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Meaning and
Roles of
Information and
Jessa Mae M. Estallo-Rull | Instructor

The future may be unknown, but digital advancement continues to

reshape our world in ways that encourage people to form new
habits, find new ways to work together, and become better human
beings. And, in most cases, these changes translate into a range of
opportunities and disruptions across every industry. Humans have
always been quick to adapt technologies for better and faster

which means craft or art; refers to all the ways people use
their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and

which means word, the utterance by which inward thought
is expressed; a saying, or an expression.

➢ is the application of knowledge for practical

➢ is the sum of the ways in which social groups
provide themselves with the material objects of
their civilization.
➢ is defined as consisting of both hardware and
software (the knowledge required to produce
and use technological hardware).
ICT, or information and communications
technology (or technologies), is the
infrastructure and components that enable
modern computing.

Although there is no single, universal definition

of ICT, the term is generally accepted to mean
all devices, networking components, applications
and systems that combined allow people and
organizations (i.e., businesses, nonprofit
agencies, governments and criminal enterprises)
to interact in the digital world.

Pertains to the industry that involves

computers, software, networking, and other IT
infrastructure to help relay or manage
information important in modern-day living
as seen primarily in large companies or
Involves transfer and use of all kinds of information.

Is referred to the modern digital technology

communication tools and/or networks to access,
manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information
to function in a knowledge society.
Information Communication

➢ Diverse set of technological tools and resources

used to create, transmit, store, share or
exchange information.

