills are not just about how we speak, but also about how we
interact with the world around us and express ourselves in meaningful and
powerful ways .
a. Aspects of Speaking:
1). Pronunciation
Good pronunciation is a key element in effective speaking skills. When
someone speaks, their ability to pronounce words correctly is one of the
determining factors in how easily the message or information can be understood
by listeners. This involves using your voice, tongue, teeth, and lips to produce
sounds that match the words you want to convey. When the pronunciation of these
words is done correctly, the message can be conveyed clearly and accurately.
Apart from being important for understanding, good pronunciation also
creates a positive impression on the listener. When someone speaks clearly and
precisely, he shows that he values effective communication and strives to convey
his message well. This also allows the listener to focus on the content of the
message, rather than on their efforts to try to understand the words being spoken.
In learning speaking skills, good pronunciation is often the focus point.
This involves practice in improving sound pronunciation, familiarizing yourself
with phonetic rules, and practicing articulation skills. By practicing good
pronunciation, a person can ensure that he can communicate effectively and
thereby become a stronger and more confident communicator in various
communication situations, both in everyday life and in professional contexts.
Good pronunciation also plays an important role in maintaining the
integrity of the language. Each language has unique pronunciation characteristics,
and respecting the phonetic rules of that language is a way to respect its cultural
and linguistic richness. When one seeks to understand and respect the correct
pronunciation of a language, one also respects the community that speaks that
In the context of learning a foreign or second language, good
pronunciation becomes more challenging because individuals must learn the
phonetic rules of a language that is different from their native language. However,
correct pronunciation in a foreign language is a very valuable skill, as it can
improve a person's ability to communicate effectively in that language
environment (Sholeh et al. 2015).
Additionally, it is important to remember that good pronunciation is not
just about pronouncing words correctly, but also about using appropriate tone and
intonation. The right intonation can give different nuances and meaning to a
sentence, such as changing a statement into a question or showing a certain
emotional expression.
In order to develop effective speaking skills, it is important to pay special
attention to pronunciation. This can be done through specific exercises, listening
to native speakers, and getting feedback from others. With a commitment to
improving pronunciation, a person can become a stronger and more effective
communicator, allowing them to succeed in many aspects of their life.
2). Intonation
Intonation is an important aspect of speaking skills that is often
overlooked. Intonation involves using the correct tone of voice when speaking,
which creates rhythm and melody in a conversation. This includes high (rising)
tones, low (falling) tones, as well as interrogative tones which indicate a question.
The importance of intonation cannot be underestimated, because it can
significantly influence the meaning of a conversation. For example, a statement
said in a high-pitched tone at the end of a sentence can turn it into a question, even
though the words used are statements. Conversely, a statement said with a firm
intonation may convey a strong belief or assertion, while a soft intonation may
convey uncertainty or kindness (Erwina 2021).
Intonation can also help build nuance and expression in speaking. For
example, in a story or speech, changes in intonation can convey various emotions
such as excitement, disappointment, or tension. This makes the conversation more
interesting and can help the listener to better understand the speaker's feelings or
The importance of intonation in speaking can also be seen in a cultural
context. In some cultures, incorrect intonation can be considered impolite or
annoying. Therefore, understanding appropriate intonation for the culture in which
you speak is important in intercultural communication.
To develop good intonation skills, it is important to listen to native
speakers in context. Practicing speaking in a tone appropriate to the situation is
also an important step in honing your intonation skills. By paying attention to
intonation, a person can take further steps in becoming a more effective
communicator and ensure their message is delivered correctly and according to
their intent.
3). Fluency
Speaking fluency is an important aspect of speaking skills which often
determines how well a message or information can be conveyed. Speaking
fluency includes the ability to speak without stopping or stammering, so that
listeners can follow smoothly what the speaker is saying. This involves various
elements, including the use of appropriate word connectors, good sentence
organization, and the use of appropriate pauses in speaking.
Using appropriate word connectors allows the flow of speech to remain
smooth. This includes the use of conjunctions, conjunctions, and adverbs that
allow ideas to relate and flow smoothly from one to another. When linking words
are used effectively, speakers can avoid sentences that sound disjointed or too
Additionally, using appropriate pauses is also an important part of
speaking fluency. Pauses can be used to emphasize a particular idea, give the
listener time to process information, or mark a change in topic or speaking
approach. By using appropriate pauses, speakers can help listeners follow and
understand the message better (Widodo 2010).
