12 Travel

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Episode 1

Yasi: Look who’s back!

Nikoo: That’s us! We’re back with a new course!

Yasi: This is the second course of This is English Series.

Nikoo: This time at the hostel!

Yasi: But it won’t be just at the hostel, we will cover many different topics such as
how to book a hotel, how to book a hostel and so on.

Nikoo: Different types of accommodation.

Yasi: Accommodation means a place to stay.

Nikoo: Yes, and we will tell you how to have a conversation with fellow travelers at
a hostel.

Yasi: and so many more tips!

Nikoo: Yasi, I’m so excited about this course, cause it is going to be so much fun!

Yasi: It is VERY fun! So without further ado, let’s just get started!


Yasi: You are home, you have bought your plane tickets and you’re excited about
your trip.

Nikoo: Yes, you have probably booked your flight via Alibaba.com if you’re in Iran,
or Sky scanner.com.

Yasi: And so now, you’re thinking about finding a place to stay. About the accom-

Nikoo: There are plenty of options: You could stay at a hotel, hostel, ecolodge, bed
and breakfast or even in a tent.

Yasi: Don’t worry, in this course, we will cover them all one by one.

Nikoo: Yes we will! And we will start with the most common one: Staying at a hotel.

Yasi: Cool! Now the first step here is to find a suitable hotel and book it online.

Nikoo: But how can we find a good hotel? There are thousands of them out there!

Yasi: It’s easy! Just go to a website like booking.com, set the price range, location,
number of guests, and the check-in and check-out dates so that you can see a list
of ideal hotels.

Nikoo: Aha! So you can filter through the hotels and only see the ones that are
suitable for you!

Yasi: Yup, and there’s more. Every hotel has ratings out of 10.

Nikoo: That’s great cause you get to find better hotels easier this way. There is also
the comments section written by previous guests.

Yasi: Nikoo, what do you mean by “guest”. We are not talking about a party!

Nikoo: Ha ha. No, we call the customers of a hotel guests.

Yasi: Oh shoot! My bad, sorry!

Nikoo: That’s fine! We shouldn’t get embarrassed about asking questions or being
wrong. Anyways, as I was saying, there is the comments section written by previ-
ous guests.

Yasi: Yes, in the comments section, you can read their opinions and see what they
say about their experience at that hotel.


Yasi: I think this is all you need to find a good hotel! So, do your research on the
website and pick one place.

Nikoo: Then, it’s time to book it!

Yasi: For booking, you’ll need a PayPal account or a credit card or a debit card, such
as Visa card or Master Card, for most places.

Nikoo: But if you don’t have any of these, don’t worry cause you can also find
places that do not need prepayment, I mean places that you don’t have to pay in
advance for.

Yasi: And to find them, there is an option on the website that you can set to find
those hotels or places. You can filter by “book without credit card” option.

Nikoo: Yup, so this is the most common way of finding and booking a hotel.

Yasi: And now that you’ve booked your hotel and flight, it’s time to pack your bags
and hit the road!

Nikoo: Hit the road?

Yasi: We covered this expression in the previous course, remember?

Nikoo: Oh, yeah! I remember we said hit the cafes. It means to start going some-

Yasi: Exactly. Now it’s time to get ready and hit the road to go to the airport or may-
be to the train station or bus terminal.

Nikoo: By the way, if you don’t know what to do at the airport, we recommend that
you check out This is English at the Airport.

Yasi: We have covered everything and more in that course! It’s super practical and
fun!! So, don’t miss out on it!


Nikoo: Yay! We have arrived at our destination.

Yasi: Destination is the place you want to go to.

Nikoo: Now, we should call a cab using an application like Uber, or find one outside
the airport.

Yasi: There is usually a subway station near the airport, so you can use that too.

Nikoo: Just make sure to have the address of your hotel. If you got confused, ask
around, there are a lot of people who can help you at the airport.

Yasi: One more point here is that some hotels offer airport shuttle!

Nikoo: What is that?!

Yasi: An airport bus, or airport shuttle bus or airport shuttle is a bus used to trans-
port people to and from airports. Some hotels include this as a facility. As a part of
their service.

Nikoo: It’s awesome! And the good thing is that there is an option on booking.com
for that. So, you can filter hotels by airport shuttle option and find ones that offer
you that.

Yasi: So, if your hotel offers airport shuttle, use it and save money and time.

Nikoo: I think you’re all set now to enter the hotel. To check in.

Yasi: So, stay tuned for the next episode and find out what you need to do when
you get to the hotel.

Nikoo: Hope you enjoyed the first episode of This is English at the Hostel. You can
send us feedback via email or simply find us on Instagram. I’m Nikoo Taheri.

Yasi: And I’m Yasaman Esmaeili. Take care for now.

Nikoo: And bye bye.

