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PartOne The Letters of the Alphabet |A. Listen to the recording and repeat these letters after the speaker. Capitalletes: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Smallletess abedefghijkimnopqrstuvwxy2 B. Listen to the recording and write down the letters, 1 2 a fe 5. 6 2 Bo 9 10. Woo _ 4 1. 16. 7. 18. ©. Circle the letters you hear. B P K : aE a 7 c J [Rt Exercise 2 {Common abbreviations I aun Listen to some common abbreviations and write them down inthe spaces provided, Do you know what each one stands for? enn Listen to the names of the places and write them down. Do you know where these places are in Britain? a 2 3. 4 c 6. a 8. a 10. ne 1. 3. 14. Is. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 10 ~ Basic IELTS Listening ‘wwe nhantivet.com PatTwo Getting to Know Each Other > Ch o4.mrs Listen to the conversations and answer the questions. 1. A: What's Joseph's last name? B: His last name is 2. A: Soiry, what's your name again? B: OK, my first name is and my lastname is spelled 3. A: Excuse me, whats her name? B + and her last name is spelled 4. As What is Ms. Smith's frst name? B: Its spelled 5. A: Who is the man in the middle? B: He is my fiend, ‘A: Where is he from? B: He is from surname —~ first name ='given naine ‘wwewnhantivietcom UnitOne Names and Places 11 : 4 08,9 Task A Look atthe map of Britain Please listen and write down the people's names next tothe place where they come from. kB = to the recording again and fil in edch blank with a proper name. 1 comes from Edinburgh. 2 comes from Newcastle 3. is from Liverpool. 4. is from Glasgow. « s. is from Cardiff. : 6. teaches in London. 7. comes from Manchester University 8. is from Belfast. 12 ~Basic IELTS Listening ‘vowenhanttivietcorn is rom Nottingham University 10. is from Cambridge University Sa 1. Bainburgh is the capital of Setland and ite the centre of government and eommercil ie, The famous castle and {nternationa festival aliract thousands of vistors. 2, Glago, Aberen a Dundee are teehee in Selland. = 9, Aburdean i Seotand’s chi Sshing por. 4 Cardi, Swansea and Newport are the chief urban centes in Wale, +5 Belfast g the centre of Northern Irland. ee cone BE Ca or. nes Listen to some self-introductions and complete the information about each person. Bt 1 Name ‘What does she do? ’ ‘Whereis she from? fy ‘What sport docs she like? - i\] How often? W wawahantrvietcom Unit One Names and Places ~ 13 Name What does he do? S Where is he from? ‘ea ‘What does he like? ‘Where does he work? ‘Where does he go at weekends? 3 Name ‘What does he do? How often does he work? - Where does he plan to go? ‘When does he plan to go? 4. Name ‘What does she do? ‘Where does she work? ‘Where does she plan to go? How long does she work on Sundays? Name “What docs she do? ‘Where is she from? “What does she like to do after work? ‘ 14 - Basic IELTS Listening wwwanhantivietcom Name What does he do? Where is he from? ‘What does he lke? How many children does he have? 1 Name ‘What does she do? Whereis she from? - Where does she work? ‘What does she lke? ‘What's her favourite one? 8 Name Whereis he from? ‘What does he do? ‘Where does he work? What does he ike? = ‘What kind of sport does he lke? How often? eee, > o8.ura Listen to the conversation carefully. Fill in the table below as you listen. \wwew.nhanttivie.com ‘Unit One Names and Places~ 15 oi (5 09,405 Listen to the conversations and complete the information about each person. 1 First Name Last Name Country Subject First Name Last Name Country Subject eee ll 3. Joseph ed as 10.03 ‘Task A Look at the maps of some countries. Listen to the recording and write down the people’s names next to the country where they come from. 16 ~ Basic IELTS Listening \wwwsnhantivit.com Task B Listen to the conversations again and fill in the forms below. L Ms. Hee First name Country Nationality 2 ‘Me. Smith First mame Country Nationality First name Country Language - ‘When to use the computer Last name .