Speaking fluency is not just about how words are pronounced, but also
about how words are arranged and connected to each other . When someone
speaks fluently, their message can be conveyed clearly and effectively, without
distractions or obstacles that hinder understanding. Therefore, developing fluency
in speaking skills is important in becoming an effective communicator and
ensuring that the message conveyed can reach the listener well.
4). Accuracy
Accuracy in speaking is one of the main elements in speaking skills which
greatly influences effective communication. This accuracy includes the ability to
use grammar and vocabulary correctly in speaking. This includes not only
choosing the right words, but also using grammar that complies with applicable
language norms .
Using words correctly is an important part of speaking accuracy. One
important component in the correct use of words is understanding the meaning
and connotation of words. For example, the use of words that may have double
meanings or undesirable connotations can obscure the message being conveyed or
even cause confusion or misunderstanding.
Apart from that, the use of correct grammar is also important in speaking
accuracy. This includes the use of grammatical rules appropriate to sentence
structure and the use of words in the correct context. When grammar is used
correctly, messages can be conveyed clearly and effectively, without ambiguity or
Accuracy in speaking also reflects the level of understanding of the culture
and social context in which the language is used. This includes the appropriate use
of language in formal and informal situations as well as an understanding of the
speaking norms that apply within a particular social group (Khaerani 2022).
Accuracy in speaking is the key to ensuring that the message conveyed by
the speaker can be understood correctly by the listener. By developing an
understanding of relevant words, grammar, and social context, a person can
become a more effective and trustworthy communicator. Correct choice of words
and grammar also reflects respect for the language and culture used in
communication, which can improve the quality of communication and minimize
the risk of misunderstanding.
b. Problems in Speaking:
1). Inhibition
Lack of confidence in speaking is one of the main obstacles in developing
effective speaking skills. This refers to feelings of lack of confidence or anxiety
that can arise when someone has to speak in front of other people or in
communication situations. Lack of confidence in speaking can prevent individuals
from speaking freely and affect the quality of their communication.
Lack of confidence in speaking can arise for various reasons. One cause is
a feeling of fear of negative judgment from other people. When someone feels
that they will be judged badly or judged by listeners, they may become nervous or
anxious when speaking. Lack of self-confidence can also be caused by traumatic
experiences in speaking in the past, such as feeling ridiculed or criticized.
It is important to remember that a lack of confidence in speaking is
common and can be experienced by anyone, including individuals who actually
have good knowledge or expertise in a field. However, these feelings can be
overcome through practice, self-understanding, and social support.
Overcoming a lack of confidence in speaking involves steps such as
practicing speaking in front of a mirror, speaking in front of close friends or
family, and trying to understand the source of anxiety in more depth. Therapy or
counseling support can also help individuals overcome any fear or anxiety that
may arise about speaking (Widodo 2010).
When a person can overcome a lack of confidence in speaking, he can
speak more freely and with more confidence, which in turn will improve his
communication skills. This will help them to more actively participate in
conversations, presentations, or other communication situations, and overall
become more effective communicators.
2). Nothing Said
When individuals feel like they have run out of ideas or topics to talk
about, this can present a barrier to communication and disrupt the flow of
conversation. This is a common situation, especially when speaking in social or
professional situations. When someone feels out of ideas, they may feel awkward
or worried about possible uncomfortable silences in the conversation.
Running out of ideas to talk about can be caused by a variety of factors,
including a lack of preparation before speaking, a lack of knowledge about the
topic being discussed, or even social anxiety. In some cases, pressure to keep
talking or maintain an active conversation can be the cause.
However, it's important to remember that silence in a conversation isn't
necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, a pause in a conversation can give both
parties time to reflect or absorb what has been said. Also, this can be an
opportunity to dig deeper into a topic or ask more in-depth questions (Arnanda
To overcome running out of ideas in speaking, there are several strategies
that can be used. One of them is increasing knowledge about topics that may arise
in conversation. This can be done through reading, following the news, or gaining
insight from various sources. Additionally, having some backup topics or
questions to ask in case you run out of ideas can also be helpful. More than that,
listening carefully to what the other person is saying can provide inspiration to
continue the conversation.
