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Year 8 Physics
Magnetic Fields and

Topics covered today
Magnets ≈

Magnetic Fields


The Motor Effect

How confident do you feel with the topics we are about to cover?

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Learning Objectives
 Define magnetic force, permanent magnet, magnetic poles
 Know that most materials are not magnetic

 Know that ‘like’ poles repel and ‘unlike’ magnetic poles attract
 Know that the force of the magnetic field is stronger closer to the
 Understand how to test for a magnet
• Magnetism was first documented by the
ancient Greeks
• They noted that on rare occasions, “lodestones”
could be found
• These stones were iron-rich
• They puzzled the Greeks by having the ability to
attract iron
• Lodestones are natural magnet
Source: Wiki commons
A few other metals can be magnetic
• Iron
• Cobalt
• Nickle
• Steel (made of iron, 98% and carbon, 2%)

Source: Wiki commons

Magnet vs Magnetic
An object is considered magnetic when it
experiences an attractive force from a magnet.

An object is considered a magnet when it can

experience an attractive force AND REPULSIVE
force from another a magnet.
Magnet vs Magnetic
• These forces are due known as magnetic force
• Magnetic force in a non-contact force
• The objects do NOT have to touch them to experience a force
• This is because a magnet creates a magnetic field
Magnet vs Magnetic
• A magnetic object is NOT necessarily a magnet
• A magnet can repel and attract another magnet
• But a magnetic material can ONLY attract a magnet
• There are two different types of magnets:
• Permeant – always has poles e.g. a bar magnet
• The north pole – normally red and marked with an N
• The south pole – normally blue and marked with an S
Fill in the gap: A permanent magnet has two poles called _________ and
________ .

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• There are two different types of magnets:
• Induced – has temporary poles, e.g. an iron
bar next to a magnet
• Poles are induced and can change

All magnets lose their strength over time.
Permanent magnets are normally made out of steel
As steel does not lose its magnetic strength easily

like magnetic poles repel and

and opposite poles attract
If you bring the north and south ends of two magnets together, the
magnets attract each other and will stick together





If you bring two ends that are the same together (north and north or
south and south), the ends repel each other - magnetics push each
other away.




Fill in the blank:
Magnetic poles that are the __________ attract each other.

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Magnetising Metals
• Iron, steel, cobalt and nickel can all be magnets
• However, most of the time, they are not.
• To make a bit of iron, steel, cobalt or nickel a magnet, you need a
permanent magnet.
Magnetising Metals
1. Lay the piece of metal you are magnetism
down on a surface
2. With one end of the bar magnet, stroke the
piece of metal in one direction (the magnet
must make as much contact with the metal
as possible)
Magnetising Metals

3. Continue to rub the metal with the magnet in

SAME direction with the SAME pole
Magnetising Metals
4. It can take a little while to work, but eventually,
the piece of metal will form poles and attract
(or repel) other magnets.
Magnetising Metals
Magnetisms happens as the electrons in the metal become
organised by the magnet that is rubbing the metal.
Magnetising Metals
• Over time magnets lose their magnetisation – their electron return to disorder.
• They become less magnetic – however, they can be remagnetised again.
• Magnets can be demagnetised: Just rub the magnet in the opposite direction
that you did to magnetise it.
Laura brings two south ends two magnets together. What force will the magnet

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Testing for Magnets
• Magnets will attract unmagnetised iron, cobalt, nickel and steel
• So to test for a magnet, you need to check to see will repel a
KNOWN magnet
Uses for Magnets
• To show the direction of north in a compass
• To lift heavy objects
• To keep doors/boxes closed (e.g. fridge door)
• To generate electricity
• In medical equipment
• For fun (e.g. fridge magnets, toys)
Learning Objectives
 Define magnetic force, permanent magnet, magnetic poles
 Know that most materials are not magnetic
 Know that ‘like’ poles repel and ‘unlike’ magnetic poles attract
 Know that the force of the magnetic field is stronger closer to the
 Understand how to test for a magnet
Practice Question - 1
Practice Question 1 bi)

The sentences below are about the force which the magnet exerts on the magnetised iron block.

