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(CONCEPT BOOSTER Inraooucrion 1. Matrix A set of mm sumbers (real oF complex) arranged in the form of a rectangular array having m rows and » columns is ealled sn mx m matrix, We read as m by n mattis. ‘An mn matrix is usually written as Wis alsa denoted 28 [45] of numbers arranged in the form ofa rectangular array. 44 Order If matrix bas m rows and n columns, the order f the matrix is mby norm, (The order of the matrix [1 2 Mistx3. 129 i) The order of the matrix |4 3 2 564 4 3 8 5] 2x3. is3x3, ‘Trees oF Maraices (@ Row matrix A matrix having only one row i For example, Leta=[1 2 3] led a row mati. Matrices and Determinants (i) Column matrix ‘Armatrix having only one column is called a columm mati For example, (Gv) Square matrix Ina matri, in which the numberof rows is equal othe num. ber of columns, it is called a square matrix. no fle fons, 4-[ Sant a=)2 34 oe 7 6 tee sume mate fonder and 3 especie. (9) Diagonal matrix Ina square matrix, if all the diagonal elements are non-zero and rest are zero is called a diagonal matrix, Le 2 0 0} ° 00 7) Scalar matrix ‘a square matrix, ial the diagonal elements are the same 1d rest of the elements are zero, itis called a scalar matrix. 407) roms [ff] Scanned with CamScanner 12 (ii) Identity matrix In a scalar matrix, if all the diagonal elements a called an identity mati. Forexample, /,=| 0 0}, et. 1 (vii) Non-zero matrix if atleast one element is non-zero, itis called a (bx) Zero matrix In a matrix, if every elements are zero, it is known as zero ‘matrix. Ibis denoted as 0. 00} Bee Forexample, 0 . Pe Oly of "lo 0 0 (3) Upper triangular matrix Teva square mati, if all he elements below the leading ele- ‘menis are ze its called a upper triangular matin 123 1 Forexample, A=], j|,8=|0 4 5),et 007 lar matrix Fall the elements above the leading ele ‘called a lower tiangular matrix, (zi) Lower trian 1 100 Forexample, A=|) 9|,8=|2 7 0),et 234 (xi) Strictly triangular matrix Tm a square matrix, if all the diagonal matrices are zero, itis called a strictly triangular matrix. (xii) Comparable matrices ‘Two matrices are said to be comparable matrices, if their or ders are the same. 12 34 (xiv) Trace of a matrix ‘The sum of the diagonal elements of'a matrix is own as the trace of a mati 03 al ete. Forexample, Jos[e Jamas ay a ay WA=|ay, ay ayy], thea THA) ay + a+ ay, 4, a ay ‘Algebra Booster (xv) Equality of two matrices ‘Two comparable matrices are said to be equal if their corre- aoe eye 8 if Tee Sf menne-nentmisne rosea Sa ny niin soe sant Se ea er 1 ad tw ar ot ameafs 2 f teak Bisa sub-matrix of 3. Avormion oF Matrices We can find the addition of twa or more matrices if they are ‘comparable matrices otherwise addition isnot defined. ae vwaeft Sen 3} s¢ wo nfs § Properties of Addition of Matrices () Matrix addition is commutative. Gi) Matrix addition is associative. (Gil) Additive identity ofa matrix exists. (iv) Additive inverse of matrix exists, 3.1 Scalar Multiplication 2 “] 2 reac Jamar [i wtvet samp 3.2 Negative of a matrix 2 Votnon acl? thaAa| oo |athen a=] eo) 4, Mucnpucavion oF Matrices: [the numberof columns ofa first matrix is equal tothe num- ber of rows ofa second matrix, we can find out the product, otherwise product is not defined, UE A=Laylann 24 B=[j exp then AB=Leplaxp ‘hen a [oe aby abet | Anh) tnby Mnbrt Anbar, Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants Properties of matrix multiplication @ In general, matrix multiplication is not coramutative ) Maitix multiplication is as Gil) Matrix multiplication is distributive over addition Gv) Maitplicative identity of a matrix exists. 5. Thanspose oF a Matrox ‘Transpose of a matrix is obtained by intercha columns and columns into rows, ICA be any matrix, it transpose is denoted by 4” or 4°. 23 ar 45 6|.then aT=]2 5 8 789 369 5.1. Properties of Transpose of Matrices ) (A+ B= Are ) ayaa il) (kay = Hay? Gy) (4B)= Ba 5.2 Symmetric Matrix ‘Acsquare matrix is said to be symmetric A"= A. nomn ie dey eft soot si] te, are symmetric matries. soe 6-2 10x rows into Forexample, Baus If A= 5.3 Skew-symmetric Matrix ‘A square matrix is said to be skew-symmetric, if 4" =~ [2 Jee saws symmetric matrices, For example, eames (oe Qe oh 12) sete matemia: Sind x. 5.4 Properties of Symmetric and Skew-symmetric Matrices @ In skew-symmetric matrix, all the diagonal clemen's Le A=(a) Given a= > ~0) Puti=j 13 you (ii) For any square matrix 4, 4+ 4? is symmetric and A~A ig skew-symmetric. (Gi) Any square matrix ean be expressed uniquely asa sum ofa symmetvic and a skew-symmetric matrices. Let be a square matrix a casoeduna +0. say) and O’=-O Now, PY [fue ay To prove (asary 1A +477) (a+) 147-4] (ara) bye aty yaa) o ‘Thus Q is skew-symmetric matrix Hence, the result. (v) The sum of skew-symmetric matrices is again a skew: symmetric matrix. (0) The squate of @ skew-symmetric matrix is not a skew symmetric, (vi) The cube of a skew symmetric matrices is again skew- symmetric matrix, (vil) IF is symmetric matri, then is also symmetric. (vill) IFA is skew-symmetric matrix, then KA is also skew- then AA" and 474 are symmetric ma Scanned with CamScanner 14 }) 164 is symmetvie (skew-symmetric) matrix, then BAB is symmetric (skew-symmetric) matrix. Determinant Forevery square matrix of order n, there is associated number (Geal or complex) is called a determinant ofthe same order. ‘A determinant isa polynomial of the elements of a square matrix, [is seal, I has some finite values, Determinants are defined only for square matrices. Determinants of « non-square mattix is not defined. Determinant ofa square matrix A is denoted by det A or we af : Tren a-[ 6.1. Minor of an Element of a Matrix ‘The minor ofan element of a mati is obtained afer deleting the corresponding rows and coresponding columms. te a-[) 3 «4-1 j]. Then ‘minor of |= 8 ‘minor of 3= 5 ‘minor of $= 3, ete 129 Abso,let B=|4 5 6]. 