In the inevitable situation, when one feels completely out of ideas, it is
good to admit that honestly. For example, someone could say, "Sorry, I'm feeling
out of ideas, what do you think about this topic?" This can stimulate the other
person to contribute or direct the conversation in a more interesting direction.
With practice and an understanding of how to deal with running out of
ideas, a person can improve their speaking skills and feel more confident in a
variety of communication situations.
c. Low or Uneven Participation
Inactivity in speaking, especially in group situations, can be a serious
problem in the communication and collaboration process. Inactivity refers to a
lack of participation or contribution in a conversation or discussion, and it can
have significant consequences in a variety of contexts, including in the classroom,
in business meetings, or in social groups.
One of the main reasons for inactivity in speaking is anxiety or lack of
self-confidence. Some individuals may feel uncomfortable speaking in front of
others, especially if they are worried about judgment or criticism from others.
Additionally, in group situations, inactivity can also be caused by dominance by
one or a few more vocal members, thereby reducing opportunities for others to
It is important to remember that inactivity in speaking can negatively
impact collaboration and communication outcomes. In group situations, diverse
opinions and ideas can enrich discussions and aid in better decision making.
Inactivity can hinder the exchange of ideas and potentially waste potentially
valuable contributions from group members who may be shyer or less vocal.
Overcoming inactivity in speaking requires awareness of this problem,
both from the individual experiencing it and from the group leader or facilitator.
Opening space for active participation, listening carefully, and providing support
to those who are more shy or anxious are some steps that can help. In addition, the
use of facilitation techniques in groups, such as role rotation or giving each
member the opportunity to speak, can also be effective (Prihatiningtyastuti 2020).
By creating an environment that supports active participation from all
members, we can ensure that speaking in groups is more productive and effective.
It also allows each individual to feel valued and involved in the communication
process, which in turn can improve collaboration and decision making in a variety
of contexts.
d . Use of Mother Tongue
Overuse of the mother tongue when speaking the target language is a
problem often faced by those who are learning a foreign language or trying to
speak a language that is not their mother tongue. These are barriers that can hinder
the development of speaking skills in the target language and can affect the ability
to communicate fluently and effectively in the language being studied.
There are several reasons why someone may tend to use their mother
tongue when speaking the target language. One is convenience; speaking in one's
native language is often easier and more comfortable than speaking in the
language one is learning, especially when one faces barriers or difficulties in
understanding or expressing oneself in the target language. In addition, pressure
from the surrounding environment, such as friends or coworkers who also speak
their mother tongue, can strengthen the tendency to switch to their mother tongue.
However, using the mother tongue too often when speaking the target
language can hinder progress. This is because when speaking in the mother
tongue, opportunities to practice and improve speaking skills in the target
language are limited. In some cases, this can create dependency on the mother
tongue and hinder the development of speaking skills in the target language
(Nugroho 2015).
To overcome this problem, it is important to create an environment that
supports the use of the target language. This can involve practicing speaking with
a tutor or speaking partner who is fluent in the target language, participating in
courses or study groups, or even attending social or community events that
promote the use of the target language. Self-awareness and determination to
overcome the tendency to use the mother tongue is the first step in overcoming
this problem and becoming a more proficient communicator in the target
language. With practice and patience, one can develop the ability to speak the
target language better.
a. The Importance of Speaking
Speaking is a key skill in communication that plays a key role in our daily
life. It is the primary way in which individuals interact with others, convey ideas,
and understand others. Speaking skills are at the heart of the human
communication process, and through speaking, we build social relationships,
share knowledge, and influence the world around us.
One of the most fundamental aspects of speaking is the ability to express
oneself with words. It involves using words and sentences to convey thoughts,
feelings, ideas, and information. Speaking also involves the use of voice, tone, and
facial expressions to add a dimension of expression to communication. Therefore,
speaking skills are not only about what we say, but also how we say it.
Speaking skills are not only relevant in social contexts, but also in various
other aspects of life. In the workplace, effective speaking can influence success in
presentations, negotiations, and collaboration. In education, students who have
good speaking skills tend to be more active and successful learners in various
Apart from that, speaking also plays a role in building cross-cultural
understanding. When we talk to people from different cultures, we must
understand the different nuances of communication and respect differences in
language use and cultural expressions. In order to develop effective speaking
skills, it is important to practice and continuously improve our speaking abilities.
