Family Work Conflict 26th Feb

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In this particular circumstance, Rita Prasai is seeking advice from Ramesh

regarding personal-family issues. It is clear how different dynamics of working
couples' job involvement shape their family satisfaction. This case examined and
analyzed the relationship between positive and negative family work interactions
and Rita's marital and job satisfaction. Both of them were satisfied and happy with
their professional careers in this case. Rita, on the other hand, felt that her
household responsibilities were interfering with her professional career
development. Rita believed that sharing and discussing their household chores
together would bring family satisfaction.
Scarcity theory (Goode, 1960) underpins the concept of role conflict, which holds
that personal resources, such as time and energy, are finite and that devoting more
resources to one role necessitates devoting less resources to other roles. In
comparison to research, ego or psychological involvement or preoccupation with
one domain renders a person unable to perform the responsibilities of the other
domain, resulting in a work-family conflict situation. According to the study,
husbands appear to drive more job satisfaction as they become more involved in
their jobs and have more discretionary time to spend on job-related activities, and
they are happy when they have time to work on job-related matters at home.
However, this does not appear to be the case with Rita, who is both a career
woman and a homemaker. In terms of demographic characteristics, a gendered
approach deserves special consideration because family and work conflicts affect
more women than men due to historically established gender roles. Furthermore,
the extensive demands of household chores can cause an individual to feel anxious
or tired, which can impair his or her performance at work. To sum it up, having a
good working environment is not enough; it is also necessary to have a good
household environment in which both husband and wife work together to solve
any problems that may arise in both their professional and personal lives. As a
result, family satisfaction is as important as job satisfaction.
2. Work and family conflict was initially defined by (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985) as
a type of inter-role conflict in which the role pressures from the work and family
domains are mutually incompatible in some ways. Following that, empirical
evidence established that work and family conflict should be viewed as a two way
concept, i.e., family-work conflict and work-family conflict. Work-family conflict
is defined as a type of inter-role conflict in which the general demands of time
devoted to and strain created by the job interfere with performing family-related
responsibilities, whereas family-work conflict is defined as a type of inter-role
conflict in which the general demands of time devoted to and strain created by the
family interfere with performing work-related responsibilities (Novitasari, Sasono,
& Asbari, 2020).
As far as I am concerned, this is the case of inter-role conflict. The reason for this
particular set of circumstances is that Rita's husband and Rita used to talk about
their jobs and plans for their future careers. Her husband, on the other hand, does
not get involved in family matters, which is why she was unhappy and frustrated.
Shekhar defined job satisfaction as the perception of receiving recognition and
appreciation from colleagues, which provides him with both pleasure and positive
energy. However, Rita was the one who juggled the roles of career woman and
homemaker. She believes that if a husband and wife spend more time together at
home and help each other manage family-related activities, they can achieve a
high level of family satisfaction.
3. Over the last decade, there has been an increase in research and writing on the
interrelationship of work and family. However, various types of differences arise
in these scenarios. There was also perceptual differences between Rita and
Shekhar about family-work satisfaction. Some of them are:
 Rita was unhappy and remained frustrated as Shekhar have to lime to listen to
Rita about the family matters. However, they used to talk about their job
related matters and their plans about career progression where they both were
satisfied and happy with their professional career. This showed that Rita and
Shekhar was happy with her career but Rita was unsatisfied with the family
 Rita thinks that her household responsibilities was interfering with her
professional career development but Shekhar do not have time to discuss
about household chores. Hence, family satisfaction could be possibly be
realized if they had tome to share and discuss their household chores together.
 Shekhar viewed job satisfaction, through the perception of receiving
recognition and appreciation from colleagues which offers him both pleasure
and positive energy but he never tried to share any house responsibilities with
his wife and give positive energy to the household environment.
 From the study, it can be seen that Shekhar and other husbands are more
involved in their jobs and also more discretionary time on job related
activities. However, Rita and most of the wives are not able to do so because
they have to perform dual role of career woman and homemaker.

Hence, both husband and wife can enjoy high level of satisfaction when they
spend more time together at home and help each other in managing family-
oriented activities.

4. Work and family life have traditionally been portrayed as distinct domains. With
changing social, demographic, and economic trends, this viewpoint has been
called into question. The nature of the relationship between work and family life,
on the other hand, is unknown. Overall life satisfaction is 25% accounted for by
job satisfaction. Despite the fact that life satisfaction has been a major research
focus, the domain-specific area of family life satisfaction has received
significantly less attention. Work and family are considered two distinct domains
that have both positive and negative effects on each other. Hence, I believe it
expected to show positive relationship between job satisfaction and family
satisfaction. Furthermore, the relationship between work and family is mutual.
Work can have a negative impact on family, and family can have a negative
impact on work. As a result, they are not mutually exclusive but rather mutually
5. To analyze the given situation, I would consider all three factors as independent
variables because each of these is directly or indirectly associated with job and
family satisfaction.
From the case, the rigid working hours of Rita and Shekhar have affected
negatively in family satisfaction. Rita believed that her household responsibilities
was interfering with her professional career development. This can be minimize if
they both had time to discuss and hare their household chores together and
increase the family satisfaction. When they talk about their career, they both were
satisfied and happy with it. Similarly, Shekhar viewed his job satisfaction as the
perception of receiving recognition and appreciation from colleagues which
offered positive energy to him. All the three variables have dynamic impact on
family satisfaction and work satisfaction. Hence, both husband and wife can enjoy
high level of satisfaction when they spend more time together at home and help
each other in managing family-oriented activities.
6. Giving the advice and implementing the given advice about their personal-family
problems are two different things. As and organizational psychologist, I have to
understand what went wrong in small nuclear family before giving any advice.
Analyzing and investigating the relationship between positive and negative family
work interactions and marital and job satisfaction is must. After going through this
case, I would give the following advice to this couple to solve the issue:
 Try to have a good conversation with partner about the difficulties you are
facing during the household chores. Explain them that you both equally need
to share the responsibilities of household chores along being dedicated to your
work. Sometimes communication is all it takes, rather than being silence.
 A healthy family is a solid unit. Ensure mutual understanding and support, it’s
important to agree on common goals and everyone’s individual contribution.
 Listen actively: try to understand things from other peoples’ perspectives and
then identify what you could do differently to help resolve the conflict. It’s
important to give other family members a chance to express their views
without being interrupted.
 It’s better to let things calm down before trying to resolve a conflict so that
you can have a rational and constructive conversation. If you try to resolve a
conflict while people are angry and lashing out, such attempts may fail or even
worsen the situation further. Try talking in a calm tone and put
any emotions aside.

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