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Test Bank for Out of Many: A History of

the American People, Brief Edition,

Combined Volume, 8th Edition, John
Mack Faragher, Mari Jo Buhle Susan H.
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Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.3
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

4) The Desert culture __________.

A) was one of the first settled North American peoples
B) migrated seasonally in search of game
C) disappeared after being unable to adapt to changes in the environment
D) relied on agriculture
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.4
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

5) Archaeological evidence suggests that plant cultivation in the __________ began about 5,000
years ago.
A) Great Basin
B) Great Plains
C) highlands of Mexico
D) desert of Arizona
Answer: C
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.5
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

6) Staple crop farming __________.

A) developed in China and spread to the rest of the world
B) developed independently in several areas of the world
C) had little impact on social life
D) remained isolated at its point of origin
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.6
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

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Difficulty Level: Moderate

7) A consequence of Native Americans’ increasing reliance on agriculture was __________.

A) a decrease in the need for military forces
B) a new division of labor and, ultimately, the emergence of classes
C) increased reliance on weather patterns
D) higher levels of disease
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.7
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

8) The development of Teotihuacan illustrates which of the following?

A) the growing complexity of Mesoamerican cultures
B) Native Americans’ inability to adapt to environmental change
C) the impact of mass population migrations on the Great Basin
D) native cultures becoming less sophisticated over time
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.8
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

9) Adoption of farming might be considered an extension of __________.

A) more egalitarian societies
B) Archaic forest efficiency
C) environmental adaptation
D) falling populations
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.9
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

10) During the first millennium BCE, what culture developed in the arid Southwest?
A) Hohokam
B) Skoaquik
C) Arawaks
D) Pima

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Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.10
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

11) A major achievement of the Hohokams involved __________.

A) the building of communities of cliff dwellings
B) the development of the first system of irrigation in America
C) the importation of grains like maize into North America
D) the development of crops that needed no water
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.11
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

12) Woodland people developed complex earthworks __________.

A) after they adopted agriculture
B) before they adopted agriculture
C) after coming into contact with the Aztecs
D) after the arrival of Europeans
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.12
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

13) Which of these best explains the sometimes violent competition for resources between
Mississippian settlements?
A) religious conflicts
B) political instability
C) population growth
D) ethnic divisions
Answer: C
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.13
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Difficulty Level: Moderate

14) Eastern Woodland tribes subsisted by __________.

A) gathering, hunting, and limited agriculture
B) raids on neighboring villages
C) fishing and farming
D) dry farming and small game hunting
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.14
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

15) Which product is not correctly paired with its region of origin?
A) flint: Mexico
B) obsidian: Rocky Mountains
C) copper: Great Lakes
D) mica: Appalachians
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.15
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Difficult

16) From studying surviving pre-Columbian works of art, historians __________.

A) have a clear picture of Indian religious beliefs
B) see no evidence of emotions
C) can only speculate about their meaning
D) can translate written Mississippian documents
Answer: C
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.16
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

17) With what culture did the Hohokam share many traits?
A) Mesoamerican
B) Hopewell
C) Athapascan
D) Clovis

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Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.17
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

18) Why might native communities have resisted shifting to agriculture?

A) They were ignorant about plants and cultivation.
B) Farming offered few advantages in some areas.
C) Merchant clans prevented their workers from adopting farming.
D) Farming took so little work that it promoted laziness.
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.18
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

19) The largest Indian population centers could be found among __________.
A) the Archaic peoples of the interior
B) the fishing communities of the Pacific Northwest
C) the hunters and gatherers of the Great Plains
D) the farming districts of the South, the Southwest, and the Northeast
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.19
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

20) Desert farmers like the Pima and Yuma __________.

A) exported high-quality flint hoes
B) were highly communal apartment dwellers
C) were the first to plow using animals
D) lived in dispersed settlements called rancherias
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.20
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
21) The oldest continuously occupied towns in the United States are home to the __________.
A) Cherokees
B) Pueblos
C) Apaches
D) Navajos
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.21
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

22) On the eve of European colonization, remaining Mississippian cultures in the South included
the __________.
A) Pimas
B) Apaches
C) Mimacs
D) Natchez
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.22
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Difficult

23) The members of the Iroquois Confederacy were forbidden to __________.

A) go to war with each other
B) trade with Europeans
C) leave their ancestral homelands
D) farm
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.23
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

24) The Iroquois were unusual among Native American cultures because their society was
A) matrilineal
B) patriarchal
C) pacifist

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D) not dependent on agriculture
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.24
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

25) After the collapse of Cahokia, the main area where the Mississippian culture persisted was
the __________.
A) forests of the Northeast
B) forests of the Pacific Northwest
C) deserts of the Southwest
D) forests of the Southeast
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.25
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

26) According to the migration hypothesis, ancestors of Native Americans came from
A) Africa
B) Israel
C) Northern Europe
D) Asia
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.26
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

27) The Monte Verde culture in Chile is evidence of the importance of __________.
A) migration along the “Pacific Coast Highway”
B) the spread of Mississippian culture
C) Aztec cultural influence
D) farming in pre-Columbian America
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.27
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

28) Folsom technology was a refinement of what culture?

A) Plano
B) Hopewell
C) Clovis
D) Teotihuacan
Answer: C
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.28
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

29) Cultivation of maize began in __________.

A) Asia
B) Africa
C) Mesoamerica
D) Europe
Answer: C
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.29
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

30) The primary function of a chief in a farming community was to __________.

