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Class Type Assignment details

Ethics Hoco 1
Ethics Question brightspace w1 discussion about literature of week 1
CADM Hoco 1 Terugkijken door overlap wg ethics
CADM Literature week 1.1 H1 + 3
Ethics Workgroup 1
Ethics Literature week 1 Neil: H3 + 4 en artcile Handelsman
Early development Hoco 1
CADM Hoco 2
CADM Literature week 1.2 H4 + 5 + 6
ARM Hoco week 1
Ethics Hoco 2
Ethics Quiz week 2 Neil: H3 + 4 en artcile Handelsman
Ethics Question brightspace w2 discussion about literature of week 2
CADM Hoco 3 Terugkijken door overlap wg ethics
CADM Literature week 2 H2.1 t/m 2.3
Ethics Workgroup 2
Ethics Literature week 2 Rachles article + Sandel article
Early development Hoco 2
Early development Hoco 3
Early development discussion points L2 see BS for literature + videos
Early development discussion points L3 see BS for literature + videos
Early development literature week 2.1 see BS for literature + videos
Early development literature week 2.2 see BS for literature + videos
ARM Discussion hoco 1 Discussion about Study Questions for Lecture 1
ARM Hoco week 2
ARM Assignment 1 after lecture 1
CADM kennistoets 1 Hoorcolleges 1 & 2 + boek hoofdstuk 1, 3, 4, 5, &6
Ethics Hoco 3
Ethics Quiz week 3
Ethics Question brightspace w3 discussion about literature of week 3
CADM ZSO 1.1. zie handleiding
CADM ZSO 1.2. zie handleiding
CADM Hoco 4 Terugkijken door overlap wg ethics
CADM Literature week 3 H2, 2.4 + artikel
Ethics Workgroup 3
Ethics Literature week 3 APA code + Shafer-Landau article + Kitchener article
Early development Hoco 4
Early development discussion points L4 see BS for literature + videos
Early development literature week 3 see BS for literature + videos
CADM Workgroup 1
ARM Discussion hoco 2 Discussion about Study Questions for Lecture 2
ARM Hoco week 3
Ethics Hoco 4
Ethics Quiz week 4 APA code + Shafer-Landau article + Kitchener article
Ethics Question brightspace w4 discussion about literature of week 4
CADM ZSO 1.3. zie handleiding
CADM ZSO 2.1 zie handleiding
Ethics Workgroup 4
Ethics Literature week 4 Held article + Nagy article
Early development Hoco 5
Early development Hoco 6
Early development discussion points L5 see BS for literature + videos
Early development discussion points L6 see BS for literature + videos
Early development literature week 4.1 see BS for literature + videos
Early development literature week 4.2 see BS for literature + videos
CADM Workgroup 2
ARM Discussion hoco 3 Discussion about Study Questions for Lecture 3
CADM kennistoets 2 Hoorcolleges 3 & 4 + boek hoofdstuk 2 + artikel Bayes’ rule
ARM Hoco week 4
ARM Assignment 2 after lecture 3
Ethics Hoco 5
Ethics Quiz week 5 Held article + Nagy article
Ethics Question brightspace w5 discussion about literature of week 5
Ethics Workgroup 5
Ethics Literature week 5 NIP code
Early development Hoco 7
Early development discussion points L7 see BS for literature + videos
Early development literature week 5 see BS for literature + videos
ARM Discussion hoco 4 Discussion about Study Questions for Lecture 4
ARM meeting feedback 1 about assignment 1
ARM Hoco week 5
CADM ZSO 2.2 zie handleiding
CADM ZSO 2.3 zie handleiding
CADM ZSO 3.1. zie handleiding
CADM Meeting (wg3) sociotheek meeting
Ethics Hoco 6
Ethics Quiz week 6 NIP code
Ethics Question brightspace w6 discussion about literature of week 6
Ethics Workgroup 6
Ethics Literature week 6 Hacking book chapter
Early development Hoco 8
Early development Hoco 9 walk in feedback moment
Early development discussion points L8 see BS for literature + videos
Early development literature week 6 see BS for literature + videos
ARM Discussion hoco 5 Discussion about Study Questions for Lecture 5
ARM meeting feedback 2 about assignment 3
ARM Hoco week 6
Ethics Hoco 7 Q&A session
Ethics Quiz week 7 Hacking book chapter
Ethics Question brightspace w7 discussion about literature of week 7
Early development Final assignment Translate research into practice
Ethics Workgroup 7
Ethics Literature week 7 ?
CADM Workgroup 4
CADM ZSO 3.2 zie handleiding
CADM ZSO 4.1. zie handleiding
ARM Discussion hoco 6 Discussion about Study Questions for Lecture 6
Ethics Group assignment about chosen case
ARM Hoco week 7
CADM ZSO 4.2. zie handleiding
CADM Final Rapport diagnostisch rapport + reflectie verslag
ARM Discussion hoco 7 Discussion about Study Questions for Lecture 7
Ethics Exam bestaat uit verplichte literatuur + hoco's
Early development Hoco 10 exam Q&A
Early development Exam
ARM Exam covering lectures, research articles, assignments
Due date Day Time Days until due Done
11/6/2023 maandag Handed-In ✓
11/6/2023 maandag 9:00 Handed-In ✓
11/7/2023 dinsdag Handed-In ✓
11/7/2023 dinsdag -12Days
11/7/2023 dinsdag Handed-In ✓
11/7/2023 dinsdag Handed-In ✓
11/7/2023 dinsdag 10:30 Handed-In ✓
11/9/2023 donderdag Handed-In ✓
11/9/2023 donderdag -10Days
11/10/2023 vrijdag 13:30 Handed-In ✓
11/13/2023 maandag Handed-In ✓
11/13/2023 maandag 13:32 - 13:42 Handed-In ✓
11/13/2023 maandag 9:00 Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag -5Days
11/14/2023 dinsdag Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag 10:30 -5Days
11/14/2023 dinsdag 13:30 Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag 7:00 Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag 7:00 Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag 7:00 Handed-In ✓
11/14/2023 dinsdag 7:00 Handed-In ✓
11/15/2023 woensdag 15:30 Handed-In ✓
11/17/2023 vrijdag 13:30 -2Days
11/17/2023 vrijdag 24:00:00 Handed-In ✓
11/20/2023 maandag 16:00 Handed-In ✓
11/20/2023 maandag 1Days
11/20/2023 maandag 13:25 - 13:35 1Days
11/20/2023 maandag 9:00 Handed-In ✓
11/21/2023 dinsdag 2Days
11/21/2023 dinsdag 2Days
11/21/2023 dinsdag 2Days
11/21/2023 dinsdag 2Days
11/21/2023 dinsdag 2Days
11/21/2023 dinsdag 2Days
11/21/2023 dinsdag 10:30 2Days
11/21/2023 dinsdag 7:00 Handed-In ✓
11/21/2023 dinsdag 7:00 2Days
11/22/2023 woensdag 3Days
11/22/2023 woensdag 15:30 3Days
11/24/2023 vrijdag 13:30 5Days
11/27/2023 maandag 8Days
11/27/2023 maandag 13:25 - 13:35 8Days
11/27/2023 maandag 9:00 8Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 10:30 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 13:30 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 7:00 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 7:00 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 7:00 9Days
11/28/2023 dinsdag 7:00 9Days
11/29/2023 woensdag 10Days
11/29/2023 woensdag 15:30 10Days
11/30/2023 donderdag 16:00 11Days
12/1/2023 vrijdag 13:30 12Days
12/1/2023 vrijdag 12Days
12/4/2023 maandag 15Days
12/4/2023 maandag 13:25 - 13:35 15Days
12/4/2023 maandag 9:00 15Days
12/5/2023 dinsdag 16Days
12/5/2023 dinsdag 16Days
12/5/2023 dinsdag 10:30 16Days
12/5/2023 dinsdag 7:00 16Days
12/5/2023 dinsdag 7:00 16Days
12/6/2023 woensdag 15:30 17Days
12/6/2023 woensdag 16:30 17Days
12/8/2023 vrijdag 13:30 19Days
12/10/2023 zondag 21Days
12/10/2023 zondag 21Days
12/10/2023 zondag 21Days
12/11/2023 maandag 22Days
12/11/2023 maandag 22Days
12/11/2023 maandag 13:25 - 13:35 22Days
12/11/2023 maandag 9:00 22Days
12/12/2023 dinsdag 23Days
12/12/2023 dinsdag 23Days
12/12/2023 dinsdag 10:30 23Days
12/12/2023 dinsdag 13:30 23Days
12/12/2023 dinsdag 7:00 23Days
12/12/2023 dinsdag 7:00 23Days
12/13/2023 woensdag 15:30 24Days
12/13/2023 woensdag 16:30 24Days
12/15/2023 vrijdag 13:30 26Days
12/18/2023 maandag 29Days
12/18/2023 maandag 13:25 - 13:35 29Days
12/18/2023 maandag 9:00 29Days
12/18/2023 maandag 7:00 29Days
12/19/2023 dinsdag 30Days
12/19/2023 dinsdag 30Days
12/20/2023 woensdag 31Days
12/20/2023 woensdag 31Days
12/20/2023 woensdag 31Days
12/20/2023 woensdag 15:30 31Days
12/22/2023 vrijdag 17:00 33Days
12/22/2023 vrijdag 13:30 33Days
12/23/2023 zaterdag 34Days
1/9/2024 dinsdag 13:00 51Days
1/10/2024 vrijdag 15:30 52Days
1/15/2024 maandag 18:00 57Days
1/16/2024 dinsdag 10:30 58Days
1/23/2024 dinsdag 8:30 65Days
1/26/2024 vrijdag 8:30 68Days
read literature beforehand!