This is English at the Hostel

‫{ انگلــیســـی یعنی این } در هــــاستل‬


Episode 1

‫قسمت اول‬

Yasi: Look who’s back!

‫ببین کیا برگشتن!ی‬

Nikoo: That’s us! We’re back with a new course!

‫ ! ما با یک دوره جدید برگشتیم!ی‬.‫این ما�ییم که برگشتیم‬

Yasi: This is the second course of This is English Series.

‫ی‬.‫این دومین دوره ازمجموعه { انگلیسی یعنی این } هستش‬

Nikoo: This time at the hostel!

‫این بار در هاستل !ی‬

Yasi: But it won’t be just at the hostel, we will cover many different topics such as
how to book a hotel, how to book a hostel and so on.

‫اما تنها در مورد هاستل حرف نمیزنیم؛ در مورد موضوعهای دیگه ای هم حرف میزنیم مثل نحوه رزرو‬
‫ی‬.‫کردن هتل؛ رزرو کردن هاستل و غیره‬

Nikoo: Different types of accommodation.

‫ ی‬.‫انواع اقامتگاه‬

Yasi: Accommodation means a place to stay.

‫ی‬.‫این کلمه به معنی جایی هست برای موندن‬

Nikoo: Yes, and we will tell you how to have a conversation with fellow travelers at
a hostel.

‫ی‬.‫آره؛ و بهت میگیم که چطوری با آدمهایی که توی هاستل هستن مکالمه داشته باشی‬

Yasi: and so many more tips!

‫ی‬.‫و همینطور یک عالمه ن�کته ی دیگه‬

Nikoo: Yasi, I’m so excited about this course, cause it is going to be so much fun!

‫ی‬.‫یاسی؛ من خیلی برای این دوره هیجان دارم؛ بخاطر اینکه قراره خیلی باحال باشه‬

Yasi: It is VERY fun! So without further ado, let’s just get started!

‫ی‬.‫خیلی باحاله؛ خب بدون اینکه زمان رو از دست بدیم؛ بیا بریم که شروع �کنیم‬


Yasi: You are home, you have bought your plane tickets and you’re excited about
your trip.

‫ی‬.‫تو االن توی خونه هستی؛ بلیط های هوا�پیمات رو خریدی و برای سفرت هیجان داری‬

Nikoo: Yes, you have probably booked your flight via Alibaba.com if you’re in Iran,
or Sky scanner.com.

‫ی‬.‫آره؛ تو احتماال اگه توی ایران هستی بلیطت رو از طریق سایت علی بابا و یا اسکای اس�کنر رزرو کردی‬

Yasi: And so now, you’re thinking about finding a place to stay. About the accom-

‫ی‬.‫ در مورد اقامتگاه‬.‫و حاال داری به این فکر می�کنی که یه جایی برای اقامت کردن �پیدا �کنی‬

Nikoo: There are plenty of options: You could stay at a hotel, hostel, ecolodge, bed
and breakfast or even in a tent.

‫ میتونی توی هتل بمونی؛ هاستل؛ اقامتگاه بومگردی؛ یا جایی که فقط تخت‬.‫یک عالمه انتخاب داری‬
‫ی‬.‫و صبحانه بهت میدن و یا حتی توی چادر‬

Yasi: Don’t worry, in this course, we will cover them all one by one.

‫ی‬.‫نگران نباش؛ در این دوره؛ ما در مورد همه اینها دونه به دونه حرف میزنیم‬

Nikoo: Yes we will! And we will start with the most common one: Staying at a hotel.

‫ی‬.‫ اقامت داشتن در یک هتل‬:‫آره حتما حرف میزنیم؛ و ما با رایج ترینش شروع می�کنیم‬

Yasi: Cool! Now the first step here is to find a suitable hotel and book it online.

‫ی‬.‫ایول؛ االن اولین قدم اینه که یک هتل مناسب �پیدا �کنی و آنالین رزروش �کنی‬

Nikoo: But how can we find a good hotel? There are thousands of them out there!

‫ی‬.‫اما چطوری میتونیم یه هتل خوب �پیدا �کنیم؟ هزاران هتل هست‬

Yasi: It’s easy! Just go to a website like booking.com, set the price range, location,
number of guests, and the check-in and check-out dates so that you can see a list
of ideal hotels.

‫آسونه؛ فقط باید به یک وبسایت مثل بوکینگ دات کام بری؛ قیمت رو تعیین کن؛ منطقه رو مشخص‬
‫�کنی؛ تعداد مهمونها و بعد تاریخ ورود و خروجت رو هم مشخص �کنی؛ اینجوری میتونی یه لیست از‬
‫ی‬.‫هتل های ایده آل رو ببینی‬

Nikoo: Aha! So, you can filter through the hotels and only see the ones that are
suitable for you!

