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Your Primary Apology

Language™ is: Planned

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Planned Change
Expressing Regret
Request Forgiveness
Make Restitution
Accept Responsibility

7 Planned Change < >

For some individuals, planned change is the

convincing factor in an apology. Some mates
will doubt the sincerity of an apology if it is not
accompanied by their partner's desire to
modify their behavior to avoid the situation in
the future. Admitting you are wrong creates
vulnerability. It allows your mate to get a
glimpse of your heart. The glimpse of true self
is assurance that the apology was sincere.

One important aspect of planned change is

verbalizing your desire to change. Your mate
cannot read your mind. Though you may be
trying to change inside, if you do not verbalize
your desire to change to your mate, most
likely they will still be hurt.

It is also important to make a dedicated plan

for change. Often apologies involving change
fail because the person never establishes steps
of action to help ensure success. Taking baby
steps towards change instead of insisting on
changing all at once will increase your chances
of successfully changing your ways.

It is important to remember that change is

hard. Constructive change does not mean we
will immediately be successful. There will be
highs and lows on the road to change. You
must remember that anyone can change their
ways if they are truly and genuinely ready to

Next steps to improve your


The 5 Apology Languages®

When you’ve hurt someone, or been hurt
yourself, all you want to do is make things
right. But sometimes just saying or hearing,
"Sorry," isn’t enough.


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NOTE: Though every effort has been made to create a useful

assessment tool for the end user, the authors and publishers make no
warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness,
timeliness, or usefulness of any information contained or referenced
therein. This assessment is not to be used as a substitute for any
medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any
condition or problem. Users should direct all questions regarding
these matters to a licensed clinician. The use of this assessment does
not create an express or implied professional relationship. Any actions
taken as a result of using this assessment are at the sole discretion of
the user, and the author and publishers are not or will not be liable or
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