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This is English for Shopping

Episode 7

Yasi: Welcome back!

Nikoo: Let’s get started with the seventh episode.


Yasi: In the previous episodes, I managed to buy a home. Thanks to Nikoo and her
suggestion to get a mortgage, of course.

Nikoo: You deserved every bit of it.

Yasi: Thanks. And after that we went shopping at IKEA to pick some furniture.

Nikoo: Some furniture, not furnitures, cause it’s uncountable.

Yasi: Yeah, I ordered a nice couch. They’ll deliver it in 4 days.

Nikoo: I’m happy for you Yasi. Today, though, we’re not shopping for Yasi’s house
cause something came up…

Yasi: Nikoo had an accident and broke her device.

Nikoo: That device was everything to me. I’d use it to communicate, work, basically
do everything.

Yasi: Let’s rewind and see what really happened.

*rewind sound effect*


*Slipping* *falling*

* phone drops and breaks*

Yasi: Did you guess what happened?

Nikoo: I fell and dropped my phone. Its screen broke to pieces and it won’t turn on.

Yasi: That’s everyone’s biggest nightmare.

Nikoo: I loved that phone so much!

Yasi: Don’t worry. It was just a thing. An object. And unexpected things happen in
life all the time.

Nikoo: You’re right. Now let’s go to that famous Electronics Store and see what’s in
the market.

Yasi: Don’t you wanna check the websites first? You can easily buy a phone online
these days.

Nikoo: I don’t know. I think I want to feel the phone in my hand before buying it.

Yasi: OK, then. Let’s go.


*crowded sound effect*

Yasi: Let’s check out the latest iPhone.

Nikoo: I’m not a big fan of apple products. I’d rather stick with Android phones.

Yasi: I see. You’re an exception. Everyone loves iPhones! How about this Huawei
P30? It’s so sleek!

Nikoo: I don’t know. The design is dope, but the price is not reasonable.

Yasi: Huawei phones are the best dude! They’re the most affordable phones out
there. I mean look at that iPhone price tag! It’s crazy!

Nikoo: What the hell? That iPhone costs an arm and a leg!

Yasi: I know right? It’s all because of the devaluation of the Iranian rial .

Nikoo: So sad. But anyways, I need a phone. How about a Samsung phone. I like
their designs.

Yasi: Well, I’ve got a Note and if you’re willing to spend a lot of money, I definitely
recommend it especially because it has a pen and it comes handy.


Shopkeeper: How may I help you?

Customer: I wanna take a look at Samsung Note 9.

Shopkeeper: this is Samsung note 9. It’s our best seller.

Customer: How much storage does it offer?

Shopkeeper: It has an internal storage of 128 GB & 8 GB RAM

Customer: And how about the Camera?

Shopkeeper: The rear one is 16 MP while the front one is 13 MP.

Customer: Oh, that’s great. How much is the price?

Shopkeeper: The price is 10 million tomans.

Customer: What other phones do you have if I want more storage?

Shopkeeper: Note 9 has another make with 512 GB of internal storage.

Customer: How much is it for?

Shopkeeper: It’s for 15 million tomans.

Customer: Oh no, that’s very expensive, help me with a cost-effective phone

which has got both good camera and good storage.

Shopkeeper: Then you can buy Samsung S10.

Customer: Does it also have Dual SIM option?

Shopkeeper: Yup, it also has Dual SIM slot along with the expandable memory slot.

Customer: How much discount will you offer?

Shopkeeper: Ma’am, this is the last price as it’s already a discounted one.


Yasi: I’m glad you didn’t buy that phone!

Nikoo: What? Why? You said it was a great phone.

Yasi: Yes, but the price was not reasonable. I bet you can get that phone online for
a way cheaper price.

Nikoo: I did like the feel of it. But let’s go check out some more phones.


Shopkeeper: Hello , is there anything I can help you with?

Nikoo: Um, yeah, I was just looking at phones.

Shopkeeper: What kind of features were you looking for?

Nikoo: I want a touchscreen smart phone, with a high-res screen, great cameras
and a lot of storage.

Shopkeeper: What do you think of this one?