This involves active listening, understanding the listener, developing verbal and
non-verbal speaking skills, and learning to adapt to different communication
situations. By appreciating the role of speaking skills in our lives and committing
to becoming better communicators, we can achieve success in many aspects of our
c. Types of Speaking Class Activities (For Middle School)
1). Role-Play (Role):
Students act as certain characters in given situations to hone their speaking
and interaction skills.
2). Debate (Debate):
Students debate on specific topics, developing argumentative speaking
3). presentation :
Students make presentations on specific topics to develop public speaking
skills (Parmawati 2016).
d. Factors that Influence Speaking Skills
1). Motivation
Speaking skills are an important aspect of language and communication
that are often influenced by students' motivation to speak and participate in
communication activities. Motivation plays a major role in determining the extent
to which a student will develop his or her speaking ability in a particular language.
When students feel motivated to speak, they tend to be more active in honing their
speaking skills.
Motivation to speak can arise from various sources. One strong source of
motivation is interest in the topic or subject of conversation. Students who feel
interested in the topic being discussed tend to be more motivated to talk about it
and explore related ideas. Additionally, getting positive feedback from teachers or
classmates can also increase students' motivation to speak more.
Apart from motivation towards the topic, intrinsic motivation, namely
motivation that comes from within the student himself, also plays an important
role in the development of speaking skills. Students who have personal goals or a
strong curiosity in understanding and mastering the language tend to participate
more actively in speaking activities and look for opportunities to practice.
On the other hand , extrinsic motivation, such as external prizes or
rewards, can also influence students' participation in speaking activities. While
extrinsic motivation may provide an initial incentive, a more ideal goal is to
encourage more sustained intrinsic motivation, where students speak up and
participate because they find value in the activity.
To improve students' speaking skills, it is important for educators to
understand the sources of individual motivation and create an environment that
supports that motivation. This can include choosing interesting topics, providing
constructive feedback, and creating challenging and meaningful speaking
opportunities. By stimulating students' motivation to speak, we can help them
become more effective communicators and develop strong speaking skills.
2). Communication Anxiety or Speaking Anxiety:
Feeling anxious or nervous when speaking is a common experience and
can significantly affect a person's speaking ability. This feeling of anxiety can
arise in various situations, from speaking in public, participating in group
conversations, to presenting in front of the class or in a professional context.
When someone feels anxious or nervous while speaking, the symptoms
can vary, including a rapid heartbeat, feeling shaky, excessive sweating, or even
mental confusion. This can make speaking difficult and intimidating, and in some
cases, can hinder a person's ability to express themselves clearly.
There are several factors that can cause anxiety when speaking. One of
them is the fear of negative judgment from other people. The fear that we will
make a mistake or that others will criticize or ridicule us can be a trigger for
anxiety. In addition, uncertainty or discomfort with the topic being discussed can
also trigger feelings of nervousness.
It's important to remember that feeling anxious when speaking is normal,
and almost everyone experiences it at one time or another. For some people, this
feeling of anxiety can be a driving force to try harder and prepare better in
speaking. However, for some individuals, this anxiety can be a significant barrier.
To overcome anxiety when speaking, practice and preparation are key. The
more we prepare the material we are going to present, the more confident we will
become. Additionally, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation
can also help relieve anxiety before or during speaking. Therapy or counseling
may also be an option for those who experience excessive anxiety that interferes
with their ability to speak.
When someone can overcome anxiety when speaking, they can become a
more confident and effective communicator. They can express their ideas clearly
and more calmly, which in turn improves the quality of their communication in
various situations.
3). Self-View in Speaking or Self-Confidence in Speaking
The level of students' confidence in their speaking abilities has a
significant influence on the speaking skills they demonstrate. This confidence
reflects the level of confidence that students have in expressing themselves
verbally and in communicating with others. Strong beliefs can motivate students
to talk more, try new things, and overcome challenges in speaking, while weak
beliefs can be an obstacle to the development of speaking skills.
Students who are confident in speaking tend to be braver in taking part in
conversations, presentations, or class discussions. They feel more comfortable
expressing their opinions and speaking in public. This confidence can also allow
them to overcome any anxiety or nervousness that may arise when speaking in
front of other people.