— First name Country... Nationality — Last name First name Country won nhantriviet com Unit One Names and Places - 17 iinet cet Listen to the conversation carefully. Fill in the table below as you listen. j Ann Shirley Linda 18 ~ Basic IELTS Listening www nhantivetcom PartOne Cardinals |The numbers used to count the objects in a group are called cardinal numbers: 1, 2,3, et: 99 ninety-nine Neg) GS 12.mrs Listen to the following mumbers and repeat them after the speaker. B18 7 © B 3 S439 a noo 8 ETT 6. ues Listen to the following numbers and write them down. EE 6. s.ues You will hear someone reading the numbers in the box. Some of them are correct, and some are not. When the number is correct, put a tick (v) by it Ifit’s wrong, put a cross (x). Look at the box below and listen to the recording, 3 | [_» | T ae . l 7 6 20 ~ Basic IELTS Listening wawnhantiviet.com, 36 n m4 52 96 50 | 9 88 2 2 oT | 33 78 77 49 Listen to Exercise 4 in the recording, When you hear a number that is in the box, draw a cross (%) next to the number. One of the numbers in the box isnot in the recording. Which number is it? Now listen to the following numbers. Aube poictice ; 9 | 1 113 78 {37 Bw ied ! a 25 | 33 22 | Qvir.wes Listen carefully and write the numbers in the blanks. Write the numbers in figures, not words, 1. The sweater costs 2. Tom bought 3. Mary is 4, Janet was 5. There are __ 6. My grandfather has 7. Bill wears size 8. The temperature was 9. The train arived at 10.1 got wow.nhanttivietcom pounds. _ books yesterday. yeats old. minutes late. __ students in my clas. ‘grandchildren. °C yesterday. o'clock. ‘on my English test 5 Unit Two Numbers ~ 21 44 tame Listen carefully and circle the correct numbers. 1. The student from New York bought (50 ~ 15) new books last week. 2. My uncle George lives at (13 — 30) King’s Road. 3. Mr. Johnson was (40 — 14) minutes late for his lecture. 4, It took (16 ~ 60) hours to finish his work. 5, Mary finished the test in (17 ~70) minutes. (6. My fiiend Alan lost (19 ~ 90) pounds on the frst day of clas. 7. I paid (80 ~ 18) pounds for that coat. 8. He lives at (5062 ~ 1562) Green Street, York. 9. Her address is (3040 - 1340) Farm Street, Brighton. 10. We bought (14 ~ 40) CDs last month. 100 one unared, fa hundred 2. Te numbers 1100, 26,100, 140, 150,100, 1700, 180, 1900 are soetins eld x leven hundred, tele hundred, thirteen hundred, ete 22 - Basic IELTS Listening ‘wowenhantvetcom + 18.08 Listen to the following numbers and repeat them after the speaker. 21 324109 414 240634523744 ema Listen to the following numbers and write them down © 20.03 ‘The Independent ‘The Guardian Financial Times ‘Sunday Express Daily Express The Sun Daily Mirror \wwew.nhanttivet.com Unit Two Numbers ~ 23 hea Gi para Listen to the recording and write down the numbers in the correct columns. ‘irite the numbers, How fast can you figure out the answers? Try to write the answers before you hear them. Example: 1.23 447270 2 oo 3 % = 4 10. 24 ~ Basic IELTS Listening wwnhanttivet.com Pan'two Ordinals Re "The numbers used to indicate position or order in a list are called ordinal numbers: 1%, 2°, 34 45, tc Gh 25.me3 Read the following ordinal numbers after the speaker. 1. fest r ¥4.fourteenth 14% 27. twenty-seventh 27 2second 24 15.fiteenth 15% 28. twenty-eighth 28% 3. third aa 6.sixteenth 164 29. twenty-ninth 298 4. fourth ” 17. seventeenth 17% 30. thirtieth 30 5. fifth se 18.cighteenth, 18% 31. fortieth 40" 6. sixth, ot 19: nineteenth 19 32. fiftieth: som Zeseventh = 7 20. twentieth 208 33, stieth 60® 8, cighth 3 21. twenty-fist 21" 34 seventieth 70% ninth: of 22, twenty-second . 224 35. eightieth. 80% 10.temh <0 28-twenty-third 238 36, ninetieth 90" “Ateleventh Te 24 twenty-fourth 24% 37, one hundredth 100" Yo twelth 124 25, twenty-fithh 25% 38, one thousandth 1000! 13. thirteenth 13" 26. twenty-sixth 26% Ete Listen to the recording and write down the numbers you hear. Write the numbers in words. 2 3. 4 3. 6 2 8 9. 10. 1 12. B. 4. 15. ‘www. nhantriviet.com Unit Two Numbers~ 25 Listen carefully and circle the correct numbers. 1, My office ison the (6 5*) floor. 2. The team fiom Shanghai won the (14) place in the tennis match, 3. Jim was the (22™!— 275) in the lat marathon race, 4. Mary's birthday is on the (25 — 29%) of September. ‘5S. Our seats are in the (21* — 23%) row. 6. The meeting willbe on the (3° 1*) of April. 