Nikoo: Looks nice. How’s the battery life?

Shopkeeper: It depends on how you use it. It lasts from one to three days.

Nikoo: Hmmm, and how much is it?

Shopkeeper: It’s 17 million tomans.


Yasi: So?

Nikoo: The price was crazy! I think you’re right. I gotta go get a phone online rather
than instore.

Yasi: See I told you! But before we go, I wanna go take a look at those new laptops.
I’m in dire need of a faster laptop.

Nikoo: OK, I’ll just sit here and scroll through the online store.


Shopkeeper: Hello, how can I help you?

Buyer: I’m looking for a fast laptop. Something lightweight and easy to carry around.

Shopkeeper: Well you could get a Surface 4.

Buyer: Yeah I was looking at those, but I do a lot of stuff with photos and videos
and they say they aren’t powerful enough.

Shopkeeper: Oh, you didn’t say that when I asked about your needs. You need a
more powerful ultraportable. Then I recommend a Macbook Pro. It’s 25 million to-
mans, and it has good processor and plenty of RAM and hard drive space.

Buyer: That’s too much money. I was looking to spend like7 to 8 million tomans.

Shopkeeper: That’s pretty tight, you can’t spend more like 9 million tomans?

Buyer: Well I don’t really have an exact price, I just don’t want to spend a lot of

Shopkeeper: So you’re going to have to make some compromises. There’s this Dell
laptop, but it has sort of a low-resolution screen.

Buyer: It’s so ugly. Well, is there anything coming out soon I should wait for?

Shopkeeper: Yes, there is always something new coming to the market. Like Intel’s
upcoming laptops that offer CPUs with better battery life and far better graphics
and video performance than the typical Core i7 based laptop of today.

Buyer: When are those coming out?

Shopkeeper: Late 2019. Like the last quarter, probably. But I don’t know their exact
models and how much they’ll cost.

Buyer: Should I wait for those? I wanted something before the holidays…

Shopkeeper: I think something better is always right around the corner. At some
point you have to put a stake in the ground and just buy whatever is closest to
what you want.


Yasi: The previous conversation ended with an interesting idiom.

Nikoo: To put a stake in the ground.

Yasi: It means to take the first step or to make a big move and get something start-

Nikoo: If you haven’t already, it’s time to put a stake in the ground and review ev-
erything you’ve learned so far!

Yasi: Yes, do it please.

Nikoo: So see you in the next episode. Till then.

Yasi: Take care and bye.

This is English for Shopping

‫( انگلیسی یعنی این) برای خرید‬


Episode 7

‫قسمت هفتم‬

Yasi: Welcome back!

‫ی‬.‫خوش برگشتی‬

Nikoo: Let’s get started with the seventh episode.

‫ی‬.‫بیا با قسمت هفتم شروع �کنیم‬


Yasi: In the previous episodes, I managed to buy a home. Thanks to Nikoo and her
suggestion to get a mortgage, of course.

‫ البته با تشکر از نیکو و �پیشنهادی که برای گرفتن وام‬.‫در درس های قبلی؛ من تونستم خونه بخرم‬
‫ی‬.‫مسکن بهم داد‬

Nikoo: You deserved every bit of it.

‫ی‬.‫تو الیق همه اش بودی‬

Yasi: Thanks. And after that we went shopping at IKEA to pick some furniture.

‫ی‬.‫ و بعد از اون رفتیم ایکیا و یه خرده اسباب و وسایل خریدیم‬.‫ممنون‬

Nikoo: Some furniture, not furnitures, cause it’s uncountable.

‫ی‬.‫اس جمع برای این کلمه نمیاریم چون غیر قابل شمارشه‬

Yasi: Yeah, I ordered a nice couch. They’ll deliver it in 4 days.

‫ی‬.‫ اونا طی چهار روز آینده میارنش‬.‫بله؛ من یه کاناپه قشنگ سفارش دادم‬

Nikoo: I’m happy for you Yasi. Today, though, we’re not shopping for Yasi’s house
cause something came up…

‫من خیلی خوشحالم برات یاسی؛ اگرچه ما امروز نمیریم خرید برای یاسی چون یه مشکل بوجود‬

Yasi: Nikoo had an accident and broke her device.