‫ی‬.‫آهان؛ یعنی میتونی یه سری از هتلها رو فیلتر �کنی و فقط هتلهایی رو ببینی که مناسب تو هستن‬

Yasi: Yup, and there’s more. Every hotel has ratings out of 10.

‫ی‬.‫آره؛ باز هم هست؛ هر هتل از عدد ده امتیاز بندی میشه‬

Nikoo: That’s great cause you get to find better hotels easier this way. There is also
the comments section written by previous guests.

‫ به اضافه اینکه اونجا میتونی‬.‫این عالیه چون اینجوری میتونی راحت تر هتلهای بهتری رو �پیدا �کنی‬
‫ی‬.‫کامنتهای مهمونهای قبلی رو هم بخونی‬

Yasi: Nikoo, what do you mean by “guest”. We are not talking about a party!

‫ی‬.‫نیکو؛ منظورت از مهمون چیه؟ ما که در مورد مهمونی حرف نمیزنیم که‬

Nikoo: Ha ha. No, we call the customers of a hotel guests.

‫ی‬.‫نه؛ ما به مشتریهای هتل مهمان میگیم‬

Yasi: Oh, shoot! My bad, sorry!

‫ی‬.‫وای؛ اشتباه کردم؛ ببخشید‬

Nikoo: That’s fine! We shouldn’t get embarrassed about asking questions or being
wrong. Anyways, as I was saying, there is the comments section written by previ-
ous guests.

‫ بهرحال؛ همونطور‬.‫اشکالی نداره؛ ما نباید از اینکه سوال بپرسیم و یا اشتباه �کنیم خجالت زده بشیم‬
‫که داشتم میگفتم؛ یه قسمتی هست که مهمونهای قبلی کامنت میزارن و نظرشون رو درمورد‬
‫ی‬.‫هتل مینویسن‬

Yasi: Yes, in the comments section, you can read their opinions and see what they
say about their experience at that hotel.

‫بله؛ توی قسمت کامنتها؛ میتونی نظرشون رو بخونی و ببینی در مورد تجربشون توی اون هتل چی‬


Yasi: I think this is all you need to find a good hotel! So, do your research on the
website and pick one place.

‫ بنابراین توی وب سایت‬.‫فکر �کنم این تمام چیزیه که برای �پیدا کردن یه هتل خوب بهش نیاز داری‬
‫ی‬.‫تحقیق کن و یه محل رو انتخاب کن‬

Nikoo: Then, it’s time to book it!

‫ی‬.‫بعد ؛ نوبت رزرو کردنش میشه‬

Yasi: For booking, you’ll need a PayPal account or a credit card or a debit card, such
as Visa card or Master Card, for most places.

‫ ویزا کارت یا مستر کارت‬: ‫برای رزرو کردن؛ نیاز به حساب پی پل یا کارت اعتباری و یا کارت بانکی مثل‬
‫ی‬.‫برای بیشترجاها نیاز داری‬

Nikoo: But if you don’t have any of these, don’t worry cause you can also find
places that do not need prepayment, I mean places that you don’t have to pay in
advance for.

‫اما اگه هیچکدوم رو نداری؛ نگران نباش چون میتونی یه سری جاها �پیدا �کنی که نیاز به �پیش پرداخت‬
‫ ی‬.‫ندارن؛ یعنی مکانهایی که نباید جلوتر پولی پرداخت �کنی‬

Yasi: And to find them, there is an option on the website that you can set to find
those hotels or places. You can filter by “book without credit card” option.

‫و برای �پیدا کردنشون یه گزینه ای هست توی وبسایت که میتونی اون هتل ها و یا مکان ها رو باهاش‬
‫ی‬.‫ باید گزینه رزرو کردن بدون کردیت کارت رو انتخاب �کنی‬. ‫�پیدا �کنی‬

Nikoo: Yup, so this is the most common way of finding and booking a hotel.

‫ ی‬.‫آره؛ خب این رایجترین راه برای �پیدا کردن یه هتله‬

Yasi: And now that you’ve booked your hotel and flight, it’s time to pack your bags
and hit the road!

. !‫حاال که بلیط و هتلت رو رزرو کردی؛ وقتشه که ساکت رو ببندی و بزنی به جاده‬

Nikoo: Hit the road?

‫بزنی به جاده؟‬

Yasi: We covered this expression in the previous course, remember?

‫ما توی دوره قبلی در موردش حرف زده بودیم؛ یادته؟‬

Nikoo: Oh, yeah! I remember we said hit the cafes. It means to start going some-

‫ پس این عبارت به این‬.‫ ما از این عبارت استفاده کردیم و گفتیم بریم به سمت کافه‬.‫آره! یادمه‬
‫ی‬.‫معنیه که بخوایم بریم جایی‬

Yasi: Exactly. Now it’s time to get ready and hit the road to go to the airport or may-
be to the train station or bus terminal.