7a. ‘Then minorott= 5 §| 4548-3 5 bi 6.2 Co-lactor of an Element of a Matrix ‘The co-factor of an element of a matrix is obtained after de- leting the corresponding rows and corresponding columns witha proper sign. The sign scheme can be used for nd order a ta af?) ‘Algebra Booster cofactor of cofactor of S=2 costctor f= |4 | =24+42=~66 and so on 7 4 6.3 Expansion of a Determinant Expansion of a determinant is the sum of the product ofthe elements of any one row or column with theie corresponding co-factors, ta ae! cab then il=ad4 B= ad—be ahe se (i : 4] gfe lah gl then |a\=[h b | ke ¢ el lms), lh 8 ed = albe ~f7)~ Woh —fe)-+ gti be) = abe~of?~ cl + gh + foh— bee abe + 2fgh — af* — be? — ch 6.5 Properties of Determinants 1. The value of determinant remains unchanged rows and columns are interchanged. Tea isany square ati then 1 = 2. Ifany two rows or columns ofa determinant ae inter changed, the vale of determinant remains same but in opposite sign. la a 4 nh a ls faz b» ¢| la A 6 ls bl Then D,=-D, 3. every element of a row of column ofa determinant is zero, the value ofa determinant is zero bd rai af Let D, and D,=| Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants 4, Ifsny two rows (or columns) ofa determinant are iden tieal, the value of determinant is zero, la A si La Dela hg nh then D,=0 ‘. If any two rows or columns of a determinant are pro: portional, the value ofa determinant is 0 46 37 then D,=0 6. Ifevery elements of any one row or column is mult jed by a non-zero constant, the value of a determinant ‘s mliplied by that number la A 4 tat los bes nh fi BAe and Dz=[o; by cy then D,~ KD, ay ey 7. [every clement of a row ora column as a sum of two or more terms, the given determinant is equal to the sum of two or more determinants, For example, tr bty ate [a mal fr oy | a be |=\y by alta By ay | 8, The value of a determinant is unchanged by adding to the elements of any row or column with the same mul- tiples ofthe corresponding elements of any other row resann i Jovem bal a ee then =, 9. Special determinants () Symmetric determinant oh | fib flmabe + 2feh af? be elt le F e| Gi) Skew-symmetric determinant of odd order is zero, ie. a8 |b 0 18 (Gil) Circulant determinant la b dl 1b © al=—(a +B +e 3abe) le a 5) Gv) Some important determinants to remember a bed beta = (a~DNb~ ele a\(ab + be + ca) bis be ca +-abl 6. [I ca ab-+be} ab be+ea la-b be 7 \p-a aor hy yz in A cos A sin( A+ 8) 8. hin B cosB sin(8+6)-0 inC casC sin(C +) 7. Cramens Ruwe Statement ‘The solutions of the system of equations axtby+ez=d, axtbytez=d, axt hy ez=d, are given by Scanned with CamScanner 16 where Proof: lax bs 6 axthysee = shartayta: ba Jarthy+ee la & * ol ae na GoG+6+) sh = Da D Similan we ean proved that ya Pee DD Hence, theres Nature of solutions of the system of equaions by Camers Rule (ICD #0, the system of equations has a unique solution and is sad to be consistent. as well as D, = 0 = D; = Dy the system of ly many solutions and is (Gil) IED = O and at lest one of D,, Dy, D, is non-zero the system of equations has no solution nd is said (0 be inconsistent. Homosencous System oF Equarions ‘The given homogenous system of equations are ax tbyter=0 0 & a Ph ‘Algebra Booster Nature of solutions by homogeneous system of equations (IED 20, the system of equations has only trivial solu tion, say x= 0 = y= 2, and the system of equations is said 10 be consistent, (i) IE D= 0, the system of equations has non-trivial solu- ‘ion, i. infinite solutions and the system of equations is also sai to be consistent ‘Moxneucation oF Two Determmants ‘Two determinants can be multiplied by a variety of ways. row-by-column, row-by-row, column-by-column and col- ‘umn-by-row ruultiplcation rule. tet 4={" Aland p= |" 2 Oy 2m jm, cor DETERMINANT [rede AC) re) 91x) reo lua) a) wa) ss) s'@) Ho pe) 9G) r00) uv) we) Je) 2) | Pe) 9’) ro} ox) va) 6 FO) 8@) he) re) Let Fe)! Then F'(9)=| 4p) 4) we) v@) we 7) 8’) H)) IPG) 9/(a) rs) lux) WG) Ca) ye) ge) HC) ns) ate) lu) ¥@) wa) 4 Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, 11, IresraTion oF Derersimant [fee] g(x) he wo F@fa 6 eh loom on then _ 4 ¢ fords fatear Jaceyar| frow-[a "bp “ec : 1 om oa 12. Summanion oF Derenmamants 1) g(r) ho letas|a 6 © Poaor E10 Lay Lio] thn Sa-| a be 13, Ans ‘The adjoint of a matrix isthe transpose of the co-factors of the corresponding elements of a given matrix. IEA be any square matrix, then adj A= (Gt of a Maraix tamatiss a-[ 3). 45, Wn ‘Theorem: IA be any square matrix, then A-[odj(A))=141- 1, =a MIA 13.1 Properties of Adjoint of Matrix or Matrices 6) WA be any square matrix of order , then loa Ol=lar* Proof: Weknow that 4-adj(4)=|4)-1, Asad I= TAL La = Alogi =A 1,114" (Lal = ABD, lar (y= = aol TT Hence, the result. (i) HELA ~ 0, then jadicay = 0 i.e i'd is singular, then adj() is also singular wi) G9) ag (4) = (0g 4)? (9) adj (AB)= (ad BXad A) Proof: We have (4B) (4B) =1481 1, (ea 8a) 4.48) a (48) = {ABI 0 BN, 4), > (oj 8141, B( a AB) = AB| a Ba A) => [Aad B) Bad} AB) =| 48) (a BY A) = JAIBL (a 4B) =[AB| Ca Yo 4) u (AB (a AB) | AB|(adjBY(ad A (a AB) = (ad Bad 4) (09,14 isa non-singular matrix, then ad fad) =| A Proof: We know that Adit) =[4ld, Replace 4 by adja, we get [Aad (A) ad (ad (4) = 1A AL,) = [Arty ajladj =A = lAadifad ] lar" ui = lap? + A = aaifagj = = adifed (a) (i) adi fag} 4] =a” Proof: We have |fadj(A)]|= 4" Scanned with CamScanner 78 Replace d by adj(4), we get, = lad fog y= Lar = Madi fos = (ii) If bea square matix of order » and B be is adjoint, thon dt (4B + kl) = (dt + Proof: We have, AB Alsaia)] = AB=lAll, Sasa, +4, = (AB+H,) =U, det (AB + H,) =det[(14l+ BL] (4B +H,) = det A+ 29) (> dat] = 19) 14. Seman ano Non-simcuuan Marnices ‘Sinouan Matrix Ifthe determinant of a matrix is zero, matrix called a singular 12 Let A= then A] =4—4= 0, 7 ( 3) IAL Thus A isa singular matrix, Non-singular matrix Ifthe determinant of 2 matrix is non-2eto, itis called non singular matrix. rs taee(s 3} bt ‘Thos 4 is non-singular, For every non-singular square mattix of order n, there exists another square matrix of the same order such that AB = [y. then H is called the inverse of. Aswe know that, .