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Pampanga State Agricultural University

PAC, Magalang, Pampanga

College of Agriculture, Systems, and Technology
Department of Agricultural Business,
Economics, and Entrepreneurship


Sanchez, Alexis
Pangan, Kimninwel
Macasaquit, Mark Neithan
Tanglao, Kien Charles
Sanchez, Allysa
Jorge, Earl Jerald
Case Background

Jerry Elliot, the president of the Central Scenic State Organic (CSSO) Growers. With
twenty years of organic farming experience and a bachelor's degree in general studies
from Centralia State University, Elliot was well-known in the sustainable agriculture
community. He had been working on a project for six months, which involved the
formation of a marketing cooperative to market organic produce grown by the group's
members. Elliot had been investigating the feasibility of a cooperative and compiling an
inventory of resources the growers could potentially contribute. Six members of the
CSSO Growers expressed interest in jointly marketing produce.had expressed interest
in jointly marketing produce at the prior meeting. In the weeks since the meeting, Elliot
met individually with each of these growers to gather information about the resources at
their disposal. One important set of information was the volume of organic products
produced by the growers.

Statement of the Problem

 Lack of Manpower

 Establishing Goals

 Meeting their production needs

 Who are their target Market

Objective of the Case

Short term

 Have a store set up nearby for the next 3 months

 Set up some stalls in the public market

 Find some suppliers for some of their need’s like vegtable so they don’t need to
grow them

 Find some applicants that have knowledge in growing crops and other field’s
like marketing
Long term

 Find some restaurant and shops that are willing to sell their products

 Maintain the distribution of product

 Have a stable man power for production

 Set up shops in other cities

Point of View and the Settings

The Organization of Central Scenic State Organic (CSSO) is an organization consist of

30 farmers and gardeners. Jerry Elliot is the president of the organization, with a 20
years of experience in the organic farming industry. He have a bachelor's degree in
general studies from Centralia State University that allowed him to develop a
background in biophysical sciences, philosophy, communication, and management.

Manager’s Location:

The physical location of the managerial position in the hierarchy or the site of work can
both be referred to as the manager's location. The CSSO Growers are located 40 miles
from an interstate between two cities with a combined population of two million people
in the Central Scenic State, a densely populated region with more than 3 million

Areas of consideration


 High quality products

 Good Branding


 Limited Partnership with others

 High cost of production

 Limited distribution channels


 Increasing value of Organic Products

 Having more partnership


 Many Competitors

 Increasing Price

 Sudden changes in government policies and regulations

Alternative course of Action

A group of organic agricultural producers facing a strategic decision is featured. If they

decide to form an organization to market their produce jointly, they will have to select a
distribution channel. This case presents the demand conditions, requirements,
advantages, and disadvantages of different distribution channels for organic vegetables,
both on a general level and as they relate to this particular group. The following
channels are addressed: roadside stands, farmers' markets, distributors, retailers,
restaurants, institutions, and processors. Study questions for use in an academic course
or workshop are included.

They can use sell using whole sale and resellers to solve the problem in the distribution
of their products


1. They don’t need to advertise their product since the retailers will do that job

2. They just need to limit their target since they just need to provide for their retailers
and their other distribution channels

3. They will have an easier time securing sales

1. The CSSO will lose control in their product since the retailers will take over after you
distribute to them

2. They will end up selling at their lowest price

The CSSO will built their own physical store’s in other areas to market their own product

1. The shipping cost will be minimize since they only shipped in small state

2. They will have absolute control in their products


1. They will have a hard time securing sales

2. They need to limit their production since they will not know if the consumers will
continue to come


With the given facts and possibilities, we recommend taking the first alternative even
though you will sell it in a lowest price you can still secure your profits and you don’t
need to problem how you will sell your products since the reseller’s will do that job


In Conclusion the reseller tactic advantage far outweigh the disadvantage in terms of
production means. The CSSO growers can mass produce the second alternative will be
facing much problem than the first one

Guide questions


-The growers have a good educational backgrounds

-They’re already certified Organic


-No goals set

-They don’t know how to distribute their products


-Easier expansion of the business


-Business Competitors

Describe the 4p’s


The thing or service that is being advertised to the intended market is called the

Successful goods typically satisfy a need that isn't being satisfied in the market or offer
a unique user experience that generates demand. For instance, the chia pet gave users
a hilarious and totally original experience, while the initial iPhone satisfied a market
need for a more straightforward gadget that combined a phone and an iPod.


