Comprog1 - Module 2

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Lead Workplace Communication

Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________________________________________

Subject Teacher: _______________________________________________________________


After this lesson, you will be able to answer the following questions:
 What are the methods of communicating via technology?
 What are the advantages of technology in communication?
 What is Netiquette?


Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.) A Gmail account is an example of?

A. E-mail B. Video Call C. social media
2.) Facebook is an example of?
A. E-mail B. Video Call C. social media
3.) Latest smartphones can access e-mails.
A. No B. Yes
4.) It has revolutionized communication as individuals can see each other in actual time while
communicating in a computer screen.
A. YouTube B. Video call C. E-mail
5.) It is a technology that lets you watch, create, and share videos in real time, a bit like live TV.
A. Gmail B. Live streaming C. Yahoo Mail


The Convergence in communication

communication is one of the most significant
aspects of the life of all living organisms, especially
human beings. There is always a constant need for
people to generate, organize and pass information
from one party to the next. Today, all communication entities employ technology for their
communication needs. Technology comes in handy in facilitating smooth communication among
individuals or businesses as it provides alternatives that lead to effective communication. Through
smartphones and computers, people can pass messages and receive feedbacks through calls,
messages, and emails, respectively. Such advanced technologies have had significant influences
on communication.

Methods of communicating via technology.

Over the past period, technology has altered the methods that human beings use to communicate.
Initially, the telegraph paved the way for the telephone. Currently, the internet cell phones and
emails are at the summit of the most preferred methods of communication. Following the
widespread use of technology in communication, the society and businesses have embraced the
methods of passing information, which has emerged in line with technology.
 Cellphone
The introduction of portable cellular phones in the realm of communication have enabled people to
remain connected with each other from any location. Besides receiving voice calls and placing of
the same, cell phones allow users a chance to send and receive text messages from the
communicating parties. Further, people can access their emails through smartphones that have
provisions for internet applications. The same
smartphones support access to social networking sites
where people exchange instant messages.
 Vlog
Vlog posts consist of creating a video of yourself where
you talk on a particular subject such as reporting or
reviewing a product or an event. It can even serve to
share your artistic process or provide a tutorial guide on a
creative practice or topic. Some vloggers even use it to
share new performance art or music they have created.

 Email
In the business sphere, email messages are utilized to communicate ideas with clients and
employees. Email messages are also used by learning institutions to communicate to
parents and students on issues of interest to the parties. Email messages have captured
the interests of many users, especially due to the ability to get prompt and immediate
feedback among communicating parties.

 Social Networking
The recent past has witnessed the emergence of social networking
sites that are internet-based. The social networking sites as
Facebook and twitter allow individuals to communicate with total
strangers, family, colleagues, and friends in a forum that is online.

 Video Calls
Video calls have revolutionized communication as individuals can see each other in actual time
while communicating in a computer screen. When people place video calls, they enjoy seeing the
facial expression of the person they are talking to, and this overcomes the geographical barriers of
distance between the communicating parties.
 Live streaming
Live streaming technology lets you watch, create, and
share videos in real time, a bit like live TV. All you need
to be able to live stream is an internet enabled device,
like a smart phone or tablet, and a platform (such as a
website or app) to live stream from. Live streaming
gives them a chance to be a creator, a presenter and
to be seen and heard by an audience and connect to
their favorite celebrities, and some even use it to sell

The advantages of technology in Communication

Communication and technological development have gone together in the entire history, and the
emergence of mobile and internet services have propelled communication to exceptionally high
levels. In this regard, technology influences communication in the following manners.
 Speed and Cost
the internet and computers have simplified the process of designing,
editing, and producing documents with minimum shortcomings. The
created documents can then be sent to their respective destinations almost
instantaneously, irrespective of the distance between the sender and the
recipient. In a nutshell, technology has greatly improved the speed of
communication, as well as contributing to the drastic reduction of the
communicating cost.
 Quality
Communication quality has significantly improved due to availability and accessibility of helpful
knowledge in various websites. Most of the knowledge can effortlessly be accessed by a simple
search on the internet using computers. Additionally, it is currently possible and easy to get the
meaning of unfamiliar terminologies or obtain a translation of a manuscript from unknown to
known language using computer applications and the internet.
 Accessibility
Technology has considerably diminished communication
cost and this has translated to increased accessibility. Media
related initiatives as news that have been captured live and
online forums have introduced global participation, and
access to information and news for lots of people. Therefore,
technology has played a central role in promoting
widespread access to knowledge and information.

