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Dear Les, Liz and Carol

Re Craft Club Committee Meeting

I was shocked and astounded to see the various appointments made for the Committee members at
the meeting held on 3rd August. When was this all decided on? Nothing was discussed with me and
as Partner and Co-founder of this Club, surely I should have been involved in such appointments
and given my opinion and approval? No, as usual, I was completely left out. Another knife in the
back, at least that’s what it feels like to me. And not for the first time. It is not nice. There must have
been a few discussions going on behind my back. Do I not count?

Then having the membership side of my job taken away from me. Well I’m afraid that is not going
to work. The two jobs work hand in hand with each other and the taking of the fees after the
meeting was nothing but a muddle. Is all I am left with to do, as Treasurer, is the task of writing out
the receipts and entering the total amount received into the ledger? Wow – what a job! I have been
able to deal with my work for the past three years without any problems and it has gone very well
with no problems. Why change things? As they say, if it ain’t broke, why fix it? There is no way I
would be able to continue as Treasurer with two of us trying to do the same job. It just did not work
at the session. It only needs one person to deal with subs/membership and to keep a financial
record. I am sorry, but I do actually disagree with having both a Treasurer and a Membership
secretary. Not necessary.

I have been so upset since the Committee Meeting, it has taken a long time for me to consider what
to do. However, I am very unhappy and cannot continue in my position as Treasurer any longer. To
sit there and have to take the patronising and very upsetting remarks about what might be a small
mistake on my part (for which I apologise if I have made an error), there was no need for the
comments made, even in jest. It was all very hurtful.

Further, I did not come home because I felt unwell. I came home because I was close to tears and
did not want everyone else to see me in such a state. I have hardly slept since the meeting and this is
why I am now writing to you today to confirm my final decision.

I shall probably continue to come to Club as I shall miss the social side and being with my friends
who I know have some respect for me. And please note – as far as this coming Wednesday’s
meeting is concerned, I am on holiday, although I did inform them as I left. And the decision to
have a break was made before the meeting, so what happened had no effect on that decision. I do
not want the other members to know of my situation at the moment. They will be informed when I
think it is the best time to tell them.

Perhaps you would all like to gather your thoughts regarding what I have said.

Nothing disrespectful meant. Just wanted you all to know how I have been feeling this past ten days
or so and that my situation is now untenable. It has spoilt my holiday and my birthday today. I do
not wish for any response this weekend. I have no wish to deal with any more Club matters for
another few days at least. Perhaps you will respect my request.


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