‫ بریم به سمت فرودگاه و یا ایستگاه راه‬.‫ خب االن وقتشه که آماده بشیم و بزنیم به جاده‬.‫دقیقا‬
‫ی‬.‫آهن و یا ترمینال اتوبوس رانی‬

Nikoo: By the way, if you don’t know what to do at the airport, we recommend that
you check out This is English at the Airport.

‫راستی؛ اگه نمی دونی که توی فرودگاه چکار �کنی؛ ما بهت �پیشنهاد می�کنیم که دوره قبلی { انگلیسی‬
‫ ی‬.‫یعنی این در فرودگاه} رو ببینی‬

Yasi: We have covered everything and more in that course! It’s super practical and
fun!! So, don’t miss out on it!

‫ی‬.‫ پس از دستش نده‬.‫ خیلی کاربردی و باحاله‬.‫ما همه چیز رو توی اون دوره کاور کردیم‬


Nikoo: Yay! We have arrived at our destination.

‫ ی‬.‫هورا؛ ما به مقصدمون رسیدیم‬

Yasi: Destination is the place you want to go to.

‫ی‬.‫این کلمه به معنی جایی هست که میخوای بری؛ یعنی مقصد‬

Nikoo: Now, we should call a cab using an application like Uber, or find one outside
the airport.

‫حاال؛ باید با استفاده از اپلیکیشنی مثل اوبر یه تاکسی بگیریم و یا از بیرون از فرودگاه تاکسی �پیدا‬
‫ ی‬.‫�کنیم‬

Yasi: There is usually a subway station near the airport, so you can use that too.

‫ ی‬.‫معموال اونجا ایستگاه مترو نزدیک فرودگاه هست؛ بنابراین میتونی ازش استفاده �کنی‬

Nikoo: Just make sure to have the address of your hotel. If you got confused, ask
around, there are a lot of people who can help you at the airport.

‫ اگه حواست پرت شد و گیج شدی؛ از دورو ورت‬.‫فقط حواست باشه که آدرس هتلت رو داشته باشی‬
‫ی‬.‫بپرس؛ توی فرودگاه یک عالمه آدم هستن که میتونن بهت کمک �کنن‬

Yasi: One more point here is that some hotels offer airport shuttle!

‫ی‬.‫یه ن�کته دیگه اینکه؛ اینجا بعضی از هتلها خودشون بهت وسیله ایاب وذهاب �پیشنهاد میدن‬

Nikoo: What is that?!

‫اون چیه؟‬

Yasi: An airport bus, or airport shuttle bus or airport shuttle is a bus used to trans-
port people to and from airports. Some hotels include this as a facility. As a part of
their service.

‫ بعضی از هتلها این‬.‫اتوبوس فرودگاه؛ یه وسیله ایاب و ذهابیه که مردم رو از فرودگاه منتقل می�کنه‬
‫ی‬.‫رو به عنوان امکاناتشون میدونن یعنی به عنوان قسمتی از سرویسشون‬

Nikoo: It’s awesome! And the good thing is that there is an option on booking.com
for that. So, you can filter hotels by airport shuttle option and find ones that offer
you that.

‫ بنابراین میتونی هتل ها‬.‫عالیه! و ن�کته خوب اینه که توی سایت بوکینگ دات کام یه گزینه براش داره‬
‫ی‬.‫رو بر أساس داشتن وسیله ایاب وذهاب دسته بندی �کنی‬

Yasi: So, if your hotel offers airport shuttle, use it and save money and time.

‫بنابراین اگه هتلت وسیله ایاب وذهاب داشت ازش استفاده کن و در پول و وقتت صرفه جویی‬

Nikoo: I think you’re all set now to enter the hotel. To check in.

‫ی‬.‫خب فک �کنم االن دیگه آماده ای که وارد هتل شی و چک این �کنی و اقامتت رو شروع �کنی‬

Yasi: So, stay tuned for the next episode and find out what you need to do when
you get to the hotel.

‫ ی‬.‫پس برای درس بعدی منتظر باش تا یاد بگیری که برای چک این کردن توی هتل باید چیکار کرد‬

Nikoo: Hope you enjoyed the first episode of This is English at the Hostel. You can
send us feedback via email or simply find us on Instagram. I’m Nikoo Taheri.

‫ میتونی از طریق ایمیل‬.‫امیدوارم که از درس اول { انگلیسی یعنی این در هاستل} لذت برده باشی‬
‫ی‬.‫ من نیکو طاهری هستم‬.‫فید بک برامون بفرستی و یا توی اینستاگرام �پیدامون �کنی‬
Yasi: And I’m Yasaman Esmaeili. Take care for now.

‫ی‬.‫ مراقب خودت باش‬.‫و من یاسمن اسماعیلی‬

Nikoo: And bye bye.

‫ی‬.‫و خداحافظ‬


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