Select the one correct sentence:

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Practice Question - 1
Practice Question 1 bii)

The sentences below are about the force which the magnetised iron block exerts on the magnet.

Select the one correct sentence:

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Practice Question - 1
Practice Question - 2
Practice Question - 2

Practice Question - 3
Practice Question - 3
Practice Question - 3



Learning Objectives
 Know that magnetic materials and the Earth have magnetic fields
 Draw magnetic fields diagrams to show the strength and direction of the field
 Know that magnetic fields have a north and a south pole
 Know that the force of the magnetic field is stronger closer to the magnet
Magnetic Fields
 Understand
≈ how Earth’s magnetic field aids in navigation
 Predict the pattern of field lines around a magnet and around two magnets
placed near each other
 Predict how an object will behave either in a magnetic field or moving
through a magnetic field
Magnetic Fields
• A magnet creates a magnetic field.
• It is this field that causes the magnetic force to happen.
• Only magnetic objects that enter the magnetic field will experience a force
• You cannot see the magnetic field, but you can observe its effects.
Magnetic Fields
The best way to see a magnetic field is by using iron filings and a bar magnet:
1. Place a piece of paper over a bar magnet.
2. Sprinkle iron filings over the paper
3. Tap the paper to spread out the filings
4. Observe the results
Iron fillings

Bar magnet
under paper
Magnetic Fields
• You will see the iron filing form a pattern around the bar magnet, like the picture
• The iron fillings create circles from pole to pole

Iron fillings

Bar magnet under paper

Magnetic Fields
• We can draw a diagram version of this using field lines
• The arrows on the field lines go from north to south
• Where the field lines are closest, the magnetic field is the strongest.
• Poles are more magnetic than the middle
of the bar magnet. Field lines

Magnetic Fields
The lines go straight from one magnet’s north pole into the
other’s south pole. The two magnetic fields merge together.
Magnetic Fields
The field lines avoid each other, and the
fields do not join.
Which way do magnetic field lines go north to south or south to

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Magnetic Fields
• Magnetic field strength is measured in newtons.
• The strength of a magnetic field gets weaker the further away you get.
• For example, you has two magnets with opposite poles facing each other,
they would not start to move until they are close enough to feel a strong
enough force to move them.
Earth’s Magnetic Field
• In the centre of the Earth is a core of molten iron – which is magnetic.
• This means the whole of Earth acts like a
giant magnet.
• With the magnetic south pole being in the
Arctic circle and the magnetic north pole in
Earth’s Magnetic Field
• Confusingly we call the magnetic south pole NORTH
• And the magnetic north pole, SOUTH
• This is because the north of a compass will
point towards the magnetic south pole
Earth’s Magnetic Field
• Confusingly we call the magnetic south pole NORTH
• And the magnetic north pole, SOUTH
• This is because the north of a compass will
point towards the magnetic south pole
Earth’s Magnetic Field
• Earth’s magnetic field can be detected using magnets
• Birds and other migratory animals can detect the magnetic field
• Earth’s magnetic field protects the Earth from harmful radiation from space
• It also causes the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) and the aurora australis
(Southern Lights)
• Compasses are small devices that indicate which way is north
• It is considered one of the most important tools for navigation
• First invented in China in the 11th century
• The first records of its use in Western Europe are in the 12th century
• During this time, people navigated using the stars
and the Sun, and so the compass was used as a N
backup for cloudy days

• Made out of:
• magnetic needle that can spin,
• A dial with north, east, south and west indicated on it.
• The magnetic needle will point towards Earth’s magnetic north pole and so show you
which direction north is.
How to use a compass:
1. Make sure the compass is as flat as possible
2. Then the needle will swing around and eventually stop
3. This indicates north
4. Move the dial, so the N matches up with the needle
5. Now you know where north, east, south and west are
• Putting a magnet near a compasses will cause it to detect that magnet’s magnetic field
rather than Earth’s magnetic field
• This can be used to plot a magnets field lines