On the other hand , students who lack confidence in speaking may tend to
avoid speaking or participating in speaking activities. They may feel anxious
about their ability to speak clearly or afraid of making mistakes that will be
judged by others. This can hinder the development of their speaking skills and
reduce opportunities to practice and learn.
Educators and teachers have an important role in helping increase
students' confidence in their speaking abilities. Providing positive and
constructive feedback, creating a supportive environment, and providing
opportunities for students to speak publicly or participate in discussions can help
increase their confidence. In addition, providing challenges appropriate to
students' skill levels can also help them feel more confident when speaking.
4). Familiarity with the Topic and Interlocutor
The level of knowledge and familiarity with the topic being discussed as
well as the person being spoken to plays a key role in a person's speaking ability.
This is because knowledge of the topic and familiarity with the person being
spoken to affects a person's comfort level, confidence, and ability to speak
When someone has good knowledge about the topic being discussed, they
tend to be more confident in speaking about that topic. They have a solid
understanding of the information they will convey, which makes them feel more
prepared and comfortable speaking. Conversely, when someone does not have
sufficient knowledge about a topic, they may feel nervous or worry about making
Apart from that, familiarity with the person you are talking to can also
affect your speaking ability. When people talk to people they know well or feel
comfortable with, they tend to be more open and bold in their speech. They may
feel freer to express their opinions or discuss important topics. On the other hand,
when talking to a stranger or someone in a position of authority, a person may feel
more nervous or cautious in speaking.
To improve speaking skills, it is important for a person to deepen their
knowledge about the topics they are interested in or want to talk about. This may
involve reading, research, or in-depth study of the topic. In addition, practicing
speaking with various people and in various contexts can also help increase
familiarity in speaking.
Educators and communication facilitators can also play an important role
in helping students or participants to improve their speaking skills. By providing
opportunities to talk about interesting or relevant topics and creating a supportive
environment, they can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in
speaking. Thus, the level of knowledge and familiarity with the topic and person
being spoken to is an important factor in building effective speaking skills.
5). Negative Assessment
Negative judgment or criticism from others can have a significant impact
on a person's confidence in speaking. This is because humans naturally have a
need to be accepted and appreciated by others , and when we receive adverse
judgment or criticism, this can disrupt our confidence in speaking.
Negative criticism or judgment can vary from constructive suggestions to
derogatory comments. Regardless of the form, the experience of receiving
unfavorable criticism or judgment can make a person feel nervous, anxious, or
even doubt their speaking abilities. This may hinder their ability to speak freely
and confidently in the future.
It is important to remember that not all criticism or negative judgments
should be taken at face value. Sometimes, others may have different views or
expect us to speak or behave according to their expectations. However, it is also
important to recognize constructive criticism that can help us grow and develop in
our speaking skills.
In overcoming the impact of negative judgment or criticism, it is important
to understand that confidence in speaking is something that can be built. This
involves continually developing our speaking skills and forming a more positive
view of ourselves. Therapy or counseling can also help individuals overcome the
emotional impact of excessive negative judgment or criticism.
Additionally, it is also important to create a supportive environment where
we feel valued and supported in our efforts to speak more confidently. Friends,
family, or mentors who provide positive, constructive feedback can help us feel
more confident in speaking.
Awareness of the impact of negative judgment or criticism and steps to
overcome it is an important step in developing effective speaking skills. With time
and effort, we can build a strong sense of confidence in speaking and be less
influenced by negative judgments from others.
In learning to speak, it is important to create an environment that supports
and motivates students to speak actively and overcome obstacles that may arise.
Through practice and experience, speaking skills can continue to be improved.
2. Anxiety
a . Understanding Anxiety
Anxiety is the body's natural response to stress. These are feelings of
worry, anxiety, or fear that arise in response to certain situations. Anxiety can be
beneficial in some situations because it can help a person stay alert and ready to
face danger or challenges. However, excessive or chronic anxiety can interfere
with a person's daily life.
Anxiety can help a person focus attention on potential dangers or problems
that need to be overcome. This can increase physical responses such as increased
heart rate, faster breathing, and increased alertness. In many situations, this is a
healthy and natural response to stress and challenges.
However, excessive or chronic anxiety can become a serious problem.