 Nature of Communication
Technology has contributed to the alteration of topics into different communications as people
seek to pass on breaking news within the shortest time possible. Development in technology has
simplified communication allowing large messages to be sent at lowest cost. In this respect,
people can change the nature of communication to adopt the form that will be easy to

Netiquette: How to Behave Online

People’s presence on the Internet and social media plays a major
role in how we now communicate with each other. What we know
in real-world situations, needs to transmit to online interactions.
Netiquette a combination of “network” and “etiquette,” outlines the
do’s and don’ts on how to properly behave online.
 Be Careful with Your Tone
While an online conversation with friends does not necessarily
require much thought, the same does not go for when you are having a conversation with
professors. You should be careful with capitalization, as writing in ALL-CAPS can oftentimes be
interpreted as YELLING! and will be viewed as impolite. Similarly, a joke can oftentimes be
perceived as a rude remark. Therefore, you must make sure that your point does not get lost in

 Be Accurate and Factual

The internet is a vast place with information coming from all sorts of sources. Therefore, you
should be careful when providing information. It is important to fact-check everything you read and
possibly include sources when giving advice or information.

 Be as Polite as You Are in Person

Being polite on the internet should be as common as in real life.
Unfortunately, that is not the case in many situations. A significant
number of people tend to use the internet as a cover and their display
as a shield, which leads to them writing what they would never say in
A key part of the netiquette is only typing what you would be
comfortable with saying to someone’s face. Hence being respectful and
polite to others should be part of your communications online.

 Use Proper Grammar and Punctuation

Many people tend to forget the rules that apply to writing when communicating online. However,
resorting to proper grammar and punctuation can make the message seem more professional and
thought out. Not only does it make your text more readable, but it can also prepare you for
professional writing that you might do in the future.
Think about what you would like to read yourself. It should be easy to read and comprehensible.
That way, you will save precious time for someone reading your email, message, comment, or
 Remember That Nothing Is Private Online
Online privacy is something you should keep in mind when typing
anything. Most things you post, and share are probably going to be
there for a long time. This means that you should stay away from
anything considered inappropriate and rude.
Remember that we live in a day and age where many things take place
online, and building an online presence is just as important as the real-
life one. There is no ‘real privacy’ on the internet, and you should handle
what you share wisely.

 Respect People’s Privacy

Treat others’ privacy the same way you would want some to handle your private information. You
should not give the personal information of your classmates and professors online to anyone.
This means being careful with passwords, whereabouts, private
conversations, and pictures. The same goes for both yours and others’
information, as it can be dangerous to distribute any of it without caution.

 Respect Others’ Opinions

You should be aware that you are not always going to agree with the
opinions of your classmates or professors. However, keep in mind that
you should always be respectful in discussions. You can disagree with
someone and respect their opinions at the same time.
Although online learning carries a level of anonymity and distance which traditional classes do not,
that should not serve as a reason to not be kind to someone. Remember that an online classroom
is still a classroom.

 Do not Use Sarcasm Freely

While in-person, we communicate with the help of facial expressions
and gestures. Conveying the same message online can prove more
challenging. This is especially true when it comes to sarcastic humor,
as it usually is not possible to transmit the tone of voice when using text.
A light-hearted joke can be viewed differently in text. You will need to
be careful about making the intent behind your words as clear as
possible, which is why sarcasm is off-limits most times.


Directions: You can search online or ask someone to help you answer this activity. Write your
answers on the spaces given.

Give 2 Web-based e-mail services that provides users a storage for messages.

1.) _______________________________________________________________________



Give 2-3 Social Media Platforms.

2.) _______________________________________________________________________



Is live streaming beneficial to the people? How?

3.) _______________________________________________________________________



Give 3-5 Communication technologies that enables us to video call.

4.) _______________________________________________________________________



Give 2-3 Social media platforms

5.) _______________________________________________________________________



Direction: Separate the Communication Technologies.







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Directions: Encircle the correct answer.
1.) What is Netiquette?
A. Responsibility for the actions of others on the internet.
B. The correct or acceptable way of communicating on and using the internet.
C. Using the correct fork at the dinner table.
D. Rules for face-to-face conversation.
2.) Which is not a rule of Netiquette?
A. Do not use all caps.
B. Be respectful when communicating with others.
C. Share your password to your friends.
D. Treat others the same way you want to be treated online.
3.) Knowing Netiquette will help you to:
A. Do better on exams.
B. Avoid offensive online behaviour.
C. Get along better with your friends.
D. Lose all of your friends.
4.) Typing in all capitals in electronic communication means:
A. This message is very important.
B. You are shouting.
C. It is okay to forward this message to others.
D. Nothing special--typing in all caps is normal.
5.) Before you post anything online, think about how it makes other people feel.
A. True
B. False

Pictures taken at and

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