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Ch#08 Waves

8.2 (a) D trace represents the loudest note
(b) B trace represents the highest frequency.
8.3 No! for standing waves identical waves should travel in opposite direction along same line.
8.4 This is a standing wave and the points where it shows zero displacement that point is
known as the node and no energy transfer at these points due to which it is known as
standing/ stationary wave.
8.5 Crest:- The upper part from mean position of a transverse wave is known as crest
Trough: - The lower part from mean position of a transverse wave is known as trough.
Node: - The point of standing wave where the amplitude is zero and particles remain static
is known as node.
Anti-Node: - The point of standing wave where the displacement is maximum and particles
remain in motion is known as anti-node.
8.6 Because the particles of solids and very close to each other as compare to the gas particles.
Also because the vibrations transfer more quickly in solids as compare to gases and sound
is a vibrational energy.
8.7 One can use beats to tune a string instrument, such as piano or violin, by beating a note
against a note of frequency. The string can then be adjusted to the desired frequency by
tightening or losing it until no beats are heard.
8.8 The third option is correct that is f1 – f2 is the frequency of beats produced.
8.9 It is because the earth is solid and sound travels faster in solids as compare to the air, so
one hears the ground tremor first and then the sound of explosion through air.
8.10 As we had learned the expression for speed of sound is as

v= γP
and density of hot water is less than the density of cold water so smaller the density larger
will be the speed in vice vesa.
8.11 There will be no change in frequency of sound if the relative velocity of source and
observer is zero
There will be no Doppler effect observed if the motion of observer and source is
perpendicular to each other.

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