Parental Concerns Associated With The Toddler Period

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PARENTAL CONCERNS ASSOCIATED ● They may demonstrate by pulling

WITH THE TODDLER PERIOD or tugging at a soiled diapers or

they may bring a parent a clean
Toilet Training diaper after they have soiled so they
can be changed
● One of the biggest tasks a toddler
tries to achieve ● Toddlers live by a pleasure principle:
they want what they want when
● An individualized task for each child they want it

● It should begin and be completed ● Before they can complete toilet

according to a child’s ability to training, they must be able to give
accomplish it, not according to a up an immediate pleasure:
set schedule
➔ Relieving themselves
● Before children can begin toilet whenever they have the
training, they must have reached urge
three important developmental
levels, one physiologic and the ➔ To gain other pleasure later
other two cognitive: on

➔ They must have control of ➔ Improved physical comfort

rectal and urethral and another step in growing
sphincters, usually achieved up
by the time they walk well

➔ They must have a cognitive

understanding of what it Ritualistic Behavior
means to hold urine and
stools until they can release ● They will use only their spoon at
them at a certain place and mealtime or only their blankets at
time bedtime

➔ They must have a desire to ● They will not go outside unless a

delay immediate mother or a father locates their
gratification for a more favorite cap
socially accepted action

● The markers of readiness are subtle,

but as a rule, children are ready for
toilet training when they begin to
be uncomfortable in wet diapers
Negativism ➔ Rules are learned best if
correct behavior is praised
● As part of establishing their rather than wrong behavior
identities as separate individuals punished

● They do not want to do anything as ● “Time-out” is a technique to help

a parent wants them to do children learn that actions have
● Their reply to every request is a very
definite “NO” ● Parents need to be certain their
child understands the rule they are
● Can be best eliminated by limiting trying to enforce
the number of questions asked of
the child ● The parents should give one
● Example instead of asking “are you
ready for dinner?” it is better to say ● If child repeats the behavior,
“come to the table, Its dinnertime” parents select an area that is non
stimulating such as a corner of a
room or a hallway

Discipline ● A guide as to how long children

should remain in their time out
● Discipline means setting rules or chair is 1 minute per year of age.
road signs so children know what is
expected of them ● Example a 3 year old child would
stay in the corner for 3 minutes.
● Punishment is a consequence that
results from a breakdown in
discipline or the child’s disregard of Separation Anxiety
the rules that were learned
● Fear of being separated from
● Parents should begin to instill some parents begins at 6 months of age
sense of discipline early in life and persists throughout the
because part of it involves setting preschool period
safety limits
● Parents say good-bye firmly
● and protecting others or property
● Prolonged goodbyes only lead to
● Two general rules to follow more crying

➔ Parents need to be ● Sneaking out prevents crying and

consistent may ease the parents’ guilt, but it
can strengthen a child’s fear of
abandonment and so should be
Temper Tantrums

● The child may kick, scream, stomp

feet, shout No,no,no, flail arms and
legs, bite or bang his or her against
the floor

● Occurs as a natural consequence of

toddlers’ development

● They occur because toddlers are

independent enough to know what
they want, but they do not have the
vocabulary or wisdom to express
their feelings in a more acceptable

● Managing toddlers temper


➔ Try to determine the reason

for the behavior

➔ Be certain it seems like a

tantrum, not something

➔ Think through what you do

when the child has

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