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A Term Paper on


Report Submitted in Partial

Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of





(Enrolment No A60006421078)

Under Guidance of


Assistant Professor

Amity Business School

Amity University Madhya Pradesh

Acknowledgement is not a mere obligations but epitome of humility and ineptness to all
those who have helped in the completion of this project . I am thankful to Prof (Dr) Anil
Vashisht and Dr. Sandeep Raghuwanshi, Assistant Professor for their constant guidance and
encouragement provided in this endeavour. I also thank my parents for their continuous support,
understanding and patience without whose support and understanding this endeavour would have
never been fruitful. I also thank all my friends for helping me out in completing this project and
helping me in solving various problems encountered during the progress of this term paper.


“In today’s scenario, E-businesses plays an important role in the global market, it
helps in selling of goods and services using digital technologies.” This paper
reveals about the importance of e business in India’s economy and development.
We need to study about this as our country “India” is the one with fastest growing
economy in the world. India's E-commerce revenue is expected to jump from US$
39 billion in 2017 to US$ 120 billion in 2022, growing at an annual rate of 51 per
cent, the highest in the world.
There are more than 19,000+ e-business companies in India. In this, we will also
study about Government’s role towards these e-businesses and obstacles coming in
the working of these businesses. Moreover, E- business contributes not only in
infrastructure but also it increase employment in the India, thus impacts overall
growth and development of India’s economy.

Front page RESULTS AND
Acknowledgement CHAPER-5:
Chapter-1: INTRODUCTION References
1.1 Introduction to E-business
1.2 Objectives of E-business
1.3 Need to study
3.1 Methodology
3.2 Objectives
3.3 Types of Research Design
3.4 Parameter
3.5 Data Representation
3.6 Sample Area
3.7 Data Collection
3.8 Mode of Analysis



“E-business stands for Electronic business. E-business could widely defined as the operations or areas that
are indulged in the managing and operating of an organization that are electronic in nature.It implies online
presence of the business firm. In short, When the business activities are conducted electronically, it is called
E-business. E-business significantly affects business expenses and profitability. E-business gets an
opportunity to be generally get adapted because of its basic applications. Hence it has an enormous
monetary effect. Electronic Commerce gives the capacity of purchasing and selling items and data on the
web and other on-line services. Electronic trade or online business alludes to a wide scope of online
business practices for goods and services. E-business are bringing change in the market by transforming the
business model of the firm, it’s plans of action, by shaping relations among market influencers and by
adding to changes in market structure. It incorporates not just purchasing and selling of merchandise and
enterprises, yet in addition, overhauling clients, teaming up with colleagues and providers, leading
electronic exchanges inside an association. A few organizations tends to three topics associated with
electronic trade and the hierarchical changes it involves: changes in business models, changes in market
structure and open doors for monetary development made by authoritative change”

Scope of E-business –

“E-businesses have a wide scope. E-Business include managing internal process such as human resource,
monetary transactions and management system as well as external process such as sales and marketing ,
delivering goods and services and maintain customer relationship. So finally we can Conclude E Business
has Remarkable Scope”.

Examples of E business are :-

Amazon, yahoo, Google, etc.

Advantages of E-business :-

One can get a tone of advantages by settling on e-Commerce as it conveys a far reaching scope of
advantages to retailers and vendors, however some are :

1. Very easy to set up : E businesses are very easy to be set up they can be started from anywhere to

2. Cheap than traditional business : Where traditional businesses need a huge cost for starting and
running the businesses, E business require very small amount of investment to set up their businesses.

3. Global reach : E-business give a chance to entrepreneur .To expand their businesses not only in a
particular country but also globally this gift stamp sale on a large extent. Not only this, but also, it helps
them to make relations with customers nationally and internationally.

4. Government subsidies : E-business Contributes to the GDP of a country in a considerable manner so

government also supports the electronic businesses and provide them some subsidies.
5. Flexibility in working: E-business are very flexible to be worked on and also to be used they can be
operated from anywhere at any time without any boundations, just by a click.

6 .Discarding the middle man : Traditional businesses follow a long cycle from manufacturers to
wholesalers to retailers and then to customers they have to follow numerous steps but unlike traditional
businesses E-business is free from these steps and cycle this eliminates so many middlemen is working in
between the customers and the sellers.

7. Lower investment required: Traditional businesses require a high investment to set up their
showrooms, offices etc. But to start E-business you just need a computer and internet connection with I.

