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About hematuria of upper urinary tract origin, which of the following statements is
A) It is usually dark red in color
B) It is usually terminal
C) It may be associated with upper urinary symptoms
D) It may be associated with spindle-shape blood clots
E) It may be due to urologic or nephrological causes
2. The most common site of prostatic adenocarcinoma is:
a) Central zone
b) Transition zone
c) Peripheral zone
d) None of the above
3. Which is the most likely organism to cause a UTI?
a) Staph saprophyticus
b) E-coli
c) Pseudomonas
d) Klebsiella
e) Strep faecalis
4. The commonest presentation of nephroblastoma:
a) Hematuria.
b) Abdominal mass
c) Renal pain.
d) Pulmonary metastasis.
e) Polycythemia.
5. The appropriate surgical treatment for suspected carcinoma of the testis is:
a) Transscrotal percutaneous biopsy.
b) Transscrotal open biopsy.
c) Repeated examinations.
d) Inguinal exploration, control of the spermatic cord, biopsy, and radical orchectomy if tumor is
6. The most common urologic cause of renal failure in male children is:
a) Posterior urethral valve
b) Pelvi-ureteric Junction Obstruction
c) Ureterovesical Junction Obstruction
d) Meatal stenosis
7. 72 bladder cancer best treated by
a) Radical cystectomy
b) radiotherapy
c) systemic chemotherapy
d) BCG instillation in the bladder
8. stone 3-mm in the pelvic ureter in a 40-year old lady without evidence of hydronephrosis or
infection is best treated by
a) Ureteroscopy.
c) Open surgery
d) Conservative treatment.
e) Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy
9. Male patient 65 years old with prostate size 120 gram and large stone bladder, better treated
a) alpha-blocker
b) Trans-urethral vaporization of Prostate.
c) open prostatectomy
d) Trans-Urethral Resection of Prostate
e) laser prostatectomy
10. All medications mentioned below may cause erectile dysfunction, EXCEPT:
a) Sedatives
b) Antidepressants
c) Antihypertensives
d) Antifungals
1. Which of the following tests confirm cancer of the prostate?
a) PSA Test
b) DRE Screening
c) Biopsy of the prostate gland
d) MRI
2. Management of a stable young patient with a blunt renal trauma is:
a) Conservative treatment
b) Exploration
c) Angioembolization
d) Immediate nephrectomy
3. Which is the most likely organism to cause a UTI?
a) Staph saprophyticus
b) E. coli
c) Pseudomonas
d) Klebsiella
e) Strep faecalis
4. The golden standard surgical treatment of BPH is:
a) open prostatectomy
b) Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
c) Transurethral Needle Ablation of the Prostate (TUNA)
d) Laparoscopic prostatectomy
5. A 2-year-old female child with first episode of UTI, what will be the next investigation?
a) Abdominal ultrasound
b) DMSA scan
c) 6 monthly urine culture
d) CT scanning
6. Lines of treatment of superficial bladder cancer:
a) Transurethral resection (TURT)
b) Intravesical BCG
c) Intravesical Chemotherapy
d) All of the above
7. Optimal management of 1 cm lower ureteric stone is:
a) Ureterolithotomy
c) Ureteroscopy
d) Medical treatment
8. The common malignant tumor of renal pelvis and ureter is:
a) Squamous carcinoma
b) Adenocarcinoma
c) Transitional cell carcinoma
d) Papillary carcinoma
9. All of the following are complications of genitourinary tuberculosis except:
a) Hypertension
b) Renal failure
c) Perinephric
d) Stone formation
e) Malignancy
10. The management of testicular tumors including the following except:
a) Testicular biopsy
b) Radical orchiectomy
1. The least common microorganism isolated from urinary tract infection is.
a) Escherichia coli
b) Streptococcus pyogenes
c) Proteus vulgaris
d) Enterococcus faecalis
2. Most common cause of Bladder outlet obstruction in male infant is:
a) Bladder stone
b) Congenital urethral stricture
c) Urethral polyp
d) Posterior urethral valve
e) BPH
3. Complete absence of semen in ejaculate is called as
a) azoospermia
b) asthenospermia
c) aspermia
d) teratospermia
4. All of the following drugs can cause urinary retention except
a) tricyclic antidepressants
b) anticholinergics
c) alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers
d) antihistamines
5. What can NOT be a manifestation of a renal tumor?
a) Right hydrocele
b) Left varicocele
c) Painless hematuria
d) Hypertension
6. Female patient 56 years old with T3a Bladder Cancer, Standard treatment is:
a) Radical cystectomy
b) Chemotherapy
c) Radiotherapy
d) Immunomodulation
7. Complications of neglected BPH include all the following EXCEPT:
a) Haematuria
b) Prostate cancer
c) Acute urinary retention.
d) UTI.
e) Bladder stones
8. Most valuable investigation in suspected urethral injury is:
a) Ascending voiding cystourethrogram
b) Magnetic resonance urography
c) Spiral CT scanning
d) PET scan
9. Pregnant female with 6 mm symptomatic ureteric stone, the treatment include all EXCEPT:
a) Ureteroscopy
b) ESWL.
c) Hydration and analgesics
d) Insertion of a ureteral stent.
e) Percutaneous nephrostomy.