[adj(4)] = 14.1, = «(enn la ce then [4 270 juvense oF A MATRIX seals) Ma 3 iach eteonaee ‘Thus, its inverse exists la ‘Algebra Booster 42 Now, ag ad={ 7) Se) 15.1. Properties of Inverse of a Matrix or Matrices i) a= Gv) If k is non-zero and A is non-singular, thea =@14"), (ii) Inverse of a non-singular diagonal matrix is again a di- agonal matrix, For example, 1 ‘a 00 =o » of, 006 Wa 0 0 0 mb 0 corr sinx 0) Jinx cosx 0|=F(x) o oO 8 then 4" = F(x), eo 16. Sowmons oF te System oF Equations ‘ay Maraox (Inverse ) MetHo0 Consider the system of equations ax thy tee=d, ‘The given system of equations can be written in matrix Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants = ae where hoa) (x) (a bo 4, Nature of solutions by the matrix method (0) It|4l #0, he system of equations has aun te system of equation i aid tobe consistent It|4|= 0 and (aj 4) = 0, the system of equations has infinity many solutions andthe system of equations i= said tobe consistent It|Al=0 and (ad 4)B +O, the system of equations has 1 solution andthe system of equtions is said to be 17, Evementany Transrormarions oF A MarRix “Tere ae sx operations (ransformatons) ona mati, thre of withered oro and thre de ocak wich ae now as elementary wassormatons (@) The interchange of any two rows (or columns). Symbol e+ or Ce C, (i) The muliplicatons ofthe edt of anyone row (or column) by a non-zero eonsant, say fie symbol cally Ryko C916, ‘The addition tote ements of any on ro (ro un) withthe corresponding elements of any ater row (or column) multiplied by anon-rero number, sym vetizall BR TER C0456, Equivalent matrices “Two inatces are sid to be equivalent, if oe i obtained from ether by clement transformations ‘We generally write tas a8 18. Aovance Trees oF Maraices 1. Idempotent matrix A square matrix is sid to bean idempotent matrix if =A. 224 Foccxample,4=|-1 3 4 | ican idempotent matrix. 123 2. Periodie matt ‘A square matrix dis said to periodic with period k (where kis ‘least positive integer sueh that "= A, he. if = A, itis periodic matrix and A "= A, s0 its pe BNI ‘Asquare matrix 4 is called a nilpotent matric if there exists see N such that 4*=0, where kis called the index ofthe nil- potent of matrix 4 19 Forexample,4=|° 9] isa nilpotent mai orexample,4'= |) 9] isa npoent marx 4.Involutory matr A square matrix 4 is called an involutory matrix, if A? ie dad. 100 Forexample,4=|0 1 0| is aninvolutory matrix. oo 5. Orthogonal matrix ‘A squsate mattix A is said to be orthogonal matrix, if AA” {where A" isthe transpose of matrix 4 and / isan identity ft 22 Forexample,4=4)-2 1 2) isan orthogonal ma- tr 22-1 Note () WeAd= 1, then A (i) Every orthogonal matrix is aon singular, i) Fis an orthogonal matrix. (iy) IFA and B are orthogonal, then AB is also orthogonal (9) Ifa is orthogonal, then 4”! and 4" are also orthogo- al 6. Conjugate of a matrix Let d be any matrix containing complex number as ‘ments, then a matrix is obtained from 4 on replacing its el ‘ments by the corresponding conjugate complex numbers, called the conjugate of the matrix 4 and itis denoted by A. ecu [22 24) 344i 1-2) 2-37 Let 3-44 7.Complex conjugate transpose of a matrix ‘The conjugate ofthe transpose of the matrix Ais ealled the conjugate transpose of A and is denoted by * Co aeghom e-Ea cuh 8, Hermitian matrix ‘A square matrix is called a hermitian matrix, if 4° then ig reemans to(42p 208) 9, Skew hermitian matrix Acsquare matrix Ais called a skew-hermitian matrix, if 4° a -« avip For example, A= Scanned with CamScanner 7210 10, Unitary matrix A square matrix A is called unitary, if Ad"= J (4) ‘Note fA and B are unitary then AB is also a unitary. For example, A 11. Equivalent matrices Let A and Bare two matrices. IB is obtained from A by el: ementary transformation, then A aod B ae called equivalent 12, Rank of a matrix Rank of a matrix represents the non-zero rows of an equiva lent matrix. Rule to find out the rank ofa matrix Leta be any type of matrix Case I: When A isa null matrix, then the rank of a mate ‘Algebra Booster (Case: When A isa square matrix, then we shall first find the determinant of 4 (9 ICA is non-singular (Le. [4] ¥ 0), then rank of the ma- teix= order of the matrix (Gi) Hf is singular (1. nor along rows: (@) lfat-least one minor is zero and rest are non-zera, then rank of the mateix = order ofthe matrix 1 (8) [fall minor is non-zero, then rank of the mt 0. Case I: When A is a rectangular matrix of order m x, then we shal find an equivalent matrix of A (9) Ifany one row is zero, then rank ofthe mati sum of {m= 1n=1) (ii) If any two row is zero, then rank of the matrix = Mit sum of fm—2,n—2} (Gi) Ufall rows are non-zero, then rank ofthe matrix = Mini sum of {2,2}. then we shall find the mi- devet 1 (Problems based on Fundamentals) (ORDER OF MATRICES 1. Find the numberof all possible matrices of order 2% 2 ‘with each entry 0 or 1 2. Find the number ofall possible matrices of order 3x3, ‘with each entry either 1 or 2 ‘ADDITION OF MATRICES sae? 4) tote nema 4 Bndamangicxs(? §)-(3 9) 3 a) hea s sinter nirxer=(2 4) 42 (i 4}: 6, Finda matrix 1’such that A+ B+ and x ihe a-(? whew a-(} 7. Findx and, if ( by aC 4) 8. Find Bx+y) if Puasa 2 -() 3 yayeas) Bt 9, Find x,y, and satisfying the equations 9), ft 2)_,0 3 Ce Cd 10, Find the maces and, (F astaxea 243 40, val Jer and fQ)= Lx +2 + 10 Lf), (MULTIPLICATION OF MATRICES 2 12, Let =[1 2] and B= | 5 Find AB and Ba 13, Let a= fade} and B= | 0? Find 4B and BA wet an() Zou a-(F 9) 34 57 Find AB and Ba Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, 2, 2. 24, 2s, 26. 2 28. 29, 30, v I A=|2 3 23 4%, and At [eA bea 2x3 matrix and AB a2 x 5 matrix, find the order ofthe matrix B. 5. IA be a 4), matix and B a (B),, mattix and Ca (Oyq matin, find 20154BC. re wn(' mt Fans Find a 2 x 2 matrix X'such that (}e-G prove that 4-44 -S1,=0. 