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This is English at the Hostel

Episode 11

Yasi: This is the last official lesson of This is English at the Hostel.

Nikoo: Yasi and I will talk about our adventures on our trip to India and the accom-
modations we used.


Nikoo: Last year, Yasi and I traveled to India for 8 days.

Yasi: It was our first trip together and we had a blast!

Nikoo: Oh yeah! We explored so many amazing places.

Yasi: Taj Mahal, Lake Pichola, Pushkar, and so many temples.


Nikoo: So Yasi, how did you like your stay in India?

Yasi: As I said, I had plenty of fun there, everything was just perfect! The food, the
culture, the markets! Everything… Hey, why are you rolling your eyes at me Nikoo?

Nikoo: You are too positive! What about our accommodations there?

Yasi: What about them?

Nikoo: The hotel and the last hostel, remember?

Yasi: Yeah, they weren’t exactly top-notch!

Nikoo: No! They were in a poor condition. The first accommodation was a dirty
hotel. It smelled, the air conditioner was out of order and it was overpriced.

Yasi: You’re right. The last hostel wasn’t exactly clean either…

Nikoo: Absolutely not! Do you remember the mouse in the room?

Yasi: Ha ha! How can I forget? You screamed and jumped into Paniz’s arms!

Nikoo: Yeah, I’m scared of mice… Anyway, we stayed in three hostels, one homestay
and a hotel on our trip. Which one was your favorite?

Yasi: I really liked the one in Udaipur. It was super clean, cozy with welcoming hosts.
The price was quite reasonable as well. How about you?

Nikoo: My favorite accommodation was the hostel in Pushkar. It was big, beautiful
and full of colors.

Yasi: Oh yeah, that one was quite good too.


Nikoo: Yup, most of them were alright, but not luxurious by any means.

Yasi: Well, we were on a budget, so…


Nikoo: Mmmm. So Yasi, tell me, what is the most important quality you look for in
accommodations on a trip?

Yasi: Well, to me, security is the number one characteristic that I care about. I
mean, you don’t wannna sleep in a room that gives you the chills.

Nikoo: You’re absolutely right. Your safety and the security of your accommoda-
tion are of the utmost importance.

Yasi: How about you?

Nikoo: I personally think nothing beats a clean room. Cleanliness makes you feel
happy and comfortable.

Yasi: That, too, is really important. Umm, Nikoo, we stayed on a budget on our trip
to India. What has it taught you? Has it changed you at all?

Nikoo: Definitely! It has taught me so much. It has changed me for the better. It has
taught me to be happy with less, to expect little and enjoy the moment.

Yasi: I know! Right? It was truly transformative! I would like to continue traveling like
this, on a budget, to keep learning and transforming. I don’t mind staying some-
where super fancy every once in a while either, though.


Nikoo: Now let’s check out some useful language that we used in this lesson once


Yasi: I said ‘we had a blast’. It is an informal expression meaning I had so much fun!

Nikoo: Rolling your eyes… Umm… How should I explain it on audio…? Well, first you
look right, then you look up, and finally you look left. You do this to show you are
disappointed or think something is stupid.

Yasi: Excellent explanation Nikoo!

Nikoo: Thank you!

Yasi: Top-notch! It’s an adjective meaning of the highest quality or excellent. For
example, we stayed at a top-notch hotel.

Nikoo: The next one was by any means. It means at all! For example, she was not
poor by any means. It means that she was not poor at all.

Yasi: The next one was a useful expression. “To me”. You say that when you want
to express your opinion. Instead of ‘to me’ you can also use the following phrases:

If you ask me: If you ask me, autumn is the most magnificent season.

Personally speaking: Personally speaking, I love learning languages.

Nikoo: To give you the chills. It’s a great idiom and it means to make you very ex-
cited or very frightened.

For instance, ghost stories give me the chills. You can also say give me the shivers
instead of chills.

Yasi: Of the utmost importance; it means the most important, the highest degree
of importance. For example, taking care of your health is of the utmost impor-

Nikoo: The next expression is really cool. Nothing beats … Like nothing beats a hot
shower! It means nothing can be better than a hot shower.

Yasi: Then we had transformative which is an adjective. If something is transforma-

tive, it changes you.

Nikoo: And the last but not the least, fancy. Fancy means luxurious, of high quality
or expensive. Like a fancy restaurant. I think Kenzo is a fancy restaurant in Tehran.


Yasi: This is the very end of This is English at the Hostel

Nikoo: So all you should do now is review, review, review!

