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Chapter 2

Radionic Technique
You are “the finest instrument”


Measurements of vitality, the lifeform, observations, the operator/instrument interface,and

linking with a physical “witness of the subject are all part of Radionic technique.

The concept of subtle fields can really stump people. We like to think of
ourselves and our world in exclusively physical terms. We can touch it,
we can see it, it is real. The subtle fields are a very real part of our
world and just because they are hidden from our sight we should not
ignore them. They are more important than any of us can imagine.
I have worked at explaining my understanding of the subtle fields in
many ways. Since I am a teacher in this science I practice constantly. I
do not think beyond physical things are mystical and magical. There is
an inherent order in the subtle realms of life. There are principles that
govern these processes we use in radionics. Did you ever play Tetris?
Once you mastered the flat 2 dimensional version there was a 3 dimen-
sional computer generated version. The possibilities increased dramati-
cally but the principles of the game stayed the same. The same thing
applies to adding subtle dimensions to your farming practice. Principles
remain, but there are many more ways of addressing them.
When we are measuring various rates we are not measuring the physi-
cal form at all. We are measuring the subtle information that is

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responsible for manifesting and maintaining that physical form. We are
measuring the blueprint. Without coherence of that subtle information
the physical form would weaken and fall apart. Every form in the
physical has an inherent set of information that maintains it. And
there is communication between the two. The integrity of that inherent
information is of utmost importance to our physical world. We, as good
stewards, do well to keep it tuned and balanced.
Invariably the next question is “How does Radionics work?” I recently
had the opportunity to develop a presentation on how radionics works.
As I have said there are many ways to explain the principles of radion-
ics, but each involves the need for the audience to experience and rec-
ognize the principles. The unknown is usually a fearful area for many.
Practical applications that can be easily explained and demonstrated
usually calm those fears.
I was asked to prepare an introduction to radionics to an interested
commercial company. My audience had little knowledge of the subtle
fields or multidimensional thinking. They were interested, and curious,
and of course skeptical.
For my presentation, I chose G. W. de la Warr's view that the mind
produces waves, brain waves, that represent the object we are sensing
or viewing. This happens continuously from the time we are tiny ba-
bies. These wave patterns are stored in our minds for further reference.
When we arrive in a new location or come into a new situation, we will
scan the area or subject for similar waves. He also felt that every phys-
ical form also had a counterpart subtle body that is in the similar form
of these waves. When we scan an area with a particular thought wave
and come to something that matches or resonates with it, we stop for a
moment. We call that moment "recognition". We recognize the object
because our brain waves (and he would say "wave shapes") match the
object and there is recognition (or resonance) between us and the object.
Recognition requires a momentary linking and during that link infor-
mation is passed to and from both life forms.
Usually this process of recognizing happens in milliseconds and we
move on to another thought and another. In radionics we dwell on a
particular subtle pattern that has been identified with a rate or setting.
We place that pattern on our equipment as a setting. Then we check to
see if it is in the subject’s subtle field. We get a “yes” response if it is
there. We recognize and link with the information.

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I often liken this to calling out someone’s name in an auditorium full of
people. There is usually a response when someone hears his name. We
would look at the person who called out our name and wait expectantly
for what they wanted from us. This phenomena that occurs between
you is a two-way attention. That moment of attention between you and
the other person or life form is like our link with our subtle fields.
With radionic evaluation we measure the intensity of that pattern with
our instrument. In order to hold a pattern objectively and in a focused
way, we use an instrument and the rate or setting that links to the rec-
ognizable wave form. If the pattern is strong and clear, the intensity
will measure strongly. If it is weak and fuzzy the measurement will re-
flect that too.
Balancing with a rate that is weak seems to have the effect of “tuning”
it, much like a piano tuner tunes the strings of a piano. Tuning the sub-
tle information can help to strengthen the manifested field. And often
you get a tangible response on a physical level.
The other technique that is employed in radionics is dowsing. Dowsing
is a way to use the sensitivity of the human body to respond to reso-
nance. There are many dowsing tools and techniques. The pendulum
and dowsing rod are two of the oldest tools. Dr. Abrams developed the
method of stroking a sensitive area. At first he used the abdomen or
forearm of a lab assistant who was linked into the circuit of his equip-
ment. When there was resonance between the setting and the subtle
information, the stroking was "sticky." When his tunings moved out of
resonance, the stroke became smooth. It was easy to see and even easi-
er for the researcher to feel.
Ruth Drown modified this arrangement by placing a rubber sheet over
a metal plate. When the tunings were in resonance, the stroke would be
sticky, and the rubber would pucker and snap. When tunings were not
resonant, the stroke would slide smoothly across the plate.

