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How to set up a landing page in SS

How to Create a Blank Page/Landing Page in SS 7.1 with Sue

Video Time stamps:

1:06 - Create blank page

1:23 - Remove header and footer

2:05 - Edit blank page (landing pages)

2:06 - Sections you can add to a page

How to Create a Blank Page/Landing Page in SS 7.0 with Sue

Time stamps:

0:20 - create a new page

0:40 - Edit page

1:03 - Sections you can add

17:30 - Integrate social media + other advanced tools/features

Copy + paste this code to remove header/footer on a blank page inside SS:

Go to settings (the gear icon) > advanced > then paste the code below into the box that says “ PAGE HEADER CODE INJECTION”

Version 7.0

<style type = "text/css" >

.Header-inner ,

.Footer ,

.tweak-mobile-bar-top-fixed .Mobile-bar--top ,

.sqs-announcement-bar-custom-location {

display: none !important ;


Version 7.1


#header #footer-sections
, {

display: none !important ;}

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