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Lesson 6: The Human Person  Is a branch of philosophy that

Flourishing In Terms Of Science explores the creation and
And Technology appreciation of beauty through critical
analysis and reflection.

Definition Of Philosophy Martine Heidegger (1889-1976)

 German philosopher whose work is
 The study of general and fundamental
problems concerning matters such as associated with phenomology and
existence, knowledge, values, reason, existentialism.
mind and language.  He begins “The Question Concerning
 The term has been derived from
two Greeks words, “Philos” means Technology”.
love and “Sophia” means wisdom.  Heidegger used the term “dasein”
 Philosophia − love of wisdom. which literally means “being there”
 Philosophy means love for
focuses on the “mode of existence” or
knowledge or passion for learning.
Epistemology the “who” of “Dasein”.
 The theory of knowledge, from the  Heidegger Examines Two Definitions
Greek words episteme (knowledge) Of Technology.
and logos (word/speech/study), is the  He offers that “Technology is
branch of philosophy that deals with a means to an end”.
the nature, origin, scope and (Instrumental definition)
(possibility/study) of knowledge.  He proposes that “Technology
 Dealing with nature, is one of the is a human activity.
branches of philosophy. (Anthropological definition)
Metaphysics Doctrines Of Causality
 It is the branch of philosophy  The modern concept of causality, even
concerned with the study of "first if philosophically a challenge, is rather
principles" and "being" (ontology). simple. A thing or an event causes
 It is the study of the most general another thing or event. The first thing
aspects of reality, pertaining to or event is called a cause, the second
subjects such as substance, identity, the is called an effect.
nature of the mind, and free will.  The modern understanding of cause is
Logic what the ancients would know as the
 Logic from Classical Greek λόγος efficient cause, the causa efficiens. In
(logos), originally meaning the word, Aristotle’s classical scheme of causes
or what is spoken, but coming to mean this would be one of totally four
thought or reason is most often said to causes, viz. The formal cause, the
be the study of arguments. material cause, the efficient cause,
 Is the study of correct reasoning. and the final cause.
 Is a general term for what is often
described as the "science (study) of
 In philosophy, ethical behavior is that
which is "good" or "right".
 Its the study of right and wrong in
human endeavors.

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 He also described modern technology
as the age of switches, standing
reserve and stockpiling for its own
 Volcanic Eruption −
challenging forth.
 Coral Bleaching − challenging
 Planting Trees − bringing
 Mining − challenging forth.
 Farming − bringing forth.
Questioning As The Piety Of Thought
 Piety − means obedience and

 Causa Materialis (Material cause) submission.