When someone constantly feels worried, anxious, or afraid without any real
threat, this can interfere with their daily life. Excessive anxiety can hinder a
person's ability to concentrate, sleep well, and live a fulfilling life. It can also
impact social relationships and overall quality of life.
It's important to understand that anxiety is an experience that can often be
overcome with the right help. Cognitive behavioral therapy and relaxation
techniques are some of the effective ways to treat anxiety. It's also important to
talk to a mental health professional if excessive anxiety is interfering with your
daily life. With the right support, a person can understand and manage their
anxiety better, allowing them to live a more balanced and productive life.
b. Ciri-ciri Anxiety
Berikut adalah beberapa ciri-ciri kecemasan dalam bahasa Inggris:
1. Excessive Worry: Experiencing excessive, uncontrollable worry about
various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, or health.
2. Restlessness: Feeling restless or on edge, often accompanied by an
inability to relax or sit still.
3. Physical Symptoms: Experiencing physical symptoms like muscle
tension, headaches, sweating, trembling, or a racing heart.
4. Fatigue: Feeling tired or fatigued, even when you haven't engaged in
physically demanding activities.
5. Difficulty Concentrating: Having trouble concentrating or focusing on
tasks due to intrusive anxious thoughts.
6. Irritability: Being easily irritable or agitated, and having a low
tolerance for frustration.
7. Sleep Problems: Experiencing difficulties with falling asleep or staying
asleep, often due to racing thoughts.
8. Avoidance Behavior: Avoiding situations or places that trigger anxiety,
which can lead to social isolation or impairment in daily life.
9. Excessive Self-Consciousness: Feeling self-conscious and overly
concerned about what others think, leading to avoidance of social
10. Catastrophic Thinking: Engaging in catastrophic thinking, where you
imagine the worst possible outcomes in situations.
11. Physical Complaints: Frequently reporting physical complaints (such
as stomachaches or headaches) that may be related to anxiety.
12. Excessive Planning: Engaging in excessive planning or seeking
reassurance from others to alleviate anxiety.
13. Panic Attacks: Sudden, intense episodes of anxiety characterized by
symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, and a feeling of
impending doom.
14. Muscle Tension: Noticing persistent muscle tension, especially in the
neck, shoulders, or jaw.
15. Overthinking: Engaging in repetitive or obsessive thinking patterns,
often about potential future problems. (Gary et al. 2020).
Kecemasan adalah kondisi mental yang ditandai oleh berbagai gejala
seperti kekhawatiran berlebihan, ketegangan fisik, kesulitan tidur, dan perubahan
perilaku. Ciri-ciri kecemasan dalam bahasa Inggris meliputi excessive worry,
restlessness, physical symptoms, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability,
sleep problems, avoidance behavior, excessive self-consciousness, catastrophic
thinking, physical complaints, excessive planning, overthinking, dan panic
attacks. Kecemasan dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidup seseorang dan
mengganggu kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan. Penting untuk mencari bantuan
dari profesional kesehatan mental jika mengalami gejala kecemasan yang
signifikan untuk mendapatkan diagnosis dan perawatan yang sesuai.
c. Characteristics of Anxiety
The characteristics of anxiety are diverse manifestations that can be
experienced by individuals, and the intensity and combination of symptoms can
vary from one person to another. However, there are some common symptoms
often associated with anxiety, including:
1). Excessive feelings of restlessness, tension, or worry: Anxiety often
gives rise to feelings of intense discomfort, even when there is no real threat.
2). Muscle tension: Individuals experiencing anxiety often feel tension in
various parts of the body, such as the shoulders, neck, or back, because their
muscles tighten.
3). Difficulty concentrating: Anxiety can interfere with a person's ability to
concentrate and focus on certain tasks or activities.
4). Physical discomfort: Physical symptoms often associated with anxiety
include shaking, excessive sweating, stomach ache, nausea, or headaches.
5). Sleep disorders: Anxiety can cause sleep disorders, such as difficulty
falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, or nightmares that are often
related to feelings of anxiety.
6). Unwarranted or excessive fear: Individuals who experience anxiety
often feel afraid or worried about something that may not be very threatening or
even no threat at all.
7). Feelings of panic or intense fear: Some people with anxiety experience
sudden panic attacks, which may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as a
rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or feeling dizzy (Gary et al. 2020).