Learning Objectives
 Know that magnetic materials and the Earth have magnetic fields
 Draw magnetic fields diagrams to show the strength and direction of the field
 Know that magnetic fields have a north and a south pole
 Know that the force of the magnetic field is stronger closer to the magnet
 Understand how Earth’s magnetic field aids in navigation
 Predict the pattern of field lines around a magnet and around two magnets
placed near each other
 Predict how an object will behave either in a magnetic field or moving
through a magnetic field
Practice Question - 4
Practice Question - 4
Practice Question - 4
Practice Question 4dii)
In what direction will the magnets point at thee end of the experiment?

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Practice Question - 4
Practice Question - 5

Practice Question - 5


Practice Question - 6

Practice Question - 6

Practice Question 7a)
Fill the blank:
The iron nails have become ________ magnets.

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Practice Question - 7
Practice Question 7b)
Which on of the metals bars is the MAGNETISED bar?

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Practice Question - 7
Practice Question - 7
Audience Q&A Session

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Learning Objectives
 Define electromagnet, solenoid and core
 Understand that an electromagnet uses the principle that a current
through a wire causes a magnetic field
 Know how to make an electromagnet and how to change its strength
 The electromagnets strength is dependent on current, core and the
number of coils in the solenoid
 Know that the magnetic field of an electromagnet decreases in

strength with distance from the magnet

• Electromagnetism is all around us.
• We rely on it for motors, listening to music and even for generating

Electromagnetism is the intersection of

electric fields/currents and magnetic fields.
Electric Fields
• Electrically charged objects created electric fields around themselves
• If another charged object enters the field a force acts on it
• the further away the field gets to the particle/ object causing it – the
weaker the force is felt
• Electric force is a non-contact force
Electric Fields
Electric Fields
• If the objects have are both negative or both positive, they will experience a pushing
force and move away from each other
• We say the objects repel
Electric Fields
• If one object is positive and the other negative, they will experience a pulling force
and move together.
• We say the objects attract.
Which way do electric field lines go, positive to negative or negative to positive?

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• When an electric current flows through a wire, it creates a circular
magnetic field around the wire.
• This magnetic field can affect a needle in a compass.
• The magnetic field will be stronger, closer to the wire
• It can be made stronger if the current is increased
• This effect is used to make electromagnets.
• A solenoid is a coil of wire with a current flowing through it
• It creates a magnetic field that is very similar to a bar magnet
• The magnetic field is stronger than just a wire alone
• The direction of current determines the direction of the magnetic field
• The magnetic field is stronger than just a wire alone
• The direction of current determines the direction of the magnetic field

• Its strength is increased by:

1. Wrapping the coil around core
2. Adding more turns to the coil
3. Increasing the current
• The magnetic field is stronger than just a wire alone
Increasing the current, increases resistance
• The direction of current determines the direction of the magnetic field
(remember V = IR)
So, current
• Its strength can only be
is increased by:increased until the electromagnet
becomes unsafe due to the wires heating up.
1. Wrapping the coil around core
2. Adding more turns to the coil
3. Increasing the current
• The magnetic field is stronger than just a wire alone
• The direction of current determines the direction of the magnetic field

• Its strength is increased by:

1. Wrapping the coil around core
2. Adding more turns to the coil
3. Increasing the current
• Electromagnets are solenoids with an iron core.
• The coil is wrapped around the iron core
What cores would NOT increase the magnetic field strength of a solenoid?
(select all)

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Which will increase the strength of an electromagnet? (select all)

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As current increases in the
electromagnet, magnetic field
Magnetic Field Strength

strength increases

100 coils
Magnetic Field Strength

The more coils, the stronger the

magnetic field

30 coils

The further the meter from the
field the weaker the force
Magnetic Field Strength