 One builds a way towards
 The material, the matter out of
knowing the truth who he/ she
which an object is made
is as a being in this world.
 Causa Formalis (Formal Cause)
 Thus, we shall never
 The form, the shape into which
experience our relationship to
the material enters.
the essence of technology so
 Causa Efficiens (Efficient Cause)
long as we merely represent
 Which brings about the effect
and pursue the technological,
that is finished.
put up with it, or evade it.
 Causa Finalis (Final Cause)
 Everywhere we remain unfree
 End.
and chained to technology,
Bringing Forth
whether we passionately
 The bringing forth-poesis-which affirm or deny it. But we are
underlies causality is a bringing out of delivered over to it in the
concealment. worst possible way when we
 The revealing is what the Greeks call regard it as something neutral;
truth Aletheia-means unhiddedness or for this conception of it, to
disclosure. which today we particularly
 Technology brings forth as well, and it like to pay homage, makes us
is a revealing. utterly blind to the essence of
 This is seen in the way the Greeks technology.
understood techne, which encompasses On Martin Heidegger's "The
not only craft, but other acts of the
Memorial Address”
mind and poetry.
 Calculative Thinking
 Heidegger characterizes modern
 Meditative Thinking
technology as a challenging forthvery
Calculative Thinking - Is the more
aggressive in its activity.
technical kind of human thought, in
 With modern technology, revealing
which people gather information and
never comes to an end.
put it together in order to put it to
 The revealing always happens on our some specific use o is always in use
own terms as everything is on with mankind, as it is necessary to
demand. the more practical activities and
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motivations of life o It is the more Eudaimonia
active aspect of human thought,  Means good spirit is a property of
concerned more with the doing of a one’s life when considered as a whole.
thing than of considering the possible  It is formally egoistic in that person’s
consequences. normative reason for choosing
Meditative Thinking - involves particular actions stems for the idea
something much deeper than that he must pursue his own good or
practical calculation, and it takes flourishing.
much more effort tells us why we  It also implies a divine state of being
should do or should not do a thing, that humanity is able to strive toward
beyond the simple calculative and possibly reach.
process of actually doing it  Happiness is “doing well” and “living
Meditation is not limited to well”.
expanding on calculation, and it  It is a pleasant state of mind.
does not necessarily have to have an
end product, as does calculation.
Human Flourishing
 It is defined as an endeavor to
achieve self- actualization and
fulfillment within the context of a
larger community of individuals.
 This also means access to the
pleasant life, the engaged or good
life and the meaningful life.
 It requires the development of
attributes and social and personal
levels that exhibit character strengths
and virtues that are commonly
agreed across different cultures.
 There is an end of all the actions that
 Eudamon a life of pleasure maintains
we perform which we desire for
that life of pleasure coincides with
the life of virtues.
 Flourishing is the greatest good for
 He understands Eudaimonia as a
human endeavors and that toward
more or less continuous experience
which all actions aim.
of pleasure and also freedom from
 The good is what is good for
plain and distress.
purposeful and goal-directed
 Virtue is only instrumentally related
to happiness.
He presented the various popular
conceptions of the best life for human Happiness = Pleasure
beings. Socrates
 A philosophical life  He believed that virtues such as self-
 Life of pleasure control, justice, courage, wisdom,
 A life of political activity piety and relate qualities of mind
and soul are absolutely crucial if a
person is to lead a good and happy
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 Virtues guarantee a happy life –  Magnanimity – generosity
Eudaimonia  Ambition – pride
 Patience – calm
The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in
 Friendliness – social IQ
seeking more, but in developing the capacity to
 Truthfulness – honesty
enjoy less.
 Wit – humor
Plato  Modesty – ego
 Eudaimonia depends on virtue  Justice – indignation
(arete) which is depicted as the most
When Humanity and Technology
crucial and the dominant constituent
of eudaimonia.
“The idea that new technologies can
liberate us from the human condition is a
 He founded of Pyrrhonism, a school
fantasy. In reality, the 21st century will
of philosophical skepticism that
be all too human.”
places the attainment of ataraxia (a
- David Mattin
state of equanimity) as a way to a
Human Robot Interaction
achieve Eudaimonia
 Today, in the era of present
 Pyrrhonist practice is for the purpose
technology, robotics has become a
of achieving epoch.
big part of our collective lives.
 Robots are utilized for their
 Mental calmness, composure and
knowledge, exactness and
evenness of temper, especially in a
interminable vitality to perform
difficult situation.
assignments consistently and
profitably, that when performed by
 Is the moral excellence of a person.
people tends to create flaws.
 Morally excellent people have a
 For instance, AI robots have already
character made-up of virtues valued
started an enormous job in improving
as good.
waste administration and finding
 Example is they are honest, distinctive approaches to handle the
respectful, courageous, forgiving waste issue endured by most
and kind. developing nations like India.
 They do the right thing and don’t Indeed, the robot age has arrived.
bend to impulses, urges or desires,  The possibility of robots may bring
but act according to values and to most minds the possibility of
principles. androids like T 800 in the movie
 Some might say good qualities are “Terminator”.
innate, but we’re not perfect.  The vast majority of us are not able
 Virtues need to be cultivated to to understand that a lot of robots
become more prevalent in life. exist in the most basic forms today;
 With the habit of being virtuous, we  They are not so much android but
take the helm of our own life, rather moremlike industrial tools or
redirecting its course towards equipment.
greater happiness and fulfillment.  This implies the world would be
Aristotle’s 12 Virtues prepared for more smart intelligence
 Courage – bravery to be utilized in day to day
 Temperance – moderation applications (Singh).
 Liberality – spending
 Magnificence – charisma
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The Impact Of Technology On possibly will terminate human
Human Health species.
 Technology has crept into every  Additionally, an all out nuclear war
corner of our lives, form obsessive between Russia and the United
texting to checking emails more States might be an example of a
often. Most of us absorb three times global catastrophe that would be
more information everyday unlikely to result in extinction.
compared with 50 years ago. Recurrent Collapse
According to University of California  This means that the human condition
researchers, we spend 12 hours in will reach a kind of status, either
front of TV and computers at home. instantly or after undergoing one or
 Multitasking participants had more more cycles of collapse
difficulty filtering out irrelevant regeneration. Human civilization may
information than those focusing on endure catastrophes that prevent it
one task at a time. Teens, however, from moving beyond a certain level
are emotionally more vulnerable to of advancement.
the effects of rampant texting and  It also requires a carefully
online sharing. According to a 2010 calibrated homeostatic mechanism
Nielsin survey, we send and receive that possesses the level of civilization
text messages 3, 339 times a month restricted within a relatively narrow
(Deodhar). interval.
The Future Of Humanity: Extinction Plateau
(Bostrom, 2009)  Human civilization may reach a level
 An estimated 99% of all species that of technological advancement
ever existed on earth are already beyond which no further
extinct (Raup , 1991). There are advancement is feasible. Predictions
different ways in which human that life span can be greatly
species could become extinct: increased have depended in part on
Primarily, by transforming or the apparent decelerations and
evolving into one or more species or plateaus.
by merely dying out without any Post Humanity
replacement or continuation.  People have developed significantly
 Our species has survived different cognitive abilities,
earthquake, volcanic eruption, population sizes, body types,
typhoons and other natural sensory or emotional experiences or
phenomena for tens of thousands of life expectancies. Post humanity has
years. Nowadays, one of the utmost established itself as a label for a
extinction risks arise from human form of human existence radically
activity. transformed by the most advanced
 For instance, Advances in medical techniques and by the use of
biotechnology might make it possible biotechnology and nanotechnology
to design new viruses that combine for human enhancement.
the easy contagion and mutability of Why Does The Future Not Need Us?
the influenza virus.  Technology is changing our world at
 A dreadful pandemic with high an overwhelming pace. Most people
virulence and 100% mortality rate are deeply involved with technology.
among infected individuals could They tend to be ever optimistic about
its prospects and persistently eager to