Brief History of ICT:
The Evolution of
Traditional to New

1 2 3 4
1500 BC – 1500 AD 1700s-1930s 1930s – 1980s 1900s-2000s
• People discovered fire • People used the power of • People harness the power • People advanced the use of
• Developed paper from steam of electricity that led to Microelectronics in the
plants • Developed machine tools electrical telegraphy and invention of personal
• Forged equipment or • Establish iron production large scale computers computers, mobile devices,
weapons made by • Manufacturing various • Long distance became and wearable technology.
stone, bronze, copper or products such as Books possible • Internet is used for faster
iron through the Printing Press communication and the
creation of social network.
The Evolution of
Traditional to New
ICT Timeline
Ancient Civilization
>First humans communicated >The Babylonians and >The Greeks later adopted
only through speaking and Sumerians were known to the Phoenician alphabet
picture drawing. devise the “cuneiform”. and added vowels.
>During 3100 BC, the Egyptians >Phoenicians created letter >Romans gave the letters
devised a system of picture >symbols. Latin names to create the
writing called “hieroglyphics.” alphabet we use today.
Ancient Civilization
>Sumerians’ input technology >The Chinese made paper >The Egyptians kept scrolls
was a stylus that would scratch from rags on which modern- >around 600 BC.
marks in a wet clay about 2600 day papermaking is based. >The Greeks began to fold
BC. >Religious leaders in sheets of papyrus vertically
>The Egyptians write on the Mesopotamia kept the earliest into leaves and bind them
papyrus plant around 100 AD. books. together.
Ancient Civilization
>The Egyptians devised a >The first numbering systems >Around 875 AD, the
special numbering system in similar to those in use today concept
which the numbers 1-9 as vertical were invented between 100 >of zero (0) was developed.
lines, the number 10 as a U or and 200 AD by the Hindus >The Chinese abacus,
circle, the number 100 as a who created a 9-digit dubbed as the “first
coiled rope, and the number numbering system. calculator”, is considered as
1,000 as a lotus blossom. one of the very first
information processors.
Ancient Civilization
>In 700 BCE, the Sparta’s >The Antikythera Mechanism, >Julius Caesar’s cipher in
military devised a secure sometimes referred to as the the first century BCE used
communications system, called world’s “first computer”, was encryption to scramble
“scytale”, involving two wooden designed in 150 BCE to military communications.
staffs of identical diameter and calculate and predict >The Kama Sutra advised
a strip of parchment. astronomical phenomena, men how to compose and
seasons, and festivals. read secret messages.
Mechanical Age
>Johann Gutenberg invented the >Leon Battista Alberti’s cipher >In 1613, Richard
movable metal-type printing disk called “formula”, in the Braithwaite became the
process in 1450. 1470s, was designed to encrypt first person to use the word
language: it comprises two “computer” in print – at
>In this era, the development of
concentric copper circles with least, according to the
book indexes and the
the alphabet ringing each in Oxford English Dictionary.
widespread use of page numbers
the proper order.
were evident.
Mechanical Age
>Napier’s Bones, a device >Edmund Gunter created a >The Slide Rule, developed
developed by John Napier in wooden device, labeled NUM, by William Oughtred in
1617, allowed multiplication and that resembled a ruler that 1630s and 1650s, is a
division of multidigit numbers by had multiple scales which also mechanical device in which
any other number between 2 used to solve logarithmic numbers that are added are
and 9. problems. printed on two logarithmic
Mechanical Age
>The Pascaline calculator was >Leibniz also worked out the >Wolfgang von Kempelen
developed by Blaise Pascal in concept of binary arithmetic, created the “Mechanical
1642. including the rules for binary Turk” in 1770, an elaborate
addition, subtraction, hoax that alleged to be a
>The Step Reckoner was a
multiplication, and division in “thinking” machine.
calculating machine developed
by Wilhelm Gottfried von Leibniz
in 1672.
Mechanical Age
>The optical telegraph, >Joseph Marie Jacquard >In 1822, Charles Babbage
essentially a practical system of invented a way to accelerate developed the Difference
sending letters over distance and simplify the time- Engine, an automatic
with light, was developed by consuming and complex task mechanical calculator that is
Claude Chappe and his younger of weaving fabric called designed to calculate and
brothers in 1791. “Jacquard’s Loom” in 1801. tabulate a polynomial
Mechanical Age
>The Analytical Engine was >Lady Augusta Ada Byron, >Charles Babbage, Father of
designed: a fully-controlled dubbed as the first Modern Computing, founded
general purpose computer programmer, designed an the British Statistical Society
which was to be programmed algorithm and detailed and the Royal Astronomical
with punch cards and had a instructions for making Society.
separate store where numbers Babbage’s machine compute
would be kept. Bernoulli numbers.
Electromechanical Age
>In 1833, Michael Faraday >The key invention was John >In 1843, Alexander Bain