The presence of these symptoms can interfere with a person's quality of
life and may indicate an anxiety problem that needs to be treated. It is important to
remember that anxiety is a treatable disorder, and professional help from a
counselor or psychologist can help individuals overcome these symptoms and
better understand how to manage anxiety in their daily lives.
d. Anxiety factors according to experts
Anxiety is a complex phenomenon that can be influenced by various
factors, both internal and external. Experts have identified several main factors
that can cause or influence the development of anxiety:
1). Genetic Factors: Some research suggests that genetic factors may play
a role in the development of anxiety. This means that if there is a family history of
anxiety disorders, a person may be at a higher risk of developing anxiety. Certain
genes can influence how the brain regulates responses to stress and threats.
2). Situational Factors: Anxiety often arises in response to a specific
situation or event. For example, facing an important exam, a public presentation,
or a challenging social situation can trigger anxiety. These situations can be major
triggers for individuals experiencing situational anxiety.
3). Biological Factors: Chemical changes in the brain may play a role in
the development of anxiety. Some studies have shown that an imbalance in
neurotransmitters such as serotonin may contribute to anxiety symptoms. Certain
medications that affect these neurotransmitters may be used in the treatment of
4). Psychological Factors: Traumatic experiences, personal insecurities, or
other psychological stress may contribute to the development of anxiety. Past
trauma, including disturbing or potentially harmful events, can increase the risk of
anxiety. Apart from that, feelings of personal insecurity or pressure from the
social or work environment can also trigger anxiety.
It is important to remember that anxiety is a complex condition, and often
these various factors are interrelated and influence each other . Treatment and
management of anxiety often involves a holistic approach that considers all
factors affecting the individual. Cognitive behavioral therapy and other
psychotherapy approaches can help individuals to identify and address the factors
that contribute to their anxiety, thereby enabling them to better manage and
overcome anxiety.
d. How to overcome Anxiety There are many ways to overcome anxiety,
There are various approaches that can be used to treat anxiety, and the
choice depends on individual preference and the severity of the anxiety
experienced. Here are some commonly used ways to deal with anxiety:
1). Relaxation: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation,
or yoga can help reduce anxiety. By practicing deep, regular breathing, a person
can relieve the physical tension and mental stress associated with anxiety.
2). Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and anxiety
levels. Exercise releases endorphins, which are hormones that can improve mood
and reduce feelings of anxiety. In addition, exercise can also help a person feel
physically healthier, which can increase self-confidence.
3). Counseling or Therapy: A therapist can help a person identify the
causes of anxiety and teach stress management skills. Cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT) is a commonly used approach in the treatment of anxiety.
Therapists work with individuals to identify negative thoughts and behaviors that
may trigger anxiety and help them change those thought patterns and actions.
4). Medications: In some cases, medications such as antidepressants or
antianxiety medications may be prescribed to treat anxiety, especially if the
symptoms are severe or interfere with daily functioning. Medication use should
always be supervised by a healthcare professional, and dosage and side effects
need to be carefully discussed.
It's important to remember that every individual experiences anxiety
differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it
is important to seek help from a mental health professional who can perform a
thorough evaluation and suggest the best approach to treating anxiety.
Furthermore, support from friends, family, and a supportive environment can also
play an important role in a person's recovery process from anxiety.
3, Anxiety in Speaking
Speaking Anxiety, often referred to as speaking anxiety or glossophobia, is
a common phenomenon in which individuals experience high levels of tension or
fear when they have to speak in public or in social situations that involve verbal
communication. This type of anxiety can appear in many forms and can affect a
person's ability to communicate effectively. Here are some key aspects to
1. Causes of Anxiety in Speaking
There are several common causes of anxiety in speaking that need to be
expanded on for a better understanding of this phenomenon:
a. Fear of being judged: Anxiety in speaking often arises from fear of
being judged or evaluated negatively by others. People tend to worry about
making mistakes, stumbling over their words, or being perceived as incompetent
by listeners. This anxiety may stem from a desire to make a good impression on
others or from a fear of criticism or negative judgment.
b. Social Anxiety: Individuals with social anxiety disorder experience
intense anxiety in social situations, including public speaking. They often fear
embarrassment , humiliation, or rejection by others. Social anxiety can affect a
person's ability to interact with others freely and without barriers.
c. Performance Pressure: High-stakes situations such as
presentations, job interviews, or public appearances can create significant anxiety.
