Pantayong Pananaw

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"Pantayong Pananaw" and "Bagong Kasaysayan" are two concepts within the

context of new Filipino historiography, which refers to the changing

approaches and perspectives in the writing of Philippine history. These
concepts represent shifts in how historians view and interpret the history of
the Philippines, moving away from traditional colonial perspectives and
incorporating indigenous viewpoints and narratives.

1. Pantayong Pananaw: "Pantayong Pananaw" is a Filipino term that can

be translated to "horizontal perspective" in English. This concept
emphasizes the need to view history from the perspective of the
marginalized, the common people, and the grassroots. It challenges the
dominant historical narratives that often focus on elite figures, colonial
rulers, and major political events. Instead, Pantayong Pananaw seeks to
uncover the experiences, contributions, and struggles of ordinary
Filipinos throughout history.

This perspective is rooted in the idea that history is not just about political and
economic elites, but also about the daily lives, culture, and aspirations of the
masses. By adopting Pantayong Pananaw, historians aim to present a more
holistic and inclusive understanding of Philippine history that accounts for the
diversity and complexity of the Filipino experience.

2. Bagong Kasaysayan: "Bagong Kasaysayan" translates to "New History"

in English. It refers to a shift in historical writing that emerged in the
Philippines in the latter part of the 20th century. Bagong Kasaysayan
encompasses both the Pantayong Pananaw and other critical
approaches that challenge traditional narratives of colonial history. This
"New History" emphasizes the importance of questioning established
historical accounts and exploring untold stories.

Bagong Kasaysayan seeks to challenge the Eurocentric and colonial

perspectives that had dominated earlier historical writings about the
Philippines. It delves into indigenous sources, oral traditions, and alternative
perspectives to reconstruct a more accurate and inclusive narrative of the past.
This approach aims to recognize the agency of Filipinos in shaping their
history and to highlight the impact of colonialism, imperialism, and resistance
on the course of events.

In essence, both Pantayong Pananaw and Bagong Kasaysayan are part of the
broader movement to decolonize Philippine historiography. They encourage
historians to engage with multiple perspectives, acknowledge the complexity
of historical events, and tell a more comprehensive story that reflects the
diverse experiences of Filipinos throughout different periods of history.

what's the overall concept of this?

The overall concept of "Pantayong Pananaw" and "Bagong Kasaysayan" within
the new Filipino historiography is to present a more inclusive, diverse, and
balanced understanding of Philippine history. This concept challenges the
traditional perspectives that have often been dominated by colonial,
Eurocentric, and elite narratives. Instead, it seeks to achieve the following:

1. Inclusivity: By adopting the "Pantayong Pananaw," historians aim to

include the perspectives of marginalized and ordinary people in the
historical narrative. This shift from focusing solely on elite figures and
major events to encompassing the experiences of common individuals
contributes to a more holistic view of history.
2. Decolonization: Both "Pantayong Pananaw" and "Bagong Kasaysayan"
strive to decolonize Philippine historiography. They challenge the biased
viewpoints imposed by colonial powers and Eurocentric perspectives
that have often downplayed or ignored indigenous cultures, traditions,
and contributions.
3. Recognition of Agency: These concepts emphasize the agency of
Filipinos in shaping their own history. By exploring alternative sources,
oral traditions, and indigenous viewpoints, historians can highlight the
roles Filipinos played in various historical events, including instances of
resistance, cultural preservation, and social change.
4. Complexity and Diversity: "Pantayong Pananaw" and "Bagong
Kasaysayan" acknowledge the complexity and diversity of Philippine
history. They recognize that history is multifaceted, involving a range of
social, cultural, economic, and political factors. This approach
encourages a more nuanced understanding of historical events and their
5. Empowerment: By presenting a history that is more inclusive and
reflective of the Filipino experience, these concepts empower various
communities to connect with their heritage, culture, and identity. It
allows people to see themselves as active participants in history rather
than passive subjects.
6. Critical Inquiry: The concepts encourage historians to critically examine
existing narratives, challenge assumptions, and question dominant
interpretations. This approach promotes a more rigorous and thoughtful
analysis of historical sources and events.

Overall, the concept of "Pantayong Pananaw" and "Bagong Kasaysayan"

reflects a broader shift in historical scholarship towards a more democratic,
diverse, and socially aware understanding of the past. It aims to reconstruct a
history that speaks to the experiences of all Filipinos and contributes to a
more comprehensive national identity.

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