10. A 11-month-old child with left inguinal undescended testis. The management is to:
a) Delay operation until school age.
b) Wait for spontaneous descent
c) Administer chorionic gonadotrophin to induce descent
d) Perform immediate orchidopexy.
1- The male contribution to a couple's infertility is approximately:
a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%
2- T2 carcinoma of the bladder:
a) Is usually of squamous cell origin.
b) Should be treated by radical cystectomy
c) Should be treated by intravesical agents for at least 6 months.
d) Should be treated by partial cystectomy and strict follow up
3- A pregnant woman suffering from acute pyelonephritis during her 24th week of gestation may
be treated with:
a) Vancomycin
b) Trimethoprim e-Any of the above
c) Cephalexin
d) Ciprofloxacin
4- The treatment of choice for a complete stag horn stone with minimal dilation of the collecting
system is:
a) Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy
b) Shockwave lithotripsy
b) Simple nephrectomy
c) Irrigation of the kidney with citrate solution
5- A 12-year-old boy undergoes exploratory laparoscopy for an impalpable right testis which
reveals blind-ending vessels on the right. What should be the next step?
a. Inguinal exploration
b. Do nothing else and close
c. Hormone stimulation
d. Abdominal exploration
e. Scrotal exploration
6- In grading of renal trauma, a laceration >1 cm not involving the collecting system is classified
as Grade:
a- I
b- II
c- III
d- IV
e- V
7- Ultrasound has many advantages which include all of the following EXCEPT:
a- It is safe and does not use ionizing radiation
b- It allows discrimination between pseudotumours and true lesions
c- It is not affected by renal function
d- It requires little or no pre-procedural preparation
e- It can be safely performed in pregnant women
8- Testicular torsion presents as:
a) Sudden pain in the scrotum and an absent cremasteric reflex
b) Swelling of the scrotum and fever
c) A painless testicular mass that cannot be transilluminated
d) Bag of worms' appearance of the scrotum
9- Carcinoma of the prostate:
a- Is typically a squamous carcinoma
b- Is graded histologically using the Gleason score
c- Is not influenced by hormone manipulation
d- Occurs predominantly in the central zone of the prostate
10- Patients with BPH seeking rapid relief from their obstructive symptoms should receive:
a- Beta agonists
b- 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors
c- Selective alpha blockers
d- Antimuscarinics
1. Best diagnostic & staging modality for renal trauma is:
a) Ultrasound imaging
b) IVU
c) CT scan
d) MRI
2. The commonest presentation of nephroblastoma is:
a) Renal pain.
b) Pulmonary metastasis.
c) Abdominal mass.
d) Hematuria.
e) Polycythemia.
3. Signs associated with genitourinary tuberculosis are:
a) Hypertension
b) Tender, hard epididymis
c) Indurated seminal vesicle
d) Beaded vas deferens
e) All of the above.
4. Ten years old boy presented with hematuria after falling on the loin during play with his
bicycle. The possible cause of hematuria is:
a) Penetrating trauma.
b) Blunt renal trauma.
c) Urethral injury.
d) Bladder injury.
5. Standard treatment for muscle invasive Bladder Cancer:
a) Radical cystectomy
b) Chemotherapy
c) Radiotherapy
d) Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
6. Acute retention of urine characterized by all of the following except:
a) Condition is relieved by catheter
b) Suprapubic pain
c) Patient is unable to void
d) False incontinence
6) Suprapubic dullness on percussion
7-years old female presented with stone 4-mm in the lower ureter without evidence of Infection
or hydronephrosis is best treated by
a) Conservative treatment.
b) Ureteroscopy.
d) Open surgery
8. Which of the following receptors are present in high concentration in the prostate
a) Beta adrenoceptor
b) Cholinergic receptors
c) Alpha adrenoceptor
d) dopaminergic receptors
9. Testicular tumors metastases initially to which of the following lymph nodes:
a) Inguinal
b) Obturator
c) para-aortic
d) external Iliac
10. All medications mentioned below may cause erectile dysfunction, EXCEPT:
a) Sedatives,
b) Antidepressants
c) Antihypertensives
d) Antifungals

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