8. Promoting paperless work: E-businesses doesn’t really need require any manual work, E-businesses
are totally dependent on internet.

Disadvantages of E-business:-

1. No personal touch: E-business lack human interaction. One cannot feel or touch the product to
examine the quality of the product. In traditional business there is a salesperson who sell the products in
regard to that it builds trust within the people For goods or service but in E- business we don’t have
personal interactions.

2. Delivery Time issues: In traditional businesses we get the product at the same time we purchase it but
in In electronic businesses customer doesn’t get the product that quick, there are following steps which a
customer has to perform in order to receive the product.

3. Security problem: Online business require personal details of a person so many people have problem
to share their personal details in the fear of scams and fraudulent.

4. Fraud: As the E-business is growing, the online fraud scams are also increasing people who share their
financial details online always has a risk of frauds and scams going online.

5. Customer relation problem : Due to lack of personal touch it’s not possible for business
entrepreneurs to connect with their customers personally and maintain relationship with them.

6. Increased competition : As these businesses are very easy to be set up, There are number of business
firms carrying on this has increased the competition among different business firms nationally as well as


• Reduce costs of business as it is cheapest mode of commencing business.

• Gives wide variety of options to customers.

• Make global reach possible through the medium of business.

• Social popularity.

• To promote the use of technology.

• Making businesses time efficient.

• Making business Suitable even for small scale businesses.

• Making business commenced from anywhere to everywhere.

• Improved service quality.

• Faster customer response.

• Focusing on larger scope.


It is highly important to study the impact of e-business as in today’s era, everything is becoming digital,
as people are becoming more busy now-a-days and preferring to perform and complete their day to day
activities like shopping, paying bills etc. through the Internet. Internet plays a very important role and e
business is the most important activities which is possibly carrying over the Internet. In India, e-business
have a good amount of contribution in GDP which have a impact in its economy’s growth and
development. As the forecast says, e-business is what's to come. Like in all organizations, the ones that
will succeed would be the ones that have skill. Thus, it’s important to study about it.

Chapter 2
Devashish Pujari, (2004) “ explored the issues relating to service recovery in case of SST failure and
effects of favorable/ unfavorable SST encounters on business relationships. The key findings of the study
show that key sources of satisfaction are different for B2B clients than for end consumers, as evidenced in
previous studies by Meuter et al. (2000) and Srijumpa et al. (2002). The study shows that in the event of
SST failures, service recovery is very critical to clients. In a situation where service personnel are not
involved in the service encounter, clients needs a quick and complete recovery after reporting the failure.
Clients may also expect that SST delivery should have the capability to transmit the failure to their
service provider on a real time basis. The results of this study also echo that satisfying SST incidents will
lead to future behaviors such as word of mouth and repurchase intentions”.

According to (Melao, 2008) “ the clear commonalities among these definitions, include the improvement
of business processes and the use of ICT in intranets, extranets and the Internet to conduct business. He
defines e-Business as the use of ICT as an enabler to (re)design, manage, execute, improve and control
business processes both within and between organizations. Thus, front and back-office integration and
multi-channel integration become crucial in e-Business, which requires a challenging process
improvement approach to support the necessary organizational, technological and social changes”.

Kalakota and Robinson (2001) “defined e-business as the complex fusion of business processes,
enterprise applications, and organizational structure necessary to create a high-performance business
model. E-business includes e- commerce, as well as both front and back-office applications that form the
engine of modern business (Kalakota and Robinson, 1999). E-business is an enterprise with the capability
to exchange value (goods, services, money, and knowledge) digitally. It has properly designed business
processes for this new way of conducting business. Furthermore, it understands the human performance
challenges not only within its organizational boundaries but also for other people in its enterprise
network: customers, partners, and suppliers”.