‫ی‬.‫یه اتفایق برای نیکو افتاد و وسیله اش رو شکست‬

Nikoo: That device was everything to me. I’d use it to communicate, work, basically
do everything.

‫اون وسیله همه چیزم بود؛ ازش برای ارتباط برقرار کردن استفاده میکردم؛ کار میکردم؛ کال همه کار‬

Yasi: Let’s rewind and see what really happened.

‫ی‬.‫بیا برگردیم و ببینیم واقعا چه اتفایق افتاد‬

*rewind sound effect*


*Slipping* *falling*

* phone drops and breaks*

Yasi: Did you guess what happened?

‫میتونی حدس بزنی که چه اتفایق افتاد؟‬

Nikoo: I fell and dropped my phone. Its screen broke to pieces and it won’t turn on.

‫ی‬.‫ صفحه اش تکه تکه شد و دیگه روشن هم نمیشه‬.‫من افتادم و موبایلم رو انداختم‬

Yasi: That’s everyone’s biggest nightmare.

‫ی‬.‫وای این بزر�گترین کابوس همه است‬

Nikoo: I loved that phone so much!

‫ی‬.‫من اون گوشیمو خیلی دوست داشتم‬

Yasi: Don’t worry. It was just a thing. An object. And unexpected things happen in
life all the time.

‫ی‬.‫و همیشه تو زندگی اتفاق های غیر منتظره می افته‬.‫ یک شی بود‬.‫ فقط یه چیز بود‬.‫نگران نباش‬

Nikoo: You’re right. Now let’s go to that famous Electronics Store and see what’s in
the market.

‫ی‬.‫ حاال بیا بریم به اون مغازه ال�کترونیکی معروف و ببینیم توی بازار چی هست‬.‫درست میگی‬

Yasi: Don’t you wanna check the websites first? You can easily buy a phone online
these days.

‫نمیخوای اول سایتها رو چک �کنی ببینی چی هست؟ این روزا خیلی راحت میتونی آنالین گوشی‬

Nikoo: I don’t know. I think I want to feel the phone in my hand before buying it.

‫ی‬.‫فکر �کنم قبل از خرید گوشی بخوام اونو دستم بگیرم و امتحانش �کنم‬.‫نمیدونم‬

Yasi: OK, then. Let’s go.

‫ی‬.‫باشه پس؛ بیا بریم‬


*crowded sound effect*

‫صدای شلوغی‬

Yasi: Let’s check out the latest iPhone.

‫ی‬.‫بیا بریم جدید ترین مدل آیفون رو چک �کنیم‬

Nikoo: I’m not a big fan of apple products. I’d rather stick with Android phones.

‫ی‬.‫ ترجیح میدم همون اندروید داشته باشم‬.‫من اهل محصوالت اپل نیستم‬

Yasi: I see. You’re an exception. Everyone loves iPhones! How about this Huawei
P30? It’s so sleek!

‫ این مدل گوشی هو آوی چطوره؟خیلی شیک‬.‫ همه آیفون دوست دارن‬.‫ تو استشنا هستی‬.‫میدونم‬

Nikoo: I don’t know. The design is dope, but the price is not reasonable.

‫ی‬.‫ دیزاینش توپه؛ اما قیمتش منطقی نیست‬.‫نمیدونم‬

Yasi: Huawei phones are the best dude! They’re the most affordable phones out
there. I mean look at that iPhone price tag! It’s crazy!

‫ منظورم اینه که اون قیمت آیفون‬.‫ قیمتشون مقرون بصرفه ترینه‬.‫هوآوی بهترین گوشی رو داره بابا‬
‫ی‬.‫ دیوونه �کننده است‬.‫رو خودت یه نگاهی بنداز‬

Nikoo: What the hell? That iPhone costs an arm and a leg!

‫ی‬.‫این چیه؟ آیفون پول خون باباش رو داره از ما میگیره‬

Yasi: I know right? It’s all because of the devaluation of the Iranian rial

‫ی‬.‫درسته نه؟ همش بخاطره کاهش ارزش لایر ایرانه‬

Nikoo: So sad. But anyways, I need a phone. How about a Samsung phone. I like
their designs.