1 Findif(l x 0) 2 : : : 1 -{! See wh = Bi @l @) = 4 (8) Norsalvaas u6a(f 2) mtr 125, vale ais @4 2 ©8 dis IFA and B be two square matrices of order 3.3 which satisfy AB = A and B= B, find (A + BY’ sete, Dose! fmm that AB = Bd and 0 find he value of = IFA bea square matrix of order 2 such that 42= ©, find Ads Ay. If Abbe a quate matrix and Ibe an identity matrix of the same order such that 4°= 1, (I 4)(/+), If. be a square matrix such that 4? = 4, find (+ 4)! =. 1 (} Sant r00= Se fina fa 3M 2. 33 34, a If.4 be x square matrix such that &? = A-+1, where Fis the identity matrix ofthe same order, find If be a square matrix such that 4? = —1, where is the identity matrix ofthe same order, find 4° war(| "trea Loo Let 4=|2 10 324 Woh ot ott Ha et et ‘SYMMETRIC AND SKEW-SYMMETERIC MATRICES. 35. 36 Papen timc 45 2) armas Preeti [i : 2 stem DETERMINANT 31, 38, 39, 41 2. a. 45, fA be a skew-symmetric matrix of odd order, find det . If be a skew-symmetric matrix of even order, find ata). Sy teamen ate enn wef? 8) ben mane mi of esa + 24°, 16 be a square matrix such that 4? = 4, find det(A), IEA be a square matrix of order 3 such that del(A) = 8, find de(34), Ibe a square matrix of order such that [4] =2, find Hal forme P. Find the maximum value ofthe determinant lcos*@ sin*o| lsin@ cos" Lot Pand Q be twa square matrices of order 3 such that Pla Q) and PQ= QP and P20, find det(P" +O. Scanned with CamScanner m2 46, Expand the determinant bd as 47, Evaluate: |b | hee ha bed 48. Evaluate: || & eal hc a+ fine cos cos(a+0) 49, Evaluate: sin bcos Bh cos (B+0) lsiny cosy cos(y+8) Ih be alba 50, Prove that the value of || ca b(a +e) is indepen: dent of a, bye ab cta+b) SI. Prove that larbv20 a 6 © btetta ob |=2at b+). e a exa+2 bre @ a 52. Provethat| b eta b |=dabe. cc atb| Peer a? a 53, Provethat| 5° 4a? a ee awe a ath atbte 54, Prove that 2a 32426 4a+36+2c Ba 6a-+35 10e+ 6b+34] hea?—6? ab 2b $5. Provethat| 2ab I-a?45? 2a Ey -2a 1a? =( bat By la?+1 ab ae 56, Provethat| ab P41 be | =(1ta'+ 84e) ac ch AH) 57. Prove that e y-2)(2—x) FEO N-ae-w. 58, 59. a. bec cra avd] fa b d |. Provetbat a+b b+e c+al=2le a Y 4a ath bre [be al ‘Algebra Booster tee don Provethat | 1 1+b 1 1 1 tre rave sates ty ty }) a abe +be+ea4 al (oop * Prove that ore ka? Besa) BP |= 2abotarb +h. 2 2 ari? Prove that (a+ 2}(a+3) (a+3) (a+3Xa+4) (a+4) | [tes (+2 | Solve the following system of equations: Det dyed 3r-2y=5. Solve the following system of equations: x43) 2x +6y= 10, Solve the following system of equations: 2e+5y 6 +15) Find the numberof triplets of a, 6 and ¢ for whieh the system of equations ax-by=2a-b (c+ Det ey= 10-0438, bas infinitely many solutions. Solve for y,2 tye axtbytezad extbyter=d Solve for. ,2 L “a 9 4 12.4, Find the equation ofthe parabola y= av" + bx +c, wh passes through the points (2, 4), (1, 1) and (-2, 5). Find the value of & for which the system of equations 2ethy=5 ae-4y=7 has a unique solution. Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, 70. Find the value ofA, for which the system of equations aredy= ax +8y=10 give infinitely many soutions 71. Ifthe system of equations x4 2y—32=1 (+2) Opt byt jis inconsistent, Find the value ofp. “72. Ifthe system of equations de-y+22=2 x-ateed r42y+dead ‘has no solutions ind 2 HowocENeoUS EQUATONS, 173. Solve the system of equations: 2h y=0 4r+6y=0. 74, Find the number of values oft for which the system of equations (a-)x+byser=0 bet (e—Nytaz=0 extay+(b-0 ‘bas non-trivial solution. 17S. Find the value of 2 ifthe system of equations Gxt Sy Ae=0 76. If the system of equations x + ay=0,y + az = 0 and. £+ax= 0 has infinite solutions, find a [MULTIPLICATION OF DETERMINANTS. 77. Prove that og bat aw 8 > ? Po Pre 78, Prove tat 2 es Biytd opts erBey48 YarB\y+d) @Bty+d)+ Va A) aB+76 op(y+3)+p(a+p) — 2aphs =o 19, Prove tat cos(B- a) cos(y~ 0) 1 [asm is lcos(a-7) cos(B-7) 113 80, Ifa i+ 0 and fn) = a+ Band 3 ef) 1+ f0) bes toga Foot pte + 72) 1+ 70) 1+ 7] find DIFFERENTIATION OF DETERMINANT 1 a I Fe=| x Le find the value of F(a). 324 2, Let f(e)=|6? 20? x), 1 6 P| find 6) INTEGRATION OF DETERMINANTS sins log (sin x) Brye=|» Sa 8 af is $ine(+) find the value of f /¢s)d. . 40) on Me saw A=pr—1 2013 br-2 2014 fina A, a" 101 (2"-0| ss irp.=b 102 (=), z rt agg (So! tos (SS tnd aacat $0, ror 86, IF be a squate matrix of order i, find adj’) ~ ad AY” 87. IA beanon-singular matrix of order, find de(adj 4°) Scanned with CamScanner m4 88 If A be a square matrix of order 2 such that 10 0 405 H={9 49) find det(4) 89, If be a square matrix of order 3 such that do(4)= 4, find dt(ad A), 90, 1.1 be a square matrix of onder suc that [adie = [Al find Lae 21 7 {the 11g, possible values of the determinant of Pi (are) @) 2 ) -1 «il (@) 2 92. Let P=|a] be a3 «3 matrix and let = [dj where r= 2a, kor S15 <3. Ifthe determinant of P is 2, the determinant ofthe ma- trix Qis (@ 2" 91. Afthe adjoint ofa matrix P of order 3 is w2 Las 93. IF P=/1 3.3) ietheadjoint ofa matrix A of order jm @ 2 244 3» 3nd [| =4, find a. 94, Find the inverse of a skew symmetric matrix of odd onder 95. 18 be a non-singular matrix and A is a square matrix of the same order, find | AB} ° 96. : |. find the inverse of a 6 sualeix 2, such that R= (P cos 8+ Osin 8 97. If and B be two non-singular square matices such that BAB =, find BABY 98. If bea non-singular matrix satisfying Tata tat td find 4 99. IfA bea non-singular matix satisfying 4°—A+1= 0, find 4 100, 1f 4 bea non-singular square matrix of order3 3 such ‘that det(4) = 5, find det(adi(a™). 101. If 4 be a non-singular square matrix of order3%:3, find We! aia -( a} fd the mulipicatve inverse of A 102. If 4s, 103. If X'be a non-singular square matrix of order 2 such mo 6 4) find X. wt ta ta(S 2d? 2 tte et (24°B"), 10s, 10 un m2, 13, ‘Algebra Booster Let Pand @ be two square matrices such that |P Q.1F 4 and B be two square matrices ofthe same order such that (adj8) = A, find adj(QBP). 1.4 is an33 non-singular matrix such that Aa and B= 414 find BB. 123 Find the inverse ofthe matrix, A=|2 1 2 324 pena cone a(e2e Solve the following system of equations by mat method. xiytee6 x-ytz=2 2ety-251 Compute a for the matrix 128 a2 31 1d and hence solve the following system of equations mx+2y4 2e-3y +e nxt yt 3 Solve the following system of equations by matrix (in- verse) method. Setdy+te=4 Ie 26y +22 Tes 2y4l ‘The mumber of3>3 matrices 4 whose ents are either © or and fr which the system x) fi afy|-fo 2] lo has exaely two solutions, is @0 OP-1 O18 WR Let a, 6, € be positive real numbers, Prove thatthe system of equations e and ins, , have a unique solutions. Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants 114, By using elementary row operation, ind the inverse of| “(3 ty (' RANK OF A MATRIX 43 2 126 123 117. Find te rank of |2 3.4 456, 11S. Find the rank of 4 = 116, Find the rank of =| 1-3 6 23-8 a-|-1 4 5 134 12a 2 U8. Find the rankof a=[1 1-2. 3 |. 4 "ADVANCE MATRICES 119. Prove that the m is idempotent 2a 120. Prove thatthe matrixd=|-1 34 | isperiodic. 12-1 113 121, Showthat| $2 6 | isnilpoteatmatrix oforder3, 2-13 S30 122. Show that the matrix A= | 3 5 12 is involuntary 123, Prove that the matt is orthogonal matrix. 3 124, Prove that A= [341 5-21 isan Hermitian matrix. W -2-31 24 12s, Provethata=|2-3) i 3 2 MO isan skew-hermitian matrix. 113 126, Prove that the matrix be ] ‘sunt level lt (Mixed Problems) 1. If a, 6 and ¢ are non-zero real numbers, then IW? he b+el A=\ea? ca eta = la’? ab 48) (@) abe ae (©) ab+betea (© none of these la a? bel 2, The value of the determinant [Vb 8? ca] is Ve 2 abl @) abe () Mabe (©) ab+ bet ca @o 3. The value ofthe determinant bere? a Cr ee ee ate (@) abe (6) dabe ©) 47ve abe 4, The value ofthe determinant la-b-e 2a a 2b b-e-a 2 2e () (atbtey © (@tb+o? (©) (a4 b+ c(ab+ be +ea) (@ None ofthese 5. The value ofthe determinant la-b be ena r=» yz axle p-9 g-r rp) () ty t2)+ br gtAte On (©) abe+sye+ gr (@ none ofthese la bd be al 6. The value ofthe determinant = (@) Babes bre () Babe—a Be © abe—a+ b+) @ abet abe le a H Scanned with CamScanner 116 1 paid | axbecand}a b | For non-zero a, Bi twa 1 4 roe 4 roa A (®) abe © -@+5+0, (@ none of these ‘The value of the determinant la la+mh [a2 day+mb, by} las lay + mby by ws @ 0 ©m im 1. IFT,» TT, are respectively, the pth, qth and rth terms I % 2 par tad 1 ‘ofan AP, then is equal to @! (0 — @ ptatr |. The value of the determinant ac BP a? e ae wb oe e Babel (@ 4abe (b) abe oo @ (@+ b+ 0-3abe? =o, > BP ol the value of (a+ 6-+c)is @! oe ©@2 1 sing 1 @-a Let A=;sing 1 sinal, <1 sine 1 ‘the value ofA lies in the interval @ Bal ©) G4) © [14] @ BA] | IFA, B, C are the angles of triangle, the value of “1 c0sC cos feos 1 cos Al is (@) 0s A e0s Boos C wo (®) sin sin B sin C (@) none of these ‘Algebra Booster a,b, care in AP, the value of +2 x43 xl +d x45 xd} k+6 x+7 xt} (@) x-(atb+e) —— b) 9 Fatb4e © arbre @o ‘The value ofthe determinant a atb a2 at2 a ath|= asd () 9¢(a+ 5) © aa+8) a+ a (&) 9%(0+8) (@ Bars) . The value of the determinant lata)? (@r-ay | wey oes = Wtety C-eF | @o (b) 2abe © eee (@) none of these Mat b+ ole+ B42 -be-ca~ab), bd uh ay the value of his @i wz tbe determinant a atd atid @ @+ay (at2d)| Ita+3d Yard) dard @ a0 atdn0 © d=Ooratd=0 (8) none “The value ofthe determinant a+b a+%b 0434 late a+5b a6 ol @2 () @+B+e—3abe (b) 3ab (©) 3a+58 @o Wace and l+sin’@ cose Asin 48 sin’? 1+c0s'@ 4sin 6 sin'@—cos@ 14 4sin 40] Bis equal to nse Se In © oa © om tn Ma © Fe (@ none ofthese Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants 21 2 2B 24, 2s, 26. ‘The value of the determinant 1 cos(a~ f) cos(a- 9 leosta-f) twos p| lcos(a-y)cos(B-p os sina I © E pas | Jcosy sin] ® fs = ova sing 0 © finB 0 cos © cosy sin 7| (@ none of hese. la 4) he a be sin? A+ sin? B+ sin Ina AABC, 9 4 of of ot ost aenbeqes rand > be pra geb 24-0, a ob? tin 2 z poa'g-bi re @3 2 il @mo raid , care respectively, the pth, gth th terms of an HP is () ap tig ter ©) (at b+Qp+qtr) oo (@) one oF these If Imi and «be non-real enbe root of unity, the Log Lita? vaeot | -1 -1-r4@} = hr o*-1 1 @l wi Oo @o nm omth oma Let fin=\"F Pau Page "C, m FIC Cyoa] ca ‘where the symbols have their usual meanings. Then ‘F(1) is divisible by (@) tnt © @tD! om (@ none of these 27, Wat b+e=0,onero0t of u-x cB c bx a |=0is bd a en (@) ral @) x=2 (]xeetPte — @ x=0 rH] @ oF 28, [xt a? 1 r+@ 1 @| is an equation of x, where @, a? are the complex cube roots of unity, dhe value of x is @o ot © @2 28. Mab be ca= and © bs boa one ofthe value of i @ @eeF — & seve} (© none of these © [fernreey lex xv gota) xe tise Yoox i ma be + bean identity ns, where bd, Apt are indepandent of. Then the vale of @) 3 (b) 2 4 (d) none of these 51, Ifthe entries in .3 3 determinant are iter Or I, the greatest valoe ofthis determinant @! 2 ©3 we lu © 8 Pe Bl 32. A=|b bal and avai BP a, le @ ¢| le? a? | then (@) A=aReu &) =n (©) AmabeAb (@) None of these Scanned with CamScanner 718 + 4p p+6a al then py+4g q+ 6b 8) bssér ree ¢ @ 20 (b) 44 (©) 6A @a ou. (b) bd (©) (b-ayd-c) (@) none of these boon ond, 38. 16D,=|2r enst ren fond DD, ar 1 vr wens wl the vale oF nis @4 &) 6 ©7 @s boss 10 set sey-] 1 oer 0 1 cosy then r) equals wi si oy o> i (©) none ofthese lsccx cos sects + cot xeosec*s 37. IF f(a) =fe0s*r cos? cosee’x |, cases" en (@) none of these 38, Equations x + y= 2, 2r-+2y=3 will have () only one solution (b) infinitely many sotutions (©) nosolution (@) none ofthese 39. The system of equations x+y +2=2,3¢-y+20=6 and 3r+y+2=-18 has (@) atunigue solution (©) no solution (©) aninfinite number of solutions (@ 2210 solution asthe only solution 40. xty tee 6x-yte=2and det are respectively @ 321 ©2138 then. 342 @) 1.23 (@ none of these 4 2 8 44, 46, 200) Lea 4=|0 @ 0}, ‘Algebra Booster ‘The value off for which the set of equations Bet ky-2e= 0,04 by} 3e= Oand 2c} 3y—42= ‘bas non-trivial Solution is @IS 16 | 312 Ifthe system of equations 3x—y'+ 42 xt2y-3+2=0,6r4 5y+de43=0 has infinite number of sohitions, then A= @7 wT OS Ws the system of following equations Det Sy +5=0,x+ dy+5=0, and ke 12—14=0 be constant, thea k= (@ 330 RB @ 25 © Wy 7 12 © 4E © 6-5 10 a or 00 @ [' d ) [° Hl Lo O48 © [: ‘} © [? q 00a then 4* is equal to a 0 0 a 00 oleae ofes) o 0a 004 avo 0 na 0 0 @]o ao offs] oo w 0 0 na waft pafE loteecare en values of a and b are (@ a=4,0=1 () a=1b=4 ome eee cS Bs woes Jef? 2] senha = Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, 49. 