Developing a Stick

It is easiest to learn the stick by using a witness of yourself. Place this

witness in the well. Now using just the stick plate, begin stroking the
plate in a manner that feels comfortable to you. For practice, you may
wish to ask a few “Yes” or “No” questions in order to verify how your
stick feels to you.

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A good way to begin is to ask, “My name is ?“, filling in the blank
with your actual name or the name that you choose to be called. This
question should produce a “Yes” response. Then ask the question “My
name is Henry? . . . or Mary?” or some other name which is not your
own. This question should bring a “No” response. This exercise is an
important part of the process of learning to recognize your stick re-
sponse (or your pendulum responses.)
In order for the exercise to be successful and in order for you to fully
develop the skill of dowsing, you need to have a definite “Yes” response
and a definite “No” response. With these two perimeters you can begin
asking other questions. If you have not achieved the correct response
with the above exercise, continue with it until you do achieve the prop-
er answers. Then ask the following questions:
1) Do I need to eat now? “Yes” or “No”. If “Yes”, do I need to eat a
meal or a snack? Yes/No
2) Do I need to take any supplements? “Yes” or “No”. If “Yes”, which
ones?, how many? (1,2,3...) or how often? (lx a day, lx a week,...) or
which ones, pointing to the various supplements.
3) Am I getting enough water? “Yes” or “No”.
If “No”, how many glasses is optimum for my health? (1,2,3, ...)
4) Is it important which color of clothing I wear today? “Yes” or
“No”. If “Yes”, which is the best color to wear? (blue, green, orange,...)
You get the idea. There are many questions that could be asked.
Now let’s try a quantitative answer. With this type of question you are
looking for a “Yes” that is a number on a scale. If this is difficult for
you, start with a scale of 0 to 10 and count it in your head before using
the amplitude knob on the instrument and the scale from 0 to 100.
Type 9-49 (Vitality) into the computer. We will be measuring this
rate on the Vitality Scale. We will be measuring its quantitative reso-
nance or coherence.
1) With the amplitude set at 0, stroke the plate. The question this
rate is asking asking is, “What is my General Vitality?”
2) Turn the amplitude slowly up towards 100, focusing on the ques-
tion and listening for your “Yes” response.

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3) When you feel your stick, stop and note the measurement in the
amplitude window. If your measurement is below 30 (and you are not
suffering from a debilitating disease) you have not reached your correct
vitality. Try again. If your reading is in the normal range (40-60), note
the measurement on your sheet.
4) Repeat the process with a different rate. Practice is how the
dowsing skill is developed. Don’t make it any more difficult than it is.
Just keep practicing and it will come.

Pendulum Instruction

A pendulum may be used for the detection of energy over the plate of
the instrument. The SE-5 has an intense field in the vicinity of the
stick plate. This field will react strongly with a pendulum swinging
over it.
Hold a pendulum by its cord between the thumb and forefinger of the
right hand and position the pendulum tip about one inch above the sur-
face of the plate. Location and position are not critical.
Some persons will get better pendulum action at different cord lengths.
Try using a shorter or longer cord length between your fingers and the
pendulum bob. An optimum length will allow a fast swing change to
occur while maintaining good sensitivity.
First you place a setting in the computer window or on the dials of your
radionic equipment. Gently start the pendulum swinging over the
plate, to-and-fro, with about a two-inch swing. With the amplitude
scan slowly from 0 to 99, notice whether the pendulum continues
swinging in a straight line or starts swinging in a circular or elliptical
path. At some point the swing of the
pendulum will change. This is the re-
action or "stick" point and you should
note this point as the measurement on
your worksheet.
Some operators may get reversed ef-
fects, but the important thing is the
change in motion, straight line to cir-
cular or circular to straight line.
What you want to find is the ampli-
tude measurement where the pendu-

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lum swing changes. This constitutes a subtle energy measurement.

