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CHAPTER 3: Social Science Theories and 2.

Conflict Theory
Their Implications to Education
According to this theory, there are always
Introduction: two opposing sides in a conflict situation.
People take sides between maintaining the
Sociologists today employ three primary
status quo and introducing change then arrive
theoretical perspective:
at an agreement. Conflict theory welcomes
The functionalist perspective, the conflict conflict for that is the way to the establishment
perspective and the symbolic interactionist of a new society.
perspective. These perspectives offer
How Proponents of Conflict Theory Regard
sociologist theoretical paradigms for explaining
how society influences people, and how people
influence society. Each perspective uniquely According to the conflict theory, education is
conceptualizes society, social forces, and not truly a social benefit or opportunity as seen
human behavior. by the functionalists. Rather, education is a
powerful means of maintaining power structures
and creating a docile work force for capitalism.
Three Social Theories
3. The Symbolic Interactionist Theory
1. Structural-function Theory
Herbert Spencer, the proponent of
Three tenets of symbolic interactionist
structural-functional views society as “a system
theory are:
of interconnected parts each with a unique
function. The parts have to work together for 1. An individual’s action depends on meaning -
stability and balance of society.” Society is We act based on the meaning we give to
compared to the human body with different but symbols. Symbols can be actions, objects or
interrelated parts performing different function. words.
Purposes of Schooling according to 2. Different people may give different meanings
Functionalists to the same thing - When teachers are strict,
some students see it as an expression of care.
1. Intellectual purposes - acquisition of
Others may rebel because they perceive
cognitive skills, inquiry skills
teacher’s behavior as limiting their moves and
2. Political purposes - educate future citizens; desires.
promote patriotism; promote assimilation of
3. Meanings change as individuals interact with
immigrants; ensure order, public civility and
one another - A negative meaning that you used
conformity to laws
to associate with hospital when you went to a
3. Economic purposes - prepare students for hospital which looked more as a hotel than the
later work roles; select and train the labor force usual hospital you know is changed.
needed by society
4. Social purposes - promote a sense of social
and moral responsibility; serve as a site for the
solution or resolution of social problems;
supplement the efforts of other institutions of
socialization such as the family and the church
Weakness of Symbolic Interaction Theory CHAPTER 4: The weaknesses of the Filipino
character as cited in the Report are as
Critics claim that symbolic interactionism
neglects the macro level of social interpretation
the “big picture.” In other words, symbolic 1. Extreme family centeredness
interactionists may miss the larger issues of
- Excessive concern for family means using
society by focusing too closely on the “trees” or
one's office and power to promote family
by restricting themselves to small or individual
interests and thus factionalism patronage,
political dynasties and the protection of erring
Symbolic interactionism traces its origins family members. It results in lack of concern for
to Max Weber’s assertion that individuals act the common good, and acts as a block to
according to their interpretation of the meaning national consciousness.
of their world. However, it was the American
2. Extreme personalism
philosopher George H. Mead (1863-1931) who
introduced this perspective to American - Takes things personally, cannot separate
sociology in the 1920s. objective task from emotional involvement.
Because of this the Filipino is uncomfortable
with bureaucracy, with rules and regulations
and with standard procedures. He uses person-
al contacts, and gives preference to family and
friends in hiring, services and even voting.
Extreme personalism leads to the graft and
corruption evident in Philippine society.
3. Lack of discipline
- A casual attitude toward time and space,
manifested in lack of precision and
compulsiveness, in poor time management and
procrastination. Aversion to following
procedures strictly results in lack of
standardization and equality control. Impatience
results in short cuts, palusot, ningas cogon.
Lack of discipline often results to inefficient
work systems, the violation of rules and a
casual work ethic lacking follow through.
4. Passivity and lack of initiative
- Waiting to be told what to do, reliance on
others (leaders and government), complacence,
lack of a sense of urgency. There is high
tolerance of inefficiency, poor service, and even
violations of one's basic right. Too patient and
matiisin, too easily resigned to his fate, the
Filipino is easily oppressed and exploited.
5. Colonial mentality The strengths of the Filipino character are:
- Lack of patriotism, or of an active awareness, 1) pakikipagkapwa-tao,
appreciation and love of the Philippines and an
2) Family orientation,
actual preference for things foreign.
