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Actividad 1

Activity 2

a. What are the principles of customer service? Describe each one.

Although there are no behavioral guidelines that guarantee success when it

comes to offering quality customer service, experts agree that these five
aspects are important when contacting a potential customer:
Behaviour standards:
> Respect and kindness:
Among the attitudes that customers stand out the most when they receive
exquisite treatment from the worker is kindness. It must be remembered that
it is the customer's perceptions that ultimately decide the levels of
satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to assess what customers really
> advance arrangement:
It should not be forgotten that the knowledge acquired must be
accompanied by practice so that they can become job skills. This way the
workers will feel safer when carrying out their functions and the image they
will provide to the client will be much more favorable.
> Implication in the response:
The most advanced form of listening that a person can offer to another
empathy, understood as the maximum level of listening, in which a person
puts himself in the place of another to understand him better.
> Customer service:
The elements that generate customer satisfaction are multiple and affect
different aspects. Here are a few that are especially significant:
- Courtesy and friendliness of the employees.
- Dedication of the opportune time for each client.
- Efficiency in conflict resolution.
- Kindness and treatment received.
- Waiting times for receiving services.
- Willingness of the organization to solve problems.
- Speed in service delivery.
> Suitable vocabulary:
Bearing in mind that customer service is based on constant communication,
an essential requirement of all good communicators is to adapt to their
interlocutor, that is, we must keep in mind that what is really important
during communication is that the client understands us at all moment, so it is
necessary to express it in terms adapted to it.
To achieve this goal, you must:
1. Avoid technicalities.
2. Not believing that customers should know all the benefits of the product.

b. The communication process is made up of what elements, mention

them and describe each of them.

El proceso de comunicación se compone de qué elementos, menciónelos y

describa cada uno de ellos


It is the person who opens the process, the one who has a great source of
information. Initially it coincides with the figure of the seller.

The issuer must take into account the following aspects:

> That its content is transferable.

> That may interest the receiver.

> That the language adapts to the type of receiver.

> That the occasion be the most proactive


It is the recipient of the message. In the world of sales, it is initially about

the customer (and I say initially both in the case of the sender and the
receiver, because, later on, their roles as sender and receiver will alternate
depending on who is speaking at all times.)

For the communication to be carried out effectively, the receiver will have to
have a prior aptitude for proactivity.


It is the message that you want to convey, which generally coincides with
the sales pitch of the product or service.


They are different shapes and styles

that the seller has to convey the message.

Transmission channel:

It is the means by which the encoded message is channeled.

communication is the:

They are those emotional, psychological and social circumstances that
surround the sender and the receiver, and that condition the message and
influence its transmission and reception.

Feedback or feedback:

It is the variable that will measure the effectiveness of the communication

process. If the recipient responds, the communication has been effective. It
is at this moment when the sender becomes a receiver and vice versa.

In any case, in order to successfully carry out communication in business

management, we must know that we are not only judged by our words and
arguments, but that there are a series of social skills and patterns of
behavior and protocol that will make us have more or less success in

Inferences barriers or noises:

They are any element that hinders, weakens or even prevents the
communication process, that is, it hinders the proper reception of the

For this reason, we must always take into account the two ways of reaching
our client that communication offers us: verbal and non-verbal.

When we talk about verbal communication we are referring to the type of

language that we must use. Of course, the use of words will depend on
many factors.

First of all, we don't always say what we mean, so words sometimes go

slower than thoughts. Secondly, there may be things that we are not
interested in saying or that we prefer to do at another time.

And finally there are probably things that we should not say, because they
are completely confidential.
The basic principle for our message to be accepted and understood will be
that our language is:

> Clear, precise and simple

> Graphic and descriptive

> Dynamic

> positive

> Not redundant

In addition, throughout the sale process, we will try to ensure that our
language is adapted to the type of language used by the interlocutor and
that it will have to be aimed at the end that is pursued.

c. Draw up a scheme with the different types of customers.

Elaborar un esquema con los diferentes tipos de clientes.

Actividad 3

Gestos Actitudes
Dar la señal al cliente que
le hemos visto mirándole,
sonriendo y saludándole.

Atender bien al cliente

siendo amable y
haciéndolo sentir que es

Atento con el cliente

La posición el cuerpo

Nada de manos en los


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