Vishwasrao and Bosshardt “ used a theoretical framework developed by Katz and Shapiro (1987) to
examine the ongoing technology adoption behavior of foreignowned and domestic firms. Firm level data
on 1400 medium to largeIndian firms from 1989 to 1993 was used to test the model. Probit and Poisson
estimation was used to analyze the data and model. Variables included in thestudy are no. of
collaboration, nature of collaboration-foreign or otherwise,firm age, total assets, total sales, net profit,
herfindhal index, R&D expenditures by industry as percentage of sales. Results of the study throw some
interesting light on technology adoption behavior of foreign firms. In general, it shows that liberalization
happened in India after 1991 has positive impact on technology adoption, but it is found that foreign firms
are quick to take advantage than domestic firms. R&D expenditure is found to be not significant for
technology adoption, firm size (large firms are more likely to adopt) and age of firm arefound to be
significant. Also it is found that foreign firms adopt new technology when profits are down, and doesn’t
adopt technology in competitive markets”.
Raven et al. “compared India and China’s approaches in adoption of e-business.Based on the literature
survey and secondary data, the study analysed various factors influencing the growth of e-businesses in
the two countries. The factors examined include government policy and focus, existing technology
infrastructure regulatory environment, experience and understanding of business operations, and culture,
among others. The study concludes that China appears to be ahead of India in the infrastructure, but India
is ahead in e-readiness.Further, it states that both countries are poised for rapidly increasing e-
business,however, problems of poverty and inequality between urban and rural connectivity must be
resolved to really take advantage of e-business in both the countries”.

Singh and Lalwani (2007) “ in their work on internet banking suggest that internet banking has
facilitated the banking relationships with the customers . It is now widely accepted in the country because
of the fact that it is the cheapest source of providing banking services. As more and more banks will
succeed in online banking, a day will come when it will reach a common place as ATM’s. It has not only
increased the banking transactions but also has reduced the time and cost factor. It has brought revolution
in the banking industry”.

Hsieh (2005) “ examined what a firm should consider in order to encourage customers to at least try, and
eventually adopt, the SST offered by a firm into the customer's regular routine. The result suggests that
before a firm makes the leap into adding SST to their product/service line, they need to invest the time in
seeing if they are ready themselves. Customers want what they have always wanted. They want reliable,
affordable, quality service that is convenient and easy to acquire. If firm can't provide an SST that is at
least as reliable, if not more so, than no-technology customer service, then firms isn't prepared to properly
implement SST”.

Snellman and Vihtkari, (2003) “ in their study reveal that, in general, failures are very common in both,
interpersonal service encounters and technology-based service encounters. In interpersonal service
encounters, unfriendly or impolite service and time-related aspects are the most common causes for
dissatisfaction. On the other hand, dissatisfaction in technology-based encounters is often related to
failures in technology, service design or in the service process”.

Awais Muhammad and Samin Tanzila (2012) “ indicate that use of internet has made the world a
global village. The use of Internet has reduced the distances and brought the people together. A nation’s
back bone is commerce and it will be strengthened if backed by electronic tools in which e-commerce
plays a vital role. The important feature in e business is privacy which not only increases competitive
advantage but confidence level also. E-business brings sellers and potential buyers at the distance of one
click and it saves time as it is cost effective, as E-commerce is becoming key to success”

“Internet banking, one among the innovative and significant internet based services has experienced
explosive growth and led to transformation of traditional banking practice. Online banking or net banking
in today’s dynamic age of banking has made things much easier for the people and saves a lot of time for
its customers. The traditional way of standing in the queues and filling up all the forms are well solved
and now it is no hassle for making any transaction with the banks by virtue of internet banking. The
financial institutions which operated traditionally are now able to lower their operational costs and
increase the consumer retention by virtue of technology. Internet banking as a latest and potential means
for banking now holds a similar importance as that of ATM’s, phone banking and traditional bank
branches. The works by ABA, 2004; Fox, 2005 suggest that an internet banking strategy may be
effective, with reports of more profitable, loyal and committed consumers compared with traditional
banking consumers (D’silva et al., 2010)”.

The methodology used for the research study is secondary in nature. The secondary data is gathered from
several reference books on E-Business, Marketing Management, Internet Marketing, Electronic
Advertising, Economics, Commerce, Management, Banking and more. Also, research study the
secondary data is also collected from the few National and International Research Paper and Journal
which are related to E-Business, Web, Commerce, Banking, Management and Information Technology.


1. To study about e businesses role in India’s economy and development in detail.

2. To study about the difficulties faced by people involved in e-business.

3. To get review from people indulged in e-business.

4. To study about the government’s policies towards e-business.

5. To study about the Benefits people getting from e-business.

6. To study about the theoretical concept of e-business.

7. To study the different models of E-business.

8. To study about the Impact of e- business on other businesses.

9. To study the Impact of E - businesses on customers.

10. To study the Impact of e-businesses on the employment of India.


The research is clear and exploraty research. The scripted in the sense that it sets up relationship between
Literacy rate of the country and given Parameter. Exploratory Research as It gathers data from different
parametres and tends to Establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the parameter.