komt wss pas vrijdag erop

literatuur moet gelezen zijn voor de wg

moet terugkijken door werk

moet terugkijken door werk

read literature beforehand!
only 4 of the 5 quizzes count

literatuur moet gelezen zijn voor de wg

moet terugkijken door werk

1 point applies to the literature other to video

1 point applies to the literature other to video

moet terugkijken door werk

beschikbaar op: 10-11-2023 om 08:00 uur

read literature beforehand!
only 4 of the 5 quizzes count

literatuur moet gelezen zijn voor de wg

moet terugkijken door werk

1 point applies to the literature other to video

kan niet gaan door trip naar London

kan niet gaan door trip naar London
kan niet gaan door trip naar London
read literature beforehand!
only 4 of the 5 quizzes count

literatuur moet gelezen zijn voor de wg

moet terugkijken door werk

1 point applies to the literature other to video

1 point applies to the literature other to video

beschikbaar op; 22-11-2023 om 08:00 uur

read literature beforehand!

gaat dit door? Staat niet in handleiding?

literatuur moet gelezen zijn voor de wg

moet terugkijken door werk

1 point applies to the literature other to video

read literature beforehand!

only 4 of the 5 quizzes count

literatuur moet gelezen zijn voor de wg

moet terugkijken door werk

1 point applies to the literature other to video

read literature beforehand!
only 4 of the 5 quizzes count

samen met Evi + eigenlijke deadline 17-12

gaat niet door?

Samen met Marjolein, Bridget etc.

moet min. 5.5 zijn

vrij van werk?
moet 5.5 zijn

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