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Virtual Wampum Belt - Assignment Outline

A Wampum is a belt that is still highly valued by the Iroquois Confederacy. Some
were created to symbolize an important event or as an invitation to peaceful

❏ Wampum must show a pattern

❏ Wampum must have both white and purple beads
❏ Wampum must represent a significant/meaningful story or message
❏ The paragraph explaining Wampum Belt must contain details that are
represented in the design

Your paragraph explaining your Wampum must include:

❏ Who the Wampum is for and why

❏ What event or story your Wampum represents and WHY you chose that
❏ Explanation of the symbols and pattern you used and why you chose them

Ms. Lamoureux​’s Wampum Belt MAS ADV PRG EMG BEG

Wampum Belt
❏ I can show a pattern in my Wampum
❏ I can show significant symbols in my
❏ I can use different colours
appropriately in my Wampum

❏ I can explain the reason behind my
chosen pattern.
❏ I can explain what the colours in my
Wampum represent
❏ White = ____________
❏ Purple = _____________
❏ I can tell the story that my Wampum
is showing/representing
❏ I can explain the significance
of my pattern and symbols
Ms. Lamoureux’s Wampum Belt

This Wampum Belt is for my family. I chose this because of how

important my family is to me. Within my belt, the white beads represent
family and love, and the purple represents hardships or difficulties that
happen in life. The border of my belt shows a pattern of white and purple
beads. I chose this to show that no matter what difficulties life brings,
family and love are always there to support and surround you. In the
middle of my belt is a diamond shape made of white beads that represent
my family dog. He was the center of my family and was always there to
welcome us and keep us together. There are two shapes on each side of
the belt which represent the four members of my immediate family. To the
left, myself and my mother, and on the right, my father and brother. We are
evenly placed and have the same amount of beads to represent the fact
that we all work together and contribute equally. We are all connected by
the border which represents life, as we will be there for one another
throughout the entirety of our lives.

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