Different parameters are used to build relationship between the indicators. Education rate, e-business,
Growth of Internet joblessness rate and other such pointers are used to establish clear comprehension
about these pointers.


The data collected is represented in the form of table, graphs and X-Y graphs.

All over the India.


Secondary data is used. The secondary data was collected from the existing data sources, catalogues,


The mode of analysis about the data collected was from various research papers and it was analysed in the
tabular and graphic form and also in X-Y graphs.

Today's world is Digitalised, because of Globalization, an excellent progress in science and technology
has brought variations in the sphere of trade, commerce, banking & marketing. Electronic business
enlarge the market to national and international markets. It has made fall in the cost of generating,
operating, distributing and recovering paper based information. The Significance of E-Business is very
broad because it decreases the transaction cost. Reduced transaction cost leads to consumer

In small, E-Business is making a very wide swap in commerce and marketing. E-Business is the process
of buying and selling of goods and services and information through internet networks. It is the
implementation of computers toward the operation of business transaction and work flow so that they can
happen automatically. It is the transportation of information, Goods, Services, or payments over
telephonic lines, computer networks, or other electronic means.

Electronic business remains a comparatively latest, appearing and rapidly making changes in the area of
business management and information technology. E-business could be widely defined as the operations
or areas that are indulged in the managing and operating of an organization that are electronic in nature.



The different E-businesses were perceived and consolidated there are obstacles that backs them from
developing and improving business activities. Different reports and surveys showed the different sorts of
boundaries, but Most of them centered on security as being perhaps the biggest inhibitor to and issues for
E-business. Different countries have different obstacles for the electronic business, Obstacle for a one
country may not be obstacle for another.

As the result of the study, we came to know about the different problems face by E-business Industry :-

1.Security issues: Security issues must be considered as huge Issue for the E-business industry. Not only
for the customers, but also for the internal environment of the business security plays a crucial role for
electronic businesses. But it’s great to know that security advancement is taking place day by day more

2. Technical issues: Technical issues such as internet network Are also the obstruction for e-business. E
business are based on internet and electricity but sometimes it’s accessible and sometimes it’s not so it’s
very essential to cat accessibility to these two factors 24/7 Without any hindrance and server issues.

3. Lack of literacy: Lack of literacy is the major factor that is the obstacle for e-business. People who are
 illiterate doesn’t understand the significance of these business and also it hinders the literate work
force that is require to carry out these businesses.

4. Competition: The E- businesses not only operate in a particular country but all around the world so
these businesses have to face a large extent of competition not only in a particular country but also
globally. In order to satisfy their customers they have to be the best.

5. Customer relationship: Like traditional businesses electronic businesses doesn’t have a personal
interaction, so it’s quite difficult for them to maintain or establish customer relationships.


Some of Government policies for E-business are as follows :

•Under the new Consumer Protection (E-Business Rules, 2022, e-traders need to mandatorily show
insights regarding return, discount, trade, guarantee and assurance, conveyance and shipment, methods of
installment, and complaint redressal component just as the 'nation of orgin'.

•Electronic based business organizations will be needed to make information accessible to the
administration inside 72 hours.

•Government policies look forward to Customer protection, There have been occurrences of clients
communicating disappointment with items bought on the web. Many times bricks and soaps were
delivered instead of cell phones. As these E-businesses do not have control over whole supply-
chain.Their complaint was also heard that price of a product are being charged higher than it’s Maximum
retail price (MRP). So for these,National Consumer Helpline of Consumer Affairs Ministry is currently
the only one redressal mechanism.
•India doesn't permit FDI in web based business organizations that hold their own inventories/stocks
[inventory-based model] .Then again, the legislature permits 100% FDI in the commercial center model.


Impact of E- Business is increasingly helping Indian to grow GDP. Along with the economic benefit, the
Unquestionable viability of Indian internet economy is also transforming the social life of the Indians
whose benefits are challenging to quantify.