discovered that the chemical Daniell’s wet-cell battery in built an “electric printing
silver sulfide became a better 1836, a reliable source of telegraph” that used a pair of
conductor when heated, unlike electricity. precisely timed pendulums,
metals that lose their Samuel Morse is credited one configured to function
conductivity under the same with like a scanner, the other to
conditions. inventing, patenting, and function as a remote printer
promoting the first practical
telegraph in the same year.
Electromechanical Age
>Charles Xavier Thomas de >The first electromagnetic >In 1865, Giovanni Caselli
Colmar invented the spam message was sent in improved Bain’s basic idea
arithmometer in 1844 that could 1864: the message appeared with a more compact device
reliably add and subtract on the swinging needles of called a “pantelegraph”,
numbers up to three digits, and William Fothergill Cooke and which transmitted a message
multiply and divide as well. Charles Wheatstone’s written with insulating ink on
electromagnetic telegraph. a metal plate.
Electromechanical Age
>In 1866, Mahlon Loomis >Jean-Maurice Emile Baudot >Karl Ferdinand Braun
successfully demonstrated devised a system for invented the “diodes” or
“wireless telegraphy” wherein telegraphy in 1874, the “rectifiers” in 1874, the
he was able to make a meter Baudot’s Code, which was simplest electronic
connected to one kite cause adopted as the ITA 1, one of components.
another one to move, making the original international
the first instance of wireless telecommunications
aerial communication. standards
Electromechanical Age
>In 1876, the telephone was >Guglielmo Marconi proved >Applications of LEDs (light-
invented by Alexander Graham the feasibility of radio emitting diodes) and other
Bell. communication in 1894. semiconductors including a
>In 1890, the Pantographic >In 1897, Braun invented “light relay device”, a radio
Punch Card developed by the cathode-ray tube which receiver, and a solid-state
Hollerith was used to process would become the basis of amplifier in 1927 by Oleg
and tabulate census data in the television. Losev.
United States.
Electromechanical Age
>In 1928, Homer Dudley >Vannevar Bush and his >In 1939, the Hewlett-
developed the “vocoder”, a student Harold Locke Hazen Packard was founded: David
process to compress the size of designed and built the Packard and Bill Hewlett sold
human speech into intelligible Differential Analyzer in 1931, HP 200A Audio Oscillator,
electronic transmissions and allowing complex differential which rapidly became a
create synthetic speech by equations to be analyzed. popular piece of test
imitating the sounds of the equipment for engineers.
human vocal cord.
Electronic Age
>In 1941, the Z3 Computer >The Atanasoff-Berry >The MIT built the Project
developed by Konrad Zuse was Computer by John Vincent Whirlwind in 1943, a flight
considered as the world’s first Atanasoff and Clifford simulator to train bomber
working programmable, fully Edward Berry was built in crews.
automatic digital computer. 1942: the ABC was an
automatic, electronic digital
desktop computer.
Electronic Age
>The ENIAC (Electronic >The Colossus by Thomas >The Mark I in 1944,
Numerical Integrator and Harold Flowers, Sidney conceived by Howard Aiken
Computer), the first electronic Broadhurst, and W.T. Tutte, and designed and built by
computer, was built by John was the first electronic digital IBM, was a room-sized,
Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert computing machine designed relay-based calculator.
in 1943 to perform complex successfully used during
ballistic calculations for the US WWII by the United Kingdom
Army. in 1943.
Electronic Age
>John von Neumann wrote the >In 1946, the trackball was >Howard Aiken completed
first draft of the report on the one of the first computer the Mark II computer in 1947.
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete input devices to enable In the same year, the first
Variable Automatic Computer) in freeform cursor movement actual case of bug was
which he outlined the by the user, simultaneously found.
architecture of a stored- over both the x- axis and y-
program computer in 1945. axis on a computer screen.
Electronic Age
>The first silicon transistor was >In 1948, the IBM’s Selective >The Curta calculator,
ever made and manufactured by Sequence Electronic developed by Curt Herzstark,
John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, Calculator (SSEC) computed is the most elegant, compact,
and William Shockley in 1947. scientific data used for and functional pocket
plotting the course of the mechanical calculator ever
1969 Apollo flight to the manufactured in 1948.
Electronic Age
>In 1950, the Engineering >In 1951, the UNIVAC, was >Microprogramming was
Research Associates built the one of the first computers born in 1951 when Maurice
ERA 1101, the first commercially commercially produced and Wilkes designed the CPU
produced computer. It held 1 perform calculations much and ALU.
million bits on its magnetic faster than humans could
drum, the earliest magnetic enter them: UNIVAC used
storage devices. metal tape technology.
Electronic Age
>The automatic digit recognition >The IBM 650 magnetic >The term Artificial