7. The theatre is on the (15% — 50) Stret. 8, People celebrated the (45% ~ 55") anniversary of the school last year. 9. Alaska was the (5% — 50°) state in America, 10. The final exam is on the (25" ~ 26") of June. eee iinet 8, 10, ete, 26 - Basic IELTS Listening wow nhanttvietcom Pan Three Decimal Fractions es ce) In decimal factions an “0” has two names. Ifit comes before the decimal point, its called naught after the point, it's pronounced ob. Numbers before the decimal point are said normally: one, to, ten, thirten, twenty four, two hundred, ec. After the point, we say cach number by itself, we don’t sxy | hundred, thousand, etc. e.g. 1.23, we say one point two thre, j Look at the notes: 0.1 naught point one 0.01 naught point oh one 0.002 naught point oh of two | 2.123. two point one two three 41.005. forty-one point oh oh five | ‘You will hear about passenger trafic at Britain's main airports in 1990 and 1993, Listen to the recording and write down the figures in the correct columns. Edinburgh Newcastle Bristol SEB cxceoneye ‘We we percontges when we want to press a number more simply, Perdentage means the number ofX per 100; for example, thee are 0 stents nthe clas and 25 of them are boys, we can asy 5% ofthe tents are bn ‘The percent’ end aller the wmber, = rey por ent, 28% twenty-six per ent i We can use % with decimal "102% seven point ch two percent (051% ~ naught point five one per cent ‘wwwenhantivietcom Unit Two Numbers~ 27 Now listen to the report on consumers’ expenditure in 1983 and 1993 at market prices and write down the percentages in the correct columns. Alcoholic drink ‘Tobacco Housing Recreation, entertainment and education (Other goods and services SER Go or.urs Total number Other EU countries ‘Australia, Canad or New Zealand “The United States ‘Commonwealth counties “The Middle East South Afica 28 ~ Basic IELTS Listening www.nhantrvietcom ional 5 aes Look at the pie charts and listen to the short interview about the earthquake, Write down the per- centages you hear. We asked Nanaimo people about earthquakes: Do you feel that local schools are adequately Do you have an earthquake emergency kt ia prepared for an earthquake? your home? seat —— otsore vs You will hear a talk about British trade in 1993, As you listen, write down the percentages in the appropriate places. Geographical Distribution of Trade in 1993 Pa, eae Se worw.nhantriviet.com Unit Tw Numbers ~ 29 Part Four Money |. es | Gis written before the number, but itis said after the number. | £1 afone pound | £20 twenty pounds | £100 alone hundred pounds p is written afer the number, and said after it. Sp. fifty pence 76p, seventy-six pence | A-sum of money can be said in different ways: £10.50. 1. ten potinds fifty pence | 2. ten pourids fifty. 3.tenfity £21.99 1. twenty-one pounds ninety-nine pence 2. twenty-one pounds ninety 3. twenty-one ninety-nine ioeulas price: ric price: 30 — Basic IELTS Listening wownhantrivet.com +435. Listen to the recording and write down the prices (in figures) in the spaces provided, 1. How much does this cost, please? 2. What's the price of that book, please? 3, How much are those shoes, please? 4. How much is that, please? 5. How much is the bil, please? 6. Can you tell me how much islet in my bank account, please? 7, How much will it cost to send this letter to France? 8. What's the price ofthat bike over there? ‘9, How much isthe return ticket to Edinburgh’ 10. How much does this cost, please? BE 56. mPs Bus fare (minimum) Underground fare (minimum) Taxi fare (minimum) Coach fare ‘wow nhantiviet.com Unto Numbers ~ 31 ia are Listen to the second part ofthe talk and write down the prices in the boxes provided. Rent for a one-bedroom fat ‘Alocal telephone call Posting a lever : | | | Abottle of beer ‘Use of a tumble drier | ‘Washing powder (a medium-sized packet) Listen to the last part ofthe talk and write down the prices in the boxes provided Ashir Ajacket ” oo pair ofjeans Apairofrunning shoes ‘Awarm coat light raincoat Askirt i Aday dress 32 ~ Basic IELI S Listening hantriviet.com

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