A) conduct warfare against other tribes
B) divide property among the clans
C) appease the gods
D) supervise the economy
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.30
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

31) The Desert culture was characterized by reliance on __________.

A) bison hunting
B) small game and plant foraging

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C) intensive maize cultivation
D) fish and sea mammals
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.31
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

32) Which phrase best describes a kiva?

A) burial mound of Hopewell mortuary cult
B) Hohokam ball-playing court with surrounding religious platform mound
C) Pueblo impersonations of ancestral, sacred spirits
D) Anasazi subterranean religious center
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.32
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

33) Teotihuacan had a population of about __________ at its height.

A) 30,000
B) 100,000
C) 1 million
D) 200,000
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.33
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

34) Pueblo Bonito is to the Anasazi as Cahokia is to the __________.

A) Hohokam
B) Hopis
C) Algonquians
D) Mississippians
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.34
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

35) Someone sent to negotiate with the Five Nations would be meeting with __________.
A) Mohawks, Oneidas, Onodagas, Cayugas, and Senecas
B) Mimacs, Crees, Montagnais, Ojibwas, and Hurons
C) Hurons, Mohawks, Creeks, Natchez, and Aleuts
D) Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Cherokees, Natchez
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.35
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

36) Which of these societies had tens of thousands of communities in the Southwest?
A) Inuit
B) Mohawks
C) Senecas
D) Anasazi
Answer: C
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.36
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

37) The population of the precolonial Americas __________.

A) is impossible to estimate with any confidence
B) varied greatly by region
C) was uniformly distributed across the continents
D) was greatest in the Arctic and Great Basin
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.37
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

38) In what area of North America were the largest populations of nonagricultural Indians
A) California and the Pacific Northwest
B) Great Basin

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C) New England
D) Mesoamerica and the Caribbean
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.38
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

39) Which of these was an important early social consequence of farming?

A) development of more elaborate kinship systems
B) elimination of gender-based divisions of labor
C) leveling of social inequalities
D) decentralization of authority
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.39
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

40) The bow and arrow was first developed __________.

A) in Mexico
B) on the Great Plains
C) in the Northeast
D) in the desert basins of the Southwest
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.40
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

41) Which of these is true of the inhabitants of the Americas prior to colonization?
A) The inhabitants of the Americas all produced similar cultures.
B) No single physical type characterized all the peoples of the Americas.
C) The inhabitants of the Americas failed to develop farming.
D) All Native Americans belonged to a single race.
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.41
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

42) Which of these helps explain why migration to North America was attractive to Siberian
A) North America was home to many large mammals.
B) It was much warmer in North America than in Asia.
C) Siberian hunter-gatherers were often attacked by more aggressive Asian peoples.
D) The population of Asia had grown too large to be supported by available resources.
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.42
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

43) What distinguished the third and final migration from Asia to the Americas from the
previous two?
A) It occurred as the result of endemic warfare.
B) It resulted in the settlement of the northeastern portion of North America.
C) It involved hundreds of thousands of people.
D) It occurred long after Beringia had disappeared under rising seas.
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.43
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

44) How did the development of farming affect family life?

A) People built smaller dwellings.
B) People married at an older age.
C) People became more mobile.
D) People had larger families.
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.44
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

45) Where was Mayan civilization centered?

A) northeastern region of North America

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
B) Andes Mountains
C) Yucatan Peninsula
D) Mississippi Valley
Answer: C
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.45
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy

46) Which statement was true of most North American Indian farming communities?
A) There was little division of labor on the basis of gender.
B) Women and men belonged to separate social groupings.
C) Women participated in both hunting and farming.
D) Men took sole responsibility for farming.
Answer: B
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.46
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

47) Which major challenge did the Anasazi face in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries?
A) The climate became drier.
B) Iroquois bands raided Anasazi communities.
C) A new and deadly plague struck.
D) Religious conflicts divided the society.
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.47
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

48) The Adena were __________.

A) mound builders
B) a desert people
C) a largely urban culture
D) strictly hunter-gatherers
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.48
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

49) Which of these was the single overwhelming fact of life in the Southwest?
A) the abundance of resources
B) cultural diversity
C) land scarcity
D) aridity
Answer: D
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.49
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

50) Which of these helped make the South ideal for farming?
A) its mild climate
B) its low population density
C) the absence of large mammals
D) its short summers
Answer: A
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.50
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Essay Questions

51) What is forest efficiency and how did it affect community populations?
Key Points: natural resources; knowledge and its accumulation; efficiency and sustainability
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.1.51
Topic: The First American Settlers
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

52) Why did some native societies resist adopting agriculture?

Key Points: benefits of agriculture; drawbacks of settled farming; labor; lifestyle
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.52
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

53) What do the monumental earthworks at Cahokia suggest about the community?
Key Points: social hierarchy; organization of labor; community priorities; resource surpluses
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.2.53
Topic: The Development of Farming
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

54) Using either the Anasazi/Mississippian or the Iroquois/Algonquian, compare and describe
their attitudes about community in such areas as sex roles, lines of descent, wealth and property,
political structures, religion, and war.
Key Points: population; conflict; priorities; political structures; settlement patterns
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.4.54
Topic: Cultural Regions of North America on the Eve of Colonization
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult

55) What led to the gradual abandonment of the Four Corners area by the Anasazi?
Key Points: climate; famine; migrants; violence and conflict
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q.1.3.55
Topic: Farming in Early North America
Learning Objective: Basic History: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic,
cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history.
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Copyright © 2016, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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