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• The European Landscape Convention and the • to align with the principles and objectives outlined in the

Question of Public Participation defines landscape convention. Here are some potential areas that may
as ‘‘an area, as perceived by people, whose character require adjustment or enhancement.
is the result of action and interaction of natural and
human factors’’. Basically, ‘as perceived by people’’
implies that the views of all groups should be

LANDSCAPE included, not just the views of an academic or

political elite. Also, ELC encourages public

CONVENTION AND THE participation in its protection, management, and

planning. This gives the authorities a better overview
QUESTION OF PUBLIC of problems as perceived by the public, thus
facilitating the finding of appropriate solutions.
What would change

• If Ghana were to adopt the European Landscape Convention (ELC), it

• Information Accessibility: Improve the accessibility of information
would likely necessitate several changes in Ghana's current planning
related to planning proposals, projects, and decisions, making it
readily available to the public in understandable formats. Accessible
• Legal Framework and Policies: Develop or revise existing legislation and information enables citizens to make informed contributions and
policies to explicitly incorporate the principles of the ELC, emphasizing participate meaningfully in the planning process.
landscape protection, management, and public participation. The legal
• Public Participation Mechanisms: Introduce and formalize mechanisms
framework should provide a clear mandate for landscape planning,
for public participation, such as public hearings, workshops, consultations,
protection, and the inclusion of the public in decision-making processes.
and online platforms for input and establishing clear channels for public
• Institutional Arrangements : Modify or establish institutions responsible involvement ensures that diverse perspectives are considered in the
for landscape planning to ensure they have structures and processes that decision-making process.
facilitate public participation. Institutions should be equipped to engage
• Feedback Integration: Establish processes for integrating public feedback
with the public, gather input, and incorporate community perspectives
into planning decisions and demonstrate how citizen input has influenced
into decision-making.
outcomes. Demonstrating the impact of public participation reinforces the
importance of citizen involvement and builds trust in the planning process.
Current situation of dealing with landscape in
the urban planning in Egypt:

EUROPEAN - The primary issue regarding landscape planning in Egypt is the lack of
a comprehensive legal framework, which conflicts with the requirements of the
LANDSCAPE European Landscape Convention (ELC).

CONVENTION AND THE - The ELC mandates its signatories to develop such a framework for landscape
planning, but Egypt has yet to establish one. Another issue is the lack of
coordination and cooperation between different levels of government in Egypt
QUESTION OF PUBLIC concerning landscape planning. This goes against the ELC's emphasis on the
importance of coordination and cooperation between government levels.
- Furthermore, public participation in landscape planning is deficient in Egypt,
despite the ELC's emphasis on its importance.

- Finally, the Egyptian landscape planning system is not as comprehensive as

required by the ELC. The ELC stipulates that all aspects of the landscape, including its
natural, cultural, and social values, must be considered. However, the Egyptian
landscape planning system tends to focus on specific sectors, such as agriculture,
water resources, or tourism.
1- Montazah Park development work, Alexandria

Before After
2- Ramses Square Park development works
3- Development works for Immortal Park in Alexandria
If Egypt were to adopt the ELC it would have to make adjustments, to its planning
systems to meet the conventions requirements. These adjustments would likely

EUROPEAN 1. Public awareness and encouraging involvement in landscape planning:

The ELC underscores the importance of public participation in landscape planning
LANDSCAPE processes. To adhere to this requirement Egypt would need to enhance
engagement in its landscape planning procedures.
CONVENTION AND THE 2. Strengthening the foundation for landscape planning:
Egypts current legal framework for landscape planning is relatively weak. To comply
QUESTION OF PUBLIC with the ELC Egypt would need to establish a robust legal framework for landscape
PARTICIPATION 3. Enhancing coordination and collaboration between levels of government:
The ELC emphasizes the significance of coordination and cooperation between
levels of government in landscape planning. Egypt would need to improve
coordination and collaboration among regional and local authorities to meet this

4. Formulating and implementing policies and strategies for landscape planning:

The ELC mandates signatories to develop and execute policies and strategies for
landscape planning. In order to comply with this requirement Egypt would have to
establish regional and local policies well as strategies, for effective landscape

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