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adopt and promote it. Many focused powers of an Omni competent state
their optimistic remarks on health care, and irresistible scientific technique.
food, energy, environment, education, Francis Fukuyama
economy and agriculture.  According to him, there are three
 In the span of a few short years, social possible scenarios for the near future.
media, mobile devices and internet  First, the genetically enhanced
have transformed how we intelligence or the prospect of living
communicate and get information longer lives free from genetic disease.
about the world. Rapid advances in  Next, advance in stem cell research
science and technology foreshadow a might soon allow us to regenerate any
world that can displace some forms of tissue in the body.
human labor.  Lastly, the widespread use of
 In addition, nearly everyone psychotropic drugs like Prozac and
expressed concerns about the long- Ritalin that can make everyone happy
term impact of new tools and without the side effects of the drugs.
techniques on the essential elements of Jacques Ellul
being human. However, many shared  Warns that as technological
deep worries and trepidation about capabilities grow, they results in
the danger brought by rapid countless means to accomplish tasks
technological change. than ever before.
 It is of course true that no one can  The more dependent we become on
predict the future. The key variable in technology, the more it conforms our
understanding the future is rarely behavior to its requirements rather
technology alone, but how humans use than vice versa.
it, perceive it, and adapt to it. William Gibson
C.S. Lewis  Who coined the term “cyberspace”,
 Argued that humanity, so – called has said the ‘the future is here”- it’s
power over nature “turns out to be a just not evenly distributed”.
power exercised by some men over  Some of the important changes in the
other men with Nature as its future will come not from a new
instrument’. technology, but from a large number
 He feared that modernism and its of people having access to something
ability to explain away everything but that already exists (scharre, 2017).
“nature “would leave us emptied of 21st Century Technologies
humanity. All that would be left is our  Genetic Engineering
animal instincts.  It is the process by which an
 The choice we have to see humanity as organisms’ genetic material is
a complex combination of both altered or manipulated so that
material and spiritual components or the organism will have specific
else to be reduced to machines made characteristics.
of meat ruled by other machines with  It has been applied in
nothing other than natural impulses to numerous fields including
guide them. research, medicine, industrial
 He also warned us of a society that biotechnology and agriculture.
has explained away every mystery,  It can be used in Cloning,
and the danger of what he calls “man- Genetically Modified
molders which will be armed with the Organisms (GMOs), and Gene
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 Robotics  Nanobots (Kinesin uses protein
 It is an interdisciplinary domain dynamics in nanoscales to
research area at the interface walk along a microtubule)
of computer science and  Swarm Robotics (disaster rescue
engineering. missions, target localization and
 It involves the conception, tracking, simultaneous localization and
design, manufacture and mapping, cooperative environment
operation of robots. monitoring and convoy protection).
Characteristics of Robots
Nanotechnology - It is the study and
 Robots all consist of some sort of
manipulation of atomic or molecular scale to
mechanical construction.
improve or even revolutionize many technology
 Robots need electrical components
and industry sectors.
that control and power the machinery.
Types of Robots Artificial Intelligence

