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Cities and countries

 1. How do you feel about climate change?
 2. Has climate change affected the country in which you live?
 3. Are there any special traditions associated with different seasons in your country?
 4. Do you think weather affects the way people feel?
 5. Do you ever watch the weather news? Do they usually forecast the weather correctly?

2. Countries of studied language and Kazakhstan

 6. What images spring to mind when you hear the country USA?
 7. Would you like to visit the USA, or live there?
 8. How important is tourism to your country?
 9. What are the good and bad things about tourism?
 10. Do you think tourism helps people in the world understand each other?
 11.If a group of people just came to your city from overseas, what advice would you
give them?

3. Customs and Traditions.

 12. Have you ever travelled abroad? If yes, where did you go and what was it like? What
13. Сustoms were different from your country’s customs?
 14. Are there any traditional customs you follow in your culture?
 15. Do you think it is important to follow a country’s customs when you visit there?
 16. What world events had the most impact on you when you were a child? Did any of
them personally affect your family?
 17. Describe a typical family dinner. Did you all eat together as a family? Who did the
cooking? What were your favorite foods?
 18. How were holidays (birthdays, Christmas, etc.) celebrated in your family? Did your
family have special traditions?

Holidays and celebrations

• 19. Do you like holidays? What do you do on holidays? Do you go on a trip every

• 20. What are some fun facts about holidays? What kind of traditions do you have on your
family’s holiday?

• 21. Do you find holidays stressful in other ways? Travel/shopping/cleaning/hosting?

• What are some of your childhood memories of holidays?

• 22. Do you think holidays are a bigger deal when you have kids? Would you rather travel
or stay at home on holidays?

• 23. Does the symbolism of any holidays inspire you? Which holidays?

• 24.What genres of movies do you like?

• 25. What's your favorite movie of all time? Why do you like it?

• 26. What's the worst movie you have ever seen?

• 27. Is going to the movies too expensive? How much are you willing to pay to see a
movie at the cinema? Will you pay more to see a 3D, 4D, or IMAX movie?

• 28. Who is the most beautiful actress in the world? Who is the most handsome actor in
the world?

• 29. Talk about someone that you think is very talented at acting.

• 30. Do you like animated movies? Or are they just for kids?

• 31. Do you enjoy movies from your own country or other countries more? From which
other countries?

• 32. Do you try to watch films that win awards? Are awards good indicators of film

• 33. Films are rated for age-appropriateness. Are these ratings effective?

• 34. Are you looking forward to any upcoming movies? What film do you want to watch
these days?

• 35. Can we learn about a culture from the movies that culture produces? What have you
learned from foreign films?

• 36. Do you mind reading subtitles when you watch a foreign language film, or would you
prefer it to be dubbed into your own language?

Choosing a career. My choice of choosing a career. Famous universities. My future

71. What factors should you consider when choosing a career?
72. What are some popular careers in your country, and why are they popular?
73. Have you thought about your long-term career goals? What steps are you taking to
achieve them?
74. How can you find out more information about a particular career, such as its salary,
job prospects, and required qualifications?
75. What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to choose a career?
Choosing a career. Our university. Student’s life
76. What profession do you want to pursue in the future, and why?
77. What skills and qualities do you think are essential for success in your chosen
78. What steps are you taking or plan to take to prepare for your future profession?
69. Are there any challenges or obstacles that you anticipate in pursuing your chosen
profession? How do you plan to overcome them?
70. What do you think are the benefits of pursuing a career in your chosen profession,
both personally and for society as a whole?
My study. Revision.
71. What kind of activities can you do outside of class to improve your English skills?
72. Have you participated in any extracurricular activities at your school? If so, which
73. What are some common challenges that students face in your country's education
74. What are some of the requirements to become a teacher in your country?
75. What are some of the biggest challenges that teachers in your country face?

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