Seminar 7

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Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe
Evil and Good

1. A knife, needles, guns, magnifying glass for fire, seeds of different plants.
2. Planting and growing new cultures of greens, swimming, learning new life experiences , sheets of
paper and ink for writing

1. To describe his state of mind in particular moment when he felt bad, to set the good against
2. His reason
3. He is alone on a desert island with little hope of being found however he is alive.
He is far from the rest of the world but he has been saved from death and may also be saved from
this terrible situation.
He does not have the company of other men but he will not die of starvation because the island
is fertile.
He has no clothes but the weather is warm so he will not suffer from cold.
He has no means of defence but there are no wild beasts that will harrn him.
He has nobody to talk to but God has helped him to have everything he needs for his survival.
4. If you ever find yourself in the worst conditions in the world, there would always be a good
positive aspects. Problem starts to be problem when you notice it.
1. B. Middle class merchant\ professional
I am divided from Mankind, a Solitaire, one banish'd from humane Society.- Psychological
I have no Clothes to cover me. -Material
I am without any Defence or Means to resist any Violence of Man or Beast- Material
I have no Soul to speak to, or relieve me.- Psychological
But I am not starv'd and perishing on a barren Place, affording no Sustenance.- Material
But I am in a hot Climate, where if I had Clothes I would hardly wear them.- Material
But I am cast on an Island, where I see no wild Beasts to hurt me, as I saw on the Coast of
Africa : And what if I had been Shipwreck'd there? - Psychological
But God wonderfully sent the Ship in near enough to the Shore, that I have
gotten out so many necessary things as will either supply my Wants, or enable me to supply
myself even as long as I live. – Material
c. In every constraction he finds a bright side. It’s more emotional side than practical/
Civilising Friday
1. Eat them
2. Bones, blood on the floor and great peaces of flesh
3. There was 4 prisoners who are supposed to be eaten, only Friday stayed alive.
4. He was afraid to show it, because he would be killed
5. He gave cloth for Friday
6. Friday was ready to die protecting life of Robinson
Analysis :
a. line 5, 45,
b. no, Friday seems to have more weapons on him than Robinson.
c. with great Submission
d. line 16 – My Man Friday
line 68 – Servant
line 70 - Child
line 20 - Creatures
line 36 - Wretches
line 58 - Master
line 70 – Father
e. well, that he is racist.
f. Robinson feels superior to Friday and feels the need to civilise him
. detailed, verbose
a. he marks a difference.
b. over-elaborate
c. it makes the materia seem more convincing.
from A Journal of the Plague Year
How is this tendency shown in contemporary society? - his curisity got the better of him.
How does the narrators comment in this sentence link to the intelectual movements of
Defoes time? -
What public health concerns today warrant restricted acces to certain places or even
quarantinig? – certain contagious illness, to prevent them from spreading.
How does the sextons advice relate to the importance that Neoclassical writers placed on
reason? – maybe that he should not take risks by taking this job in the church, the secxton
was afraid that hed catch the plague too.
How does the dialogue between the speaker and the section heighten Defoes portrayal of
the plague? – the sexton warns him about it, the dangers that come with going to that
place, that sight that he will see there, and also some voices, but will not hold him back if
he really wants to go
How do the details and the characterization of the cloaked man in the preceding two
paragraphs contribute to the story? – it shows that there were people who wasnt infected
with the plague itself, but by the plague of grief that came with this illnes, that took several
of his relatives into the pit.
What contemporary disasters have caused similar shortages? – i cant think of any similar
After you read?
The passage about the cloaked man and his grief.
after theyve been infected, there was nothing else going in their mind but somehow being
relived of the agony they felt that time, even if that relief is death.
Everybody is buried in the same pit. Poor or rich everybody gets burried by earth just as
It adds more power to it, people will sympatise, will feel sad seeing the numbers of the
the tone is journalistic, describing.I find it appropiate.

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