 Pre-Programmed Robots (operate in  Refers to “machines” that respond to

a controlled environment where they stimulation consistent with traditional
do simple, monotonous tasks). responds from human, given the
 Humanoid Robots (robots that look capacity for contemplation, judgement
like and/or mimic human behavior – and intention.
Sophia).  It is being used in health care, energy
 Autonomous Robots (operate development, finance, transportation,
independently of human operators). aviation and telecommunications.
 Tele operated Robots (mechanical  It includes autonomous vehicles such as
bots controlled by humans). drones and self-driving cars, playing
 Augmenting Robots (either enhance games such as chess or Go, search
current human capabilities or replace engines such as Google search, online
the capabilities a human may have assistants such as Siri, image
lost). recognition in photographs, predicting
Applications flight delays and medical diagnosis.
 Military Robots (to search, rescue and  Methods and Goals in AI: The symbolic
attack). (or top down) approach-seeks to
 Industrial Robots (IBM keyboard replicate intelligence by analyzing
manufacturing factory in Texas). cognition independent of the biological
 Collaborative Robots or Cobots structure of the brain in terms of the
(intended for direct human robot processing of symbolic label. and the
interaction within shared space). connectionist (bottom-up) approach-
 Construction Robots (robotic arm and involves creating artificial neural
robotic exoskeleton). networks in imitation of the brain’s
 Agricultural Robots (closely linked to structure.
the concept of AI-assisted precision
Alan Turing
agriculture and drone usage).
 Medical Robots (da Vinci Surgical  Established the fundamental goal and
System and Hospi). vision of artificial intelligence. It is the
 Kitchen Automation (Rotimatic, attempt to replicate or simulate human
flatbreads baking, Frobot, frozen intelligence in machines.
 Robot Combat for Sport, Domestic
Robots (Roomba vacuums the carpets)
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Norvig and Russell

 Defined Artificial Intelligence in four

 Four Approaches:
1. Thinking Rationally
2. Thinking Humanly
3. Acting Rationally
4. Acting Humanly
Potential Risks to Society
 Devaluation of humanity
 Decrease in demand of human labor
 High costs of creation
 Ethical issues
 Social isolation
 Environmental Problems
List Of Emerging Technologies That
Will Shape Our Future
 Electric/ self-driving cars
 Robot butlers
 Flying cars
 Space tourism
 Colonization of other planets
 Wearable screens
 3D printed Food and Metal
 5G-6G connectivity
 Re-engineering and Recycling
 High-rise farms
 Lab-grown meats
 Robot soldiers
 Roads over rivers and seas
 Holography
 Body implants prosthesis

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