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Unit 2 Education

1. Match the following items with the pictures bellow: school yard- degree - laboratory – students/classmates – white
board - school uniform - data projector - school subjects – Boarding school – library

2. Classify these words in the following table: Classroom – Exams – Philosophy – Blackboard – Tests – Maps and posters –
Projectors – Sports Fields – Islamic education – Biology – Break time – Laboratory – Desks and tables – Arabic – Video
and DVD player – Homework – Restroom – Whiteboard - History and Geography – Oral Presentation – Math –
Schoolyard – Holidays – Laptops and desktops – Dormitory – – Extra Activities – Library – Internet connection – Foreign
languages – Scientific Experiments – Literature – Lessons – Multimedia Room – Physical Education – Field Trips – Physics

School buildings School subjects School activities Teaching/learning materials

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list: trip – library – laboratory – boarding school –
cafeteria – exam – languages
1. Students can go to the __________________to eat when they have a break.
2. Students go to the __________________to read books and do research.
3. Some students live in the __________________because they come from remote areas.
4. She is an excellent student; she got a good mark in the English __________________las semester.
5. In our school, we study different __________________like English, French and Spanish.
6. Our school will organize a __________________to the mountains next holiday.
4. Talk about your school using the sentences below:

1. In our school, there is a __________________but there isn’t a __________________.

2. In our school, we study many subjects like __________________but we don’t study
3. In our school, we use the __________________but we don’t use__________________.

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