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Your Name ________________________________

Earthquake Terror Newscast

Congratulations, the National Weather Service has just made your group the newest additions
to the severe weather news team! Your first assignment is to deliver an emergency severe
weather report. Your team must create a 2-minute weather report outlining the recent
earthquake that occurred on Nagpie Island. Your weather report will provide details
regarding what happened to Jonathan and Abby, as well as scientific information about

Group member names ____________________________________________________________

Step 1: Research -- Use the attached graphic organizer to guide your research. Your
completed graphic organizer will be turned in with the project for points. All group members
must turn in a completed graphic organizer. Use the information that we have gathered
during class to help you complete the graphic organizer.

Step 2: Project Directions -- After you have completed your graphic organizer, your
group must develop an informational weather report that will air during the evening news,
including a script that will be turned in. Your weather report will report specifically about the
earthquake that occurred on Nagpie Island and must include ALL topics covered on the
graphic organizer.
Weather report requirements:
o Each group member must have a speaking role
o All topics on the graphic organizer must be addressed in the weather
o As a group, you will write a script -- this will be evaluated for points
o You may use props and notecards, but be sure to rehearse ahead of time!
o Be creative with your presentation, but only present factual information!
Earthquake Terror Newscast Rubric
Graphic organizer is complete and accurate
Script uses information from Earthquake
Terror and scientific facts from the graphic
organizer to give details about the event _____/10
Project shows creativity (uses props,
costumes, accents, etc.) _____/5
Actor stays on task and actively participates
throughout the entire project _____/10
Project is well-rehearsed
Actor speaks loudly and clearly
Script is rehearsed enough so that actor
sounds and acts naturally _____/5
Newscast is no more than 2 minutes long
Topics Explanation
5 W’s: Who? What? When? Who:
Where? Why/How? (Use
information from “Earthquake
Terror” to complete this



happens during an
earthquake? Describe and
define scientifically.

LOCATION: What part of the

Earth is involved with
earthquake formation?

Under what conditions does an
earthquake form?

can be taken to prepare for an
earthquake? How can people
stay safe in the future?

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