Yasi: Because we have prepared a little test for you in episode 13.

Nikoo: What about episode 12?

Yasi: Well, that’s a little surprise.

Nikoo: A really cool surprise!

Yasi: So, as always, study hard, review often.

Nikoo: And see you real soon for the surprise and the final test.

Yasi: Bye

This is English at the Hostel

‫{ انگلیسی یعنی این} در هاستل‬‫ی‬

Episode 11
‫قسمت یازدهم‬

Yasi: This is the last official lesson of This is English at the Hostel.

‫ی‬.‫به طور رسمی این آخرین درس از { انگلیسی یعنی این} در هاستل هستش‬

Nikoo: Yasi and I will talk about our adventures on our trip to India and the accom-
modations we used.

‫من و یاسی میخوایم که در مورد سفر ماجراجویانه ای که به هند داشتیم و اقامتگاه هایی که رفتیم‬
‫ی‬.‫حرف بزنیم‬


Nikoo: Last year, Yasi and I traveled to India for 8 days.

‫ی‬.‫پارسال؛ من و یاسی هشت روز به هند سفر کردیم‬

Yasi: It was our first trip together and we had a blast!

‫ی‬.‫اولین سفری بود که با هم بودیم و خیلی بهمون خوش گذشت‬

Nikoo: Oh yeah! We explored so many amazing places.

‫ی‬.‫آره! یک عالمه جاهای بینظیر رو با هم کشف کردیم‬

Yasi: Taj Mahal, Lake Pichola, Pushkar, and so many temples.

‫ی‬.‫تاج محل؛ دریاچه �پیچوال؛ پوشکار؛ و یک عالمه معبد‬


Nikoo: So Yasi, how did you like your stay in India?

‫خب یاسی؛ سفر به هند چطور بود؟‬

Yasi: As I said, I had plenty of fun there, everything was just perfect! The food, the
culture, the markets! Everything… Hey, why are you rolling your eyes at me Nikoo?

‫همونطور که گفتم؛ من یک عالمه بهم اونجا خوش گذشت؛ همه چی عالی بود! غذا؛ فرهنگ؛‬
‫ چرا چشماتو گرد می�کنی؟‬...‫ همه چی‬.‫بازارها‬

Nikoo: You are too positive! What about our accommodations there?

‫تو خیلی مثبتی! نظرت در مورد اقامتگاه هامون چی بود اونجا؟‬

Yasi: What about them?

‫چی بگم در موردشون؟‬

Nikoo: The hotel and the last hostel, remember?

‫هتل و آخرین هاستلی که رفتیم؛ یادت میاد؟‬

Yasi: Yeah, they weren’t exactly top-notch!

‫ی‬.‫آره؛ خیلی درجه یک نبودن‬

Nikoo: No! They were in a poor condition. The first accommodation was a dirty
hotel. It smelled, the air conditioner was out of order and it was overpriced.

‫ بو میداد؛ کولر کار نمیکرد و‬.‫ اولین اقامتگاه مون یه هتل �کثیف بود‬.‫نه! خیلی شرایطشون بد بود‬
‫ی‬.‫خیلی هم قیمتش زیاد بود‬

Yasi: You’re right. The last hostel wasn’t exactly clean either…

‫ی‬.‫ آخرین هاستل هم اونقدرها تمیز نبود‬.‫درست میگی‬

Nikoo: Absolutely not! Do you remember the mouse in the room?

‫أصال نبود! اون موشی که توی اتاقمون بود رو یادته؟‬

Yasi: Ha ha! How can I forget? You screamed and jumped into Paniz’s arms!

‫ی‬.‫چطور میتونم فراموش �کنم؟ تو جیغ زدی و پریدی تو بغل پانیذ‬

Nikoo: Yeah, I’m scared of mice… Anyway, we stayed in three hostels, one homestay
and a hotel on our trip. Which one was your favorite?

‫ بهر حال؛ ما در سفرمون؛ توی سه تا هاستل اقامت داشتیم؛ یه‬... ‫آره؛ من از موش ها میترسم‬
‫ کدومش رو بیشتر دوست داشتی؟‬.‫مهمون خونه و یه هتل‬

Yasi: I really liked the one in Udaipur. It was super clean, cozy with welcoming hosts.
The price was quite reasonable as well. How about you?

‫ خیلی تمیز بود؛ دنج بود و میزبانای خیلی خوش‬.‫من اونی که توی ادا�یپور بود رو خیلی دوست داشتم‬
‫ تو چی؟‬.‫ قیمتش هم همینطور خیلی معقول بود‬.‫رویی هم داشت‬

Nikoo: My favorite accommodation was the hostel in Pushkar. It was big, beautiful
and full of colors.

