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DAILY TEST – 3 Score Parent’s Signature

Name :__________________
Date :__________________
Class : Elementary 5
Subject : Science
Material : Chapter 4 & 5

Pray before you do the test!

A. Choose the right answer! (@1 = 1.5)

1. Why do humans need energy…….
I. To walk
II. To eat
III. To sleep
IV. To breath
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. II, III and IV
d. I, II, III and IV
2. The original source of almost all the energy in the environment is …….
a. Carbohydrates
b. Sunlight
c. Water
d. Carbon dioxide
3. How is energy used in the blood circulation process…….
I. To carry blood containing waste materials away
II. To break down the food that was eaten
III. To carry blood that contains nutrients, water and oxygen to the whole body
IV. To help in repairing cells

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a. I and II c. II and III
b. I and III d. III and IV
4. The statements below explain what happes in a field.

From the statement above, which is the correct flow on how the energy is passed on…..
a. Grass - Grasshopper - Bird - Eagle - Sun
b. Sun - Grass - Grasshopper - Bird - Eagle
c. Eagle - Bird - Grasshopper - Grass - Sun
d. Grass - Sun - Grasshopper - Bird - Eagle
5. What is photosynthesis …….
a. A process a making food for plants
b. A process of absorbing sunlight to get energy supply
c. A process where plants make their own food
d. A process of plants reproduction
6. Which of the following statements is true about stomata……..
a. Stomata absorb sunlight to make food
b. Stomata transport sugar made in the leaves to the rest of the plants
c. Stomata allow gases to move into and out of the leaves
d. Water and minerals enter the plant through the stomata
7. The diagram below shows the photosynthesis process.

Which of the following represents P, Q and R……..

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8. Plants release oxygen and produce food for humans and animals. What would happen if
there are no plants…….
a. The number of animals would increase
b. Humans would die and become extinct
c. Humans and animals would die and become extinct
d. Humans would become animal food
9. The diagram below shows an experiment about photosynthesis.

What is the aim of this experiment……..

a. Watr is necessary for photosynthesis
b. Oxygen is necessary for photosynthesis
c. Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis
d. Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis
10. In what form is excess sugar stored in plants…….
a. Starch
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Oxygen
d. Water

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11. The diagram below shows a complete electric circuit.

How many components are used to build a complete electric circuit…….

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
12. Which of the following is used to break and complete a circuit…….

13. Which of the following is a closed circuit…….

14. The diagram below shows two electric circuit.

Which of the following statements is true about the electric circuit…….

a. Electric circuit P is a complete electric circuit
b. The battery in electric circuit Q is stronger than that in P
c. The bulb in electric circuit P is burnt
d. The electric circuit Q is a complete circuit that allows electric current to flow through it

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15. Anna finds that the bulb she used in her experiment is dim. What should she do to make
the bulb brighter…..
a. Increase the number of batteries
b. Replace with a new switch
c. Replace with a new bulb
d. Replace with a smaller bulb
16. The diagram below shows circuit X and circuit Y.

Which is the following is true about circuit X and Y……..

17. The diagram shows four different electric circuits.

Which of the following shows the brightness of bulbs in the correct sequence, from the
brightness to the dimmest……
a. P - R - S - Q
b. R - P - Q - S
c. R - P - S - Q
d. Q - S - P - R
18. The diagram shows a closed electric circuit.

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If Ali wants to check whether his material is an electric conductor or not, which
component should he replace……
a. D
b. C
c. B
d. A
19. Which of the following is an electric conductor…….
a. Polystyrene ruler
b. Glass rode
c. Alumuium chopstick
d. Rope
20. Which of the following actions shows the correct safety precautions when handling
electrical equipment……

B. Fill with the correct answer! (@ = 4)

1. All living things need………… carry out life processes.
2. We get energy from……… carry our processes such as digestion…….., growth,
…..... and movement.
3. The sun’s ………………… is passed on to us when we plants or animals.
4. Plants make food through the process of ………………..
5. Human and animals depend on ……………….. as a source of food to get energy.
6. Sugar and …………… are produced during photosynthesis.
7. The ……………….. is our primary source of energy.

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8. Green plants that have …………... need carbon dioxide, ……….. and …………... for
9. sugar produce from photosynthesis can be changed to ……………….
10. Excess sugar is stored as starch in the leaves, …………….. and other parts of the

C. Answer the question correctly! (@ = 6)

1. The diagram below shows food from different food groups.

a. What is the importance of food

.................. ................................. ...............
............................. .....................................

b. List 3 food groups and example of each based on the diagram above.
.................. ................................. ...............
............................. .....................................

2. Explain how the energy from food is used to carry out the life processes below!
a. Digestion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
b. Respiration : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
c. Growth : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
3. The diagram below shows horses eating grass.

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a. How does the grass get energy to make their own ?
.................. ................................. .............
b. What is the primary source of energy ?
.................. ................................. .............
4. The diagram below shows a set of components of an electric circuit

a. What is the function of the battery in the circuit ?

.................. ................................. .............

b. Why the connecting wire used in the circuit ?

.................. ................................. .............

5. The diagram below shows three electric circuits, P, Q and R. All the bulbs will light up
when the switches are turn on.

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a. Which circuit would show the brightest bulb? Explain!
.................. ................................. ..............

b. Which circuit would show the dimmest bulb? Explain!

.................. ................................. ..............

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