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шетел тілдері және аударма ісі

кафедрасының БББ жетекшісі
___________ Д.М.Жабыкбаева

6В02302 «Аударма ісі » білім беру бағдарламасы

бойынша «Әдеби аударма машығы» пәнінен АІҚ – 411 білімгерлеріне
емтихан сұрақтары.
7 – семестр, 2023-2024 ж.
1. What is translation ?
2. What is a literary translation?
3. What are the eight types of translation?
4. What are the steps of translation?
5. Advantages of literary translation?
6. What is the difference between interpretation and literary translation?
7. What is literalism?
8. What is the object of translation theory?
9. What is the most translated book in the world?
10. Stages of Literary Text Translation?
11. What Are the Types of Literary Translation of Texts?
12. What You Need to Translate a Text?
13. The Main Function of Text Translation is?
14. All types of literary translation are?
15. What types of topics does literary translation have?
16. What are the features of literary translation?
17. Why Do We Need Literary Translation?
18. Why literary Translation Is Important?
19. What are the basic requirements for translation?
20. What are the Technical Aspects of Translation?
21. What Problems Arise During Translation?
22. Where Translation First Appeared?
23. What language did the word translation come from?
24. What is a word-for-word translation?
25. A complete translation is?
26. Annotational translation is?
27. What is related to Economic Translation?
28. What is a Legal Translation?
29. What is Medical Translation?
30. Audiovisual translation is?
31. How many types of translation are there?
32. How many stages are there in the translation process?
33. What is the translation process?
34. What is the name of the translation process?
35. What types of translation are there in terms of quality requirements?
36. What additional materials should be provided to the translator in order to get a
high-quality translation?
37. What should a translator know?
38. What is a translation revision by a specialist?
39. What does professional translation mean ?
40. How do literary translators work?
41. What are the tasks of a literary translator?
42. What is context and what is its role in translation?
43. What is the difficulty for a translator of polysemous words?
44. What is necessary to translate polysemous words?
45. In which cases do I have to resort to descriptive translation?
46. What is the difficulty of translating newspaper and magazine headlines?
47. Why is the title usually translated at the end of working on the translation of
the article?
48. What skills should a translator have?
49. What should a translator know?
50. What is the object of translation?
51. What are the duties of a literary translator?
52. What are translation methods?
53. What is the translation of documents called?
54. What is concretization in translation?
55. Why do we need to translate documents?
56. What is a full literary translation?
57. What do literary translators do?
58. What should a translator be like?
59. What is an accurate translation?
60. How do I specify the translation in the text?
61. What is a reverse text translation?
62. What should the translation of the document look like?
63. What is the name of the translation of speech into text?
64. What is a translated text?
65. What is Sight Translation?
66. What is translation ?
67. What is a literary translation?
68. What are the eight types of translation?
69. What are the steps of translation?
70. Advantages of literary translation?
71. What is the difference between interpretation and literary translation?
72. What is literalism?
73. What is the object of translation theory?
74. What is the most translated book in the world?
75. Stages of Literary Text Translation?
Пән оқытушысы: Оспан А.Қ.

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