Pressure to perform well in this context can trigger anxiety related to fear of
failure or negative evaluation by the audience or employer.
d. Past Negative Experiences: Negative experiences with public
speaking in the past can increase anxiety. Traumatic or embarrassing incidents
such as the experience of feeling embarrassed or being laughed at by others while
speaking can leave lasting emotional scars. This trauma can trigger anxiety when
having to speak in public.
e. Low Self-Esteem: People with low self-esteem may doubt their
own ability to speak in front of others. Distrust of yourself and feelings of low
self-esteem can increase anxiety levels when talking and interacting with other
Understanding these causes can help individuals identify the root of their
speech anxiety problems. Furthermore, this can help them find effective solutions
and strategies to overcome this anxiety, including through professional support
such as cognitive behavioral therapy or talking therapy.
2. Physical Symptoms of Anxiety in Speaking:
Anxiety in speaking often causes various physical symptoms that can
interfere and affect a person's ability to communicate. Some common physical
symptoms associated with speaking anxiety include:
a. Increased Heart Rate: One of the physiological responses to
anxiety is an increase in heart rate. This means that a person's heart is beating
faster than usual. This increase in heart rate can be very strong and can be felt as a
strong throbbing in the chest. This can cause physical discomfort and is
sometimes felt by others , especially if tension is visible in facial expressions or
body movements.
b. Sweating: The nervousness caused by anxiety often results in
excessive sweating. The hands, armpits and forehead are the areas of the body that
often become the sweatiest. This sweating can not only make a person feel
physically uncomfortable, but is also potentially embarrassing if it appears
through wet stains on clothing or hands that feel wet when shaking hands.
c. Trembling or Shaking: Some individuals experience shaking or
shaking of their hands, voice, or other parts of their body when they are anxious.
Shaky hands can make it difficult to hold notes or presentation tools, while a
shaky voice can affect the ability to speak clearly.
d. Shortness of Breath: Anxiety can cause breathing to become
shallow or rapid. When someone breathes quickly, they often have difficulty
regulating their voice well and keeping sentences clear. This can affect the ability
to speak effectively and make a person feel breathless.
e. Nausea or Stomach Disorders: Anxiety can affect the digestive
system, causing feelings of nausea or stomach discomfort. This nausea can worsen
the overall feeling of unease and interfere with a person's ability to speak calmly
and confidently.
These physical symptoms can be very disturbing for individuals who
experience speech anxiety. Therefore, it is important to identify and deal with
anxiety effectively, either through relaxation exercises, breathing control
techniques, or with the help of a mental health professional, in order to speak
more confidently and effectively in communication situations.
3. Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety in Speaking:
There are several strategies that can help overcome speaking anxiety:
a. Thorough Preparation: Careful preparation and adequate practice
before speaking or presenting can increase self-confidence and reduce anxiety.
Knowing the material you will be presenting well, having a structured plan, and
understanding the audience you will be facing are the keys to feeling more in
control during public speaking. Practice also helps strengthen speaking skills.
b. Breathing Exercises: Regular, deep breathing exercises can calm
the body's physiological response to anxiety. Focusing on deep, slow breathing
helps regulate heart rate and reduces physical tension associated with anxiety.
When you feel tense, try taking a few deep breaths to relieve the tension.
c. Visualization: Visualization is a mental technique in which you
imagine the experience of speaking successfully and confidently before the actual
situation. In your mind, imagine yourself speaking confidently, capturing your
audience's attention, and feeling relaxed. Positive visualizations like this can help
build self-confidence and reduce anxiety.
d. Positive Thinking: Challenge negative thoughts and replace them
with positive thoughts or affirmations. Remind yourself of the strengths and
successes you have achieved previously. Don't let negative thoughts undermine
your self-confidence. Shift your attention to the positive things you have.
e. Seek Support: Consider seeking external support if your speaking
anxiety is significant and substantially affecting your life. You can join a public
speaking group or seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. An
experienced therapist can help you identify the causes of your anxiety and teach
you effective stress management techniques.
Combining some of these strategies can help you overcome speaking
anxiety and improve your overall communication skills. Remember that
overcoming anxiety takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself as you
work toward feeling more confident in public speaking situations.

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