‫ نظرت در مورد گوشی های سامسونگ‬.‫اما بگذریم؛ من یه گوشی میخوام‬.‫خیلی ناراحت �کننده است‬
‫ی‬.‫چیه؟ من از طراحیشون خوشم میاد‬
Yasi: Well, I’ve got a Note and if you’re willing to spend a lot of money, I definitely
recommend it especially because it has a pen and it comes handy.

‫خب؛ من خودم یه نوت دارم و اگه توام میخوای یه عالمه پول خرج �کنی من قطعا �پیشنهادش می�کنم‬
‫ی‬.‫چون یه قلم داره و خیلی به کارت میاد‬


Shopkeeper: How may I help you?

‫ چطور میتونم کم�کتون �کنم؟‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: I wanna take a look at Samsung Note 9.

‫ی‬.‫ من میخواستم یه نگاهی به نوت نه بندازم‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: this is Samsung note 9. It’s our best seller.

‫ی‬.‫ این سامسونگ نه ؛ پرفروش ترین گوشیمونه‬:‫مشتری‬

Customer: How much storage does it offer?

‫ چقدر حافظه داره؟‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: It has an internal storage of 128 GB & 8 GB RAM

‫ی‬.‫ گیگ هم رم داره‬۸ ‫ و‬۱۲۸ ‫ حافظه داخلی‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: And how about the Camera?

‫ دوربینش چی؟‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: The rear one is 16 MP while the front one is 13 MP.

‫ی‬. ‫ مگا�پیکسل‬۱۳‫ مگا �پیکسل هست و جلو‬۱۶ ‫ دوربین پشت‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: Oh, that’s great. How much is the price?

‫ چه عالی؛ چه قیمتی هست؟‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: The price is 10 million tomans.

‫ی‬.‫ ده میلیون تومن‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: What other phones do you have if I want more storage?

‫ دیگه چه گوشی هایی دارید اگه حافظه بیشتری بخوام؟؟‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: Note 9 has another make with 512 GB of internal storage.

‫ی‬. ‫ گیگابایت حافظه‬۵۱۲ ‫ نوت نه یه مدل دیگه هم داره با‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: How much is it for?

‫ اون چقدره؟‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: It’s for 15 million tomans.

‫ی‬.‫ پونزده میلیون تومن‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: Oh no, that’s very expensive, help me with a cost-effective phone

which has got both good camera and good storage.

‫ برای خرید یه گوشی ای با یه قیمت خوب که هم دوربین خوب و هم‬.‫ وای نه؛ خیلی گرونه‬:‫مشتری‬
‫ی‬.‫حافظه خوبی داره کمکم �کنید‬

Shopkeeper: Then you can buy Samsung S10.

‫ی‬.‫ بنابراین میتونید سامسونگ اس ده بخرید‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: Does it also have Dual SIM option?

‫ دو تا سیم کارت میخوره؟‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: Yup, it also has Dual SIM slot along with the expandable memory slot.

‫ی‬.‫ بله دو تا سیم کارت و اینکه میتونید حافظه اش رو هم افزایش بدین‬:‫فروشنده‬

Customer: How much discount will you offer?

‫ چقدر بهم تخفیف میدین؟‬:‫مشتری‬

Shopkeeper: Ma’am, this is the last price as it’s already a discounted one.

.‫ همین االن تخفیف خورده‬.‫ خانم این آخرین قیمته‬:‫فروشنده‬


Yasi: I’m glad you didn’t buy that phone!

‫ی‬.‫خوشحالم که اون موبایل رو نخریدی‬

Nikoo: What? Why? You said it was a great phone.

‫ی‬.‫چی؟ چرا؟ تو که گفتی خیلی خوبه که‬

Yasi: Yes, but the price was not reasonable. I bet you can get that phone online for
a way cheaper price.

‫ی‬.‫ مطمئنم میتونی آنالین یه گوشی خیلی ارزونتر بخری‬.‫آره اما قیمتش منطقی نبود‬

Nikoo: I did like the feel of it. But let’s go check out some more phones.