system, also known as Audrey, drum calculator established Intelligence (AI) was coined
was developed by Bell Labs in itself as one of the first mass- in 1955 by John McCarthy,
1952. produced computers in 1954. Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel
>In 1953, Jay Forrester Rochester, and Claude
installed magnetic core Shannon.
memory on the Whirlwind
Electronic Age
>A new computer language >The first digital image was >The first interactive
developed by John Warner produced in 1957 by Russell computer game was
Backus in 1957, Fortran Kirsch. developed in 1962.
(Formula Translator), enabled a >The Common Business >In 1964, the System/360 of
computer to perform a repetitive Oriented Language (COBOL) IBM was considered as the
task from a single set of was created in 1960. first networked computer.
instructions by using loops.
Electronic Age
>The BASIC, an easy-to-learn >In 1969, the Unix Operating >Victor Scheinman’s
programming language created System was developed; it Stanford Arm made a
by Thomas Kurtz and John combined many of the breakthrough as the first
Kemeny in 1964, was the timesharing and file electrically power computer-
forerunner for the advanced management features. controlled robot arm in 1969.
programming languages in use
Electronic Age
>In 1971, the first email was >The Pong, the first >The Betamax, an analog
sent. Ray Tomlinson, who is modern video game, was video cassette which allowed
credited with being the one to released; it was created by the recording and playback
decide on the “@” sign for use Al Alcorn in 1972. of video, was developed by
in email, sent his message over >In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Sony and released in Japan
a military network called Allen formed a partnership in 1975.
ARPANET. called Microsoft.
Electronic Age
>In 1976, the Apple was born: >The Atari released the >Seagate Technology
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs Video Computer System created the first hard disk
designed the Apple I, a single- (VCS) in 1977, the first drive for microcomputers in
board computer. successful video game 1980, the ST506.
>The Video Home System system, selling more than 20
(VHS) was developed in 1976 million units throughout the
by the JVC Company. 1980s.
Electronic Age
>The MS-DOS was released >Pixar, originally called the >In 1989, Maxis released
in 1981. Special Effects Computer SimCity, the first ever
>The Apple Computer launched Group, was founded in 1986. simulator game.
the Macintosh in 1984, the first >Robert Morris’ worm >The World Wide Web was
successful mouse-driven flooded the ARPANET in born in 1990 when Tim
computer with a graphical user 1988, the first known Berners-Lee developed the
interface. computer virus. HTML.
Electronic Age
>In 1990, the Microsoft >The first person shooter- >In 1994, the Yahoo was
launched the Windows 3.0, the style game, the Doom, was founded by Jerry Yang and
first successful version of released in 1993. The David Filo; Yahoo originally
Windows which finally offered Mosaic web browser, the first resided in two machines,
good enough performance to commercial software that Akebono and Konishiki, and
satisfy PC users. allowed graphical access to became the internet’s most
content on the internet, was popular search engine then.
also released.
Electronic Age
>During the Independence Day >In 1998, Larry Page and >USB flash drive was
in 1996 in the US, Sabeer Sergey Brin’s Google was patented in 2000.
Bhatia and Jack Smith launched successfully launched. >The Wikipedia, an online
the Hotmail. >In 2000, Sony launched the encyclopedia developed by
>In 1998, Microsoft released PlayStation 2 or the PS2, the Jimmy Wales and Larry
the Windows 98. best selling console of all Sanger, was launched in
time. 2001.
Electronic Age
>The iTunes debuted in 2001; >The CAPTCHA (Completely >In 2004, the Facebook, a
the iTunes Store, a software- Automated Public Turing Test social networking service,
based online digital media store to Tell Computer and was successfully launched.
operated by Apple, was opened Humans Apart), a test >In 2005, the YouTube was
in 2003. program that distinguishes a founded by Chad Hurley,
human from a bot, was Steve Chen, and Jawed
developed in 2003. Karim.
Electronic Age
>Apple created the first >Microsoft launched >In 2012, George Church,
iPhone in 2007. Windows 7 in 2009, less than Yuan Gao, and Sriram
>Bitcoin, invented by Satoshi three years after the release Kosuri, announced that they
Nakamoto, was the first digital of its predecessor, Windows had successfully stored
currency to gain mainstream Vista. 5.27 megabits of digitized
use and demonstrate a practical information in strands of
application for blockchain in DNA.
Electronic Age
>In 2013, subscription software >In 2014, data breaches >Pokemon GO was a
were imposed; Adobe stopped touched individuals on a watershed event for the
selling copies of its scale not seen before, in computer game industry and
tremendously popular terms of both the amount and for augmented reality. AR
Photoshop and Illustrator the sensitivity of data that was successfully launched in
programs and instead started to was stolen. the mainstream in 2016.
rent them.
➢ Education

