Word Formation Unit 2

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1 Fill in the gaps with the missing parts of speech.

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs

Deplete Depletion Depleting __

Protect Protection Protective Protectively

Increase Increase Increasing Increasingly

Expand Expansion Expansive Expansively

__ Awareness Aware ___

Impress Impression Impressive Impressively

__ Viability Viable Viably

__ Environment Environmental Environmentally

Solve Solution Solvable ___

2 Fill in the blanks with the words.

​protection, solution, awareness (2), depletion, expand, expansion, protective, impression, viability, positive

1. Deforestation leads to the ___depletion_______ of forests and wildlife habitats.
2. It is crucial to implement measures for the ____protection______ of endangered species.
3. The company decided to ___expand_______ its operations to new markets to increase its global presence.
4. The __expansion________ of urban areas often results in the loss of green spaces.
5. Environmental programs aim to increase public ______awareness____ of ecological issues.
6. The breathtaking beauty of the landscape made a lasting ___impression_______ on everyone who visited.
7. The ___viability_______ of renewable energy sources is essential for a sustainable future.
8. The government is taking __protective________ steps to address air pollution in the city.
9. Raising _____awareness_____ about the importance of recycling can lead to ___positive_______
environmental actions.
10. The team is working on a __solution________ to the complex problem of water scarcity in the region.

3 Discuss:

● What are the consequences of unchecked resource depletion on a global scale?

● In what ways can governments and organizations enhance the protection of endangered species?
● Discuss the positive and negative impacts of urban expansion on local ecosystems and communities.
● Share an experience where a natural landscape or landmark left a lasting impression on you.
● In what ways can schools foster cultural awareness among students?

1 Fill in the gaps with the missing parts of speech.

Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs

Depletion __




__ Aware ___


__ Viable

__ Environment

Solve ___

2 Fill in the blanks with the words.

​protection, solution, awareness (2), depletion, expand, expansion, protective, impression, viability, positive

11. Deforestation leads to the __________ of forests and wildlife habitats.
12. It is crucial to implement measures for the __________ of endangered species.
13. The company decided to __________ its operations to new markets to increase its global presence.
14. The __________ of urban areas often results in the loss of green spaces.
15. Environmental programs aim to increase public __________ of ecological issues.
16. The breathtaking beauty of the landscape made a lasting __________ on everyone who visited.
17. The __________ of renewable energy sources is essential for a sustainable future.
18. The government is taking __________ steps to address air pollution in the city.
19. Raising _________ about the importance of recycling can lead to _________ environmental actions.
20. The team is working on a _________ to the complex problem of water scarcity in the region.

3 Discuss.

● What are the consequences of unchecked resource depletion on a global scale?

● In what ways can governments and organizations enhance the protection of endangered species?
● Discuss the positive and negative impacts of urban expansion on local ecosystems and communities.
● Share an experience where a natural landscape or landmark left a lasting impression on you.
● In what ways can schools foster cultural awareness among students?

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