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- % grameenphone | Authorization Form for GP Prepaid Business Product Migration 1, the undersigned beng Authorized Person of ___96. tabelny DIVISION oMce ‘sia —Rangrury Cantonment 2s code: OD 5GR%2IGonrem Thereby request to process Migration of below Mobile Numbers and the Mobi the annexure-1 Page-One (attached herewith) to GP Business Solutions Prep: Thereby state that al the information given herein Is tue to the best of my knowledge and belle, Employee Details: Mobi No Subscriber Name ofal7]212 [21719 10 Slo" Rati Begum ola 5/1] | [513/617] Raya pequm o/1|7/9'3 14/4 10/4/88 | Ruhvt Ama lolal7/o|5 |2/o [2/4/41 /6 | Bosna olaj71 917 10 [9/4] 6 2| Mondet Hossain o|a!7/4/ 7) 6/1 | 7/9/8! 6] RoKsana —_ olal7/q [| 5) 0/24) Keaat islam ofaiait [Pit |1 [Sle ly Rockey & olalan]ol1 | Sie|a > Biz Raa ol1|7/219|6 lo [7I7I15 Nd. puaneft ola|7/0/7 14/1 4/1 | ols | monn e-egum 0/117/915 141 01" OILY Svan a0 OTD olal7| 61912) 8/9] HIS iY ORT ols7/B (6 16 | | 416 9|M). “Aue Razz ale 0/117 9/719] oO] NOt | md. monsabs, ie Fee COTO, TE Sa TANI aie aia PE ERP tone Si ee Sign with seal ree eee me Mastonly-cv Pai Mae Nae Deez are om ae, COTS FREE a “n Qrameenphone Annexure No.1 Page No. gt GP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PREPAID PACKAGE J ofa) 1217141 91! [8 Pah ha | ofa (Slzi9 | Sis |o|2|1 | mo. morta) Fu olalr Plait (41 719 | ma. mono? ALT olil7 elo Sih Bein 16| Noenin Nahar ofall) (ato | 67 |S 9/9 Aurwd Bog. ol1l7/8it [oY el CUS Ma) dr olal72iol714[4 [0/2 |4| me Abed AL ifalisile oj1)|7 ol1)|7 oj1/7 o/1/7 | olal7 a ol,1|7 olil? o}1|7 al o/}1/7 Eee ah Oe 7 oj|ai7} ola|7 | : oa eA en PTET CPTI, MOT Initial of Authorized Person [Company Seal)

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