‫ی‬.‫ اما بیا بریم گوشی های بیشتری رو چک �کنیم‬.‫من از حسش خوشم اومد‬


Shopkeeper: Hello , is there anything I can help you with?

‫ سالم ؛ کمک میخواین؟‬:‫فروشنده‬

Nikoo: Um, yeah, I was just looking at phones.

‫ی‬.‫بله؛ فقط داشتم به گوشی هاتون نگاه میکردم‬

Shopkeeper: What kind of features were you looking for?

‫ دنبال چه نوع ویژگی هایی هستید؟‬:‫فروشنده‬

Nikoo: I want a touchscreen smart phone, with a high-res screen, great cameras
and a lot of storage.

‫ دوربین‬.‫من یه گوشی اسمارت لمسی میخوام و صفحه نمایش اش رزولوشن باالیی داشته باشه‬
‫ی‬.‫های خوبی داشته باشه و یه عالمه حافظه‬

Shopkeeper: What do you think of this one?

‫نظرتون در مورد این چیه؟‬:‫فروشنده‬

Nikoo: Looks nice. How’s the battery life?

‫ باطریش چطوره؟‬.‫قشنگ بنظر میاد‬

Shopkeeper: It depends on how you use it. It lasts from one to three days.

‫ی‬.‫ از یک ساعت تا سه روز دوام میاره‬.‫ بستگی به کار کردن شما داره‬:‫فروشنده‬

Nikoo: Hmmm, and how much is it?

‫چه قیمته؟‬

Shopkeeper: It’s 17 million tomans.

‫ی‬.‫ هفده میلیون تومن‬:‫فروشنده‬


Yasi: So?


Nikoo: The price was crazy! I think you’re right. I gotta go get a phone online rather
than instore.

‫ی‬.‫ باید برم آنالین گوشی بخرم تا اینکه برم از مغازه بخرم‬.‫ فکر �کنم حق با تو‬.‫قیمتش خیلی بد بود‬

Yasi: See I told you! But before we go, I wanna go take a look at those new laptops.
I’m in dire need of a faster laptop.

‫ من خیلی‬.‫دیدی بهت گفتم! اما قبل از اینکه بریم؛ میخوام به اون لپ تاپ های جدید یه نگاهی بندازم‬
‫ی‬.‫به یک لپ تاپ سریعتر نیاز دارم‬

Nikoo: OK, I’ll just sit here and scroll through the online store.

‫ی‬.‫باشه؛ من اینجا میشیم و تو مغازه آنالین میچرخم‬


Shopkeeper: Hello, how can I help you?

‫ سالم؛ چطور میتونم کم�کتون �کنم؟‬:‫فروشنده‬

Buyer: I’m looking for a fast laptop. Something lightweight and easy to carry around.

‫ یه چیزی که سبک باشه و بشه راحت این ور و اون ور‬.‫ من دنیال یه لپ تاپ سریع هستم‬:‫خریدار‬
‫ی‬.‫حملش کرد‬

Shopkeeper: Well you could get a Surface 4.

‫ی‬.‫ میتونید سرفیس سری چهار بگیرید‬:‫فروشنده‬

Buyer: Yeah I was looking at those, but I do a lot of stuff with photos and videos
and they say they aren’t powerful enough.

‫آره دیدمشون؛ اما من با عکس و ویدیو خیلی کار می�کنم اما شنیدم که میگن اینا زیاد قوی‬:‫خریدار‬
‫ی‬. ‫نیستن‬

Shopkeeper: Oh, you didn’t say that when I asked about your needs. You need a
more powerful ultraportable. Then I recommend a Macbook Pro. It’s 25 million to-
mans, and it has good processor and plenty of RAM and hard drive space.

‫ شما به یه لپ تاپ قدرتمندتر‬.‫وقتی ازتون پرسیدم چی میخواین این موارد رو ذکر نکردین‬:‫فروشنده‬
‫ میلون تومنه و پردازشگر خوبی داره و یه‬۲۵ ‫ بنابراین �پیشنهاد من مک بوک پرو هست‬.‫نیاز دارید‬
‫ی‬. ‫عالمه رم داره وفضای هارد دراو‬

Buyer: That’s too much money. I was looking to spend like7 to 8 million tomans.