E business industry in India has been seen the remarkable growth over few years. The growth and
development of e businesses couldn’t be ignored as they make contribution in the GDP. E business have
made business easy for micro, small, medium scale enterprises as these businesses can be commenced
from anywhere and are also cheapest mode to start a business. Moreover, these businesses provide global
reach to these businesses. E business have faced many challenges such as taxation issues, fraud incidents,
problem with cyber security, intense competition, improper infrastructure, preference of customer for
Cash on delivery and most importantly low digital education. At first, when these e businesses were
started, customers fear of using them as fear of frauds and security. But now every year e businesses are
seeing remarkable results. Percentage of users are been increasing rapidly. Government is also supporting
and promoting these businesses. Many e-portals and websites are promoted by the government of India
for e business.


2018 0.22%
2017 0.21%
2016 0.2%
2015 0.18%
2014 0.18%
2013 0.16%
2012 0.15%
2011 0.14%
2010 0.12%
2009 0.13%



Interpretation :“With the expansion in number of cell phone and great availability of web it is in this
manner much required factor to build web based business impact in the Indian economy. The above
diagram portrays increment in digital infiltration in India, from 30% in 2014 not out of the ordinary 64%
by 2019, Availability of extensive number of electrical apparatuses and its positive impacts has guided
towards such an expanding pattern .With the expansion in digital entrance, it in this manner as indicated
by (analyst) that we should realize where did the populace, what they did with the increment of digital
entrance increases. Along these lines as indicated by analyst reports, Indian digital individuals in Jan
2017, distinctive ordered individuals went under various subsections which by and large affected internet
business in India”.



Interpretation: E businesses have play an important role, as we can see in the graph above. In year 2014,
only 14% people were using e business. There may be any reason such as e-businesses were new at that
time and people may not be aware about it or may be problems like security issues etc. would have been
stopped them from using these. In year 2015, only 20% of the people are using e-businesses. May be that
time, e business have became a bit popular. In year 2017, 39% of the people have used e business, the
reason must be the advertising for these business have been blown. Then in 2018, 50% of the people are
using e business, the time frame between 2017-19 was the one many new e-businesses have been setted in
between these years, advertisement of these business have been done in massively. Last but not least in
2020, as per the analysis, 64% of the people in India are using e business as it’s a pandemic and people
are avoiding to go to malls and prefering to do their work from home. The point to be noted in this graph
is the use of e-businesses are not going down, they are substantially going up year by year. So it’s good
for business investors to invest in these businesses because they have a great chance for get profitable

Electronic business is an aid for any nation whenever given right impulse and great working structure to
thrive can altogether contribute to nation’s development and advancement. A developing country may
well endeavor to be modernized itself if it presents e-business in a effective and efficient manner .The
main task of e-business is to carry out business activities between business partners in the networked
mode, with information being the main subject of the purchase and sale.

With the study on this paper, we came to know about the role of e-businesses are
around us. India has the fastest growing economy in the world over the years now. E-business are not
only contributing towards the GDP growth of the country but also providing jobs to the people. In
previous years, it has been seen the blow up in the world of business technology. Business implement
technology to make competition among different businesses. E business allows companies to reach huge
number of customers in a large economic market.

Through E-business, Companies can sell goods and services to

national and international markets. Moreover they the sales of the company are not time bounded, they
are possible 24/7. E-business also lower business’s overall cost. E-business allows businesses to obtain
assets to produce goods and services very easily by the use to technology.

Coming on the drawbacks, e-business

are facing security issues at the most, technical glitches must also be considered, also lack of personal
interaction make them back a step.

Marketing and advertising is another business function with significant e-

business benefits Companies can send messages or stream content directly to a consumer’s computer or
personal computing device. This allows companies to advertise their products in a real-time format.

plays an vital role for people conducting, involving or using e-businesses, it has made e-business possible
to be operated. Also, It offers a wide scope of prudent, incredible and contemporary instruments and
mechanisms of advertising. However, we can say digital illiteracy is the most serious drawback for the e-
business industry.

Also, the fact to be noted is most of these businesses are rapidly growing
from the day they are started, most of them. E-business are great source of small and medium business as
well. It’s very important to consider that government is supporting these e-businesses remarkably.
Government policies and activities are adding up in the favour for the e-business industry and it is leading
to expansion of these businesses.

A tone have been done by government to support these industries but it’s
very important for government to take steps for literacy rate of India and also spread awareness about the
Cashless economy and web based jobs in India in today’s world.

It’s expected that e-business industry will grow at its best in future as day by day people are getting
aware about digitalization and finding it way more easy and time saving then physical businesses. E-
business are giving major goals to the country, it is not only making its growth around a particular
country but also in the world.
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