The price of a good or service is its cost.

It's crucial to choose a pricing for a good or service that appeals to the target market
while also achieving your objectives as a business. A product's overall success can be
greatly impacted by various price strategies. For instance, relatively few of your target
market's members are likely to buy your goods if you price it too high. Similar to this, if
you price your goods too low, some people may decide against buying it because they
think it might be of worse quality and reduce your prospective profit margins.


Location refers to both the store where you sell your goods and the methods you
employ to get them to your clients.

Finding the ideal location for product marketing and sales is crucial to reaching your
target market, just like pricing. You won't likely reach your sales goal if you place your
product somewhere that your target client doesn't go, whether that location is online or
offline. To connect with your target audience and position yourself for success, find the
proper location.

Let's say you are marketing a pair of athletic shoes that you designed. You choose to
sell your product in specialty athletics stores and market it in sports periodicals because
you know that athletes in their early to late thirties are your target market.

The process of promoting your good or service is called advertising. By engaging in

promotional activities, you can spread the word about your product and create a
marketing campaign that appeals to your target market.

There are numerous strategies you can use to market your goods. Word-of-mouth, print
and television commercials, and advertisements are some examples of traditional
methods. However, with today's technological advancements, you can design online
marketing campaigns to advertise your goods through channels like social media, email,
display, and content marketing.

What is the importance of strategic alliance?

Explain the importance of strategic alliance

When two or more organizations band together to cooperate and pursue a common
objective, a strategic alliance is created. These agreements might be in the form of joint
ventures, partnerships, or contractual arrangements, and they can be made between
businesses in the same industry or in separate industries.

The multiple advantages that participating firms receive from strategic alliances are
what make them so important. Here are several main justifications for the significance of
strategic alliances:

1. Access to new markets and clientele: Through the formation of an alliance,

businesses can obtain access to clientele and market niches that they might not have
been able to access on their own. Their consumer base could grow as a result, and
revenues could rise.

2. Strategic alliances enable businesses to pool their resources, knowledge, and

abilities while cutting costs. By pooling resources, businesses may be able to save
costs while boosting productivity and competitiveness.
3. Transfer of knowledge and technology: Through strategic alliances, member
organizations can more easily share information, skills, and technological know-how.
This can improve an organization's skills and promote innovation while keeping them up
to date with current market trends.

4. Risk diversification and sharing: Forming a strategic partnership with another

company might help distribute the risk involved in making new investments or
endeavors. Organizations can reduce possible losses and improve their chances of
success by sharing risks.

5. Competitive edge: By utilizing the assets and talents of each partner, strategic
alliances can give firms a competitive edge. This may result in the creation of distinctive
goods or services, enhanced market positioning, and raised market share.

6. Possibilities for learning and growth: Organizations can benefit from each other's
experiences, best practices, and industry knowledge by forming strategic alliances. All
people engaged can grow, develop, and improve as a result of this ongoing learning.

Overall, strategic alliances are essential in today's economic environment because they
let companies build on each other's advantages, reach new markets, and promote
growth and success for both parties.

Marketing Plan to be Implemented

A marketing plan is made up of many components that support a company's marketing
strategy. Consequently, the created marketing strategy based on the case


The business must segment its market based on demographics such as economic
income, age, gender, location, region, city, and climate. To effectively reach its target
audience, it should also take customer spending patterns, buying occasions, and
activities into account.

The creation of the company's branding (logo, tagline, brand name, etc.) will come first.
The product will then be modified to match the needs and wants of the market, quality
product offers will be made, and a commitment to economic sustainability will be


Every firm needs a market. It is the place where goods are purchased and sold.
Additionally, the market will make it simpler for customers to locate your products. The
price of your goods is set by the market. Conversely, Elliot needs to assess the market
for their goods, especially because they are currently having trouble selling it outside of
the Scenic State.

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