‫ی‬.‫ بزرگ ؛ قشنگ و پر از رنگ بود‬.‫اقامتگاه مورد عالقه من هاستلی بود که توی پوشکار رفتیم‬

Yasi: Oh yeah, that one was quite good too.

‫ی‬.‫آره؛ اونم خیلی خوب بود‬


Nikoo: Yup, most of them were alright, but not luxurious by any means.

‫ی‬.‫آره؛ بدک نبودن ؛ اما اصال و به هیچ وجه مجلل و شیک نبودن‬

Yasi: Well, we were on a budget, so…

‫ی‬.‫خب ما میخواستیم مقرون بصرفه سفر �کنیم‬


Nikoo: Mmmm. So Yasi, tell me, what is the most important quality you look for in
accommodations on a trip?

‫خب یاسی؛ بهم بگو؛ وقتی که میری سفر مهمترین کیفیت در یک اقامتگاه برات چیه؟‬

Yasi: Well, to me, security is the number one characteristic that I care about. I
mean, you don’t wannna sleep in a room that gives you the chills.

‫ منظورم اینه که نمیخوای توی اتایق‬.‫خب برای من؛ امنیت اولین فا�کتوریه که براش اهمیت قایلم‬
‫ی‬.‫بخوابی که ترس برت داره‬

Nikoo: You’re absolutely right. Your safety and the security of your accommoda-
tion are of the utmost importance.

‫ی‬.‫ امنیت خودت و اقامتگاه یکی از مهمترین چیزاس‬.‫خیلی درست میگی‬

Yasi: How about you?

‫نظر تو چیه؟‬

Nikoo: I personally think nothing beats a clean room. Cleanliness makes you feel
happy and comfortable.

.‫ تمیزی خوشحالت می�کنه و حس راحتی بهت میده‬.‫من فک می�کنم هیچی بهتر از یه اتاق تمیز نیست‬

Yasi: That, too, is really important. Umm, Nikoo, we stayed on a budget on our trip
to India. What has it taught you? Has it changed you at all?

‫ چی بهت یاد داد؟ آیا اصال‬.‫ نیکو؛ ما توی سفر به هند مقرون بصرفه سفر رفتیم‬.‫اونم آره؛ خیلی مهمه‬
‫تو رو عوض کرد؟‬

Nikoo: Definitely! It has taught me so much. It has changed me for the better. It has
taught me to be happy with less, to expect little and enjoy the moment.

‫ بهم یاد داد که با چیزهای کمتر هم‬.‫قطعا! خیلی چیز بهم یاد داد! من و به شکل بهتری عوض کرد‬
‫ی‬.‫خوشحال باشم؛ انتظار کمی داشته باشم و از لحظه لذت ببرم‬

Yasi: I know! Right? It was truly transformative! I would like to continue traveling like
this, on a budget, to keep learning and transforming. I don’t mind staying some-
where super fancy every once in a while either, though.

‫ من اینطور سفر رفتن رو دوست دارم ادامه‬.‫ درسته نه؟ اون تجربه دگرگون �کننده ای بود‬.‫میدونم‬
‫ اگرچه؛ همچین بدم هم نمیاد گاهی وقتا توی یک‬.‫بدم؛ یعنی مقرون بصرفه؛ و یاد بگیرم و تغییر �کنم‬
‫ی‬.‫جای شیک هم اقامت داشته باشم‬


Nikoo: Now let’s check out some useful language that we used in this lesson once

‫ی‬.‫حاال بیا چندتا عبارت کاربردی که ما در این درس استفاده کردیم رو یه بار دیگه چک �کنیم‬


Yasi: I said ‘we had a blast’. It is an informal expression meaning I had so much fun!

‫ی‬.‫این یک اصطالح غیر رسمیه که به معنای خیلی خوش گذشتنه‬

Nikoo: Rolling your eyes… Umm… How should I explain it on audio…? Well, first you
look right, then you look up, and finally you look left. You do this to show you are
disappointed or think something is stupid.

‫ این کارو انجام میدی که نشون بدی که‬.‫این کلمه به معنای وقتی هست که چشمات رو میچرخونی‬
‫ی‬.‫یه چیزی نا امیدت کرده و یا فکر می�کنی یه چیزی احمقانه بنظر میاد‬

Yasi: Excellent explanation Nikoo!