50, 2. 33. 56. 7. 58, 59, 2 2 og If bea non-singular matrix of order 3, then ad (adj A) is equal to (@) lal ) ara © ura (@) none ofthese Let the matrix wh () skew-symmetric (©) hesntin (@) skew-bermitan 120-[ cosh os 0802) aud Gand ifer cos Bsin@ sin? by an odd malipe of £, then (QE(9) isa @) null matrix () unit matrix: © diagonal matrix (@)_none of these “The inverse of symmeisic matric is (@) symmeic (©) skew-symmewic (©) diagonal matrix (@) none of these “The inverse ofa diagonal matrix is (@) asymmetric matic (© askow-symmettic mtr (6) a diagonal matrix (@) none ofthese |. IFA bea symmetric matrix and € N, then Ais (9) sya (©) a diagonal matrix (b) skew-symmetic (@) none of these 5. IF bea skew-symmetric matrix and ma positive inte er then Ais {) a symmetric matrix () e skew-symmetric matrix {©) 8 diagonal matrix (@ none ofthese IFA be a skew-symmetric matrix and m odd positive integer, then A*is (@) asymmeteic matrix () a skew-symmetric matrix (©) diagonal matrix (@ none ofthese IFA be a square matrix of order n x n and & a scalar, ‘them aj (kA) is equal to (@) kad (©) Bad A i If and B ae square matrices of order 3 such that HAl=-1, 1813, then [348] equals @9 O81 ©27 ws ‘The numberof all possible matries of order 33 with each entry with 1 or Os O27 OB «sl @) 512. ever Mt 2 3 119 164 be a square matrix such that "=, then (4a) = TAs @4 ra Of WM IEA be a square matrix of order 3 such that [l= 2, then Ina 41s Ol 9B © @ 126 12 y i As|0 1 0| and B=|0 1 0) and AB 1, oon oo then x+y is @0 O-1 2 ws Me, "ey Ifthe value of D= ["cq MC, MCyya| is zero then Ie. 8G MC @6 4 @S wo x2 xx 6 the value of $4 +48+3C+2D+ Eis 0 WH-16 © — @ vone ‘The number of values of 1 for which the system of equations (a-nx+bytee=0 br +(e-ny az extayt (b~0 has non-trivial solution @s 4 os ws (Problems for JEE-Advanced) Prove that Ih be betb-+0) I ca ca(e+a)| is independent ofa, b,c. hab abia+2) Prove that bre a a © eta a |=dabe, ba at Prove that Weer a? a? Boose |aaatre’. ee we aeF Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants cama r¥(? §).(6 3) = xt Jel 9) ht 3) a) “(3 23) bl 2) _(<3 2 1 aime 24)+(2 2) S werent SS -2er<2,-3<(-2)<3 SB 2exed-leyes 8. Wehave a2 2 +) (02 Oe aa Bods 2H0, yh 7235-1 Ba3r$2—0, y' 47-3661 Now, 3¢+2=0 Poet P oe Det ¥6¢~ 1) + x(r—1)-2¢-1)= (Ie tx-2)= (De #2)e—D=0 yuuuuy Also, y? +752-36=0 = y=2)7 +9718) + 1836 1 = PU =2)4+ 99-2) + 18-2) = (-290°+5)418)=0 un. 133 = 0-29+90+9=0 2 yao ‘Thus, Bety)=(1-242-3-6)=-8 We have del 209 = HG ~ (Fz) aC a) sear ents) Solving, we get mri? 5) 9) = xi 2-77 3) = (6 3)-(? 4) 2 ilo (2 2) Weave, JB) toe Scanned with CamScanner 134 12, Then AB = [1x2+2x3]= [8] 13, Then AB= [axe? +BXB + exe] Hla +P +e} 122 & 14 men aa-(* 2) als eC 3) (12425 14427 “|s2e4s 34a jaw Ce a) Ain 2a) (8 2) faieas 22047 CG Gress 2224) pen -C 3) tm Ar Clearly, tne matrix multiplication is not commutative. 1S. Given 4 is a2 3 mawix and AB is a 2 $ max. ‘Ts, Bis a matt of 3% 5 16, Clearly, the matrix multiplication i not defined 1 ore a, Now, #= 4.4 Cit Hence, the result 18, We have, v Ap=|2](2 3 4) 3 ‘Algebra Booster Atco, v BArQ 3 4/2 ql =0+6+12)=@20) 19, Weave, pada ¢ jE ; aie y 4412 643 (0 on) Now, d= 4° 16 9V2 3 “C2 a) 32436 4849) _(68 57 GS sels} 3) Also, t= AA 68 12 3 Ce Sie) 1364228 204457)_(364 261 “(seize asto)-(er 37) 20. ua xe(® ) CE Sd = (LC attend b+dd= = Bet e=3,26-4a) d= 5 (2 3) s re ten -(' 21, Weave, osu Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, 24244 S4led 44242 24442 44242 44441 988 =|8 98 s 89. Now, 4°-44—Sl, ss 24244 a) 146425 = (xD) 2404s |=0 1546+2x, Tee = (x) ex 214 2 3 0+29+x(2+N+EI+H=0 7420+ Rete + eL+D = Ft ISeH2I=0 154 25-103 = 2 Hence, the solution set is =15+Ji03 -15 +i f 23, Wehave eel MG) Given relation is #28 = (20) 133 > @=Lati=s 25, 6 Now, A?= 4A [etd da) fa 2 fe oye 3 P4120 6a +8 (oe oie) omelet a fs20 sles = (+ 1ay’ - (Ga + BY = 125 Fe secee ase B= as 2 me = {(@+2(e-2IpP=GP Sie a Sow * wine (A+ BP=(4+ AB+ BA+ BY) BiPectrct “ety => (A+B) = AA + BY = 8(4 +B) and (A+ BY = (A+ BY (A+ By Seah a3 — (A+ BY =(4+ BA + BY = 32(4 + BY = 644 +B) cine t-(! ZJaaa-(® 3) _(at2e bad “(304 de 3b4 44, Scanned with CamScanner 736 aome(’ OG 4) Cs a) oan Cormeen & eres?) abte=a43b = 2C=35 hoes 21. Now, a(0+ 4) 2.74 HG, IN A IG EP ct yg AA 4 (I+ 20094+0+ 04 = (I+ 20094) 1420098 +0 +0) -4 28. Given A?= Now, (Hay A)= P+ Ala? =1A-A-8 I4A-A-1 =0 29. Wehave, (A) 7A = (P+ BPA SI A) =TA (63493444) —74 (U+344 3444-14 1474-14 1 30. Here, A?= A.A. CC dC 2 Wehove f)= x Slexteteet tat 3 2, 3 34 ‘Algebra Booster At eA =1A+0+04 alta lb . ) RaAt1 PAR AeA ST A=DAdT AnD FARAH 4AM 344 BHR USHA += S443 Given, #=24-1 = HAD -4=204-—A=34-2F AA 3P 24 304-24 4d = A ads? 34 = 424-1) ~34= 54-4) ‘Thus, by symmetry, we ean say that Ar=nd—(n-1P Given, 2 le G = Ano +a +0 Now, il ()- = POA) = 2A ‘Thus, by symmetry, we ean say that sett ont = ( 3042 +e f Similarly, we ean easily find that Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, =0-2(0 + 12)+368-0) -24424=0 ‘Thus, the determinant of skew-symmetric matrix of dd order is zero, oo niaa(’ 5) 0 Wp then [al [9 Oe? la=[, 4 “Thus, the determinant of skow-symmetic matrix of even order ia perfect square vtaae(tt af |) jo ‘Then l4l=|) of=-h 4 =2-De sown 2 =| =G-pC0"" “Therefore in general owt l= 137 40, Weave, (a+ 249 = 48 (4-421) EG J] ‘Thus, ‘ yee 2a =a = ("5 20-5) sls 41. Given, ane = MEH = Mile = Mil-n = Ul=0orl4) 42. Webave, doi(SA) = 3 x det) = 3x 8= 216 48, 45. Given P*= and PO OP Wehave, P-P'Q-0'- OP > P°-9=00-P) = P-9--91P-9 = F+8e-9-0 > +0)=0, ‘Ths, det(P" +O) = det(O)= 0 46, We tave, > ¢ be al ea A since (PQ) #0 = albc—a?)