3) joy and humor,
6. Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality
4) flexibility, adaptability and creativity,
- Done by tsismis, intriga, unconstructive
criticism... it is evident in the personal ambition 5) hard work and industry,
that is completely insensitive to the common
6) ) faith and religiosity
good, e.g., the lack of a sense of service among
people in the government bureaucracy. This 7) ability to survive.
results in the dampening of cooperative and
community spirit, and in the trampling upon
other's rights. The Filipino character also has weaknesses:
7. Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection 1) extreme family centeredness,
- The tendecy to be superficial and some what 2) extreme personalism,
flighty. In the dace of serious personal and
social problems, there is lack of analysis or 3) lack of discipline.
reflection, and instead satisfication with 4) passivity and lack of initiative,
superficial explanations and solutions.
5) colonial mentality,
8. Emphasis on porma rather than substance
6) kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality,
- This lack of analysis and emphasis on form is
reinforced by an educational system that is 7) lack of self-analysis and self- reflection
more from than substance. 8) emphasis on porma rather than substance.
There is so much good in the Filipino but so much
needs to be changed, too. Shahani's report (1988)
The Filipino Character: Strengths and
explains that family orientation becomes in-group
Weaknesses orientation that prevents us from reaching out
In 1998 Senator Leticia Shahani submitted to beyond the family to the larger community and the
nation. In our personalism, we are warm and caring
the Senate t Report titled "A Moral Recovery
but this leads us to lack of objectivity. We are
Program: Building a People, Building a Nation.
concerned with people we know but unfair to people
This report cites the strengths and weaknesses we don't know. In our flexibility, we compromise
of the Filipino character. precision and discipline. We are a joyful people with
a sense of humor but we can't take things with
humor all the time for serious problems need serious
analysis. Our faith in God is our source of strength
but this makes us dependent on forces outside us,
do nothing that makes us submissive to God's will.
We are good at pakikipagkapwa-tao and so we can
easily empathize but we can at the same time be
envious of others. We can be hardworking and yet
can be lazy and passive in the workplace.
CHAPTER 5: The Top Ten Global Issues and 5. Lack of Education – more than 72
how they can be addressed million children throughout the globe that
are of the age to be in primary education
1. Climate Change- The global
are not enrolled in school. This can be
temperature are rising, and are estimated
attributed to inequality and
to increase from 2.6 degrees Celsius to
marginalization as well as poverty.
4.8 degrees Celsius by 2100. This would
6. Unemployment – without the necessary
cause more severe weather, crises with
education and skills for employment
food and resources and the spread of
many people, particularly 15 to 24 years
diseases. Lobbying governments and
old, struggle to find jobs and create a
discussing policies to reduce carbon
proper living for themselves and their
emissions and encouraging reforestation
is an effective way of making progress
with climate change. 7. Government Corruptions – corruption is
a major cause of poverty considering
2. Pollution - pollution include ocean litter,
how it affects the poor the most, eroding
pesticides and fertilizer, air, light and
political and economic development,
noise pollution. Clean water is essential
democracy and more.
for humans and animals, but more than
one billion people don’t have access to 8. Malnourishment and Hunger- long-term
clean water due to pollution from toxic success to ending world hunger starts
substances, sewage or industrial water. with ending poverty. By fighting poverty
through proper training for employment
3. Violence – violence can be found in the
education and the teaching of cooking
social, cultural and economic aspects of
and gardening skills, people who are
the world. Whether it is conflict that has
suffering will be more likely to get jobs,
broken out in a city, hatred targeted at a
earn enough money to buy food and
certain group of people or sexual
even learn how to make their own food to
harassment occurring on the street,
save money.
violence is preventable problem.
9. Terrorism – terrorism is an issue
throughout the world that causes fear
4. Security and Well-Being- the U. N is a
and insecurity, violence and death.
perfect example of what should be done
Across the globe, terrorists attack
to prevent the lack of security and well-
innocent people, often without warning.
being a serious global issue. Through its
effort with regional organizations and 10. The 17 SDGs – UN secretary –general,
representatives that are skilled in security, Ban Ki-moon, said: “ the seventeen
the U. N is working toward increasing the sustainable development goals are our
well-being of people throughout the shared vision of humanity and a social
world. contract between the word’s leaders and
the people. They are to-do list for people
and planet and a blueprint for success.

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