‫ی‬.‫ تومن خرج �کنم‬۸ ۷ ‫من میخواستم‬.‫خیلی زیاده پولش‬:‫خریدار‬

Shopkeeper: That’s pretty tight, you can’t spend more like 9 million tomans?

‫ نمیتونید بیشتر از هفتصد تا هزینه �کنید؟‬.‫چقدر کم‬:‫فروشنده‬

Buyer: Well I don’t really have an exact price, I just don’t want to spend a lot of

‫ی‬.‫ خب من قیمت دقیق رو ندارم اما نمیخوام زیاد خرج �کنم‬:‫خریدار‬

Shopkeeper: So you’re going to have to make some compromises. There’s this Dell
laptop, but it has sort of a low-resolution screen.

‫ این مدل لپ تاپ دل خوبه اما صفحه نمایش کم‬.‫خب شما باید از یکسری چیزا بگذرید‬:‫فروشنده‬
‫ ی‬.‫کیفیتی داره‬

Buyer: It’s so ugly. Well, is there anything coming out soon I should wait for?

‫ خب؛ چیزی هست که به زودی بیاد تو بازار که من منتظرش باشم؟‬.‫ خیلی زشته‬:‫خریدار‬

Shopkeeper: Yes, there is always something new coming to the market. Like Intel’s
upcoming laptops that offer CPUs with better battery life and far better graphics
and video performance than the typical Core i7 based laptop of today.

‫ مثل لپ تاپ های آتی شرکت‬.‫آره؛ همیشه یه چیز جدید هست که به زودی میاد تو بازار‬:‫فروشنده‬
‫اینتل که سی پی یویی همرا ه با با طری بهتر و گرافیک و عملکرد ویدیو بهتر نسبت به لپ تاپ های‬
‫ی‬. ‫کورای سون امروزی دارن‬

Buyer: When are those coming out?

‫کی میان بیرون؟‬:‫خریدار‬

Shopkeeper: Late 2019. Like the last quarter, probably. But I don’t know their exact
models and how much they’ll cost.

‫ی‬.‫ احتماال در چهار ماه آخرسال نمیدونم قیمت دقیق و مدل هاشو‬.‫ آخرای دو هزا و نوزده‬:‫فروشنده‬

Buyer: Should I wait for those? I wanted something before the holidays…

‫ی‬. ‫باید منتظرشون بمونم؟ من یه چیزی قبل از تعطیالت میخواستم‬:‫خریدار‬

Shopkeeper: I think something better is always right around the corner. At some
point you have to put a stake in the ground and just buy whatever is closest to
what you want.

‫ بالخره باید عزمت رو جزم �کنی که تصمیمت رو‬.‫من فکر می�کنم یه چیز همیشه بهتر تو راه‬:‫فروشنده‬
‫ی‬.‫بگیری و اون چیزی که به ایده آل تو نزدی�کتره رو بخری‬


Yasi: The previous conversation ended with an interesting idiom.

‫ی‬.‫مکالمه قبلی با یه اصطالح جالبی تمام شد‬

Nikoo: To put a stake in the ground.

Yasi: It means to take the first step or to make a big move and get something start-

‫ی‬.‫یعنی اینکه قدم اول رو برداری یا بتونی یه حرکت بزرگ ب�کنی و یه چیزی رو شروع �کنی‬

Nikoo: If you haven’t already, it’s time to put a stake in the ground and review ev-
erything you’ve learned so far!

‫ی‬.‫اگه هنوز شروع نکردی؛ االن وقتشه شروع �کنی و همه چیزهایی که تا اینجا یاد گرفتی رو دوره �کنی‬

Yasi: Yes, do it please.

‫ی‬.‫آره؛ لطفا انجامش بده‬

Nikoo: So see you in the next episode. Till then.

‫ ی‬.‫ پس تا اون موقع‬.‫توی درس بعدی میبینیمت‬

Yasi: Take care and bye.

‫ی‬.‫مراقب خودت باش و خداحافظ‬


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