— (6? — ac) + c(ab—c*) abe a B+ abe + abe~e =3abe-a- Be =@ + Be —3abe) Scanned with CamScanner 738 ho a 47 The given determina = | 6 8 Il b+al =~ aye~a)h =(b-aye~aye+a-b~a) = (0 aje-aye—b) =(@-B\b- oe-a) ji a bee hb eta hc asd} 48. The given determinant = ho athe Lb b+e+al GrGtG) ba lod hed =(arb+e) =(a4b+ 0x0 =0 49. ‘The given determinant is ince cos cos(a+8} in cos cos (B+ 8) liny cosy cos(y + 0) jin eos pO) Ee | iin y cosy Of [C+ (C08 8+ C, sin 8) =o JI be ab+o) * meres @ tee I) ab (a+b) Ih be be+ab+ac =H ca actabtd = (G>G+G) 1 ab ab-+ac4 be lL be =(ab+betea)x|l ca | Lab ‘Algebra Booster =(ab+be+ ea} x0 Py si thee tent heeio eb Bevis esaval Gaerere) he > =2atb+e)x brera 0 0 crata| RRR, (eoa-a) La 1 oo =Ya+b+oF 52. The given determinant pre a a b cta b © 6 at =2(a+b+6)x| =2at bs ox1 26+) era) 2a+b| beta ab (RAR ARARY e+e) (era) (ard) =} b cta ob © 6 ath bre (+a) (a+b) =< 0 -~« b a 0 (eze-8) RRR, (RRR AR) = 2[-c(-ab ~0)+ b(ca=0)] Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, 2abe-+ ae) abe 153. The given determinant ee ga? =|P Cte & 2 ate 2b?+c) 2c%+07) 2a"+b*)) =| Bo tat e oe aie (ROR +R AR) ore?) (F4a%) (a? +5?)) =] Pea oP e Cee Pe (ta?) (a +8 =] 0 owt wa 0 (n2e-8) ROR, Be eR aac 0 07 (ROR FRR) Le? a? 0 = 2C-eCa#-0) + BC —0)) =e aE) 4a 54. The given determinant a ath arbre =a 3a+2b 4a 436+ 2¢| 6a+3b a+ 6b+3q f atb anh yo yD pe noha, 3a Ta+3b a 2-4 be 7043 (Jat + 3ab ~ 60? —30b) =a(a)=a 455. The given determinant iva’? 2ab — 2b a8 2a 2» 2a 1 a8 139 t+ a? +28 ab -2ab tb =| 2ab-2ab 1-0? +b? +20” a J25—B(1-a?—B?) -2a+a(l—a?—B") 1-a?—B? GG -06, (er) leat sh 0 2b =| 0 Latest Be Jar ates!) alee? 8) 1a? ho 2% SC4asey 0 1 a -a 1a B| lo 2 =O4a bP 1 2a ma laa? +8 (R>R—-bR) 2a ba tats t| A (a BP a 4 20) =(14a+b)) 156, The given determinant ease? ja? +1 ab ae =| ab Bt be a cb SH (PN) ab ae ab BP +1) Be ate? +9) a? eb lotatsitee’) dtatestec’) (asic =| # w+ e e é + RFR AR) tort Ota ee +c) +n w lk? 0 G9G-G G36-G Scanned with CamScanner 740 maser eel, { (+e +e) ($7. The given determinant Ho *G “0 Pa", a fa *G *a |, x=) xe?) z 6 wp =D me=o—9} x@-De-2 6 | Ge (x= Nr-2)| 7 1-2 G-) @-DE-D| (x= N(r-2) DP Or OA -t0-a @-9 @-)-3G-9) Rab Ry RRR y=) (8 -)-30- en G-4)-36~ 12 _20-G-2]1 yr 2 _ 20 -E-9E-)) 2 iy =2e =x) 2 58, ‘The given determinant 2) ‘Algebra Booster fotetet tated retated nate] E wt i a i wt 1 fl lo 1 10 Ay of 1 59. The given determinant is ovo? a? a? =| cra ee (axny| ko +o)? —a' ° @ =| 0 erate Pray (ar by (ary G7ag-G G9G-G, 0 @ cta-b OB b+e—a =(arbre') 0 e-a-5 c-a-b (a+8)' b+e-a 0 a? =(arbre] 0 crank # 2b 2a 2a} RRB AR) able +a)( b+ e~a) +2e°H(e+a~B) = 2alle +0} (b+ ea) +(e+a~B) =2abl(b (e+ 0) + (=a) ac +a? ab 2ablbe + E+ a2) Dabelat b+0) = 2abelat b+ 0) Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants 60, ‘The given determinant is lie+0(a+2) (a2) (a+2Ma+3) (a3) I (a+3Ka+4) (asd) I a s3a42 (+2) I asSa+6 (+3) I P47a+12 (a+4 || P43a+2 (a2) 1 mid 1 4a+ 2 RRR, (ese) 2a+4 | on (a+ 8)~(4a+ 10) 2 61, The given determinant is te eta ats) +b bte etal +a a+b b+el =Platb+e) bre e+dl Riatb+e era att latb+c) arb bed GC 4+G40) la+b+e) c+a att latbre bre etd arbre) ath deel (arbre larb+e) a+b+e) le -b -d =2| =2| =2)c -a 1] (G>G+G+a) | 2 Here, 1AL 44 0 6 We know that, f= and any one of D, and D, isnon- ze, it has no solution. So the system of equation is inconsistent 2 5\_39-30-0 6 15. 63, Hers, a-| n4-20=-620 64, Here, D= 2 6 d=? S\-36-36-0 6 1 As wwe know that, if D = 0 + D, = D,, the system of ‘equations has infinitely many solutions Lety=k ‘Then x= S58 SRER (65. Since the system of equations has infinitely many sol tions, 20 D= 0+ D,=D, tab 1 66, Webave, had D=|a b ¢|=(a~byb-eye-a) |? # 2 tid pala b ¢|=(¢-a(b-e\e-a) je bat Dy=|a d_c|=(a-dyd-exe-a) ja? a e| rit Dy=|a bd d|=(a-By0-axd-a) a a’ Scanned with CamScanner 742 = 7 D (@—BXb— Nea) (a—BYe—a) pa Dr (a= ald che~a) _(a-dXd-9) 2D (a= DNb—eKe= a) (a= BXE=C) Dy _(a-b\b—dNd—a) _(b-dNd-a) D~ (a~ANb— elle a) (b—ee=a) ‘The given system of equations reduces to au-veawe2 4 and -u—2v+ d= ma Here, D=|2 -1 3 Li -2 4] = 1644.6)=1843)-14=1) =2-1 Sad ua. Daj 13 124 ‘Algebra Booster 2-1 (68, Given parabola is y = ax? + bx + e, which is passing through @, 4), (1,1) and (-2, 5), 50, a+ 2b + a-bie 4-20 From Cramets rule, ti H Hence, the required equation ofthe parabola is year torte 2 Spy yeh ante (69. Sincethe system of equations has unique soliton, 0, revo tests be 70. Since the system of equations has infinitely many solu- tions, s0 3 3 awh 7 72 = An6 Hence, the value of Ais 6. Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants 71. We know that, the system of equations has no solution Only when, if D= 0, but any one of D,,D,,D, is non- Now, D=0 gives ho 2 3 0 (pH Qe) 1 = (+2)Qp41)=0 = p=-2, 2 Now, D, #0 gives p# 1, =| L D,# Ogives p# and ,e0gies pat Hence, the value ofp is -2. 172. ‘Since the given system of equations has no solution, so D> O and at-least any one of D, D,, Dis non-ner. Now D=0, gives 2 -1 2) =| 2 1-0 1 2 al = WA-D+A-N+20+=0 = M41 +8=0 = Us3 = asl Also D, #0 gives 2-13) 21 42 al 40 = 224-2) +2¢-44-4) 40 = -4a-4-8A-840 = Ateo = Asi ‘Again, D,# O gives A 1. Hence, the value of Ais @ 1h ton oof oaninca So the system of equations has infinitely many solu- Lety=k 3k Then x= ker 2 74. Since the system of equations has non-trivial solution, s0D=0 %6. 143 lasbe-t B latb+e-t latbte-t a a~ = (atbte-Hh et hoa loo = (a+b4e-00 c-b-1 a-e-| (a+ b+0),P+ (a+ B+ ac—c) t=(tbic) +b) (2ac~c) ‘Thus, the number of values oft s3. . Since the system of equations has a unique solution, so D,20 os al b-1 4 12 3) 70 63-8) 5-9-4) + 6+ N70 304654 7240 TA+3s20 A45a0 = aes Hence, the value of is R= [-5}. uuu Since the system of equations has infinite solutions, so 1a 0 0 1 al=0 wo (a+ Ni@-o+ D=0 (a+ 1=0,@-a+)=0 uas Scanned with CamScanner 144 17. Wehave, 0 ‘ 6 fete 24400400 a040b+ec AtbO+0e aathh+00 a+ bb+ Oe arbOree Oatbb+ed 004bb+ aoe | ae eR Bee 78. Wehave, 2 at pres p+ P7468 — YarP\y+d) — afily+d)+78(a+f)} p+ ed afity+6)+96(a+B) 2apy6 ot ot le+B 748 Ox\yd asp op ow of 0 =o 19. Wehave 1 cos (B—a) cosy a] lcos(a-f) 1 cosy Ph} leos(a—7) cos(B-7) ose sing Of kcosa sin O| = cosB sinB Ax\cosB sing o| leosy siny of feosy siny 0) =0x0 =0 80. Wehave, 3 WH 1+ se) +70) 1+ 72) 1+ s0) I+ 7@) 14/0) 1404) 3 I+a+p 1+arspr| =|teet fp eats p® teats p} heotsp? tratsp! rasp broad =a Alxh a p a pt a p hoa af je ‘ h a pr ‘Algebra Booster =(0-G-'B- a (1 =aFC ~ prea By Hence, the value of Fis 1 81, Weave, o 