‫چه توضیح فوق العاده ای!ی‬

Nikoo: Thank you!


Yasi: Top-notch! It’s an adjective meaning of the highest quality or excellent. For
example, we stayed at a top-notch hotel.

‫ برای مثال؛ ما در یک هتل درجه یک اقامت‬.‫این کلمه صفت هستش و به معنای درجه یک بودنه‬

Nikoo: The next one was by any means. It means at all! For example, she was not
poor by any means. It means that she was not poor at all.

‫ ی‬.‫ اون به هیچ وجه بی پول و فقیر نبود‬:‫ به عنوان مثال‬.‫عبارت بعدی به معنای به هیچ وجه‬

Yasi: The next one was a useful expression. “To me”. You say that when you want
to express your opinion. Instead of ‘to me’ you can also use the following phrases:

‫ این رو وقتی میگی که میخوای در مورد نظر خودت حرف بزنی؛ بجای این‬.‫بعدی یک اصطالح مفید بود‬
‫ی‬:‫عبارت میتونی از عبارات بعدی هم استفاده �کنی‬

If you ask me: If you ask me, autumn is the most magnificent season.

‫ی‬.‫اگه از من بپرسی؛ پا�ییز باشکوه ترین فصله‬

Personally speaking: Personally speaking, I love learning languages.

‫ی‬.‫من شخصا ؛عاشق زبان یاد گرفتنم‬

Nikoo: To give you the chills. It’s a great idiom and it means to make you very ex-
cited or very frightened.

‫ی‬.‫این اصطالح به معنای این هست که یک چیزی خیلی هیجان زده ات می�کنه و یا خیلی میترسوندت‬

For instance, ghost stories give me the chills. You can also say give me the shivers
instead of chills.

‫ این عبارت هم بجای اون میتونی‬.‫برای مثال؛ داستان هایی که در مورد روح هستن من رو میترسونن‬
‫ی‬.‫استفاده �کنی‬

Yasi: Of the utmost importance; it means the most important, the highest degree
of importance. For example, taking care of your health is of the utmost impor-

‫ مراقبت کردن از سالمتیت‬:‫ برای مثال‬.‫این کلمه به معنای مهمترین هست؛ باالترین درجه اهمیت‬
‫ی‬.‫باالترین اهمیت رو داره‬

Nikoo: The next expression is really cool. Nothing beats … Like nothing beats a hot
shower! It means nothing can be better than a hot shower.

‫ هیچی بهتر از یه دوش‬:‫ به عنوان مثال‬.‫اصطالح بعدی خیلی باحاله؛ یعنی هیچی بهتر از اون نیست‬
‫ ی‬.‫آب گرم نیست‬

Yasi: Then we had transformative which is an adjective. If something is transforma-

tive, it changes you.

‫ی‬.‫ به معنای دگرگون شدن و متحول شدن‬.‫این کلمه یه صفت هستش‬

Nikoo: And the last but not the least, fancy. Fancy means luxurious, of high quality
or expensive. Like a fancy restaurant. I think Kenzo is a fancy restaurant in Tehran.

.‫ مثل یک رستوران مجلل‬.‫ کیفیت باالیی داره یا گرونه‬.‫و کلمه بعدی به معنای مجلل ولوکس هست‬
‫ی‬..‫من فکر می�کنم که �کنزو یک رستوران مجلل هست توی تهران‬


Yasi: This is the very end of This is English at the Hostel!

‫ی‬.‫این دیگه آخرین قسمت از { انگلیسی یعنی این} در هاستله‬

Nikoo: So all you should do now is review, review, review!

‫ی‬.‫بنابراین تنها کاری که باید انجام بدی االن دوره کردنه‬

Yasi: Because we have prepared a little test for you in episode 13.

‫ی‬.‫چون در قسمت سیزده برات یه تست کوچولو آماده کردیم‬

Nikoo: What about episode 12?

‫قسمت دوازده چیه پس؟‬

Yasi: Well, that’s a little surprise.

‫خب؛ یه سوپریز کوچیکه‬

Nikoo: A really cool surprise!

‫ی‬.‫یه سوپریزخیلی باحال‬

Yasi: So, as always, study hard, review often.

‫ی‬.‫بنابراین؛ مثل همیشه؛ سخت مطالعه کن؛ دوره کن‬

Nikoo: And see you real soon for the surprise and the final test.

‫ی‬.‫و خیلی زود برای سوپریز و تست آخر میبینیمت‬

Yasi: Bye



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