➢ Sports and Entertainment

➢ Advertising, Trade and Industry

➢ Healthcare and Medicine

➢ Science and Engineering

➢ Government and Politics

➢ Communication and Transportation

➢ Job Opportunities

➢ Culture and the Arts

➢ Home
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can impact student
learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate
it into curriculum.

Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate,

store, and manage information.

In some contexts, ICT has also become integral to the teaching learning
interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with
interactive digital whiteboards, using students’ own smartphones or other
devices for learning during class time, and the “flipped classroom” model
where students watch lectures at home on the computer and use classroom
time for more interactive exercises.
When teachers are digitally literate and trained
to use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher
order thinking skills, provide creative and
individualized options for students to express
their understandings, and leave students better
prepared to deal with ongoing technological
change in society and the workplace.
In the employment sector, ICT enables organizations to
operate more efficiently, so employing staff with ICT skills
is vital to the smooth running of any business. Being able
to use ICT systems effectively allows employees more time
to concentrate on areas of their job role that require soft
Nowadays, finding a job is different, you
can just use your smart phone, laptop,
desktop or any gadgets that is available
in the comfort of your home.
We all know that ICT take a major role
for us by means of communicating, way
back in the past our parents use to
make letter and send it via post mail.
But now with the help of ICT it is
easier to communicate with our love
ones. We can use cellular phones that
design for communicating with other
people even they are miles away far
from you.
ICT allows students to monitor and manage their
own learning, think critically and creatively, solve
simulated real-world problems, work
collaboratively, engage in ethical decision-making,
and adopt a global perspective towards issues and

It also provides students from remote areas access

to expert teachers and learning resources, and
gives administrators and policy makers the data
and expertise they need to work more efficiently.
ICT can improve safety in the transportation industry by
enabling real-time vehicle tracking, spotting possible
dangers, and sending drivers and passengers emergency
alerts and notifications. People can now book train and
bus tickets by sitting at home without going any place.
ICT has the capacity to significantly improve the
transportation industry. ICT can contribute to more
dependable, reasonably priced, and environmentally
friendly transportation through enhancing safety,
efficiency, an
ICT helps the companies in identifying the
opportunities and implementing marketing
communications via multiple media.

Reaching a larger audience, raising brand

awareness, generating leads, expanding
consumer engagement, and improving marketing
effectiveness are all advantages of employing ICT
in digital marketing.
ICT has transformed healthcare in many
developing countries by competently
distributing public health information and
enabling consultation in health issues.

Hospitals and physician offices large and

small have implemented new technologies
to respond to a changing regulatory
environment and to improve the overall
quality of care for patients.
We all know that ICT take a major role in Science and Engineering
field. The ability to access information, gather, analyze, and depict
data, model and comprehend concepts and linkages, and
communicate scientific concepts, methods, and information are
just a few of the ways they use ICT.

In engineering, powerful computers are used to solve challenging

mathematical problems, model, simulate, and design sophisticated
multi-physics systems, control intricate machinery and
interconnected embedded systems, and collect, store, and analyze
large amounts of experimental data. This is the main application of
ICT tools in general, and computers in particular, have long been in
the first category.
ICTs (information and communication technology) are
influencing how we live our daily lives. Both in their roles
as customers and employees. However, it is rather recent
in date. ICT also have a significant impact on politics,
which is characterized by through group decision-making.

ICT is a vast and an expanding idea places its main

emphasis on our government, on how to store, retrieve,
transfer, and manipulate any particular data and process
in our egovernance. We may state that ICT is associated
with the notion of utilizing current devices that allow the
world to become digital.
ICT play an increasingly significant part in
supporting the promotion of arts and
cultural heritage educational activities, as
well as programs and actions in museum
learning environments, whose goal is to
draw visitors and serve them while also
meeting their needs.
In addition to communication, or reaching out to
individuals near and distant, it has also improved
and made our work at home more easier.

Information and communication technology (ICT)

use in homes is the usage of it in schools and
universities is expanding more quickly, and there
are now there are more systems in homes than in

2 4

3 5
christian lous lange
R e f e r e n c e s :
• Caoli-Tayuan, R. & Eleazar, M. (2019). Living in the information technology era. Quezon
City: C & E Publishing.
• Department of Information and Communications Technology-Modern Academics
Convergence Hub (Massive Open Online Courses)
thru DICT-ICT Literacy and Competency Development Bureau.
• Finn, C.J. (2012). Education reform for the digital era. Washington, D.C.: Thomas B.
Fordham Institute.
• Fuchs, C. (2008). Internet and society: Social theory in the information age. Madison
Avenue, New York: Routledge.
• Gilchrist, A. (2016). Industry 4.0: The industrial internet of things. Nonthaburi, Thailand:
• Gleason, N. (2018). Higher education in the era of fourth industrial revolution. Singapore:
Palgrave Macmillan.
• Revano, T. (2019). Living in the information technology. Manila: Mindshapers Co., Inc.
• Schwab, K. (2016). The fourth industrial revolution. Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic
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