0 Oo 201 = £0 6 4] Boe Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, 3201 = 2 12e 12 to 3204 = s"@=|2 126 126" 1b # a. sinteae Pestan nar il ins Fin eos =] on Sa Tle s oma x is 5 4e(3) rs a(t) = sae) § =» Sw Tw axl) = is 2h(3) 5 =0 84, Weave, non Med 2 zor Met z = ¥a-|Se-p 2 oF ISior—2 anne not) Yao nn+0) 2 n@n—1) 143 br? 101 arn) im (5 Then ery 101 rH 3) ee} 0 Se Sac Lae a ob oe pogo qo are constants. where a, 6, £6, Welave, gj (4) = (a AY => adj (4’)-(adj 4) =O 87, Weknow that, Ind (4) = | Replace by 4? and m by 3, we get Indica =14P = LaF 88, Weknow tat, ven Aad 4)=Ldl- Jy (0 3) {ed} =|? = bed I= [AP = lap = 16 Scanned with CamScanner 146 90, We knows that, Aaajfaas nna 1at"-* = ate apa 3 (las > O-D=4 91. Given adj(P): ‘As we know that, Ia P= VST “Thus Ff = A222 Pq Pay ay Now, =| 2a, 2a ay, ay, Day 2 Pan 2a. 2an| = =P, Yon Fax] bay, 2a as one os ae ay, Pay Pay Jan air a) 22.2222 aye ay las) ana a2. 93, We know that, la (4) = LaP* laa (A u 1(12~ 12) - o(4 6) +3(4-6)= 16 2a-6=16 2a=16+6=22 @=1 vugg Algebra Booster 94, Since the determinant of a skew-symmetic mat ero, so the inverse does not exist 98, Weknow that, BB Now, W481 = BAIL L = qiaia-l4 96. Webave, R=(P cos 8+ Osin 8) (Toca (one) (a 88) a(R) _(c08@ -sin 8) oun oo cae) 97. Given BY AB= a Now, BAB = BABE = Be = BANDS = Bae ~ ay na 98. Given, TtAt sist. +420 AMAL AA AAD teeta tA = RAs) SR Ae = 1449-0 100. We know that, 101, Weave, Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants 1 =A aca) asia get an Lge =ixlal ii =lAl 102. Given, (3) - vente St 2 Since || +0, so its inverse exists. Tins, ai (4) 4 12) (P 4) wo. aom(t 3} x(4 1) ‘ean be written as AX= B, where af. jee( 4) sonnel fee So, its inverse exists Tus, vea'B Cle 4) to4, 147 = ai) =l818" Replacing B by OBP, we get adj (QBP) =|0BORP)* 16) (BP) =|ONBIPIP'B 1 (QBP) =|a1'B4Q* 36) (QBP)= PBB" adj (QBP) = P(A)" 106, Weave, Ba = ABest vaug =0-2(8-6) +36-3) =4-3 =140 So, its inverse exists Weave, | bape Ibd a errs) o 217 G35] Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants, = AK= 8, where 2 sons ma 2 19] So, inverse does not exist. ts I Tain gene cpt nn tryin i, aetna ioc an whee Oye itn (ii) infinite solutions, or ete mic dnt yn ° 0 ita) 43. Eke 149 Now, “4 ‘Thus, the system of equations have a unique solution. 114, Weave, A=IA (Sa 3) (R>R,-28) (RR, #2R) ac u S 11S. Webave, 123 247 8 6 10] = 14042) — 420-21) +3412— 12) b= =-24240=0 Since the determinant of given matrix is 2. 116. Webave, 2043 la|1 2 1-2 6| 12-2) -4(6~1) + 3-2 +2) 0-200 110, 80 the rank of the =o Since the determinant of dis zero, so the rank of the given matrix is 2. 117, Weave, 18 -20)-2(12~12)+3(10- 12) 6-8 Since the determinant of Ais non-zero, s0 the rank of the given matrix i 3 Scanned with CamScanner 750 ‘Algebra Booster 118, Wehave, Also, A= 4? oo offi -]3 3 9] 1-1 -3j2 (R,4R,-9R) Since the number of non-zero raws is 2, so the rank of ‘the given matrix i 2. 119. Wehave, 2.3 -syf2 3 -s Baada|-1 4 sila 4s 1a alli 3 4] [se 6-12 415 So] 2-445 3416-15 5420-20 243-4 312412 -S-1S416 wn Be sete 22-4) 72 24 aj13 afxfas 4 raafli2 224 -j4 3 4fea 12 Hence, Ais peiodie. 113 ra, Lta=|5 2 6 3 A Soe ae Bais “2-4 11 o3q0 Now,A'=4-4=]5 2 6/5 2-1 3)2 542i 2072 ion S-m -2-1 2 =|3 3 9 4 33a 5421 Baa S$ -24e 3 ‘Thus, 4 isa hermitian matrix. Scanned with CamScanner Matrices and Determinants 125 Wehave, ww > 2-3 2 pnt eae 2F G)=|-2437 2-4 io fw aah 2H = ye} aH 2 8 ease sane Heian ati Jl 3] a 126, Let A= Hence 4 is unitary matrix. eves MM 1. Wehave, Ih be be(b-+<)) It ca cale+a| I ab abla+5) abe abe(b +e) » ep bea tealea) cab abe(a+ ton -2f Lesa ‘abe 1 @+sy lr 1 wo =(abeyfb 1 (e+ le 1 (ad lr 1 (@+b+o) = (abeyb 1 (b+e+a) G6+6) le 1 @+b+o 151 =(abe)latb+e)\b 1 1 stiff ote ray De al [RRR RD rou =-tale cha a a ate| 2) 2a (-be~be) =2ax-2be =4abe Weave, bre a a? (G9G-6) Bogie ee ates perc?) 200°+ey 240° By ns e eB ROR FRAY Wr) re) sry or a ee ate +e) We) (asd \-v -a? 0 = ee + ae?) =e) Scanned with CamScanner 192 65, Let Mfbea 2x2 symmetric matrix with integer enees ‘Then Mis invertible if (6) the first column of Mis the transpose ofthe second row of M (b) the second row of A isthe transpose of the frst column of Af (©) Miva diagonal matrix with non-zero entries inthe ‘main diagonal (@ the product of entries in the main diagonal of Mis no the square of an integer UIT-IEE, 2014) Let Mand Nbetwo 3 x3 matrices such that MN and AE = N¥ then (2) determinant of AF + 307) is 0 () there is a 3 x 3 non-zero matrix U such that (OF + MAP) is the zero 66. (©) determinant of # + 80) > 1 (@) Fora 3% 3 matrix U, if (ME + MVFWU equals the ‘zero matrix then U's the zero matrix. [INFIEE, 2014) levee M L@ 2@ 30 46 56 6H 7@ &@ 26 11M 10) 2@ BO 4G) 10 5 @ 7 O KO BW We) 2.6) 2@ BH WE BW 2.) 2. @) 2%O) BO) We) 10) RW Ba WH 3.O 36.6) 37 @ KO) 39.) 4.0) 4.0 2@ BO OE © 6) 4 @ &@ #8) 0 SL 2@ BO HW 3 @ 60) 57 ©) RA BW) HO 6.0) 2 BO KO) 6.6) INTEGER TYPE QUESTIONS L223 31 42 55 Caor) Algebra Booster 67. Let X and ¥ be two arbitrary, 3 x 3, non-zero, skew- symmetric matrices and Z be an arbitrary 3 x 3, not zero, symmetric matrix Which of the following matrices is (are) skew-symmet- @ v2'-2 w xteye (©) ¥2'-2K° @ xy HITE, 2015] 68, Which ofthe following valucs of a satisfy the equation laray? (+20)? +30" (2+ay> (2+2a) (2+30)"|=—6480? a+a? @+20) G+3a)' o4+ 09 ©2 @w4 WT-EE, 2015} 66 73 &8 98 m2 23 B72 (COMPREHENSIVE LINK PASSAGES Passgagel: 1. (2) 2. () 3. (@) assgage U1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b) Passgage Ill: 1. (e) 2. (a) 3. (b) PasseagelV: 1. @) 2 ©) 3. @) MATCH MATRICES Pe) nic) T5105 09-5) q 2 AOB>®:O> M0) >) 9 3. A> QitB) > WiC) 9 G0) 9) \v 4 AR) =O peers 3@ 6 @ 8. (a) EP Tateren deve | 1. Fach element ofthe given mat eo be filled in2 ways, a = 2x2x2x2— 2. Fach coment of Kane. So nr 33 cn east ror. the number of possible matrices of order 33 is = 2x2%2x... upto times =2=512 3. As we know that A + (~4) = O, then —d isthe additive inverse of ‘Therefore, the additive inverse of 4, Scanned with CamScanner

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