Meter closer to

Meter further away

Electromagnets are useful they can:

1. Turn off – by stopping the flow of current through the wire

This can be done by putting a switch in the circuit

2. Change the magnetic field strength – by changing the current

This can be done by adding in a variable resistor
Uses for Electromagnets
Electromagnets are used in many electric devices, including:
• Motors
• MRI machines
• Electric vells
• Particle accelerators
• Headphones
Example: School Bell
A circuit is made using a switch, electromagnet and an iron arm

The switch is open

Example: School Bell
A circuit is made using a switch, electromagnet and an iron arm

Magnetic field
The switch is closed is made
Example: School Bell
A circuit is made using a switch, electromagnet and an iron arm

Metal arm is attracted

to magnetic field

Magnetic field
Circuit broken is made
In the school bell example - why did the metal arm hit the bell?

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 Define electromagnet, solenoid and core
 Understand that an electromagnet uses the principle that a current
through a wire causes a magnetic field
 Know how to make an electromagnet and how to change its strength
 The electromagnets strength is dependent on current, core and the
number of coils in the solenoid
 Know that the magnetic field of an electromagnet decreases in
strength with distance from the magnet
Practice Questions – 8
Practice Questions – 8
Practice Questions – 8
Practice Questions – 9
Practice Questions – 9
Practice Questions – 10
Practice Questions – 10
Practice Questions – 11
Practice Questions – 11
Practice Questions – 11
Learning Objectives
 Understand the motor effect and how to make a DC motor
 Know the energy conversation in a DC motor
 Know how electrical generators work

The Motor Effect

DC Motors
Electric motors use magnetic fields to produce a turning motion

electrical energy kinetic energy

The Motor Effect
A length of wire with a DC current running though it WILL MOVE
in a magnetic field!

DC means direct current – the current only flows in one direction

What happens to a wire in a magnetic field when a current runs
through it?

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Simple DC Motor
To make a simple DC motor:
1. Two bar magnets
2. A coil of wire
3. Battery/cells
4. An axle
5. Two ‘split rings’ communicators
Why is the motor effect useful?

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Simple DC Motor
The spinning coil attached to a axle
this can turn a wheel.

The speed of the motor can be

increased by:
• A stronger magnetic field
• More current flowing through
the wire
Uses DC Motor
• In toys: e.g. model railways
• In old transport: trams, cable cars
• Some fair ground rides
• Cordless tools (e.g. cordless drills)
• Electric tooth brushes
• Car windows
• Battery lawn mower
• Old trams
• Speakers
Example: Loudspeakers
1. AC current is supplied to the
loudspeaker (remember AC
is alternating current)
Example: Loudspeakers
2. The current in the coil
creates a magnetic field
Example: Loudspeakers
3. The magnetic field interreacts
with the permanent magnet
generating a force, which
pushes the cone outwards
Example: Loudspeakers
4. Then the current flows in the
other direction, and the cone
pulls back
Example: Loudspeakers
5. The pulsing of the cone causes
waves in the air
Generating electricity relies on the motor effect, but it does it in reverse

Kinetic energy Electrical energy

Generators are found inside
power stations, such as:
• Wind turbines
• Coal power stations
• hydroelectric power plants

NOT found in solar cells

• The generator has a ring of magnets around, in
a coil of wire

• The turbine turns the coil, and the interaction

of the copper wires in the magnetic field
generates a DC current

• The current is taken away to power lines

What happens when a magnet is spun inside a coil of wire?

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Learning Objectives
 Understand the motor effect and how to make a DC motor
 Know the energy conversation in a DC motor
 Know how electrical generators work
Practice Question 12a)
What is the pole at A?

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What is the pole at B?

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Practice Question – 12
Practice Question – 12
Practice Question – 12
Practice Question – 12
Practice Question – 12
Practice Question – 12
Practice Question – 13
Practice Question –13
Practice Question – 13
Audience Q&A Session

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How confident do you feel about these topic after this lesson?

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