Personal codes in Dowsing

Holding the pendulum above your witness ask some obvious questions,
like,"My name is Joe Blow. Yes--No."
Notice the way your pendulum swings--either clockwise, counter clock-
wise, or in a straight line. Ask "yes" questions and "no" questions and
soon you'll have a sense of your personal code. A code is a set of
responses your pendulum carries out when questions are posed that
require a “yes” or “no” confirmation.
Dowsing requires certain skills on the part of the operator. First of all,
one must be able to hold one’s attention in a focused manner. As men-
tioned before our thoughts produce wave forms, and we move quickly as
we observe our surroundings. These multiple thoughts can distract us.
We also miss things that others might see. Our perception of reality
creates filters that keep us from sensing some things clearly. Each per-
son will naturally notice different things because of these filters. Carey
Reams said, “See what it is you are looking at.”
I talk a lot about focusing and holding your focus. What I mean is to
pay attention and listen. Be open to learning something, lots of things.
Don’t let yourself become invested in already knowing the answers. I
usually tell students to "listen with their fingers." Just as when we ask
a question, if we really want to hear the answer, we must wait and lis-
ten expectantly, believing we will indeed hear (feel, sense) the re-
sponse. In this sense the question is indeed more important than the
answer, because we must, for a moment, be still.
With dowsing, the response is either resonance or no resonance, “yes”
or “no”. We add to our equipment an intensity dial and a scale. This
way a “yes” resonance can be measured and noted as to its intensity.
This measurement indicates the strength or coherence of the pattern. A
pattern must be coherent to strongly manifest/maintain a form in the
physical state.

Rates-What are they?

Several years ago I was asked "Which is most important to the radion-
ics researcher, the instrument, the operator, the techniques, or the
rates? I pondered this question for several days. The operator is very

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important because he or she must be able to listen objectively. Fur-
thermore he must be open, believing that the subtle fields exist. The
operator must be “steady", able to hold his/her focus for extended peri-
ods of time. Yes, the operator is very important.
Next, I went to the instruments. At first everyone focuses on the in-
Because instruments act as an interface and allow us to measure and
read the subtle energies. We all think they are wonderful. Our culture
is very technologically minded and we are so fascinated with our
"tools." And radionic instruments are wonderful tools. They hold the
patterns we place on them. They are designed to create a resonant area
to work within. They allow us to measure the intensity of the pattern
and formulate a subtle energy evaluation of the life form or situation
we are studying. They also allow us to "tune" or re-balance the subtle
patterns. Instruments are therefore very important. In my opinion they
are not the most important. I would have to say that the most impor-
tant thing in radionic research is rates, settings that have been devel-
oped as the need arose and have stood the test of time. These rates are
like gold to the radionic researcher.
The rates are like codes. In class I say they are like phone numbers.
They allow us to connect with specific patterns. We can dial up the soil
or the calcium or the micro-life in the soil with them. Once we are con-
nected, we can ask questions , "how strong (intense) are you (on a scale
from 1 to 10)? Is there a deeper cause for this weakness? Should I bal-
ance (resonate) this frequency? Should I look for imbalance or deficien-
cy for a negative or disrupting pattern?"
This exploring is where we learn to listen. Many times students don't
know how to listen. I usually tell them to "pay attention" or to "wait ex-
pectantly for an answer." Listening is an art, and unfortunately many
of us have forgotten how to listen. A rate is resonate with a specific in-
formational condition or etheric pattern. Using positive patterns a re-
searcher can tune the life form just as a concert mistress tunes an or-
chestra before a concert. Crops grow better and handle stress in a more
balanced way when their subtle field patterns have been tuned.
Rates are also used to identify possible negative conditions. Certain
tunings have been found by researchers to be associated with certain
disease conditions or certain pest insects. The intensity (or amplitude)
of these patterns, as measured by an operator, can indicate how strong-

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ly they are linked with the physical form. Researchers have developed
various techniques to correct or neutralize these patterns and the re-
sponse has often been amazing. The one thing we do know is that the
tuning must match the condition in order to get a response on the phys-
ical level.

In Summary

To increase one’s accuracy has been the goal of most individuals and
research groups. Equipment has been refined. Training has become
clearer and less mystical. The overall group consciousness has become
more open and "knowledge-able." Rates have been given out for confir-
mation to other researchers.
The Delawarr Camera was used extensively to confirm the accuracy of
rates. If present day researchers are successful in explaining and
demonstrating that radionics is indeed the science of the subtle fields, I
believe it will become a great tool in many fields of endeavor.
As in other research fields radionic technique has expanded to include
many aspects of physical interaction. Research is carried on in animal
health, in personal consciousness and in agriculture. Subtle Energy
technology is a leading edge Research and Development subject with
many commercial companies, and many want to know how and why it
I have learned so much by listening in this way. Radionics has taught
me to respect the laws of nature and to work with them. I feel I have a
good understanding how and why radionic techniques work. I am very
excited to be involved in the radionics field right now, and I know that
the many sacrifices and heart aches that came to those, who have put
their reputations on the line so that this field could develop, have not
done so in vain.
Radionics is the science of the future. Soon scanning for resonant pat-
terns will be familiar, and we will see farmers again working with na-
ture to produce abundant, wholesome crops.

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Notes on Chapter 2 - Radionic Technique

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