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1. “History is the past sociology and sociology is the present history” explain.

2. Explain different dimensions of social stratification. List different bases of social of

3. Illustrate various social interactions present in our society and explain any four.
4. List different types of social movements. Explain any four social movement
5. What are different forms of vertical mobility? Compare upward/downward mobility with
structural mobility
6. Explain the role of the change agent. List down different principles of change agent
7. Define social deviance and list different mechanisms of deviance. Explain which
mechanism talks about “normlessness”.
8. List the major function of different institutions. Differentiate between a religious institution
and economic institution.
9. List down any five different agencies of socialization. Explain why Sigmund Freud
doesn’t agree with Cooley and Mead's theories of socialization.
10. Compare and differentiate between rural and urban societies.
11. Explain which theory of social change talks about the equilibrium state of society disrupt
by change.

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